FBI 91-95

  • 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this clip. Don't forget
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00:22clips. Let's go listen.
00:25After 91 the robber is NYPD. After hearing Lacey's words, Augustus watched the video
00:32and quickly reacted. He clapped his hands and cursed loudly with a word starting with
00:37F. What's the meaning?
00:41Seeing that Mona still didn't react, Rome called up all six videos, slowed down the
00:45short video before the robber entered the bank, and showed her one by one, if the walking
00:50posture of the bank robbers.
00:53In the previous four cases outside the bank is called normal. Then the two robbers in
00:58the fifth and sixth cases, compared with the walking posture of the first group of robbers,
01:03their knees are more outward when they step forward.
01:07It wasn't until after opening the door and breaking into the bank lobby that the walking
01:11posture of the robbers in five or six cases became similar to that of the previous four
01:16bank robbers.
01:18To put it simply, the fifth and sixth robbers deliberately disguised their walking posture
01:23to make their image in the surveillance video of the bank hall more similar to the previous
01:29After watching the surveillance video, Mona immediately covered her mouth and looked at
01:33Roan in shock. She never expected that Roan actually found a clue to prove the imitator
01:39of the case, and it was in a video of less than two seconds.
01:43After scolding the robber, Lacey looked at Roan with the same astonishment. She is different
01:49from Mona, Lacey was shocked by Roan's carefulness and observation.
01:54August patted his big belly and grinned. He knew that Roan would never let him down.
02:00What do we do next?
02:02Silence for a while, Mona subconsciously tilted her head to look at Roan, she has been used
02:07to looking for Roan in case of trouble, even if we know there are imitators, we probably
02:12won't be able to
02:14Find each other, right?
02:16The surveillance video is too short. Except for the third case, the videos of the other
02:22cases are only about 10 seconds long. Now even if we know that the fifth case and the
02:28sixth case are really imitation crimes, the surveillance video will not be able to find
02:33any more clues.
02:35Unless you start to investigate the witness statements at the scene of the crime. But
02:39those witnesses were frightened after all, and the testimony only contained general information.
02:46Even if someone told some details, it was impossible to judge whether it was true or
02:52Lacey next to frowned, if the other party is imitating the crime, does that mean that
02:57this group of people is very clear about the specific circumstances of the previous cases?
03:03You're right.
03:04Roan pointed to the still playing computer video and said, the imitator must know the
03:09robber's height, weight, attire, and the robber's modus operandi.
03:14The interval between the fifth case and the fourth case was not long, less than a week,
03:19and the time was very fast. In such a short period of time, they were able to imitate
03:24the first group of robbers so much alike, they must have had a lot of practice.
03:30Hearing Roan's words, several people present nodded in unison.
03:34Lacey was silent for a moment and then whispered, the only one who can clearly know the details
03:39of the previous four cases is the NYPD, except for the agents of the No. 14 investigation team.
03:47After the bank was robbed, they pressed the alarm bell.
03:51Although the FBI would also receive the news, it was the NYPD who arrived at the bank the
03:56first time.
03:58After all, they have patrolmen patrolling the streets, and maintaining order at the
04:02crime scene is also one of their jobs.
04:07Hearing Lacey's words, Augustus's big grinning mouth suddenly closed, and then looked at
04:12her with a serious expression, you sure?
04:15Charges against New York police officers are serious business.
04:20The New York police force is numerous, more than 30,000 people.
04:24The funding is also huge, ranking first in the entire federation in terms of budget and
04:29expenditure for the police department.
04:32In addition, the police are extremely united in the face of an organization like the FBI,
04:38so unless they get 100% certain direct evidence, the FBI will not move them easily.
04:44NYPD is actually just one side.
04:47Roan next to him shook his head.
04:50He thought that the chances of NYPD being the robber in the latter two robberies were
04:54very small, in addition to the New York police, when the previous four cases occurred, the
05:00witnesses who were
05:02locked in the bank, bank staff, bank security guards, bank managers, etc., all had the possibility
05:08of committing crimes.
05:11Hearing Roan's words, Augustus's slightly frowning brows were relieved, and Lacey nodded
05:16after a moment of thought.
05:18Mona tilted her head and looked at Roan.
05:22Roan picked up the confessions of the fifth case and the sixth case, briefly flipped through
05:26them and said, continue to say, so our next task is to carefully investigate these people.
05:33See if there have been any abnormal changes in their economic levels in the recent period.
05:38As for the first four cases, we will investigate after we have clarified the circumstances
05:43of these two cases.
05:47After listening to Roan's analysis, Augustus's face showed a smile, stood up on the chair
05:52with a big belly, waved at the technicians sitting behind, and shouted loudly, we're
05:57going to do some.
05:58IRS work next.
06:01Scrutinize everyone at the scene of the first four cases.
06:05Be sure to find out their recent financial situation.
06:09At the same time, Augustus did not give up on the clue of NYPD.
06:14After pondering for a moment, he turned his attention to William, go and check the case
06:18log to see which New York police officers have checked the documents of the previous
06:22four robberies.
06:24If you find abnormal times, report them to me immediately.
06:30William nodded heavily with a serious expression, turned and left the No. 5 Investigation Team.
