FBI 196-200

  • 5 days ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this clip. Don't forget
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00:22clips. Let's go listen.
00:25After 1 96, sudden fire hearing Augustus shout, Roan, whose buttocks were still worn,
00:32slowly left the chair and straightened up. Because Augustus didn't shout in front of
00:36the office area with a folder this time, Roan didn't panic at all, indicating that this
00:41wasn't a new case. Sure enough, when he entered the team leader's office, Augustus handed
00:47him several thick folders. It is not a notice or an order, but just the completed files
00:53and reports of the previous cases. August felt that Luowen was idle because he was idle,
00:59so why not ask him to read the report and check if there are any mistakes in it. If
01:04anything, point it out and someone will fix it afterward. The time to go to work and fish
01:10is certainly happy, but it is always too little and goes by too fast. Roan felt like he just
01:16turned around on the chair a few times, and the date on the calendar next to him changed
01:21from Wednesday to the last working day of the week.
01:24Friday afternoon. Watching the sun run from east to west again,
01:29and it was almost time to get off work today, Roan sat on a chair and silently checked the
01:34system page in front of him. In the light blue system warehouse column,
01:39there are, Physical Potion X2, Strength Potion X2, Detox Potion X2, Hemostatic Potion X4,
01:46Feather Fall Potion X1, Weakness Potion X1, Scuba.
01:52Potion X1, Fire Resistance Potion X1, Analgesic Potion X1, not only that, on Thursday night,
01:59because Roan didn't do anything during the day, the system gave him a, pass, evaluation,
02:04and then. The treasure box opened a $50 and a $100.
02:10Looking at Franklin in his hand, Roan showed a smile on his face.
02:15It seems that his previous guess was correct, the system treasure chest will give out a
02:19few dollars every half a month. Just as Roan was sitting on a chair and immersed
02:24in his own world, Lacey, who had finished the work at hand, suddenly came over.
02:30After taking the coffee from Lacey, Roan was full of doubts, what's wrong?
02:35I need your help with something. Touching Roan with a coffee cup, Lacey's eyes
02:40glowed and she whispered, how about coming with me to a bar in Manhattan after get off work?
02:47Lacey recently met two beautiful girls who were in college in NYC at that bar, but haven't
02:52taken it yet. Llewellyn suddenly became interested, so,
02:56you want me to be your wingman? No.
03:00Lacey shook her head, she had figured out the interests of the two girls, one of them
03:04didn't mind playing games with the same sex, and the other was very resistant to it.
03:10The girl named Vivian, who only likes handsome guys, I'll leave it to you.
03:15I believe your face can definitely conquer her.
03:18Lacey came to Roan's side, rubbed her hands together, and said in a low voice, leave the
03:23other one to me, one for each of us, okay? Forehead.
03:29Roan frowned. Lacey is a seasoned veteran, and there are
03:33not many girls who can make her miss her so much.
03:36So is the other party's figure too attractive, or his face too pretty?
03:41Okay, please talk. Roan didn't answer.
03:46Lacey sat on the chair and scratched her head, which made her anxious.
03:50I want to see the photo first. Thinking of Lacey's deed of not talking about
03:55martial arts earlier, Roan was going to ask her to show the photo of the other party first,
04:00and then decide whether to agree or not. Before he could speak, Augustus suddenly pushed
04:06open the door of the office area. Seeing the folder in Augustus's hand and
04:11the gloomy look on Dahe's face, Roan and Lacey's hearts skipped a beat.
04:16Everyone. A new case.
04:20Hearing what Augustus said, and looking at the clock at the front of the office area,
04:24it was only ten minutes before getting off work.
04:28Roan suddenly raised his hand and covered his forehead speechlessly.
04:32The eager expression on Lacey's face also instantly collapsed.
04:37Just twenty minutes ago, a fire broke out in the Brooklyn government building.
04:42Without a chance to see the various expressions on everyone's faces, Augustus said loudly
04:47with a serious face, although the fire was extinguished by FDNY, Fire Brigade of New
04:52York, it still killed. A congressman and several students from Alfred
04:57University in New York. Knowing that so many people died in the fire,
05:02the agents of the No. 5 investigation team immediately became serious.
05:08Passing the folder to William, Augustus continued, Because the deceased had a congressman, the
05:13NYPD called us urgently, and they needed the help of the FBI.
05:18Roan got up and stood up, Lacey and I will go to the scene to check the situation now.
05:24Good. August nodded, pay attention to safety, don't
05:28lose contact. Oh, by the way, today is a temporary overtime.
