Monday evening forecast 29/05/23

  • 2 days ago
29 May - National weather forecast presented by Rachel Ayers
00:00Hello and welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office. Well the long
00:05weekend brought plenty of sunshine for many, a little cloudier in the east
00:09though. Let's have a look at what the weather has in store for tonight. So we
00:14are going to see that cloud pushing into eastern areas once again tonight on that
00:18brisk north easterly breeze and it will push westwards into central and southern
00:23parts of England as well tonight, as well as across northern and eastern parts of
00:28Scotland. With clearer skies to the west of this, this is where we will see
00:33temperatures dropping more readily through tonight and into Tuesday morning
00:37and we might even see a touch of grass frost in some central and northern parts
00:42of the UK in rural areas through Tuesday morning. Now we will start to see that
00:48cloud lifting and breaking on Tuesday to leave plenty of sunny spells further
00:52west, always cloudier down eastern coasts where we'll just cling on to that cloud
00:57for a little longer. It will feel a bit cooler here as well as we're going to have
01:01those brisk north easterly winds continuing, but further west there'll be
01:05plenty of lengthy sunshine around once again on Tuesday. So it's here we will
01:11see the highest temperatures once more, with highs of around 24 to 25 even
01:16across some parts of western and central Scotland. But do bear in mind if you are
01:21out and about during this half term week for some of you, that the UV levels are
01:26moderate to high at the moment, so do take the necessary precautions. As we go
01:31into Tuesday evening we will see that cloud that will linger across the east
01:36making its way westwards once again, so a cloudier night to come than of late
01:41particularly for Wales and southwest England. We might even see the odd spot
01:47of rain and drizzle in that across central parts of England and Wales as
01:51well as across parts of Shetland as well. Now though for parts of Northern Ireland
01:57and western Scotland we will see clearer skies, so temperatures dropping a little
02:01more here than elsewhere, where temperatures might not even drop out
02:06of the double figures. So with a bit more cloud around on Wednesday it will take a
02:11bit more time for this to lift and break compared to earlier on in the week. So
02:15where we've had bright blue skies to start further west, especially across
02:20Wales and southern and western England, it'll be a little cloudier on Wednesday
02:24morning. But we will eventually start to see that cloud lifting and breaking
02:28always clinging on down those eastern coasts though still throughout the day
02:33and with that breeze it will still feel quite cool here. Best of the temperatures
02:37will once again be in the west and we will see those climbing into the low 20s.
02:42But as we move on into the end of the week and the start of June that east-west
02:48split isn't really going anywhere. It's very much the theme of the week with the
02:52best of the sunshine and the highest temperatures across the west always
02:56cloudier down eastern coasts and feeling cool in that north-easterly breeze. Thank
03:02you for listening and for all your latest weather updates check out our
03:05website and follow us on social media. Bye for now.