06:37As Augustus's arrangements fell, the entire No. 5 Investigation Team began to get busy,
06:42and Roan began to.
06:44Take a sip of coffee and continue to check the monitoring.
06:48More than two hours later, several technicians of the No. 5 Investigation Team sorted out
06:53a list of suspicious persons.
06:56The list is full of basic information such as height and weight, people who are similar
07:01to the robbers in the previous four robberies.
07:04And they had no alibi for the fifth and sixth robberies.
07:08The list includes witnesses to the scene of the previous four cases, including relatives
07:13of bank staff and bank security.
07:18Seeing that there was actually the security guard who was robbed of the bank for the first
07:21time in the list, Llewellyn frowned slightly.
07:24The list shows that Freddy, the bank security guard, was a soldier when he was young.
07:31His salary in the bank was average, and his standard of living had always been average.
07:37Although he hasn't bought a new car or house recently, he started going to A with a high
07:41consumption level after get-off work.
07:44On the day of the fifth and sixth robberies, he asked for leave from the bank and did not
07:49go to work.
07:50This is something Freddy has never done before.
07:54Lacey on the side saw the records in the list, frowned slightly, but still tilted her head
07:59to look at Roan.
08:00Do you want to check this security guard?
08:04Roan nodded, put away the list, got up and took Lacey to the equipment room, let's see
08:09whether Mr. Freddy goes to a strip bar to work part-time as a security guard at night
08:15because of lack of money, or simply goes to a strip bar to enjoy the customs of New York.
08:21The first bank to be robbed.
08:24The pitch-black SUV came to a stop slowly, and Roan and Lacey, who were fully armed,
08:29got out of the car, opened the door and entered the bank, and an elderly black security guard
08:34with a puffy stomach.
08:37Immediately greeted them.
08:39Hello, two agents.
08:41The elderly black security guard shook hands with Roan, stretched out his hand to lure
08:46the two into the reception area of the lobby, and then asked with a smile, is there anything
08:51you two need my help with?
08:55After reaching out his hand and shaking each other, Roan asked directly without any nonsense,
09:00where is Freddy now?
09:02Didn't he come to work?
09:04He went to buy coffee and should be right back.
09:07Hearing Roan's question, the elderly black security guard smiled and pointed to the coffee
09:12shop diagonally opposite the bank.
09:15At this time, a middle-aged white man wearing a bank security uniform walked into the bank
09:20with two cups of coffee.
09:23Seeing this, the elderly black man immediately stretched out his hand and shouted, Freddy.
09:29Someone's looking for you.
09:31When Roan and Lacey heard this, they immediately turned their attention to Freddy.
09:37Freddy saw Roan and Lacey in full armor, the smile on his face froze immediately, and
09:42without hesitation, he threw the coffee in his hand aside, turned and ran.
09:49Seeing Freddy turning and running without hesitation, Roan and Lacey Chi Chi cursed secretly,
09:55and hurriedly got up and chased after him.
09:58There is a wide road between the outside of the bank and the coffee shop on the opposite
10:04When Roan and Lacey rushed out of the bank, Freddy ran across the road quickly, regardless
10:09of the danger of being hit by a car.
10:12You left and I right.
10:14Seeing Freddy running fast, Lacey didn't hesitate, turned her head and said something to Roan,
10:19and ran after him.
10:23Roan didn't talk nonsense, and rushed out in another direction decisively.
10:28After 92 good news and bad news originally, Llewellyn planned to chase after him by car,
10:34after all, no one can outrun a car.
10:37But seeing the long queue of cars that were blocked at a red light on the road, Roan still
10:42gave up this idea.
10:46Roan was running fast, while yelling loudly for passersby on the road to evade.
10:52Hearing the words of the FBI, the passersby on the road subconsciously leaned aside, and
10:57then turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, all of them suddenly showed
11:03Because it was the first time they saw the FBI running so fast while fully armed.
11:08Many passersby didn't react.
11:11Roan blew past them like a gust of wind, leaving them with a dark back.
11:16Many people didn't even see Roan's face clearly.
11:20Ignoring the gift crab and Jesus that kept ringing in his ears, Roan ran forward at high
11:25speed, while guessing the running speed of the other party based on the back of Freddy
11:29he saw just now.
11:31The next second, Roan turned decisively and rushed into an alley, startling a couple looking
11:36for excitement, and under Freddy's shocked eyes, Roan's figure suddenly appeared in front
11:41of him.
11:44Startled by Roan who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, Freddy cursed and hurriedly
11:49turned around, ready to run across the road.
11:53This time, there were several children on the road who were skateboarding.
11:57Seeing this, Roan didn't choose to pull out his gun, but borrowed the skateboard from
12:02one of the children and threw it at Freddy.
12:05The skateboard drew a beautiful parabola in the air, and hit Fraser on the back of the
12:09head impartially.
12:12Ah dash, Freddy was hit by the heavy skateboard, and immediately yelled, his whole body staggered,
12:18and then fell hard to the ground.
12:21Nice job.
12:24At this time, Lacey also ran here quickly, and while praising Roan loudly, she grabbed
12:29Freddy's hands, pressed her knees on Freddy's back, took out the handcuffs, and handcuffed
12:37Seeing how accurately his skateboard knocked Freddy to the ground, the boy looked at Roan
12:41in shock.