05:34Hearing the words behind Augustus, Roan smiled slightly, which means that there will be overtime
05:39pay afterwards. Pulling Lacey, who hadn't reacted yet, into
05:44the equipment warehouse, the two left the No. 5 investigation team immediately after
05:49a while. The SUV whose front was damaged hadn't been
05:53repaired yet, and Luoan drove another SUV of the No. 5 investigation team this time.
06:00On the co-pilot, Lacey saw the SUV under her body speeding through the traffic on the road,
06:05silently fastened her seatbelt while swallowing, and said, Roan, can you slow down a bit?
06:11This is the only car left in our No. 5 investigation team.
06:16If the car is damaged again, they will probably have to borrow a car from other investigation
06:20teams to investigate the case next. Trust my skills, Lacey.
06:27Roan smiled slightly, and stepped on the accelerator silently.
06:31Lacey snorted softly, then suddenly thought of something, took out her phone from her
06:36pocket and started typing. Turning the steering wheel to overtake a car,
06:41Roan turned his head and took a look, then said with a faint smile, sending messages
06:45to those two girls. Make an appointment to meet again at another
06:50time. No.
06:53Lacey's eyes flickered with worry, she shook her head and said, remember when I said those
06:57two girls were college students? The university they went to was Alfred University.
07:03What? Roan was a little surprised, and then hurriedly
07:07asked, are they in government buildings? No.
07:12Seeing the newly received text message in the phone, Lacey let out a long breath, turned
07:16her head and smiled and said, the two of them were busy working part-time in bars to make
07:21money, so they were. Lucky not to encounter this fire.
07:26God always favors those who work hard. Roan casually said a word of chicken soup
07:32that he didn't know where he heard it, and then stepped on the accelerator again to overtake
07:36a car. Soon, the two arrived at the government building
07:40in Brooklyn. At this time, the square in front of the government
07:44building was crowded with people, not only the families of the victims, passers-by who
07:49joined in the fun, a large number of reporters reporting the
07:53news live, but also the NYPD who maintained order on the scene.
07:59Getting off the SUV, glanced at the burnt black government building not far away, Roan
08:04and Lacey walked quickly into the cordon, Hello, Mr. Detective, I am Agent Roan from
08:09the FBI. Just call me Bailey.
08:13Seeing the golden badge in Roan's hand, a NYPD detective came up immediately.
08:19After shaking hands, Detective Bailey introduced directly, a congressman and four college students
08:24died at the scene, and more than 40 people were injured due to smoke inhalation.
08:30The wounded have been sent to the hospital for treatment.
08:34Following Detective Bailey into the government building, Roan looked around and asked, are
08:38there any witnesses to the fire? I don't know, we are still looking.
08:44The three walked quickly into the building. Bailey led Roan and Lacey to the door of a
08:49scorched room, and pointed inside, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.
08:55Chapter 197, Case of MPs and Students Being Set on Fire
08:59The room next to the two is a small conference room, but Lacey is not in the mood to check
09:04the structure of the conference room at this time. Because the people from the trace inspection
09:10department have not yet arrived, and the bodies of the five victims are still in the room.
09:15So when Lacey turned her head, she smelled an indescribable smell of burnt barbecue.
09:21Fouquet. Hastily covered her nose, Lacey's face was
09:25very ugly. Go and get the monitoring of this building first.
09:31Roan didn't respond at all, and arranged Lacey's work casually, then took out gloves
09:35from his pocket and put them on, and walked slowly into the room that was still a little
09:40bit warm. The smell of barbecue in the room was even
09:44stronger. Seeing that the expression on Roan's face hadn't changed at all, Detective Bailey
09:50and the NYPD outside were full of admiration. First carefully checked the door of the room,
09:56then Roan walked to the five corpses in the room and began to check their status seriously.
10:02There were some fragments at the feet of two of the corpses, and they took a flashlight
10:06to illuminate them, and Roan frowned suddenly. Not long after, the detectives from the trace
10:12inspection section, who were driving relatively slowly, finally arrived, and Lacey also finished
10:18adjusting the monitoring and came back. The monitoring.
10:23When the corridor of the building has not been installed yet, I only found the monitoring
10:27outside the building. Holding a laptop in her arms, Lacey showed
10:31the screen to Roan and said, five minutes before the alarm went off, this guy was the
10:36only one leaving the back door of the building. In the surveillance video, there is a guy
10:41in a gray suit and a black and blue hat, running away from the building in a hurry.
10:47Male, very thin. After watching the pictures in the video,
10:52Roan quickly concluded, the left hand has been clutching the right hand tightly, indicating
10:56that his right hand is probably injured, and it may also be that.
11:01There is the target item he finally got. Exactly.
11:06Lacey nodded, then asked, how about it, Roan, what did you find here?
11:12Roan heard the words, and directly handed her the fragments he found under the corpse
11:16just now. This is.
