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00:00Channel Red Novel, Chapter 66, Omega vs Omega It took a second for Inu to realize that the
00:17hooded person was Gary, until he saw his green hair from the hood.
00:22Although he did text him like he requested, he didn't think that his supposed gang leader
00:26would be so desperate to find such a person that he had come all the way to his school.
00:31For that matter he didn't exactly recall telling Gary what school he went to.
00:36Wait, does he think he can take on this guy?
00:39He wasn't here when Billy came in and wreaked havoc.
00:42Hey, don't be an idiot.
00:45Inu warned the other.
00:47I know you might have defeated this guy before, but he's clearly not the same.
00:52You can't beat him.
00:54Naturally, Gary could see that Billy had clearly changed.
00:58Even a growth spurt wouldn't explain his sudden increase over such a short period of time.
01:04What's more he could feel a new type of pressure exuding from the large fellow.
01:08His system also finally confirmed something he had been wondering for the longest time
01:14You have finally met with the other Omega Wolf.
01:17Well thank God, he isn't actually a werewolf and he's just like me.
01:22Gary thought.
01:23I want to thank you for what you did to me.
01:26Billy spoke up suddenly.
01:28No one really knew who this was directed at, apart from Gary of course, but soon after
01:33he turned around, as if he was looking for a way out.
01:37No you don't.
01:39A voice announced.
01:41You don't get to just come into my school and mess with everyone this badly.
01:46The person who was now standing behind him was Austin, who had followed after Gary, and
01:50he immediately went to throw an uppercut towards the intruder's stomach.
01:54It was a big hit and unlike the delinquent trio, Austin's hand wasn't hurt.
02:00The school's top dog had a feeling a guy that big wouldn't have gone down with just one
02:04hit, and followed up with a punch to the side.
02:07Just like the others he was surprised by Billy's nimbleness, as the other turned around facing
02:12and grabbed onto both of Austin's hands.
02:15You're strong.
02:17Stronger than anyone else I fought before, so maybe you deserve this.
02:22Billy said, as he opened his mouth wide, revealing a particular set of sharp teeth.
02:30Someone screamed.
02:31Is he going to eat him?
02:33Inu wondered.
02:35At this point, he felt like nothing would surprise him when it concerned Billy.
02:40He had seen people bite others before but only when they were in a desperate situation.
02:45King Fong's debut fight would be an example, though Gary had seemingly done that more because
02:50he lost control.
02:52This was the first time Inu watched someone open their mouth this widely.
02:57While everyone was frozen in place doing nothing, only the hooded figure moved, and to the shock
03:02of everyone he dived right into the situation.
03:05Damn it.
03:07If only I didn't get hit so bad.
03:10With the three of us together we might have been able to do something.
03:13Inu cursed his injury.
03:16He could only watch and pray that Gary actually knew what he was doing, but then the strangest
03:20reaction occurred.
03:22His gang leader didn't go in for a punch, or for a hit, instead he got right in between
03:27Austin and Billy and shoved his forearm into the other's open mouth.
03:31Oh no you don't.
03:34It's bad enough with just one of you.
03:37Gary shouted out as he tried to push forward with his forearm.
03:41Gary's jaw was strong and his teeth had already sunken in.
03:45Blood was dripping down his arm.
03:48They couldn't understand why a student would allow himself to get bitten instead of someone
03:52else, especially since the hooded person didn't seem to be from their school.
03:57Is this why?
03:59Is his reckless will to sacrifice the reason Kai wanted him as the leader?
04:04Inu started to wonder.
04:06He started to feel horrible, he was letting his injured side stop him from fighting as
04:10an excuse, while this guy who hardly knew anything about fighting at all had just shoved
04:15his arm into Billy's mouth.
04:17It was then that both Austin and Inu, picked up chairs from the classroom and slammed it
04:21down the intruder's back at the same time.
04:24Alas, Billy still didn't let go.
04:28F**k you.
04:30Gary screamed.
04:32He tried to push back, but Billy's jaw strength alone turned out to be far above his own.
04:38If you bite me, I'm going to bite down on you.
04:41Gary opened his own mouth, ready to bite back, yet Billy decided to let go at that moment.
04:47He then turned around for a few seconds, and jumped through the broken window.