12:43Seeing this, Roan reached out and rubbed the boy's head, grinning, thanks for the skateboard.
12:49No, I thank you, Mr. Detective.
12:53The boy showed a very happy smile on his face, patted Roan's arm vigorously, and said happily,
12:59I finally have a reason to ask my dad to get me a new skateboard.
13:04The office area of the number 5 investigation team.
13:09Walking into the interrogation room with Lacey, looking at Freddy who was handcuffed to a
13:13chair and had been silent since entering the interrogation room, Roan handed him a cup
13:17of coffee with a smile, and then asked with a smile, how is it, Mr. Freddy, does your
13:24head still hurt?
13:26Glared at Roan fiercely, Freddy, who was suffering from pain in the back of his head, didn't
13:31answer, but picked up his coffee and took a sip.
13:35Then the indescribable bitterness burst into his mouth.
13:39Very bitter.
13:40Seeing Freddy's distorted face, Roan opened the folder in his hand and said with a smile,
13:45I want to tell you more bitter news.
13:48The skateboard that knocked you down just now was broken, so you need to compensate
13:52that kid with a skateboard.
13:55Hearing this, Freddy's face twitched, almost tense, and he took a deep breath to suppress
14:00the restlessness in his heart.
14:02Roan guessed what the other party was thinking, and then spread his hands, and continued to
14:07smile and said, that kid is very sensible.
14:11He didn't pick those expensive skateboards.
14:14He only picked a $20,000 skateboard.
14:18The money will be deducted from you later.
14:21Fu K.U.
14:23Hearing this, Freddy's lips trembled, he couldn't hold back anymore, and cursed,
14:28what skateboard is worth $20,000?
14:30Also, you smashed that skateboard.
14:34I'm the victim.
14:36It's only $20,000, and you can afford it anyway.
14:40Roan shook his head with a smile, and Lacey pulled out a few photos from the folder, threw
14:45them in front of Freddy's eyes, and asked with a serious face, what's with the money?
14:51In the photo, when Lacey caught Freddy not long ago and went to his house to search for
14:55clues, she found $100,000 in the floor under the living room table of Freddy's house.
15:02The money was not recorded in any of Freddy's bank cards, and it was hidden in such a secret
15:06way that it was obviously of unknown origin.
15:10Seeing the photo on the table, Freddy's face changed, and he leaned back on the chair again,
15:15with a gloomy expression, without saying a word.
15:19Don't tell me.
15:20Seeing Freddy's expression, Lacey's face became serious.
15:25Seeing this, Roan quickly waved his hand to interrupt his teammate's charge.
15:30The situation was not that serious.
15:33Lacey tilted her head and looked at Roan, with her own doubts in her eyes, what are
15:37you going to do?
15:39The corners of Roan's mouth hooked slightly, and he put away the photo in front of Freddy's eyes.
15:45After coughing lightly, his eyes were fixed on Freddy's face, but he said to Lacey, this
15:50money must not have been obtained through legitimate means, so what are the improper
15:54ways for our mister?
15:57Freddy to get $100,000.
16:00Lacey tilted her head in confusion and didn't answer.
16:04Freddy showed disdain, but Roan chuckled and continued, it's nothing more than selling
16:08flour, kidnapping, assassinating, robbing banks, and selling information.
16:14The first few nouns did not change Freddy's face in the slightest, especially the bank
16:19robbery, Roan frowned suddenly.
16:21But he continued to stare at Freddy's face, and said calmly, gangs, scams, casinos, trafficking,
16:28bombs, murder, Freddy still didn't respond to the first few terms.
16:33When Roan mentioned the bomb, Fraser's eyes suddenly flicked to the right unnaturally,
16:38and Roan suddenly smiled, so it has something to do with the bomb.
16:43Hearing this, Freddy was still expressionless, but his sudden unnatural breathing rhythm,
16:48and his hesitation to change his posture made the smile on Roan's face even bigger.
16:53The money in the photo just now was found by Lacey.
16:57The trace inspection department did not search Freddy's home.
17:01So Roan put away the folder, got up and looked at Freddy, and said calmly, okay, the interrogation
17:07is over, contact the trace inspection department and let them search Freddy's home immediately.
17:13As long as there is a bomb, or traces of the bomb's raw materials.
17:18Speaking of this, Roan suddenly slapped the table heavily.
17:24The loud voice not only startled Lacey, but also shook Fraser's body, who lowered his
17:29head and hesitated, and subconsciously raised his head to look at Roan.
17:33At this moment, there was no smile on Luo An's face, the coldness in his eyes was clearly
17:39visible, and his voice was also extremely cold, during the law enforcement process,
17:46Fraser not only resisted the FBI's law enforcement very much, but also refused to answer the
17:51FBI's questions during the interrogation.
17:54His attitude was extremely stubborn and stubborn.
17:58I will tell the judge all these things, if there is no accident, you will spend the rest
18:02of your life in the most safe prison in the Federation.
18:07Hearing this, Fraser's expression suddenly changed.