11:19After taking the fragments, Lacey looked carefully, and said with some uncertainty.
11:25Pieces of a bottle. To be precise, it is a fragment of a simple
11:29homemade Molotov cocktail. Loudly signaled to the investigators of the
11:34trace inspection department to take all the fragments on.
11:38The ground back for inspection. Roan looked around and leaned on his chin and
11:43said, judging from the situation at the scene, before the incident, the congressman should
11:47be chatting with four. College students.
11:52Immediately afterwards, the door was suddenly opened, and the Molotov cocktail was thrown
11:57into the room by the murderer. This room is not big, and it is relatively
12:02closed. Inn.
12:04Addition, the fire started to burn from the door and the middle of the room first, so
12:09the counselor and several students quickly lay in the flames.
12:14Not only that, the door of the room was locked. And there were traces of Molotov cocktail
12:19fragments in the corridor. Even if one of them opened the door and ran
12:23out of the conference room, he would be burned to death by the flames of the Molotov.
12:29Cocktail in the corridor. After listening to Roan's description, Detective
12:34Bailey's eyes flashed with surprise, and Lacey's face changed slightly.
12:39How much hatred did the murderer have with these?
12:43Five victims. Go to the staff of the government building.
12:47Patting Lacey on the shoulder, Roan took off his gloves and walked out of the room, saying,
12:53Wait a minute, make a list of the people who
12:56can enter this meeting room. Okay.
13:00Lacey nodded, and hurriedly followed with her computer in her arms.
13:04The next day, No. 5 Investigation Team. Sorry, detectives, the impact of this case
13:11is 2. Great, the mayor called to inquire about the
13:15situation, so we have to work overtime on Saturday.
13:19But don't worry, overtime pay will never be forgotten to be transferred to your bank account.
13:25Afterward. At the forefront of the office area, Augustus
13:29shouted loudly with his stomach puffed out. After William distributed the folder to every
13:34one, he turned his gaze to Mona and said. Introduce the information of these five victims.
13:41Okay. Mona nodded, tapped the keyboard a few times,
13:46looked at the computer screen and introduced loudly, for college students, two men and
13:50two. Women, named Vinnie, Nicol, Kiana, and Vinina,
13:56are all from the business school of Alfred University in New York, and there are still
14:00six months before their graduation. Another member of the victims.
14:06Name is Emmanuel Bain, 56 years old, a Republican, and this is his first year in the New York
14:11City Council. Wow.
14:14As we all know, New York has always been the stronghold of the Democratic Party.
14:20There are as many as 2.8 million Democrats and only 500,000 Republicans.
14:26In the New York City Council, the Democrats also occupy 51 seats, and the Republicans
14:31only have three seats. Thinking of this.
14:36Roane said, so, we can tentatively determine that the murderer's target is Senator Emmanuel
14:41Bain. Roane determined the main direction of the
14:44next investigation, Augustus did not object, and continued.
14:49To ask, Mona, can you find out who Emmanuel's enemies are?
14:54It's so easy. Mona smiled slightly, tapped on the keyboard
14:58with her ten fingers, and quickly adjusted Emmanuel's political leanings and propaganda
15:05content, our Senator Emmanuel calls himself the guardian of traditional federal values.
15:11So he's anti-feminism, anti-abortion, anti-gun ban, pro-white supremacy, and white nationalism.
15:19Several schools, advocating market freedom, after listening to Mona's introduction, all
15:24the agents of the No. 5 investigation team rolled their eyes except Roane.
15:29Augustus patted his stomach and nodded, very well, it seems that
15:34more than half of the people in New York are his enemies.
15:39After a few seconds of silence, Augustus turned his gaze to Roane who was aside.
15:44Roane did not hesitate to see this, and immediately asked loudly, the fragments that were handed
15:50over to the trace inspection department last night, have the test results come out?
15:56Ryder nodded hastily, and replied, the result has come out, your judgment is correct, those
16:03things are indeed homemade simple combustion bottles, and the liquid used is all gasoline.
16:09Unfortunately, the trace inspection division did not find fingerprints and DNA on those
16:15fragments, so it was impossible to find the identity of the murderer in the internal database.
16:21Roane continued to ask with the same expression on his face, Lacey, what about the list you
16:27mentioned last night, and Emmanuel's recent itinerary? No problem found.
16:34Lacey gave Roane the list of people who could enter that conference room, and
16:39said, yesterday, Emmanuel gave a speech in the square in Brooklyn, then went to several
16:44communities to express condolences to the masses, and finally returned to the government
16:48building to accept, interviews with the four college students.