04:52For some reason, Billy was now in the middle of running away, and Gary was left there with
04:57his arm bleeding.
04:58Hey, man you took that bite for me, are you alright?
05:03Austin asked, checking up on him.
05:05However, for the second time Gary had almost completely ignored him, and decided to run
05:10after Billy himself, jumping through the window.
05:14You're going to chase him in your condition.
05:17Just leave it.
05:18Inu shouted, yet Gary was already running through the halls.
05:22I can't leave it, just then, Billy tried to bite down on that strange guy I met on the
05:28I might be overthinking it, but it didn't seem like he planned to eat him.
05:32In that case, he must have wanted to do the same thing that I did to him.
05:37He wanted to turn him.
05:39I can't allow him to start his own pack.
05:42Gary could see Billy up ahead, but despite his large size he was fast.
05:48Gary had already activated Charging Heart when the other had bitten down on him, yet
05:52despite his boost, his legs still couldn't keep up.
05:56System, use Forced Bond on him, so I'll be able to track him down.
06:00Error, your Mark skill only works on human targets.
06:05Unless piece of crap.
06:07Gary wanted to yell out, and it was then he saw Billy not slowing, jumping and bracing
06:12himself as he crashed out of the window.
06:15Gary soon caught up and looked out, only to glimpse at how Billy had already left the
06:19school ground.
06:21They were on the third floor, and Gary wasn't quite sure if he could survive that and how
06:25he would catch up with Billy in the first place.
06:29Crap, crap, crap.
06:32Gary thought.
06:33The sound of the police sirens from cars could be heard from a distance.
06:38He took that as his K to get out of the school.
06:41It was already bad enough that he had to intervene and reveal himself, but he couldn't allow
06:46himself to become a witness.
06:48Heck, he couldn't even explain any of it anyway.
06:52While running he texted Inu before he left.
06:55If they ask, you don't know me.
06:58Gary was left a little beaten over what to do.
07:02Just as he had expected Billy was the other Omega Wolf.
07:05He was faster, stronger and better than fighting at him.
07:09On top of that, he wasn't worried about killing or hurting people.
07:14So much for the system giving me some sort of edge.
07:18How the hell am I supposed to beat him?
07:20I need help.
07:23Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 67, Who is He?
07:29The police arrived at the scene and quickly went to work.
07:33The teaching faculty provided them with a classroom so that they could start taking
07:37the students' testimonies about the events that had occurred.
07:41Although none of them had outright been able to tell that it had been Billy Brunton, the
07:45police were confident that it was him based on the few details they had received.
07:50The only thing they couldn't really figure out was who this hooded stranger was that
07:53had arrived and apparently saved both Inu and Austin.
07:57You should have seen his entrance, it was right out of a movie.
08:01He came running in, pushed Inu out of the way and rolled to safety like a millisecond
08:05before that monster slammed the table down.
08:09He was like a hero who came at just the right moment.
08:12I swear if he had been a moment later, Inu would have ended up as a pancake.
08:18One of the students reported in excitement.
08:20That guy's crazy I tell you.
08:23I mean seriously, who would shove their own hand into the mouth of such a monster.
08:29That fat bastard was even worse.
08:32It looked like he planned to eat the smaller guy.
08:35Blood was spilling everywhere, just like in a splatter.
08:39We tried helping, everyone did, but we didn't want to get close after we saw what he did.
08:44Another student told his version of things that had happened.
08:48The two police officers that were talking with the students were none other than Chief
08:52of Police Anton Milstone, as well as his younger male assistant Rue Game.
08:57As crazy as it sounded, by now both men had accepted that the students weren't pulling
09:01their legs.
09:03The students had been called in one after the other and unless they all had collectively
09:07decided on a story beforehand, their testimonies matched, though some seemed more exaggerated
09:12than others.
09:14Initially they had been far more skeptical.
09:17The first person they had interviewed had been Inu, as he had been the one who had fought
09:21Billy the longest and also been the one closest to their target.
09:25They had hoped that he might be able to tell him why their suspected killer might have
09:29so publicly attacked their class in the first place, or at least who that other mysterious
09:34person was.
09:36Unfortunately for them, Inu had retrieved his phone from the broken table, read Gary's
09:40message and just to be safe also deleted it afterwards.
09:44As such, he had pretended to not know either one of them.
