Thursday afternoon forecast 03/02/22

  • 2 days ago
03 February - National weather forecast present by Alex Deakin.
00:00Welcome along to your national weather update from the Met Office. A mild day
00:04today but big changes happening with the weather. Gonna feel an awful lot colder
00:09by Friday thanks to a cold front. A pretty active lively cold front swinging
00:14across the country overnight bringing a short spell of pretty heavy rain and
00:19then introducing much colder air. Let's take a look at that if we rewind the
00:24clock bring it back to Thursday you can see warm air tucked into this warm
00:28sector but as the cold front swings into action it will introduce much
00:34colder conditions overnight across northern Britain and then right across
00:38the UK for Friday. The isobars close together so it's going to be windy
00:41combination of wind and cold air I mean so quite a significant wind chill during
00:46Friday as well. Let's bring it back to the rest of Thursday though because the
00:50weather front is approaching bringing some rain heavy rain to the Highlands
00:54the Western Isles of Scotland this afternoon eventually grazing into
00:58Northern Ireland's but elsewhere most places dry and fine out there a lot of
01:03cloud yes but some breaks in the cloud parts of East Wales the Midlands
01:06Southern England Eastern England a hint or two of sunshine there is a bit of a
01:09breeze blowing and certainly turning windy as the weather front turns up
01:13across the northwest but temperatures in double digits almost across the board
01:17and peaking at 13 possibly 14 Celsius where we see some sunny spells so really
01:23quite mild which is why tomorrow will be quite a shock. Here comes that
01:27weather front then the yellow colours there some really heavy rain not lasting
01:30too long but moving through some really gusty winds as that weather front sinks
01:34south as well and that rain will be turning to snow initially just over the
01:39hills but more and more in the showers turning to lower levels through the
01:43early hours of Friday even some snow likely over the hills of Northern
01:46England and Wales as that weather front pushes southwards as I said short spell
01:51of very heavy rain as that swings through and it will just suddenly turn
01:54gusty as well the winds just suddenly whipping up at times through the night
01:58so rattling window frames may wake you up. That weather front will obviously be
02:04introducing the colder air as well ahead of it as we start Friday temperatures
02:08still quite high of course he's dangling the southeast but behind it turning
02:11significantly colder and as the cold air arrives with those showers there is an
02:17increasing chance of seeing some icy conditions on Friday morning so we do
02:21have yellow warnings in place across much of Western Scotland and Northern
02:24Ireland could be quite slippery on the roads on Friday morning and there is the
02:28chance as this weather front pushes southwards of seeing some snow for a
02:32time even to low levels for parts of the Midlands East Anglia maybe even a
02:36little bit across the southeast but it's not expected to last too long the
02:39whole weather front pulling out of the way by lunchtime clearing away from Kent
02:44and then we've got sunny spells following but we do have showers and
02:47those showers will be increasingly wintry mostly rain at low levels across
02:51England and Wales but even across parts of Northwest England we could see some
02:55snow flurries and certainly coming into Western Scotland Northern Ireland some
02:59sleet and snow in the showers coming down to pretty low levels there'll be a
03:04strong wind blowing those showers through so they'll tend to zip through
03:07and there'll be sunny spells in between but sunshine isn't very strong at this
03:12time of year so it's going to be cold temperatures three to six seven maybe
03:16eight or nine across the southeast certainly for a time in the morning but
03:19it's going to feel colder than that because of the strength of the wind
03:23temperatures feeling closer to zero so a chilly feel for Friday certainly
03:29compared to recent days it has been very mild for the past two or three days and
03:33Friday evening again if you're heading out be prepared for things to turn cold
03:36quite quickly there'll be a frost forming still wintry showers coming into
03:40the West so again the likelihood of things turning icy as we head into the
03:45weekend the weekends will be chopping and changing some milder weather
03:49arriving some more rain arriving and staying pretty windy as well