18:11Just as Roan and Lacey walked out of the interrogation room and immediately closed the door of the
18:15interrogation room, Freddy finally couldn't take it anymore, and hurriedly shouted, I
18:21can answer.
18:22Your questions.
18:24Lacey raised her lips, and just as she was about to turn around and go back into the
18:28interrogation room, Roan grabbed the door of the interrogation room, ignored Freddy,
18:33and directly closed the door.
18:39Hearing the faint shouts coming from the interrogation room, Lacey, who had already thought clearly,
18:44smiled and patted Roan's arm, Roan, your trick is too old.
18:49It doesn't matter if you are old or not, as long as it works.
18:54Roan shrugged.
18:56Unless Freddy was prepared to spend the rest of his life in prison before being caught,
19:00he wouldn't dare to gamble his own fate on the truth of what Roan said.
19:04Obviously, $100,000 is not enough for Freddy and Roan to gamble the rest of their lives.
19:11More than an hour later, Lacey and Mona came out of the interrogation room.
19:16Lacey threw a folder to Roan, stretched vigorously, and said calmly, Freddy wasn't the robber
19:22in the 5th and 6th bank robberies.
19:25When those two cases happened, he was discussing bomb making with a group of people and had
19:30no time to commit crimes.
19:32Of course, in order to prove that what he said is true, Freddy is willing to assist
19:37us in arresting those who want to make bombs.
19:42Roan nodded, reached out and entered the information of the person who made the bomb that Freddy
19:46said into the computer, and a picture of a wanted criminal suddenly appeared in front
19:51of his eyes.
19:52Seeing the string of numbers below the wanted criminal, Roan smiled and shouted to the agents
19:57on the side, guys.
20:00The bad news is, Freddy is not a bank robber.
20:04The good news is, we're getting another big bonus this week.
20:08Hearing what Luoan said later, all the agents of the No. 5 investigation team grinned.
20:14Just when Roan was about to continue to say something, Mona suddenly pulled Roan's arm
20:18and whispered in his ear, Roan, there is something new.
20:23Chapter 93 Actor.
20:27Hearing this, Roan tilted his head for a moment, Mona patted him on the shoulder and said with
20:31a smile, Freddy regrets it very much now.
20:35After learning that we are investigating a bank robbery, he said that he can tell some
20:39clues and hopes that we will be in front of the judge later.
20:43Seeing Mona's mouth raised and her hands spread out, Roan showed a sunny smile on her face.
20:49Listen first before speaking.
20:52It was about a bank robbery case.
20:55Regardless of whether the news was true or not, it was okay to listen to it.
21:00Roan didn't hesitate, got up and went back to the interrogation room with Mona.
21:05In the interrogation room, Freddy, who was being handcuffed, had an extremely complicated
21:10expression on his face.
21:13After that bank robbery, Freddy almost lost his job.
21:17Although I kept my job, my wages were deducted.
21:21Because he was deducted from his wages and was forced by life, Freddy agreed to the group
21:25of bombers.
21:27When I saw the FBI, I thought they were catching me because of the bomb, so Freddy turned around
21:32and ran away without thinking.
21:35As a result, during the interrogation just now, Freddy suddenly learned that the reason
21:39why the FBI came looking for him was actually the bank robbery not long ago.
21:45Biaozi raised it.
21:48Freddy sat on a chair with a grim face, and greeted the bank robber and his family non-stop
21:53with traditional American elegant words.
21:57For those two bank robbers, Freddy's eagerness to catch each other is more urgent than Roan's.
22:03Even Freddy wanted to ask Roan, which prison the bank robbers would be sent to after they
22:07were caught, and whether they had a chance to meet or something.
22:11The door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and as soon as Roan walked in with Mona,
22:16Freddy said eagerly, to what extent have you investigated now?
22:20Have you identified any specific suspects?
22:23Roan, who was sitting on the chair, was taken aback by Freddy's words, but when he realized
22:29that Freddy asked the reason for such words, he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.
22:35But Roan's face didn't show it.
22:38After opening the folder, he asked calmly, Freddy, now I'm asking you, not you asking
22:43me, okay?
23:05When the first bank robbery happened, Freddy happened to be the security guard that day.
23:10So what Freddy said was his direct witness at the scene when the robbery happened.
23:15More than two people.
23:17Hearing what Freddy said, Roan frowned, raised his head and asked, what do you mean by this
23:24The two robbers that day, after obliterating the surveillance in the bank lobby, checked
23:28their mobile phones many times.
23:31He changed into a more comfortable position, and said in a deep voice, after the robber
23:36with the pistol threatened me to put down the pistol with the voice on the mobile phone,
23:40I looked in the mirror next to the robber and saw that the mobile phone in his hand
23:45had received two text messages.
23:48I didn't see the specific content of the text message, but I saw that after the robber read
23:53the message, the order in which he pressed the keyboard when replying to the message
23:57was, everything is going well.
24:01After listening to Freddy's description, Roan frowned, and Mona tilted her head to
24:05ask, in the statement at the scene of the crime, you didn't seem to have said this.
24:10No, I said that.
24:13Freddy shook his head, saying that the person who was in charge of recording his statement
24:17that day was a rookie in NYPD, and the other party did not believe his words.