09:48The two police officers had noticed his slight change in attitude when asked about Gary,
09:53but without any further evidence linking the two they had let him go, questioning the rest
09:57of his class.
09:59The last person on their list was Austin Foster, since he was a student from a different class,
10:04yet he had entered after Gary.
10:07The high schooler entered the room with his hands in his pocket as calm as ever, and the
10:11questioning had begun.
10:13They asked whether he knew Billy or had at least seen him before.
10:18Austin just shrugged telling them that his face seemed familiar and that he might have
10:21seen him in passing somewhere.
10:24When they held up Billy's picture, Austin gasped in surprise.
10:28That's him.
10:30Only the dude was like a head bigger.
10:33Who is he?
10:34Austin asked genuinely.
10:37By this point the two officers weren't surprised anymore.
10:40Barely any of the students had recognized him, but they couldn't fault them just because
10:45none of them had bothered to read or watch the news, making them clueless that they had
10:49a run-in with a suspected killer.
10:52Like the others Rue just told Austin that he was a suspect in another case, without
10:56going into further details.
10:59Your fellow students reported that they saw you come in shortly after the hooded guy.
11:04Do you know him?
11:05If not, could you at least make out what he looked like?
11:09Rue asked.
11:11Austin sat there for a while, making it seem like he was trying to remember something.
11:16The truth was he had seen what Gary looked like after punching him, quite clearly at
11:22If he were to tell them about the other's hair color it would most likely help them
11:25immensely, yet he didn't.
11:27Nah, I've never seen him before today.
11:31He answered truthfully.
11:33That guy came out of nowhere, so I started chasing him thinking he was an intruder in
11:37our school.
11:39He wore a hood but it was a no brand, so all I can say is that it was dark.
11:44Then I saw that Billy guy, so my attention was more on that giant pig bastard than someone
11:49who helped me.
11:51He was gone before I could even thank him.
11:54After a few more questions were asked, Austin was free to go, but Anton didn't feel like
11:59he had made much progress at all, until he received a text from his phone.
12:04They, match.
12:06Anton murmured.
12:08What matches, sir?
12:10Rue asked.
12:11The blood in that classroom from our mysterious stranger is the same as the blood from the
12:15guy who attacked that deceased high schooler and the one that was found at the construction
12:21They all match.
12:22I don't know how yet, but he seems to be also connected to this Brunton case.
12:28Anton looked to be over the moon, almost jumping out from his seat as he spoke.
12:33I knew that these cases had to be linked, but what, what is going on?
12:38According to the students he came up, saved some strangers, and went to chase after the
12:44Anton thought back to what he had seen in the alleyway.
12:48Could it be that the killer was actually this mysterious person they were chasing after,
12:52and Billy was just trying to find out the truth?
12:55No, that didn't seem right to Anton either, especially given that Brunton had undoubtedly
13:00been the aggressor.
13:02In all of the cases involving Billy, his blood hadn't been found at the scene.
13:06In all the other situations involving this stranger, the circumstances just seemed more
13:11life-threatening, as if they were fighting for their life.
13:15It was hard to make out the full picture without all puzzle pieces, but at least there seemed
13:19to be a connection.
13:22Seeing one of them might allow them to catch the other.
13:25A little down the hallway, Inu was waiting for Austin to get out.
13:29Did you say anything?
13:31Inu asked in a quiet tone after making sure that nobody was around.
13:36I'm no snitch.
13:38Since he was running away from them, I'm sure he had his reasons.
13:43Austin shrugged it off and continued to walk down the hall.
13:48Inu called out.
13:50I didn't do it for you.
13:52Austin replied.
13:54I did it because that guy saved me from getting bitten.
13:57He took a few steps, stopped and turned around.
14:01Hey, he's your friend, right?
14:04Who is he?
14:05Why, you want to thank him in person?
14:08Inu asked cautiously.
14:10Nah, he was just.
14:13Austin thought back to the roof.
14:15When he threw his punch out, Gary suddenly did a strange spin avoiding the hit, it seemed
14:20slow but the timing was perfect.
14:24Austin had been ready to try to kick him, but he could see in that moment that Gary
14:27wasn't aiming at him, his gaze at something else entirely.
14:31He stopped his leg and saw a punch come out from Gary himself, which slammed into the
14:36metal door behind them.
