Tuesday evening forecast 26/12/2023

  • 2 days ago
26 December – National weather forecast presented by Greg Dewhurst


00:00Hello there, we're looking at a very unsettled 24 hours or so as Storm Gerrit moves in from
00:07the Atlantic.
00:08Looking at the bigger picture we can see the system moving in, tightly packed isobars indicating
00:13very strong winds across the country, heavy rain, also the risk of some heavy snow across
00:18Scotland in particular and staying gusty right through into Thursday as well.
00:25Taking a look at the details for Boxing Day evening, calm across the north and the east
00:29initially with some icy stretches developing across Scotland but Storm Gerrit moves in
00:33and we're seeing outbreaks of heavy rain spread north and eastwards as we push through the
00:38We could see some localised flooding developing across parts of Northern Ireland in particular
00:42by Wednesday morning and as the cloud and the rain bumps into the colder air perhaps
00:47across the far north of the Pennines into southern Scotland, central Scotland, by the
00:52end of the night we could see some snow over the hills.
00:55For everyone, turning increasingly windy, gusts of 50, 60, 70 mph developing around
01:00some exposed coasts over the next 24 hours.
01:04Temperature wise, rising across England and Wales as the night goes on, reaching double
01:08figures by the end of the night.
01:10Cold across the far north, temperatures below freezing in the glens of Scotland leading
01:14to those icy stretches first thing.
01:17Then through the day, Storm Gerrit brings its rain across much of the country, strong
01:21winds too, 40 to 50 mph, the rain leading to some surface spray on the roads, some localised
01:27flooding too.
01:28Met Office warnings in force for much of the day right across the country.
01:31The cold air in place across Scotland, we'll see some heavy snow, 10 to 20 cm over the
01:36higher ground.
01:37This combined with some very strong winds gusting 60, 70 mph will lead to some blizzards.
01:43There is some brighter skies following eventually into Northern Ireland in the afternoon but
01:46blustery showers soon following.
01:50With the winds coming in from the south, it will be a mild afternoon, temperatures
01:54reaching around 12 or 13 Celsius but given the cloud, the rain, the unsettled weather,
02:01it will feel cooler than this, colder across parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland.
02:06As we move through the evening time, it remains very unsettled, the rain clears, becomes persistent
02:11across parts of Northern Scotland, then blustery showers feed their way through during the
02:16early hours.
02:17Some of these will be very heavy, accompanied by gusty winds, 60, 70 mph, particularly around
02:23western coast but even inland, 50, 60 mph possible in those heavier showers.
02:28As a result of it staying blustery overnight, temperatures generally holding up, particularly
02:32across southern areas, staying icy across Scotland with further rain, strong winds,
02:3860, 70 mph across the Northern Isles and some snow possible too.
02:43So into Thursday, a very unsettled start, blustery showers across the whole of the country,
02:49could be some disruption whilst travelling so do take extra care and then through the
02:52day a mixture of sunny spells, blustery showers, perhaps something more organised across central
02:57southern parts of England which could lead to some disruption too.
03:01Gusty winds but not quite as strong compared to Wednesday but staying generally unsettled
03:06and there will be a few glimmers of sunshine in between.
03:09Feeling colder across the north and the west, temperatures here around 8 or 9 and then locally
03:13towards the south, 11 or 12 Celsius.
03:17So it remains very unsettled as we move through the next few days.
03:20If you'd like more information you can follow us on our YouTube channel and on our social
03:25media channels.
03:26See you again soon.
