Sunday afternoon forecast 15/01/23

  • 2 days ago
15 January - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, very good day to you. It's cold out there and with that we do have some
00:04wintry hazards. There'll be some sleet and snow for quite a few places over the
00:08coming few days. The reason for the change to cold is this area of low
00:12pressure just to the east of us that's allowing for cold air, cold Arctic air
00:16to plunge in from the north. As we go through Sunday night into Monday we are
00:20going to see a weather system fringing some southern counties, could be some
00:23unsettled weather here, but otherwise through Monday itself it's actually
00:26looking relatively quiet, albeit cold, with showery air continuing to come in
00:30from the north. We do have a number of warnings in force. We have a yellow snow
00:35and ice warning for parts of Scotland and that's valid all the way until
00:39Wednesday morning because we're going to continue to see some wintry showers
00:42feeding in from the north for a good few days yet. Further south we do also have
00:47an ice warning across parts of Northern Ireland, southern Scotland, northern
00:50England and North Wales and that's valid through Sunday night into Monday morning
00:53because that's when we're going to see some wintry hazards, so some difficult
00:56conditions if you are taking to the roads. As we look through Sunday
01:00afternoon and we are going to see some fine bright sunny weather to be had but
01:04there'll also be some showery rain sleet and snow across parts of Wales into
01:08England and also Northern Ireland too. Temperatures are going to be quite a bit
01:12lower than we've seen recently, most places struggling in the mid to high
01:15single figures and when you factor in the brisk winds it'll feel even colder
01:19than that though those winds will be easing as we go through the afternoon.
01:22Across Scotland that's where we're going to see the most frequent showers and
01:25these will be readily falling as snow which is why we have that warning in
01:29force with a good few centimetres accumulating above any modest higher
01:32ground. The showery rain sleet or snow will continue across some northern and
01:36central parts overnight so there will be something of an ice risk first thing on
01:39Monday morning but it's in the southeast where we have a spell of more persistent
01:43rain and we could see some snow. There's a bit of uncertainty as to how much if
01:47any snow we see but either way there will be some difficult conditions if you
01:51are heading out early doors on Monday morning. Temperatures overnight into
01:56Monday morning are going to be on the very low side even in the south we're
01:59likely to see some places falling below freezing. Colder further north sheltered
02:03glens of Scotland or where there's any lying snow could get to negative double
02:06figures so a very cold frosty start for many on Monday. As we go through Monday
02:11then the rain sleet and snow in the southeast will quickly clear away
02:14otherwise then it's actually looking largely dry with plenty of winter
02:17sunshine. Continue to see those showers feeding in from the north though we
02:21could see some showers across parts of East Anglia and the southeast but it's
02:25across Scotland where they're going to be most frequent still falling as snow.
02:28Despite the sunshine it's going to be even colder still colder than on Sunday
02:32with most places staying in the mid single figures some places remaining
02:35below freezing. Little change as we go through the end of the day on Monday by
02:40that I mean largely clear skies for most places as a result it is going to be an
02:43even colder night to come through into Tuesday morning. There will be some
02:47showery rain perhaps some hill snow across parts of South Wales and South
02:50West England and those snow showers will continue to pile in across Scotland
02:54which is why the ice risk continues here. Remember there's more information
02:57wherever you are on both the Met Office website, our app and our social media
03:01channels on all those warnings and the cold weather. I'll see you later bye bye