14:38The door hinge snapped right open and the green-haired boy continued running on forward,
14:43fixing his hood.
14:45Austin wasn't sure what to make of it, choosing to believe that Gary was just trying to run
14:49away, but when he looked at the metal door, it had dented slightly.
14:54That wasn't the strength of an ordinary person and he shuddered to think what would have
14:57happened if he had fought him seriously.
15:00He was just really strong.
15:03Austin finished his sentence.
15:05This came as a surprise to Inu.
15:08Although Gary had undoubtedly saved both of them, he hadn't exactly fared that much better
15:12against Billy.
15:14If anything, Inu would have used Brave if he wanted to compliment Gary, though it was
15:19bordering idiotic and suicidal.
15:22Nevertheless, it was obvious that their school's official top dog was interested in him.
15:28Did something happen between those two or something?
15:31Inu wondered, especially since they had both entered around the same time.
15:36You don't have to tell me, just, if he ever needs some backup, let me know.
15:41Austin requested, continuing his walk back to his classroom.
15:45It was then that Inu realized that he had already accepted Gary for who he was, if he
15:50hadn't come today, what would have happened to him.
15:54So if someone asked him who he was to him, he shouldn't shy away and tell the truth.
16:00Inu called out.
16:02About your question, that guy, is my leader.
16:06Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 68, The Kings that
16:11the Basement was a popular nightclub in Slough's town center, yet today its front door had
16:16a sign that read, Closed.
16:19However, the guards around it were telltale signs that something was going on inside.
16:24Unbeknownst to the normal populace, the club was merely a front for the Underdogs, one
16:29of the town's most successful gangs.
16:32What's more the basement wasn't the only shop that would remain closed that day.
16:37Damien Hawk had used his influence to make all the shops within that block treat today
16:41as a sort of impromptu holiday, so that nobody would disturb their special meeting.
16:47Inside one of the VIP rooms, Damien had been sitting calmly, talking to another on the
16:52other end, it looked like the conversation was about to come to an end.
16:56The other party stood up to leave, not even bowing but stopped just before leaving.
17:02I thought the Underdogs were meant to be the best in Slough, which was why I hired
17:07Believe me when I say that package is important for the both of us.
17:11Get it back or it could be the both of us on the chopping block.
17:15The man said leaving.
17:18Damien continued to sit there in his seat, he did so until the people were escorted out
17:22and when a certain amount of time had passed.
17:25He picked up the large wine bottle in front of him and threw it against the wall smashing
17:29it to pieces.
17:31It's been over a week.
17:33How is it possible for you to not have so much as a single clue about that damn traders
17:39The leader shouted at his subordinate who was in the unfortunate situation of having
17:43only bad news to report.
17:46The ringing in his eardrums was the least of his worries as he braced himself for what's
17:50coming next.
17:52He had known his boss long enough to anticipate the large fist that hit him across the face,
17:57sending him flying down to the dance room floor.
18:01Damien wiped his hand with a little cloth he had in his suit pocket and started to walk
18:05down the stairs to the injured man.
18:07Do I need to remind you just how important that package is?
18:12Damien asked.
18:13The man was in pain.
18:15Touching his face he felt an imprint left from one of his boss's rings.
18:20His cheek was bleeding but he knew that unless he replied immediately, the underdog's leader
18:24would just continue beating him up.
18:27No, sir.
18:29I understand it perfectly, sir.
18:32The problem is that everything that boy has told us was fake.
18:36Right now the color gangs are causing chaos in our territories, so it's hard for us to
18:41gather any reliable information on him, especially since we only have his hair color to go on.
18:47There are so many punks that dye their hair green and he might have even dyed it by now.
18:52The red color gang in particular has been getting more and more brazen, challenging
18:56us from multiple areas.
18:59The man answered truthfully, yet was frightened that he would soon feel another hit on his
19:04Instead, Damien squatted, grabbed the man by his hair and pulled him up to his eye level.
19:10How long have you been in this gang?
19:13Damien asked.
19:15Around one year, sir.
19:17I got recognized for my work and got promoted to the pitbull unit.
19:22He replied quickly, a hard worker, eh?
19:25I can respect that.
19:27Fine, I shall let you off with this much.
19:30You better show me results or I'll make it so that you will fit in that package.
19:35We still have deliver that f**king thing to one of the kings.