16:53Roane nodded, looked at the personnel list carefully for a while, then raised his head
16:58and said to the agents, everyone, we need to carefully investigate, the surveillance
17:04in the area near the Brooklyn government building, and we must know where the man in the gray
17:08suit went after leaving the building. In addition, the interpersonal relationship,
17:14emotional status, and economic status of the four college students also need to be carefully
17:19investigated. No problem. The work content was a bit complicated and complicated, but
17:26William and several technical agents still nodded loudly and agreed. Roane nodded in
17:33satisfaction, turned to look at Lacey and Ryder, and said, next, you will visit the
17:38family members of Congressman Emmanuel, as well as the relatives and friends of the four
17:44college students, and see if you can find any useful clues from them.
17:49Okay. Ryder and Lacey agreed to come down, dropped the folder, turned and walked into
17:56the equipment warehouse. Mona on the side saw this, raised her head and asked, then
18:01what do we do next? Let's go find him. Passing the list in his hand to Mona, Roane
18:08pointed to a name on it. Who is this? Except for the four college students, he was the
18:15last person Congressman Emmanuel saw before his death. Chapter 198, scolding MPs just
18:22for money, I was indeed the last person to see Senator Emmanuel. In a certain room of
18:29the government building in Brooklyn, a middle-aged white man in a suit and leather shoes nodded
18:34and replied after learning about Roane and Mona's intentions, yesterday Congressman
18:40Emmanuel's speech in the square was also organized by me and several colleagues.
18:45Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Dominique. Putting the FBI Golden Badge.
18:51Back into his pocket, Roane sat opposite Dominique and asked, as far as I know,
18:56you are the security consultant of the Emmanuel congressman's team. Do you have any doubts about
19:02yesterday's tragedy? There is a team behind each congressman in the Federation. They are not only
19:09responsible for the life and finances of the congressman, but also responsible for protecting
19:14the personal safety and external image of the congressman. Emmanuel was burned to death with
19:21a Molotov cocktail this time, and Dominique, who is a member of Parliament's security advisor,
19:26must have a hard time in the future. So when he heard Roane's question, he immediately rummaged
19:32through his desk, and then handed a lot of information to Mona next to him, with a serious
19:37face, these are the death threats we received. Against Congressman Emmanuel before the speech
19:43yesterday, a total of 54. Looking at the pile of death threats in her arms, the corners of Mona's
19:49mouth twitched, and Roane's eyelids twitched, and asked, with so many death threats, why did you
19:56agree to Emmanuel's trip yesterday? Because this is a strong request from Congressman Emmanuel.
20:03Dominique was full of remorse, saying that he was just a consultant. If the employer,
20:10Mr. Emmanuel, had to do something, it would be difficult for them to stop each other.
20:15Okay. He took out a piece of paper and looked at it, and found. That it was filled with the
20:22identity information of certain people. After thinking about it, Roane continued,
20:27by the way, all political organizations that Emmanuel has been in contact with recently.
20:33Whether they are friendly or hostile, make a list of them, and then give me a copy of their
20:38specific information. No problem. More than an hour later, Roane and Mona put two large cardboard
20:45boxes. Full of documents into the trunk of the SUV. Who, Mona straightened up, wiped the sweat
20:53from her forehead, sat in the co-pilot and turned her head to ask, Roane, do you collect information
20:59about? These political organizations, do you think the murderer came from those people?
21:05Possible. Starting the SUV and driving out of the parking lot, Roane pointed to a crowd of
21:11loud protesters holding. Signs in the square not far away, black, white, brown, or not yellow,
21:18and replied, look at those people, every one of them has anger in their eyes. Any politicians'
21:24views and words will be labeled. And then be amplified by the hostiles before attacking them,
21:31not to mention the extreme conservatives like Emmanuel. For these instigated people whose
21:36minds are full of radical ideas, killing people. Is nothing at all, just a group of idealists.
21:44Through the car window, looking at the protesters in the square holding a lot of signs such as
21:49anti-discrimination, cut government spending. Death to the president, Mona opened her mouth
21:55and didn't know what to say. Casting a glance at the silent Mona who understood but didn't
22:00fully understand, Roane's expression remained unchanged, but. He shook his head deep in his
22:06heart, then stepped on the accelerator silently and left here. The Federation is a very magical
22:13country. A certain book divides society horizontally, regardless of men and women,
22:20and only divides them into haves and have-nots. They divide society vertically, first divide into
22:27male, female, male to female, female to male, and then divide them into black, white. Muslim,
22:34minority, vegetarian, etc., so that they can each other in the end, the rich and those in power sat
22:40firmly on the high platform, drinking red wine and smoking cigars and watching the show. This
22:46is the root cause of the emergence of political correctness more than 10 years later, and the
22:51emergence of various buff superimposed chaos. Soon, Roane and Mona arrived at the base of a
22:59certain political organization that he suspected most, circled before Dominica.
