Wednesday afternoon forecast 13/04/22

  • 2 days ago
13 April - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there, compared with Tuesday, Wednesday for many looks drier, brighter and a little
00:06warmer but there is still some cloudy and damp weather to speak of. The rain that crossed
00:11the country on Tuesday is still lingering in the far north-east of Scotland. Cloudy
00:15picture here with outbreaks of light rain and drizzle for the Northern Isles, for Caithness,
00:19for Aberdeenshire. A lot of cloud cover as well for many but things do brighten up and
00:24there will be some sunshine coming through for parts of Northern Ireland, Central and
00:27Southern England as well as Wales and it's here where some fairly lively downpours will
00:32result. Now these will be very hit and miss showers, some places will miss out entirely
00:36but where they do form they could form in zones where the winds converge and as a result
00:41some areas say through the south-west peninsula parts of Wales and the Midlands could see
00:46shower after shower, some very lively downpours and some thunder or even hail associated with
00:51them. The focus for showers will move eastwards through the afternoon and where we avoid the
00:56showers where we get some sunshine, temperatures are faring well. Fairly widely across the
01:01country, 15 to 18 Celsius, perhaps 20 degrees there towards the south-east but still on
01:06the cold side where we've got the outbreaks of rain lingering across the north-east of
01:10Scotland that slowly peels away during Wednesday night. And showers elsewhere fade away through
01:17the night time, clear spells at first but a lot of low cloud and mistiness will creep
01:22in from the south and the west and as a result a gloomy end to the night for many. Where
01:27we do keep the clear spells, especially in the north, temperatures will dip into the
01:31low single figures so a touch of grass frost possible but otherwise it's largely a frost
01:37free start to Thursday if on the gloomy side a lot of that low cloud, mist, hill fog, coastal
01:43fog as well and it's a grey theme through the morning I think for many. But eventually
01:48the sun gets to work, the cloud lifts and breaks and bubbles up and the mistiness becomes
01:54more confined to coastal parts. Cloud does thicken though for western Scotland and northern
01:59Ireland with some outbreaks of mainly light and drizzly rain here, a breeze picks up here
02:04as well. But otherwise it's generally set fair for the afternoon for many, bright, dry
02:10with light winds and temperatures up to the mid to high teens once again at 21 Celsius
02:15possible in the south east. Again on the cold side there for the far north and not
02:18feeling quite so pleasant as the cloud thickens and the rain moves into northern Ireland and
02:23western Scotland. Now this is associated with a weather front, it's moving in but it's stalling,
02:27it's weakening as it comes up against an increasingly dominant area of high pressure which is going
02:33to build to the east of the UK and that really sets the theme for the long weekend. We're
02:38going to see this high pressure dominating to the east and that means that many places
02:43will be dry, bright, but weather fronts will still try to move in from the west. They'll
02:48weaken but they'll bring thickening cloud especially for northern and western parts
02:51of the country and they'll bring some showery rain at times. So showers, particularly in
02:56the north and the west through the weekend, always driest and brightest towards the east.
03:01Temperatures peak on Good Friday, slowly tail off through the rest of the long weekend and
03:07there'll be some mist and fog around coastal areas but inland there will be some dry and
03:12brighter spells as well. Much more on social media but for now that's all for me, bye bye.