19:39You know who they are, right?
19:42Damien asked, his hand not letting go of the poor man.
19:46The gangster nodded instantly, even though nodding caused his hair to hurt even more.
19:51The kings were a colloquial term for the top gang leader of their county.
19:56They were a term used for those who controlled a tier-one city, making them the richest and
20:01most influential men in the world.
20:04If one of these kings asked one of the lower cities for a favor, the other party was unable
20:09to refuse, no matter how ridiculous that favor might be.
20:13Still, it wasn't all bad.
20:16As they say, noblesse oblige, making such a thing high risk, high reward, and Damien
20:21had no desire to take the fall for this.
20:25The reason the red color gang are kicking up a fuss is because another king must have
20:29ordered them to intercept the package.
20:32They don't seem to know that we don't have it anymore, so they're trying to get rid of
20:36Damien shouted in anger, and stood up so quickly that he ripped off a good number of strands
20:41of hair from the guy, before heading back upstairs.
20:45We're lucky that it's just the red color gang for the time being.
20:49Unless we can give that king what he wants and earn his protection, soon the rest of
20:53the gangs might attack us to get that package.
20:57All those that were in the club room wanted to take a step back, for fear that Daimon
21:01would take out his anger on him next but they knew that if they did move, they were more
21:05likely to be picked.
21:09Damien called out.
21:11Hearing his name, Kirk stepped out, wearing his normal red flashy suit.
21:16Your schedule has been cleared for the rest of the month.
21:19As you can tell, everyone else is pretty much useless.
21:23I want you to do me a little factor.
21:26Let's remind Slew, why you're my right hand man and why the underdogs shouldn't be messed
21:32Get rid of the red color gang for me, and while you do, find out who was backing them.
21:37Now that the cheetah squad will be dealing with the color gang, I expect results and
21:42not excuses by the end of the week.
21:45Find that damn greenie.
21:47Damien shouted.
21:49Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, chapter 69, waiting for
21:54the day it had already been an eventful day for Gary, but there were still many things
21:58he needed to do even after facing Billy.
22:02First things first, it was time to regain some energy.
22:06To do that the high schooler visited his new favorite alleyway.
22:10The number of rats didn't seem to have reduced, something he was actually thankful for.
22:15His natural speed was slow, making it hard to catch the critter.
22:19Fortunately, charging heart allowed him to turn the tables.
22:23He could also catch several of them at a time before the effect wore off, making him earn
22:28a net plus.
22:30Gary continued even after his energy had completely filled up, only stopping once he got a notification.
22:36Daily quest complete, 5 exp received, 395 slash 460 exp, I didn't get anything for risking
22:44my life fighting Billy.
22:46I need to figure out how to beat him somehow.
22:49Gary thought as he made his way to school to not be late for rugby practice.
22:54On the way he received a text from Inu, who was informing him that Billy might have broken
22:59his ribs, so their training would have to be put on hold for a while.
23:03He also informed him that he would go to Kai to sort something out.
23:08Gary had actually been looking forward to their training, hoping Inu might be able to
23:12teach him a few things.
23:14The fighter had been his best shot at gaining some sort of edge over the Omega Wolf.
23:19Unfortunately it seemed as if they would have to wait for Inu to get better first.
23:24Gary texted back another time then.
23:27The only question was, how much more time did they exactly have if Billy even attacked
23:32his targets out in the open now.
23:35At school, Gary did his usual practice.
23:38At the start of the practice Mr. Root went on to mention an important message to them
23:43I know the school has already had its silence and given their blessings, but Barry was an
23:48important part of our team and loved rugby.
23:51So if there is anything we could do for him it would be, to win this upcoming game.
23:56The students found it a bit awkward that it seemed like Mr. Root was trying to encourage
24:00them through a death, but the kids weren't really that affected by it.
24:05To them it just felt like Barry had moved or something, it was hard to process a death
24:09like that.
24:11Still, there was a certain person who was affected and had returned to the field.
24:16Gil, the only thing was, Gil didn't look to be exactly the same as he once was before.
24:22He had dark bags under his eyes.
24:25There was also good news.
24:27Tom was sitting over by the bench watching the game with his typical attitude of not
24:31caring in the slightest about it.
