Friday evening forecast 02/02/24

  • 2 days ago
02 February - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. It's been a gusty, blusterous day across some parts of the country. The winds will
00:05ease a little bit through the night, but it is going to be a fairly breezy weekend all
00:09in all. A bit of a messy picture with the cloud and the rain, but some outbreaks of
00:13rain just trickling southwards into parts of northern England and north Wales. Plenty
00:17of showers packing in with the gusty conditions over northern Scotland. The strongest gusts
00:23over north-east England and south-east Scotland will be easing through the night. Further
00:27south, most places just stay dry and cloudy, and it will stay very mild here as well with
00:32temperatures across most of England and Wales, certainly in towns and cities staying at nine
00:36or ten Celsius. Colder air pushing into Scotland and Northern Ireland, but it's still far from
00:41cold, with many towns and cities staying a few degrees above freezing. Still windy here
00:46however, so feeling fairly fresh with that gusty wind blowing plenty of showers to the
00:51Highlands, the Western Isles and the Northern Isles. Much of eastern and southern Scotland
00:55through the central belt staying dry and bright all day, along with much of Northern
00:58Ireland, and for a good part of northern England too. Outbreaks of rain will affect particularly
01:04west and north Wales, and some of that will creep back into parts of northern England
01:08and maybe into parts of east Anglia during the afternoon. A bit of drizzle at times in
01:12the far south-west, but much of southern England will just be cloudy and dry. Still quite breezy,
01:18but as I said, the wind's not as strong as they have been through Friday, and still very
01:23mild in the south, 12, 13 degrees. Further north, not as mild as Friday, but still temperatures
01:31could get to double digits in one or two places, and eight or nine Celsius is a touch above
01:35average for the time of year. Through Saturday evening, some of that patchy drizzly rain
01:39across south Wales and south-west England will continue, elsewhere becoming dry, but
01:44then later on, as we head into Sunday, the rain will push back up towards Northern Ireland.
01:49And throughout this period, throughout Saturday night, the showers will continue to pack
01:54in across northern parts of Scotland. That rain returning to Northern Ireland is courtesy
01:58of this warm front. We've still got high pressure nearby to the south, but this front pushing
02:03its way northwards will reintroduce the milder air back across Northern Ireland through northern
02:09England as we go through the day. By the end of Sunday, that milder air pushing back across
02:13Scotland too. But it will also be bringing cloud and some outbreaks of rain, so a dull
02:17damp start for Northern Ireland on Sunday. That rain will then work into western parts
02:22of Scotland, probably not much getting to the east coast, and there'll be rain on and
02:26off for north-west England. Some rain at times over the hills of Wales, but again, a good
02:31part of the south will just be dry and cloudy. The wind's strengthening though through the
02:36day, but as we've seen, bringing that milder air back, so temperatures widely in double
02:41digits on Sunday, and again, some pockets of the south getting into the teens, particularly
02:46if it does brighten up at all. So overall, a fairly mild, breezy weekend. There will
02:50be some rain around, signs that things could get colder certainly across the north as we
02:55go through next week. Keep up to date with the forecasts, and of course, the best way
03:00to do that is to hit subscribe on our YouTube channel.