23:04It is said to be a base, but it is actually a small two-story building.
23:09The sign on the house number shows that this is a small newspaper office. The day before
23:16Congressman Emmanuel was burned to death, this newspaper once published an article that read,
23:21Congressman Emmanuel should be burned on the spot. Parked the car and opened the gate to
23:27enter the newspaper office. After showing the golden badge to identify themselves,
23:33Roane and Mona successfully met the owner of the newspaper office and the leader of the
23:38political organization. A middle-aged black man with a natural curly cut, Cody. Roane didn't
23:46talk nonsense, and directly explained his purpose of coming. Just call me Cody. Poured two cups of
23:54coffee for Roane and Mona, and Cody replied with a smile, you are right, my newspaper did publish
24:00such an article. No, not just your newspaper. Hearing this, Mona shook her head, put the
24:09newspaper on the table, and fixed her eyes on the other person's face, the signature at the
24:14end of this article, the author is you. Well, I did write this article. Seeing the cold look in
24:22Roane's eyes, Cody nodded in silence for a moment to admit it, and then spread his hands, but the
24:27content in it is just a metaphor. That guy Emmanuel Bain is a piece of garbage and opposes racial
24:35equality, so as a black man, isn't it normal for me to hate him? Speaking of this, Cody saw that
24:42the expressions on the faces of Roane and Mona hadn't changed, they were still full of seriousness,
24:48and suddenly cursed a few words in his heart, and then he explained in a low voice,
24:53both, Emmanuel Bain's death really has nothing to do with me, and I don't even know what's going on.
24:59To be honest, insulting Emmanuel Bain is just to mobilize those masses and make enemies.
25:07In this case, I can not only attract their donations, but also increased the sales of
25:12newspapers. Mona frowned upon hearing this, but Roane nodded. Political inclination is all it
25:20takes, not making money is important. Looking back at the busy workers behind him, Roane continued to
25:27ask, then among them. Members of your organization, are there any guys who are more inclined to solve
25:33problems with violence? There were, but they all left because I didn't allow them to. Cody laughed,
25:40saying that he is not those idealists, he is very realistic, shouting slogans and scolding
25:47congressmen is purely for making money. Good. Seeing the smile on Cody's face, Roane also laughed,
25:55so can you give me a copy of these, the names and information of the people who want to stir up
26:01conflict? No. Cody shook his head again and again, indicating that this is someone else's privacy.
26:09Okay, let me change. The way of asking. Roane's smile became wider, and his tone became more
26:17amiable, give me their information immediately, or I will apply for a search warrant later,
26:22and then seize all the facilities. Of your newspaper office, and then carefully investigate
26:28the economic situation of your newspaper office. Hearing this, the expression on Cody's face
26:34suddenly froze. A few minutes later, Roane walked out of the newspaper office with a few folders,
26:42and Mona followed him silently with her computer in her arms. What's wrong, Mona? Roane opened the
26:49door and let Mona go out, then asked with a smile, why have you been silent? Mona sighed and replied,
26:58Aye. Just as Mona started speaking, the feeling of burning her came again. Roane's pupils
27:05constricted, and he hurriedly grabbed Mona's arm and pulled her into his arms, and quickly hid
27:11beside a car. The next second, a gray car was speeding past on the road, and several large
27:17bottles were thrown directly from the car in this. Direction. Chapter 199, Molotov Cocktail.
27:26It's a Molotov cocktail. Seeing the specific appearance of those bottles in the parabola
27:32in the air, Roane's face was very ugly, and he hurriedly carried Mona to the opposite direction
27:39of the car. Snapped. Snapped. Snapped. Snapped. Boom. The next second, several large bottles
27:50landed heavily, and orange flames rose instantly. In the blink of. An eye, the passerby cars that
27:58Roane and Mona avoided just now, as well as the newspaper office next to them, were quickly
28:04engulfed by the fire, and there were exclamations and screams in the. Newspaper office. Fouquet.
28:12Quickly got up from the ground, Roane looked at the back of the car, greeted the family in that car,
28:17and then hurriedly turned his eyes to Mona underneath, Are you okay? I'm fine. Mona shook
28:24her head, feeling the heat from the direction of her thighs, and looked back at where she was
28:29standing just now. If Roane hadn't pulled her into her arms just now, Mona felt. That she might have
28:36been burned by now. All this happened so fast that she didn't even have time to react. Mona turned
28:43her head and looked at Roane with gratitude. It's fine. Roane grinned. Hurriedly took Mona's hand to
28:51lift her up from the ground, and then quickly ran to the SUV not far away. On another street not far
28:58away, there happened to be a NYPD patrol officer. Seeing the flames. Soaring here, he hurriedly drove
29:06here in a police car. Knowing the situation for Mona, the patrolman immediately called the nearby
29:13colleagues for support, and Roane also drove the SUV parked not far. Away here at this time, Mona.
