Monday afternoon forecast 13/03/23

  • 2 days ago
13 March - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there, big variations in temperature from place to place and from day to day this week.
00:06Certainly it's going to stay cold in the far north but further south across the rest of the UK we are
00:11seeing some milder weather make inroads although that's accompanied by wind and rain and it is a
00:17windy day for England and Wales during Monday, this low pressure moving away. As it moves through,
00:22spells of rain moving through as well for southern and central Scotland, northern England,
00:26north and west Wales. To the south of that, brighter skies albeit with quite a few showers
00:31for southern counties of England but it's here where the strongest winds are. Wind gusts of 50,
00:3655 and in some exposed spots 60 miles an hour so that could cause disruption. Yellow wind warning
00:41in force until the evening. Across Scotland and Northern Ireland, colder air is returning
00:46on the northern edge of this band of rain that's across central and southern parts of Scotland and
00:51that's increasingly turning the rain back to snow. At first over the hills of Scotland so above
00:57200 meters for the Highlands for example but later on more towards lower levels. That northerly wind
01:03you can see the temperature contrast 3 to 5 Celsius in the north of Scotland, double figures elsewhere
01:08across the UK and as high as 15 Celsius there for some east eastern and southeastern parts of
01:14England where we do get some brighter spells although it's going to be windy. Through the
01:18evening the wind does relent, bands of rain move south and as those rain bands move south,
01:24cold air digs in turning the rain to snow mainly above 100 or 200 meters and any accumulating snow
01:31for England and Wales above 200 meters. Accumulating snow meanwhile for Scotland above 100
01:37meters and for the far north of Scotland at lower levels. More organised snow coming through in the
01:42far north as well so another few centimetres of snow in places particularly over hills but at
01:47lower levels for northern Scotland and a cold night to come. Away from the showers temperatures
01:51dipping below freezing, risk of icy patches as the weather system pushes south but in the far south
01:57it is going to stay frost free. Watch out for slippery surfaces first thing then across much
02:02of the northern two-thirds of the UK. Showers continue to feed through on Tuesday again these
02:09will be of a wintry mixture. Sleet and snow are suspect at lower levels but any accumulating snow
02:15largely above 200 meters aside for northern Scotland where that snow level will be coming down
02:19closer to the surface and more snow showers feeding into Shetland not welcome news here of
02:24course because I'm aware that there have been some issues with clearing the snow. In the south it's
02:30going to be largely dry and bright some decent sunny spells although it will feel colder with
02:34temperatures a few degrees lower compared with Monday afternoon. Less windy but that wind now
02:39coming from the north will feel much colder and we've got this area of cloud, rain, sleet and hill
02:45snow moving through the Midlands, East Anglia, Wales and then eventually into southern counties
02:50of England during Tuesday evening. Once that pushes south clearing skies and a widespread
02:55frost forming once again temperatures dipping widely below freezing and in parts of northern
03:01Scotland especially where we've got some snow cover as low as minus 10 Celsius. So then a cold
03:07start to Wednesday but it's all changed from Wednesday onwards for many parts of the UK
03:12perhaps not though the far north of Scotland it is going to turn much milder again with some rain.