24:34Seeing this, Gary lifted his arm up after a good 20 minutes of practice and requested
24:38he have a break.
24:40Mr. Root, seeing that unlike yesterday Gary was playing well actually agreed to this.
24:46He was far more concerned with Gary getting an injury at this point.
24:50Hey, so you look a lot better.
24:53Gary said, sitting down on the bench next to him.
24:56Yeah, I'm all fine now.
24:59I think they might have even straightened my teeth even better.
25:03Tom said, delivering a smile.
25:06Fortunately, they didn't make me too handsome to hang out with you.
25:10Both Tom and Gary laughed for a few seconds but then there was this awkward silence between
25:15the two of them.
25:16It was like they had forgotten how to interact with each other.
25:20The truth was, Tom wanted to ask Gary something but was too afraid of the answer.
25:25He had heard of Barry's death, and there was something telling him that Gary, might have
25:30had something to do with it.
25:32Of course, it wasn't like he could outright ask him.
25:35If he wasn't then Tom would have just insinuated that his friend might have killed someone
25:39in cold blood.
25:41And if he was, well then Tom felt like he was also partially responsible for it.
25:47If he had confessed to their bullying before it had gotten out of hand, things might have
25:51ended very differently.
25:53Neither option had a happy ending, so instead Tom decided to ask something else.
25:58I can see that there's something on your mind.
26:01I just want you to know that you don't have to worry about me anymore.
26:05Whatever happened to Barry, it looks like Gil is feeling too down to be targeting me
26:11Gary would normally be very elated about Gil no longer bothering his best friend, but Tom
26:16was right, his mind was elsewhere and it wasn't focused on Barry or his involvement in the
26:21bully's death.
26:23He had gotten over that far quicker than he believed to be normal, suspecting either his
26:27system or his new existence to have some role in that, but right now all he could think
26:31about was Billy.
26:33Tom, I have to tell you something.
26:36Gary began.
26:38I think, no, I was pretty sure there was another one like me out there.
26:42I mean another, you know what?
26:45Gary finally admitted.
26:47This was news to Tom.
26:49Out of all the things he had expected Gary to say this wasn't one of them.
26:54He was at a serious loss for words.
26:57I could kind of feel it.
26:59It's like, the two of us seem to be fighting over who should be the leader, the alpha like
27:03you said, and today.
27:06I ran into him.
27:07You ran into another one of your kind.
27:10Was he older than you?
27:12Was he always a werewolf like you?
27:15What did the two of you speak about?
27:17Tom suddenly bombarded his best friend with a barrage of questions.
27:21However, Gary just shook his head.
27:25Looking into his eyes, Tom could tell he was concerned about this, almost frightened.
27:30That guy wasn't like me.
27:33He didn't exactly invite me over for tea and biscuits to talk.
27:37No, I found him in the midst of attacking innocent people, hurting others, so I tried
27:42to stop him.
27:43It was strange.
27:45It felt like he was stronger than me, but for some reason he ran away from me.
27:50I've been thinking about it ever since, and I can't wrap my head around it.
27:55I was hoping you might have an answer.
27:57Tom thought about it for a while.
28:00He had actually done the research in that regard before spoon feeding it to Gary who
28:04had tuned out after the first bit.
28:07In the end, there was only one thing he could think of.
28:11I'm not sure.
28:12I only know as much about werewolves as what we've learned.
28:16Maybe he's waiting for the upcoming full moon.
28:19I mean according to lore that's when you're both meant to transform and be at your strongest.
28:25If he's an omega like you, maybe he wants to fight you at your strongest so he can make
28:29you submit fully to him.
28:31Tom theorized.
28:33For some reason, some part of Gary agreed that this would be the ''honorable'' thing
28:37to do.
28:39Because whenever he was thinking about time, Gary was always referring to the full moon.
28:44It was almost as if that was the date set for when their match would be held.
28:48If so, that would mean Gary had until the full moon to get stronger.
28:53It was later that night, that the clock passed midnight and the timer moved forward once
28:59Your bloodlust grows, 5 days until the next full moon, Gary was still excluded, so he
29:05missed a very big event in their class.
29:08Alright everyone, so today we have a surprise transfer.
29:12Honestly even though we weren't expecting this so much and so soon, but they have their
29:18I want you to please welcome your new fellow student.