29:21Get in the car. Okay. As Mona closed the passenger door, the SUV rushed out like an arrow.
29:29After briefly describing the appearance of the gray car, Roane then asked.
29:34Where is the other party now? Mona on the co-pilot picked up the laptop from the front,
29:40tapped the keyboard quickly, and quickly found the other party, turn right at the intersection
29:45ahead. Go. Straight for 600 meters, then turn right at that intersection. Okay. Turning the steering
29:55wheel, the SUV quickly drove into another road. Before the intersection in the mouth, Roane
30:01suddenly noticed. Something and raised his eyebrows, which road they're taking is a one-way street.
30:08Exactly. Mona nodded, then turned around in doubt. What are you going to do?
30:15Roane grinned and stepped on the accelerator. Stop chasing. Go directly in front of them and
30:22intercept them. After speaking, the SUV quickly drove into another road. After overtaking the
30:29cars on the road at several unimaginable angles, leaving a shocking eyeball, Roane successfully led
30:36Mona to the end of the one-way street before the gray car. Parking the SUV not far away,
30:42Roane and Mona immediately took out their pistols. And rushed towards the one-way street.
30:49Seeing the gray car coming in this direction, the two raised their pistols at the same time
30:54and aimed at each other, shouting loudly, Stop. Stop now. There. Are three people in the gray car.
31:03The white young man on the co-pilot was shocked when he saw Roane and Mona,
31:07Fouquet. How did they get ahead of us? Who cares? The young Caucasian driver gritted his
31:16teeth, not only did not intend to stop, but instead stepped on the accelerator to the bottom,
31:22causing the gray car to hit Roane and Mona at a faster speed. Seeing this, Roane and Mona pulled
31:28the trigger without hesitation. Mona's main attack was the windshield of the cab in front
31:35of the gray car, and Roane's target was the left and right tires in front of the gray car.
31:41Boom. Boom. Boom. Bang. Bang bang. After a few gunshots, the windshield of the gray car was
31:51shattered but no one was injured, but the two front tires had all been scrapped. Mona raised
31:57her eyebrows, Nice job. Roane. The guy on the co-pilot of the gray car had fear written all
32:06over his face, while the driver had a ferocious face, trying his best to control the car to move
32:11straight ahead. But the scrapped tire caused the inside to come into contact with the ground to
32:18emit sparks, and the car still drove towards the oblique side out of his control. Another middle
32:24aged white man in the back seat of the car saw. This, immediately opened the door and jumped out
32:31of the car, rolled a few times on the ground, got up and ran. This guy's movement and figure were
32:37clearly seen by Roane, but now that the gray car had hit them both, Roane and Mona immediately got
32:44up and jumped to the side of the gray car's path. The next second, the gray car slammed into the
32:50wall of a shop on the side of the road, directly making. A big hole in the wall. Mona held a weapon,
32:58walked quickly to the side of the co-pilot in a vigilant posture, and directly knocked out the
33:03white youth on the co-pilot, but did not see the driver. And immediately shouted, Roane. Watch out.
33:11I didn't. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Before Mona finished speaking, four gunshots rang out from
33:22the car, followed by Roane's familiar voice, the driver has. Been solved, you watch these two
33:29people, I will catch the one who escaped. When Mona moved to the other side of the car,
33:35she found a white young man lying on the ground lying on the ground with.
33:39Bullets in both legs and arms, wailing loudly, and Roane's figure had completely disappeared.
33:46Damn it, it's like this again. Kick the whining white youth unconscious and put them in handcuffs.
33:53Mona's face was filled with worry, and she immediately took out her mobile phone and said,
33:58William, this is Mona, send someone to help immediately. In addition, find out the identities
34:04of the three people who attacked Roane and me as quickly as possible. On the other side,
34:11Roane had already run to the place where the middle-aged white man jumped off the car
34:15and then chased him along the left side where he was running away. On the left side is a long
34:22alleyway. In addition to the messy garbage, there are many small umbrellas filled with unknown white
34:28liquid. When Luoan entered the alley, the middle-aged white man had already run two-thirds
34:35of the alley. Looking back to check the situation, the middle-aged white man was shocked when he saw
34:41Roane's figure. Shit. How is this guy so fast? After judging the distance between the two sides,
34:49Roane was about to lift the Glock 18. At this moment, the middle-aged white man suddenly took
34:56out two glass bottles from his pocket and threw them towards the road between the two.
