Monday evening forecast 06/03/23

  • 2 days ago
06 March - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Plenty more wintry weather to come including further snow across large
00:05parts of the UK potentially, particularly later this week. Here's the bigger
00:10picture, there's a little low heading down through the North Sea but follow
00:13the isobars and they point all the way up to the Arctic. That is where our air
00:16is coming from, that is why it is so chilly this week and why we are likely
00:20to see more wintry weather. On this weather front we do have some wet
00:25weather, chiefly of rain through Monday but turning a little bit more to
00:29sleet and snow as we go through the night so that could turn things icy.
00:33Certainly the showers in northern Scotland continue to come in as snow and
00:38we'll see a few more coming in through the night across Northern Ireland, a
00:41mixture of hail and snow in the showers here and the same goes for parts of
00:45north-east England and south-east Scotland. This zone of wetter weather in
00:49the south that will be chiefly of rain but some sleet and snow is possible here
00:53and there and it could potentially be very icy as temperatures drop down to
00:57freezing or below, well below with the clearer skies further north could get
01:01down to minus 10 through some rural parts of Scotland. Further south well
01:07temperatures may just stay a little above freezing but it's going to be a
01:09cold day here and as temperatures drop wherever we see any wet weather it could
01:13be icy so we have a number of yellow snow and ice warnings in place and
01:19further warnings for later this week. Please do keep up to date with the
01:23warnings on our app and on our website. So here's the picture for Tuesday morning
01:27we've still got wintry showers, snow showers in northern Scotland and coming
01:32down the east coast, some for Northern Ireland early on, potentially icy across
01:35the Midlands, South Wales and then we have this zone of wet weather across
01:39southern counties of England. Rain on and off with some hill snow mixed in and you
01:44may even see some flurries of snow to low levels at times. For a good chunk of
01:49North Wales, northern England, southern Scotland, central Scotland, Northern
01:53Ireland just going to be a sunny day but it will be cold. The winds were most
01:57fairly light but gusty winds in northern Scotland accentuating the cold here two
02:02or three degrees. Elsewhere four or five degrees Celsius there will be some
02:07sunshine but that is still pretty cold for this time of year. Pretty rapidly
02:11temperature will drop back down below freezing on Tuesday evening so again ice
02:14is a potential hazard and then look down to the south this wet weather pepping up
02:19a little bit and potentially bringing some more snow as these weather fronts
02:23come in during the course of Wednesday. Some uncertainty about how far north
02:27this little weather system gets but it has the potential as it hits the colder
02:32air bringing that moisture to bring some snow across parts of southern England
02:36and South Wales on Wednesday. So again we have a warning in place it will be a
02:42mixture probably but certainly over the hills quite a bit of snow is possible
02:46the moors of southwest England the hills of South Wales but even at low
02:49levels across these southern parts during Wednesday the potential for a
02:53bit of snow. A few snow flurries in northern Scotland on Wednesday but the
02:57snow showers here are easing for many places. It's a cracking winter's day dry
03:01and bright with sunny spells and light winds after a frosty start temperatures
03:05again mostly in mid to high single figures but milder air is trying to push
03:10in from the south and not really making much progress and that is why we have
03:15that warning in force across the south for that snow potentially during
03:19Wednesday. That low pulls away and then we look out west as another low comes in
03:25again bringing the moisture from the Atlantic hitting the cold air so the
03:29potential where they meet for some significant snow on Thursday and into
03:34Friday. So we have a much broader warning area not everywhere in this warning area
03:40we'll see heavy snow but there is a risk as we go through Thursday and into
03:43Friday we'll firm up on details closer to the time. As I said please keep up to
03:48date with the weather warnings through our app through our website and we're
03:52regularly updating things right across social media.