24:23Originally, Freddy planned to argue with the other party, but at that time the bank manager
24:28called him.
24:30Freddy didn't dare to offend the bank manager, so he gave up the idea of theory, glared at
24:34the rookie, turned and left there.
24:37Mona turned her head to look at Roan.
24:40Seeing Roan bowed her head in thought, she tapped a pen on the table and asked with a
24:44serious face, do you have any other evidence?
24:49Freddy shook his head, but then said that what he said was true, there must be other
24:54accomplices behind the group of bank robbers.
24:57All right.
24:59Using this information in a notebook, Roan was silent for a moment, did not express any
25:04opinion on this information, but asked casually, Freddy, do you have anyone to suspect about
25:09these two?
25:11Bank robbers?
25:14Hearing what Roan said, Freddy said firmly, before this bank robbery, the bank fired a
25:19bank manager and I seriously doubt that person.
25:23According to Freddy's description, the first bank to be robbed had a white manager named
25:27Owen who was about the same size as the robber some time ago.
25:32That Owen is like an actor every day, holding two photos and discussing his family with
25:36the employees in the bank, always talking about how happy his family is and how much
25:41his wife loves him.
25:43Mentioning the bank manager, Freddy spit out sour water, but who in the bank doesn't know
25:48that Owen goes to the bar to drink and hunt every day after get off work, and doesn't
25:52go home at all.
25:56Roan wrote down Owen's name in his notes, and asked Freddy a few more questions, until
26:01the other party really couldn't say anything useful, then turned around and took Mona out
26:06of the interrogation.
26:09It seems that Freddy is very upset with that Owen.
26:13Walking out of the interrogation room, Mona was speechless.
26:17Later, when Roan asked Freddy other questions, Freddy would miraculously bring the topic
26:22back to Owen.
26:24Maybe it's jealousy, or other work conflicts.
26:28Roan replied casually, stretched his waist after returning to the workstation, and continued
26:33to say to Mona, but still check this Owen, the other party is more or less suspicious.
26:39Simply check where Owen was when the six cases occurred, and whether there is any alibi.
26:45No problem.
26:47Throwing the notebook aside, Mona nodded, and began typing on the keyboard with her
26:51ten fingers.
26:53Lacey on the side slowly came over, picked up the interrogation record recorded by Mona
26:58and looked at it, the corner of her mouth twitched, and she tilted her head to look
27:02at Roan, this Owen.
27:05Roan looked down at the notebook in his hand, leaned on his chin in thought and did not
27:11It doesn't take much time to check more.
27:13Mona, who tapped the keyboard, replied casually, maybe with luck, this Owen happens to be the
27:21All right.
27:23Lacey nodded, no one can tell about luck, and what Mona said is not impossible.
27:28A few minutes later, Mona suddenly pushed the keyboard forward and spread her hands,
27:33well, I was wrong, it seems we are not very lucky.
27:37After being dismissed by the bank for business reasons, Owen left the Federation by plane
27:42and never came back from the European countries.
27:46Looking at the ticket records on the computer screen, Lacey shrugged, saw the list of suspicious
27:50persons compiled by the previous technicians, and held it up, there are more than a dozen
27:55people on.
27:57This list, should we check them one by one?
28:01Mona heard this and was about to say something when Roan, who had pondered for a long time,
28:06suddenly drew a circle again in his notebook.
28:09Roan, what did you find?
28:12Seeing this, Mona and Lacey, Chi Chi cast their eyes on Roan.
28:17Roan didn't talk nonsense, just nodded and said in a deep voice, the words Freddy used
28:21to describe Owen just reminded me.
28:25You said, the group of imitators and robbers in the 5th and 6th cases, would their real
28:29profession be actors?
28:33Hearing this, Mona and Lacey Chi Chi were stunned.
28:37Chapter 94 New Ideas and New Clues, that's right, it's an actor.
28:42Luoan nodded, seeing the doubts on the faces of the two, replayed the video on the computer,
28:48and explained with a serious expression, as you have seen before, in the 5th case and
28:52the 6th case.
28:54The two robbers deliberately disguised their walking posture.
28:59But the walking posture is not so easy to disguise, unless you have received special
29:05It is completely possible to change a person's walking posture after a long period of planning.
29:11But imitating someone else's walking posture is a whole other matter, far more difficult
29:16than changing your own walking posture.
29:19The gap between the 5th robbery and the 4th robbery is less than a month.
29:24In such a short period of time, I was able to imitate my walking posture into the surveillance,
29:29and without careful observation, I couldn't find a difference between them and the previous
29:36Except for special talents in certain departments, this kind of person can only be realized by
29:40actors who have undergone systematic training.
29:44After listening to Roan's words, Lacey lowered her head and thought.
29:48Mona took the list and was about to speak when Augustus suddenly walked over.
29:54Seeing this, Mona took advantage of the situation and told Augustus about Roan's analysis just
30:00After listening to Mona's words, Augustus patted his stomach and looked at Roan solemnly,
30:05So, we are going to check this list next, people who have acting experience.
30:12Roan nodded and added a sentence along the way, not only the people on the list, but
30:17also those witnesses who are not on the list, it is best to check again.