35:02Snapped. Snapped. The moment the glass bottle fell to the ground, an orange fire burst into flames
35:10instantly, blocking Roane's way forward. It's Molotov. Cocktail again. Roane's face was slightly
35:18gloomy, while the middle-aged white man grinned, then turned and ran forward. It's just that the
35:25middle-aged white man's running speed is a little slower. This time. After all, there are Molotov
35:32cocktails blocking the pursuers. He doesn't believe that Roane dares to risk being burned
35:37to death to catch himself. Soon, the middle-aged white man ran to the end of the alley, and when
35:45he was about to look back at the fire he had lit with a smile, a voice suddenly came from behind
35:50him. Why did you stop? Keep running. What? The middle-aged white man shrank his pupils and
35:59hurriedly turned around, only to see Roane rushing towards him unharmed with a background of blazing
36:04flames. What kind of monster is this guy? How did he get over the flames? The middle-aged white man
36:12had a hellish expression on his face, but before he could speak, Roane had already run not far from
36:17him. Immediately afterwards, Roane stepped on the ground with both feet and rushed towards the
36:24middle-aged white man like a cannonball. The middle-aged white man's brain was running fast,
36:30and just as he was about to turn around to avoid it, Roane's knee was already in front of him. Boom.
36:38He was hit by his knee to his chest, and the severe pain came suddenly. The eyes of the middle-aged
36:45white man turned red, and then he slammed into the wall behind him hard, and a mouthful of blood
36:52spurted out directly from his mouth. Chapter 200, Another arson case in the alley. Feeling the severe
37:00pain in his chest, and seeing the blood he spit out just now, the eyes of the middle-aged white
37:06man were full of anger. He took out a pistol from behind his buttocks, opened his mouth to curse,
37:13and prepared to attack Roane. Son of. Before the middle-aged white man finished
37:20speaking, Roane moved in front of him with cold eyes. Snapped. Easily grabbed the opponent's wrist
37:27holding the pistol, and Roane twisted it hard. Click. Ah dash, the sound of bones breaking was
37:35crisp and sweet, and the pupils of the middle-aged white man shrank suddenly, and he screamed and
37:41wailed loudly in an instant. Roane grinned and said coldly, It was a Molotov cocktail just now,
37:48and now it's a. Pistol. You have a lot of weapons. Fu K U. Because of the severe pain caused by the
37:58fracture, the forehead of the middle-aged white man was covered with beads of sweat,
38:02but he still did not. Forget to curse, and raised his own questions, Damn FBI.
38:09How did you get through that flame? Llewellyn frowned. Of course, it was the fire-resistant
38:16potion from the system treasure chest. But he. Didn't need to answer the other party's question,
38:23because at this moment, the other hand of the middle-aged white man quickly reached for another
38:27mini pistol that he had been hiding all the time. Preparing to use it to continue attacking Roane.
38:34Roane, who saw the opponent's movements clearly, narrowed his eyes slightly,
38:39first grasped the opponent's wrist firmly, and using the opponent's hand.
38:44Threw the pistol to the ground behind the middle-aged white man. Immediately afterwards,
38:50Roane stepped back slightly, and directly kicked the middle-aged white man with a whip.
38:55Boom, the middle-aged. White man only felt Roane's figure flash, and he was hit hard in the abdomen,
39:02and his body hunched like a lobster and hit the wall just now. Boom. The next second, a gunshot
39:10rang out, and a bullet. Hole appeared in the center of the forehead of the middle-aged white man,
39:16and his body limp and fell to the ground. On the plate armor vest on his chest,
39:21the three big letters of the FBI were. Written brightly. Under such circumstances,
39:28the middle-aged white man was still preparing to send Llewellyn to heaven again and again.
39:33There was no way, Llewellyn had to send the other party too.
39:37First. Up. Didididi. Just as Roane was carefully checking the wallet in the opponent's pocket,
39:45Mona drove an SUV to the road outside the end of the alley, got out of the car quickly with a pistol
39:50and walked towards Roane, her eyes were full of tension and worry, Are you okay, Roane? I'm fine.
39:59Roane waved his hand, indicating that he was unharmed, then handed the wallet he found from
40:04the corpse. Pocket to Mona, and said with a smile, There's this guy's photo, credit card,
40:11and driver's license in there. Go search for his ID. No problem. After taking the wallet and seeing
40:19that there was no injury on Roane's body, Mona breathed a sigh of relief. After agreeing to
40:26Roane's request, she slapped his arm hard, with a serious face, Roane, Every time you chase the
40:32enemy by yourself, it's too. Dangerous. You must not do this next time. Roane chuckled, Okay, not
40:41next time. Glaring Roane a hard look, Mona took out her mobile phone and called the detective to
40:47come here to dispose of. The corpse. And other professional agents arrived here, and Roane and
40:54Mona immediately drove the SUV back to the Jacobs Federal Building. In the interrogation room,
41:00the white young man in the co-pilot of the gray car sat on a chair, looked at the handcuffs on
41:07his wrists, and kept looking around, with panic written on his face. The middle-aged white man
41:13is named Holland. He has been imprisoned for multiple crimes including illegal possession
41:20of multiple weapons, intentional wounding, and illegal possession of reading materials.
