Wednesday afternoon forecast 07/06/23

  • 2 days ago
07 June - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello, more of the same with the weather today, which means west is best for sunshine.
00:05Eastern areas often fairly cool and cloudy, but there are signs of a change on the horizon
00:10if your horizon is down to the southwest, where there's an area of low pressure, which
00:14may finally oust this area of high pressure, which has been dominating for quite some time.
00:21More on that potential change in a moment.
00:23First of all, let's get back to the rest of Wednesday.
00:25We are starting or have started with a lot of cloud again over the Midlands and eastern
00:30It will break up a little bit, but these eastern most counties of England and a good
00:34chunk of northern Scotland are likely to stay fairly cloudy.
00:38For the majority, though, for much of central and western Britain, another sunny day, still
00:43quite breezy across parts of East Anglia and the south coast.
00:46The wind's going to pick up further tonight, especially so in the southwest.
00:50And it just has been the case for a long while now, with the breeze off the sea and with
00:54the cloudier conditions in the east, temperatures really struggling here, 13, 14, 15 at best
00:59for the west.
01:00That's where the top temperatures are.
01:01The southwest likely to get close to 24, maybe 25 Celsius in one or two places now through
01:07this evening and overnight.
01:08Guess what happens?
01:09That cloud just drifts back inland once more.
01:13The wind's picking up in the southwest, getting pretty blustery here as we go through the
01:17night and during Thursday, the cloud thick enough, perhaps for a spot or two of drizzle
01:22across some central and eastern parts of England, maybe across northern Scotland.
01:26But western most coasts just staying dry and staying clear.
01:31Temperatures will drop down maybe into single figures in one or two locations, but generally
01:34that blanket of cloud and the increasing wind will keep the temperatures up in the southwest.
01:39But many start at 8 to 10 Celsius on Thursday and many again will start pretty glum.
01:44A lot of cloud smothering the Midlands, East Wales, northern England, much of the south,
01:49a good part of Scotland and the eastern side of Northern Ireland.
01:52That cloud will break up again, perhaps a little slower maybe than today, but it should
01:58clear from most places.
02:00But again, the coastal strip of eastern England and a good chunk of northern and eastern Scotland
02:05may well stay pretty glum.
02:07Elsewhere, plenty of sunshine, still breezy in the southwest and the sunshine may just
02:11turn a little hazy here later on.
02:13But again, it'll be here where the top temperatures are, 25 degrees again possible.
02:18Most places in the sunshine, low 20s in the cloud and on the east coast, again, low teens
02:23at best.
02:25But there are, as I say, signs of a change on the horizon that starts down to the southwest
02:29with the sunshine turning more hazy and the winds picking up.
02:33And just that, you can see there, a line of showers.
02:36That is some rain.
02:37We haven't seen much of that at all over recent times.
02:41From that area of low pressure, slowly ousting this area of high pressure.
02:45Still going to be a bit of a battleground.
02:47But as this low approaches from the southwest, an increasing chance of showers, which could
02:51be heavy, potentially even thundery during Friday and then into Saturday, perhaps becoming
02:56a little more extensive.
02:58As well as the increasing chance of some showers from that low pressure system, we will also
03:03see the temperatures rising because drifting up from the south, there's winds bringing
03:08warmer and yes, more humid air.
03:11So the nights are going to get warmer.
03:12The days are going to get a little bit hotter as well.
03:15But there is that increasing likelihood of some heavy and perhaps thundery showers too.
03:19Certainly, of course, eastern areas, we will notice that jump in temperatures as we go
03:23towards the weekend.
03:25Plenty going on then with the weather in the medium term.
03:28So keep up to date with the forecast and why not tune in on YouTube to our 10 day trend
03:33forecast that will be available by Wednesday afternoon.