30:23August nodded, and immediately got up and arranged for the technicians of the number
30:27five investigation team to reinvestigate the witnesses of the previous four cases.
30:34Immediately afterwards, Augustus patted Roan on the shoulder, signaling Roan to come to
30:38his office.
30:40In the team leader's office, Luo An sat down.
30:43I went to a meeting just now and got a new message.
30:47August sat on a chair, took a sip of coffee and said to Roan, after Broson left the building,
30:53the investigation team number 14 was not dismissed.
30:57Hearing this, Roan was taken aback for a moment, then realized something, frowned, and asked
31:03tentatively, the leader of the investigation team number 14, is that Matthews?
31:09August nodded, that's right, it's him.
31:13Getting an affirmative answer from Augustus, Roan scratched his head immediately.
31:19Since Vernie told Roan last time that he finally took over the serial bank robbery, Roan has
31:24always believed that the number 14 investigation team is a hole dug for Broson by his superiors.
31:30Broson left, this hole will naturally be filled.
31:34But now this investigation team still exists, and it is completely controlled by that Matthews.
31:41Thinking of this, Roan was startled, looked up at Augustus, and asked in a low voice,
31:46this Matthews, is the special supervisor agent Corbett?
31:50Special agent in charge, Corbett, a white middle-aged male with a gray beard and a little
31:57He is the superior of the four team supervisors of Veronese and the others.
32:02In the New York branch of the FBI, his status is the same as that of the other special agent
32:07supervisor, second only to the director and deputy director.
32:12It was also the person who dug a hole and buried Broson himself by taking advantage
32:16of Roan's successful solution last time.
32:20If Matthews is really from Corbett, then Matthews is hiding too deeply.
32:25Roan frowned.
32:26August was very satisfied with Roan's reaction speed, but shook his head and said, I don't
32:32know about this matter, after all, I'm just the leader of the investigation team.
32:37Roan frowned, just about to continue to ask something, Augustus leaned back directly,
32:42his face was calm, and he said calmly, but you don't have to worry about this, Roan.
32:49Hearing this, Roan frowned and looked up.
32:53Seeing Augustus's slightly raised mouth, Roan reacted after being silent for a few seconds,
32:58and smiled again on his face.
33:01He really doesn't have to worry.
33:04About this Matthews.
33:06Matthews is the leader of the number 14 investigation team, and he has no authority over Roan of
33:11the number 5 investigation team.
33:14If you really want to do that, Augustus will not be able to pass this test.
33:21Not only that, Matthews is 99% afraid to do such things as stumbling in the later process
33:26of solving the case.
33:28Browson's lessons learned before his eyes, plus Vernie has been.
33:33Paying attention to Roan, and Roan also got special agent Corbett's eyes because of the
33:38serial murder case.
33:40In this case, there is a high probability that Matthews will only mock Roan behind his.
33:46Back, and will not really do anything to Roan.
33:50Thinking of this, Roan showed a sunny smile on his face, I see, thank you sir.
33:57August nodded in satisfaction, then briefly asked about the
34:01progress of the serial bank robbery case, and then waved his hand to signal Roan that
34:06he could leave the office.
34:08It feels like someone is covering the needle and the needle doesn't poke.
34:15Out of the team leader's office, Roan glanced at the direction of the office area of the
34:19number 14 investigation team, and grinned.
34:24Before Roan could continue recalling the information about.
34:29Matthews in his mind, Mona in the office suddenly waved her hand, signaling Roan to hurry over.
34:35What's wrong?
34:37Roan walked to Mona and turned his gaze to the computer, only to hear Mona say, I.
34:43Just checked the bank staff and bank security guards in the previous four robberies.
34:48None of them have any experience in learning acting.
34:51Hearing this, Roan frowned.
34:54Lacey on the side also took the.
34:57Report handed over by the technician at this time, looked at it briefly, raised her head
35:02and said to Roan, those New York citizens who went to the bank to handle business, but
35:06were forced to become.
35:08Hostages because of the robbers, did not have the experience of learning acting.
35:14Several technicians of the number five investigation team checked the basic information of some
35:18people, and the speed was.
35:21Not ordinary.
35:23Hearing this, Llewellyn sat back on the chair at his station, frowned, and checked the video
35:28on the computer again.
35:30It's okay, Roan.
35:32Seeing the expression on Roan's face, Lacey smiled.
35:36Slightly, patted his head, and comforted him in a low voice, finding the wrong clue is
35:42a normal thing, just go back and change your thinking and reanalyze.
35:46We just broke up a bomb case that may appear in a while, it's not a loss.
35:53That's not enough to get me down, Lacey.
35:56Roan twisted his body, avoiding Lacey's hand slapping his head, and replied helplessly,
36:01I'm just wondering if I've overlooked something.
36:06Mona on the side heard this, her ten fingers continued to dance on the keyboard, and she
36:11casually replied, we have all watched these short and broken videos so many times.
36:17What can we ignore?
36:21Lacey nodded.
36:22When Roan heard this, he suddenly noticed something, and immediately raised his eyebrows,
36:28what about the video itself?
36:30What's the meaning?
36:33Tilted her head in doubt.
36:36Mona's words reminded me that these videos have their own problems.