29:21The teacher started the day, allowing the newcomer to say a few words.
29:26The door slid open and a boy walked through, having both his arms in badges as well as
29:31his side.
29:32Everyone, it's nice to meet you.
29:35My name's Inu.
29:37Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 70, A Bad Liar
29:42Waking up the next morning, Gary was still thinking about what he could do to get stronger.
29:48He only had 5 more days left until the full moon and from what he had discovered his ways
29:52to get stronger were very limited.
29:55The high schooler could try and increase his stats naturally in the gym, though there were
29:59two problems with that approach.
30:02For one, his strength and endurance had grown, so he estimated that it would take for them
30:06to grow, which was exactly what he lacked.
30:10Then there was also the issue of him still not having figured out how exactly he was
30:14supposed to increase dexterity.
30:17Gary knew that it would be possible with the free stat point he would gain for reaching
30:21level 5.
30:22He wasn't that far off, yet at the same time he lacked a good source of EXP income.
30:28The high schooler could continue completing his daily quests, though those gave him a
30:32pittance in terms of EXP and without any other source it wouldn't even be enough to reach
30:37level 5 until the full moon.
30:40The only other way he knew how to receive EXP was by fighting opponents.
30:45If he was lucky he might even trigger some sort of quest that would give him even more.
30:50Being excluded from school meant that the high schooler couldn't really start challenging
30:54the other fighting clubs, leaving him with one remaining choice.
30:59Just as he had made up his mind to go out and look for some trouble, he received a text
31:03on his special phone.
31:05Heads up, the underdogs have ordered the black color gang to retaliate against the reds advances
31:10into their territory.
31:12At the same time, they'll also be scouting the area for you.
31:16I know you're excluded, so keep your head low and stay off the streets for a while.
31:22Well that's just great.
31:24Gary sighed, looking at the message from Kai that had ruined his plans.
31:28Nevertheless, he was very thankful for it.
31:32It would be a disaster if he would have ended up in the midst of that.
31:36With nothing better to do, Gary opted to complete his normal routine, which included practicing
31:41his skills by gathering up his meek candy before going to the gym.
31:46As bleak as the day had started, the high schooler left the gym with a satisfied smile
31:50on his face.
31:52Congratulations, move, move, move and keep moving.
31:57Catch everything and become the wind.
32:00Dexterity plus 1, I guess all that hunting in the forest for squirrels and birds, as
32:05well as the sprinting on the treadmill is really helping me out.
32:09Since it's the stat that is the lowest it should also be the easiest to improve, but
32:13it's also the one that I need to work the most in as well.
32:17Billy was way faster than I was.
32:20Gary thought.
32:22After that, there wasn't really much for Gary to do, and before he knew it with his time
32:26spent almost doing nothing.
32:28It was time for him to head to rugby practice.
32:32After changing, he saw Tom on the bench outside, yet not too far from him, was someone he had
32:37seen quite recently.
32:40Am I imagining things?
32:42Gary wondered, rubbing his eyes.
32:44Strangely, both of them noticed him at the same time, waving Gary over.
32:50Tom and Inu then turned to each other, realizing that they were both calling the same person.
32:56Before the practice officially started Gary quickly ran off meeting with the other two.
33:01What's going on, why are you here?
33:04Gary asked Inu.
33:05Huh, how come you already know the transfer student?
33:09Tom asked in surprised confusion.
33:12As his best friend, he was quite sure that Gary had not once mentioned someone like Inu.
33:17Oh, me and Green F A Dash, before Inu could spill the beans that they had met at an underground
33:23fighting match, Gary quickly placed his hand over his mouth.
33:27He's the, brother of, of one of my Amy's friends.
33:32Gary made up on the fly.
33:34It's not often but Amy brings her friends over occasionally, and, well you know where
33:39we live.
33:40And you know, they just bring their brother along for some reason.
33:44Gary honestly regretted his cover-up story the moment it left his mouth.
33:50Everything sounded like a convoluted lie.
33:53In hindsight, he should have just said that he had met him at the gym or something.
33:58The whole charade told Inu that no one around Gary seemed to know what he was doing.
34:03If he's planning to create a gang, then the people around him will naturally get involved.
34:08At some point, he'll either have to sever his ties with them, or bring them into the
34:12gang to protect them.
34:14I just hope, he's prepared for one of the options.