41:25He is now on parole. The guy in front of him is Kermit, and he is still a college student.
41:33In the monitoring room, Mona showed the other party's personal information to Roane and Lacey,
41:38and said, the experience of growing up shows that Kermit is a good boy and has no criminal record.
41:46There is now, and it starts with a felony assault on an FBI agent.
41:51Seeing the records in the computer data, the corner of Luo An's mouth slightly raised.
41:56Because it shows that Kermit is timid. After Lacey prepared the notebook, Roane put away the
42:02smile on his face, took a deep breath, and directly kicked open the door of the interrogation room.
42:09Boom! The sudden loud noise made Kermit tremble all over, his face full of panic.
42:16If his hands were not handcuffed, he almost jumped out of the chair.
42:20Kermit Sheffield. Seeing the other parties.
42:24Performance, Roane pretended to be angry, and said loudly, are you crazy?
42:30Throwing Molotov cocktails at the FBI. And then trying to drive over us.
42:36No no no. Seeing the cold light in Roane's eyes.
42:41Kermit turned pale, waved his hands again and again, and explained in a very eager tone,
42:46our target is not your FBI, but that newspaper office.
42:51And I didn't throw Molotov cocktails either. It was.
42:56All thrown by Holland. It wasn't me who was driving, it was Bob,
43:01he was the one who wanted to hit you and run away. Kermit was startled by Roane,
43:06and immediately explained everything. Lacey, who.
43:11Was sitting on the chair, recorded what the other party said,
43:14and at the same time gave Roane a thumbs up in a place that Kermit could not see.
43:20Roane raised his eyebrows with his back to Kermit, and.
43:24Then continued to speak loudly, why. Why are you throwing Molotov cocktails at
43:29that newspaper office? Do you hate newspapers?
43:34No, I don't hate the newspaper itself. Swallowing, Kermit replied.
43:40I just hate the slogan of their organization, and their behavior.
43:44Newspapers were supposed to be a neutral object to express their own opinions,
43:49but they were changed by those self-proclaimed. Elites into a tool for wantonly insulting and
43:55others. Abusing others wantonly. Roane's eyes flashed a light,
44:01and he thought of something in his mind, and asked, so you hurt them with.
44:06Molotov cocktails. Why.
44:09Just to scare them, I don't want to hurt them. Kermit replied, the reason is, of course,
44:15that group of people killed Congressman Emanuel Bain.
44:19They're political. Organization supports white supremacy.
44:24Roane nodded calmly, which was the same as his guess just now, and continued to ask,
44:29do you think that arson case is related to that newspaper office?
44:34Is there. Any evidence.
44:37I'm actually not sure about that either, that's what Holland and Bob told me.
44:42Kermit shook his head, saying that he had just joined the political organization where the two
44:46of them. Belonged not long ago, and he didn't know the specific situation inside, and then added,
44:53however, when I first joined this organization, the base was set on fire with Molotov cocktails,
44:59and we have. To move to a new location.
45:03Someone in that newspaper once claimed responsibility for it,
45:07so it is very likely that Emanuel Bain was also killed by someone in this newspaper.
45:12The base of your. Organization was burned.
45:17Lacey, who was writing with her head down, frowned, and Roane continued to ask questions,
45:22have you called the police? Kermit shook his head, because no one was injured.
45:28No police were called, only the New York Fire Department was contacted.
45:33This will also make it easier for you to take revenge afterwards.
45:37Roane nodded, and instantly guessed the thoughts of the.
45:41Leader of this political organization. Ask Kermit the address of the fire-damaged base,
45:47Roane immediately took Lacey out of the interrogation room,
45:50and then contacted the investigators of the Trace.
45:54Inspection Department to search for clues at the base.
45:58That afternoon, Ryder walked into the No. 5 investigation team with the report from
46:03the Trace Inspection Department, and laughed loudly. Everyone, good news.
46:09According to the detection of the fragments of the two burning bottles at the scene of
46:13the fire by the Trace Inspection Department, it was found that they were made of the same.
46:18Material, and the production methods and some details were also exactly the same.
46:23So the murderer behind these two cases is most likely the same person or the same group.
46:29Now the fun in this clip. Is over.
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