36:40Roan threw the pen in his hand on the table, his eyes flickering, since the robbers in
36:44the fifth end.
36:47Sixth robberies are the gangsters in the first four robberies simulated, they must know the
36:51figure and movement of the robbers in the first four robberies.
36:55You mean, hearing this, Mona also.
36:59Reacted suddenly, and said in surprise, the robbers in these two cases may have seen these
37:07Roan clapped his hands, nodded heavily, and then said, but except for the third robbery,
37:14the videos of the other three robberies are too short, there is no need to check it, so.
37:20So, these two imitators must have checked the complete crime video of the robber recorded
37:24by the hidden camera in the third robbery case.
37:30Lacey also reacted at this time, exclaiming, the robber is among the witnesses in the third
37:36Not necessarily the witness himself.
37:39Roan grabbed the list on the desk and said with a serious face, we have always paid more
37:45attention to the witnesses at the scene of the crime, but ignored their family members,
37:50relatives and friends.
37:52Don't forget that these people also have the opportunity to learn about the specifics of
37:58these cases.
38:00Hearing Luo An's words, everyone in the number five investigation team was stunned.
38:05Without hesitation, he immediately focused his attention on the relatives and friends
38:11of the witnesses at the scene of the crime, and at the same time checked the financial
38:15situation of these people.
38:17Soon, Mona exclaimed, Roan, come to me quickly.
38:24Chapter 95 Arrest of Suspects When Roan heard this, he hurried to Mona's side.
38:30On Mona's computer screen was the identity information of one of the bank's account managers
38:35named Namit in the third bank robbery.
38:39The so-called account manager is another kind of sales that recommends deposits and loans
38:43to customers, as well as other businesses.
38:47When the third robbery happened, this Namit happened to be in the office on the side of
38:52the bank lobby, recommending some kind of financial product to an old man.
38:57After briefly reading Namit's information, Roan tilted his head and asked, what's wrong
39:03with this person?
39:05This Namit's wife has a younger brother.
39:08Fingers flying on the keyboard, the relationship of the account manager named Namit was quickly
39:14called up.
39:16Among them, the younger brother of Namit's wife came into the eyes of the two of them.
39:21Mona pointed to the identity information of this person and said, Namit's wife's younger
39:27Named Brandon, studied music arts and performance in college.
39:31Later, this guy was first warned by the school for selling leaves and flower in the school,
39:37and later because of fighting and shooting.
39:40Other students in the school, he was expelled from the school before graduation.
39:45Seeing the information in the computer, Luoan grinned suddenly.
39:49This guy was obviously born in the wrong era.
39:54He was born more than 10 years later, selling leaves and flower in college is not a problem
39:59at all.
40:00As for the shooting at the school, if Brandon later said that he has certain diseases that
40:06At certain times, and he is a gender minority.
40:10Just get some special talent to handle it, and maybe Brandon won't get fired at all,
40:15and maybe get a scholarship.
40:17This guy had the acting experience.
40:20He mentioned earlier, so I looked up his relationships.
40:24Mona went on to explain, when the 5th case and the 6th case happened, Namit was working
40:29at the bank and had no time to commit crimes.
40:33So he would not be one of the robbers.
40:36So I started to check the relatives and friends around Brandon, and I found out that this
40:40guy named Delano grew up with Brandon.
40:43But Delano did not go to college, but went to the army after graduating from high school.
40:50Later, for unknown reasons, he left the army and returned home.
40:55Since returning home, Delano has been imprisoned 6 times for.
41:00Drunken injury and twice for drunk driving, and he just got out of prison some time ago.
41:06Seeing these materials, Roan narrowed his eyes slightly, after the incident, the FBI
41:11only copied a surveillance video from a hidden camera, and the bank itself still has the
41:17surveillance itself.
41:19As Namit's manager, it is not a problem to secretly copy a surveillance video after the
41:24FBI and NYPD.
41:28This Brandon and Delano can completely get the surveillance video through Namit.
41:35Lacey and Mona Chi Chi nodded.
41:38Roan carefully checked the information in the computer for a while.
41:42Touched his chin and asked, is there any other information?
41:46With these things alone, we can't directly lock them, after all, they are all indirect
41:54As soon as Luoan finished speaking, Mona nodded, her fingers fluttered on the keyboard, and
42:01then she pointed to the newly appeared information on the computer and said, there is an ice
42:05cream shop in Delano's house, which almost closed down some time ago.
42:11But recently, these ice cream shops suddenly began to close down for reorganization and
42:16renovation without bank loans, sales to others, and no capital injection.
42:22From others.
42:24Not only that, that Brandon recently bought a new car with full payment, which he couldn't
42:28afford at all given his economic level.
42:32Ice cream parlors are also prone to money.
42:37Seeing the photo of Brandon buying a new car on the computer and the smiling face in the
42:41photo of Delano's identity information, Ruan nodded without hesitation.
42:46He immediately got up.
42:49And went to the equipment warehouse, and at the same time said to Lacey, notify SWAT,
42:54we will go chat with these two talents now.
42:57The operation was divided into three groups.
43:01Mona was.
