Tuesday afternoon forecast 03/01/23

  • 2 days ago
03 January - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there, it's a wet Tuesday out there for many of us, but as is often the case, unsettled
00:05weather at this time of year brings with it some warmth, unusually mild weather developing
00:10over the next couple of days. You can see this area of oranges, that is heading our
00:15way behind this warm front. But the warm front, of course, bringing more rain after this cold
00:20front brought some rain earlier in the day. So it's a soggy end to the day for most of
00:25us. Outbreaks of rain continuing on and off, I think, for eastern areas. And for northern
00:30Scotland, mostly dry, albeit fairly cold here. Temperatures, however, are rising as these
00:36south-westerly winds arrive. And the wettest weather is expected across western and southern
00:41parts of the UK, especially over higher ground. And you can see those temperatures, 13 Celsius
00:46in the south, well above average for the time of year. Closer to average for northern Scotland
00:51where those temperatures are rising. A thaw setting in for central Scotland over the hills.
00:58Snow melt, as well as that wet weather, could lead to some issues and some issues possible
01:03over the higher parts of Wales. 50 millimetres of rain in places. So a couple of yellow warnings
01:08there for higher parts of Scotland and Wales. But overnight the rain does eventually ease.
01:14It pushes into northern Scotland. It lingers for a time in the south as well, in between
01:17some cloud breaks. However, it's a blustery night. And again, that wind coming from the
01:22south-west means that it will be mild, exceptionally so for some 11 or 12 Celsius first thing Wednesday.
01:29That's above the daytime average for the time of year. Nevertheless, after early rain clears
01:34the south-east and it eases from the north of Scotland, for many it's a drier and brighter
01:39Wednesday. There'll still be some rain or showers about, particularly in the west, and
01:44more especially some more prolonged wet weather continuing across southern Scotland, parts
01:48of northern England and northern parts of Northern Ireland. Away from those areas, some
01:53cloud breaks, so some brighter interludes, but it's also going to be a blustery day.
01:58However, as I mentioned, it's a mild wind. 13 to 14 Celsius in the south, 8 to 10 further
02:04north. It's mild up and down the country, but especially for England and Wales. Now,
02:10for the far south-west, some rain sneaks in by the end of the afternoon. Some damp weather
02:14for a time, but that just skirts along the English Channel coast, clearing away during
02:19the evening. And the showers in the north continue, although the more prolonged rain
02:23does turn more showery. And then clear spells for many on Wednesday night, so I think a
02:28colder night to come. Further rain at times on Thursday, followed by a drier interlude
02:33on Friday, staying changeable into the weekend.
