Friday afternoon forecast 17/03/23

  • 2 days ago
17 March - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there, we keep the mild air with us across much of the UK, although not
00:05everywhere subject to mild conditions for the rest of the day and it's not
00:09going to be dry everywhere either. Far from it, quite a number of showers
00:13dotted about. The skies do brighten up across central parts of the UK, some
00:18sunshine comes through but those showers are never too far away, even some longer
00:23spells of rain pushing through parts of Wales in the southwest by the end of the
00:26afternoon and for the far north of Scotland here a lot of clouds and
00:30drizzle and some colder conditions. Temperatures are remaining in the mid
00:34single figures where we've got those gloomy skies for Caithness, Sutherland,
00:37Lewis and so on. Further south where the Sun does come through it's gonna feel
00:42mild. Temperatures are fairly widely 13 or 14 Celsius but in some spots
00:46particularly through central parts of England 15 or 16 Celsius is possible.
00:50However as temperatures rise that could spark off some heavier downpours, some
00:55hail and thunder a possibility for central parts of the UK and some longer
00:59spells of rain moving through from the west to the east during the evening. The
01:03showers don't entirely die out overnight either we keep a lot of cloud cover and
01:07you can see bits and pieces of rain remaining a fairly messy night in terms
01:11of areas of cloud, the cloud covering the hills in places, some mistiness around
01:15coasts and those outbreaks of rain continuing on and off in places
01:19particularly towards the south and the west. However with all that weather
01:23going on it's gonna stay mild frost free for most of us as we begin Saturday but
01:28a gloomy start a lot of cloud in the sky those outbreaks of rain continuing some
01:32longer spells of wet weather through the Midlands into southern England and South
01:36Wales for example and an area of rain just blossoming across parts of northern
01:40and western Scotland into Northern Ireland by the afternoon that's slowly
01:44edging eastwards along with a strengthening wind. But skies do
01:48brighten in the south and across southern parts of the Midlands into
01:53Wales as well some sunny spells but also scattered showers once again hail and
01:58thunder possibility 15 or 16 Celsius in some of the warmer spots but feeling
02:04colder in the far north of Scotland where it's going to turn windier as well
02:07later Saturday some of this persistent rain moving through and that's going to
02:12reach Orkney as well as Shetland during the evening and as colder air mixes in
02:17with it you wouldn't rule out perhaps some sleet and snow for the likes of
02:21Shetland along with that strengthening wind quite tricky conditions I think
02:25very late on Saturday. Further south clear spells showers easing as a ridge
02:31of high pressure begins to build in as we end the weekend this low pressure
02:35clearing away eventually early Saturday bringing its wind and rain to
02:40Scandinavia but across the rest of the UK a drier interlude at first on Sunday
02:45before more wet weather moves in by the end of the day from the west and these
02:49fronts with us as we start next week more rain on the way Monday Tuesday and
02:54into Wednesday especially across western areas