43:03Responsible for arresting the account manager Namit, Lacey was responsible for arresting
43:07Brandon, and Ruan was responsible for arresting Delano.
43:12Three of them have the support of SWAT action team.
43:16Members behind them.
43:17According to the credit card records, Delano held a party at home today, and Brandon also
43:22went to attend, so Lacey and Ruan went to Delano's home together.
43:27The pitch black SUV.
43:29Is galloping on the road.
43:31Lacey, who was sitting in the co-pilot, touched the seat belt on her chest, tilted her head
43:37to look at Ruan, who was still dressed in a plate armor vest plus shock bombs plus.
43:43Extended magazine clips, and after taking a deep breath, Lacey asked, Ruan, can you
43:48drive a little slower?
43:50Body armor can't help you resist the damage caused by a car accident.
43:55Trust my skills.
43:58Ruan turned the steering wheel and steered the SUV into the next intersection while grinning,
44:04And there are still a few hours before we get off work.
44:08Hurry up and catch the robbers and.
44:11Get off work quickly.
44:13Don't leave today's things until tomorrow.
44:16This is a correct concept of life.
44:19Hearing what Ruan said, the corners of Lacey's mouth twitched.
44:24Just as she was about to continue.
44:26To say something, Ruan directly parked the car to the side of the road, turned around
44:31and smiled at her, Okay, here we are.
44:36The place where Delano lives at this time is located in the.
44:40Upper part of Brooklyn.
44:42It is a beautiful second-floor apartment.
44:45In the apartment at this time, there are a group of men and women in cool clothes.
44:50While dancing to the sound of music, as long as.
44:54They have a happy chat, they will occasionally go to the upstairs bedroom to interact and
44:59discuss their body structure.
45:02Brothers and sisters.
45:04Amidst the deafening music, Brandon held a protruding.
45:08White girl in his arms, raised a bottle of beer in his right hand, and shouted loudly.
45:14After attracting the attention of everyone present, the other finger to Delano, let's
45:18thank the hosts of the.
45:22Thanks to my good brother Delano.
45:24Such a perfect party.
45:26To Delano.
45:28Hearing Brandon's words, the men and women in the villa cheered together, picked up the
45:33wine in their hands, raised it.
45:36To Delano who was standing at the stairs of the villa, and then all raised their heads,
45:40ready to drink the wine in their hands and do.
45:43At this time.
45:48The deafening sound of the door.
45:51Collapsing and the slogan of the FBI startled everyone present.
45:55By the time they all turned their eyes to the direction of the sound, the heavily armed
45:59SWAT team members had already rushed into the.
46:03Villa with weapons in their hands, and surrounded everyone present.
46:07Ah dash, suddenly, the young girls present showed everyone how high a human voice can
46:14Roan, who was fully armed, entered the hall.
46:18Of the villa.
46:20Seeing this scene, he picked up a flowerpot by the wall and smashed it to the ground without
46:24saying a word.
46:28The sound of the flowerpot being smashed attracted the attention of.
46:32The men and women present.
46:35Seeing this, Roan hooked the corner of his mouth, and shouted with a cold face, this
46:39operation has nothing to do with most of you, don't get injured by your own actions.
46:45Now, the man stands on the left.
46:48The woman stands on the right.
46:51The other gender stands in the middle.
46:53When they cast their eyes on Roan, some of the girls who were still showing their voices.
46:59Stopped singing hastily.
47:01The rest of the girls who were still showing their voices were pulled by their arms by
47:05their companions, and after carefully looking at Roan's face, they also stopped.
47:11Showing their voices instantly.
47:14After hearing Roan's words, these girls were more active than the men present, and ran
47:18to the right side of the living room closer to Roan.
47:21Lacey, who was standing behind Roan, saw this scene, and snorted uncomfortably, pushed Roan
47:29aside, looked at the men in the living room and asked, where's Brandon?
47:33Originally, I was very puzzled as to why the FBI would raid the crowd here.
47:40Hearing Lacey's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then Chi Chi turned his
47:44attention to Brandon, who was hiding in the corner of the crowd, trying to hide his presence.
47:50With his head down.
47:53After complimenting the good brothers in the living room, Lacey pulled Brandon out of the
47:58crowd, took out the handcuffs and handcuffed him.
48:01Seeing so many guns in there.
48:04Hall of the Villa, although Brandon drank a little too much, he hesitated for a while
48:08and still didn't dare to resist.
48:11But he kept yelling that the FBI was arresting people, that he had never done.
48:16Anything, and so on.
48:19Hearing this, Luoan didn't talk nonsense, and asked in a cold voice, where's Delano?
48:26Brandon heard the words, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, but he still shook his
48:32Pretending to be calm, I have no idea.
48:35Everyone in the hall looked left and right, but they didn't find Delano.
48:40At this moment, several SWAT team members came down from the second floor with a few.
48:45Men and women wearing only jackets and shorts, shook their heads and said to Roan, I didn't
48:50find it upstairs.
48:53Several heavily armed SWAT players also came up from the stairs in the basement at.
48:58This time, shaking their heads, neither in the basement.
49:02Lacey frowned when she heard this.
49:05They were outside the Villa just now, and they clearly heard the shouts of this group
49:09of people.
49:11Now the.
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