34:19Tom replied, clearly not convinced.
34:23Didn't you introduce yourself as an only child though?
34:26Well, she was my half-sister.
34:29You remember what I said about my scumbag dad leaving us?
34:33Didn't really feel the need to go into too much detail about family stuff.
34:38Inu added some details, going along with the lie.
34:41As the new guy I was just happy to see a familiar face.
34:45I mean look at him, not like you could forget those green hairs.
34:49Anyway, I think you should go out to the field.
34:53From what I've been hearing you're like a minor celebrity now.
34:56I've hurt my ribs in an accident recently, so I can't be taking part.
35:01Gary was very thankful that Inu had played along, especially since he seemed to have
35:05a far easier time with coming up with stuff.
35:09While the team started their practice in earnest, Tom and Inu used that time to talk about Gary.
35:15The new student learned a lot about Gary, whereas Tom was completely convinced that
35:19the other didn't know his best friend at all.
35:22For some reason, he felt relieved at the fact that he seemed to be the only one who knew
35:26about this entire werewolf situation.
35:30During a small break, Gary decided that it would be a good time to talk with Inu, if
35:34only to clear up the confusion.
35:37He excused himself loudly, claiming that he would take a quick toilet break, while meeting
35:42Inu's eyes.
35:43A few moments after Gary had left, Inu followed after.
35:48Of course, the high schooler had waited outside as it felt awkward to talk in that room.
35:53What are you doing here?
35:55How did you even manage to transfer this quickly?
35:58Gary asked.
36:00As of today, I'm a student of Westbridge, just like you.
36:05I have Kai to thank for that one.
36:07Inu grinned.
36:09I told you that I would be talking to him yesterday, remember?
36:13He asked me to inform him if anything happened in the whole Billy situation, so I told him
36:17everything about yesterday, how he attacked me in school and how you were there to rescue
36:23The next moment, he offered to help me transfer over.
36:27Apparently he was going to propose this when we got closer anyway and this special situation
36:32was a perfect excuse to speed up the process.
36:36Who is Kai anyway, for him to be able to do this sort of stuff?
36:40It's clear that he isn't exactly your average student.
36:44That was actually a question Gary would like to have answered as well.
36:48All he knew about Kai was that his upperclassmen had money, lots of it, and that he wanted
36:53to create a gang to get out of the underdogs, just like him just didn't know the reason
36:57why he wanted to leave.
36:59Gary had never asked about the other, despite all the help he had received, but he didn't
37:03really care about Kai since he had a million other problems to solve himself.
37:08Yeah, he does have his connections, that's all I know.
37:12Gary shrugged and started running back to the rugby field.
37:16Over the next few days, Gary continued to do what he did every day, and each night he
37:21would get a countdown of the day to the next full moon drawing closer.
37:25There wasn't anything Gary could do about it.
37:28There were no signs of Billy, no news of more dead either.
37:32Gary started training with Inu after school.
37:36Since Inu was still recovering at the moment, he could only instruct Gary on how to fight,
37:41and in his spare time Gary practiced these moves again and again.
37:45Then finally, something strange happened with only two days left until the next full moon.
37:51It was also the day before Gary's rugby match and he was more excited for this than anything.
37:56While walking home, he would do so with Tom and Inu, for a short while.
38:01A requirement that Kai had set up.
38:04Then Tom would split off early on to head in a different direction.
38:09It was then that Gary found himself in a familiar situation.
38:13A group of students had surrounded him, and they all wore the Eton High uniform.
38:19Gary started to laugh, usually he would be annoyed but today he welcomed it, for he could
38:24do with the extra EXP, at the same time Inu couldn't wait to pay back those that had
38:28hurt him before.
38:30Unbeknownst to Gary similar scenes were playing out elsewhere.
38:34He wasn't the only target of this surprise attack.
38:38At that moment, every regular member of the rugby club that was supposed to play had been
38:44In a certain alleyway down the streets of SLU, Eton High had sent out more students
38:48to attack a certain individual compared to others.
38:52Walking out of the alleyway into the sunlight his hands were bloody.
38:56They attacked me again.
38:58Blake thought to himself, spitting blood out from his mouth.
39:02These guys are scum.
39:04In the alleyway itself, six students could be seen laying down on the floor hurt.
39:10Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel.