FBI 71-75

  • 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this
00:15clip. Don't forget to like and comment so that the admin will have the
00:20encouragement to continue making clips. Let's go listen. Chapter 71 the new corpse
00:27so don't just interact outdoors. Seeing Ken sitting on the ground with weak legs
00:33but still hugging the weeping raven tightly, Rome was speechless. Let's not
00:37talk about mosquito bites. There are so many horror movies released by the
00:42Federation every year. Don't you remember any of the stories in them? Ken swallowed
00:48and said in a trembling voice, I thought it was all stories. The inspiration for
00:54the stories comes from life, young people. Shaking his head, let the two young people
00:59get into the SUV to rest, then took out his mobile phone and called the parents
01:03of the two young people, telling them to come pick them up quickly. It should be
01:08the same person, Rome. On the edge of the lake, in a deep pit washed out by the
01:13current, a female corpse was buried in the water, lying quietly in it. Lacey stood
01:19on the edge of the pit and took a brief look and found that the strangle marks
01:23on the neck of the female corpse were clearly visible, there were signs of
01:27being bound on the wrists and ankles, some bruises could be seen faintly on
01:33the collarbone and the pants of the corpse were also a little skewed. The
01:37most important thing is that the ring on the corpse's hand has disappeared. All
01:42right. Seeing Susan's body, Rome was silent for a moment, called Augustus and
01:48briefly described the situation here. Augustus immediately notified the trace
01:53inspection department and asked them to send agents here to check the scene as
01:57soon as possible. Hung up the phone, Rome began to look around and saw a row of
02:03deep footprints among the dead leaves on the ground. It seems that the murderer's
02:08original plan was to throw the victim into the lake behind her back. Lacey on
02:13the side walked to Rome, looked down at the footprints, looked up at the path
02:17some distance away and then looked at the lake that was still a short distance
02:21away and shrugged, but he couldn't carry his back halfway, so he threw the victim
02:27here. No, it shouldn't be. Looking carefully at the footprints on the
02:33ground, Rome frowned. After bending down and squatting down, he simply measured
02:39the length of the footprints and then said, the length of this footprint is
02:42definitely more than 25 centimeters, it is not clear whether it is 26 or 27. Take
02:50the lowest number of 25 and according to the formula of footprint length and
02:54height, multiply 25 by 6.8, which is about 170, so the murderer's height is
03:01definitely higher than 170. Lacey from the intelligence department looked dazed
03:06and before she could react, Rome continued, whether it's Louise or the
03:11scavengers, they say that this white male is of medium build. I asked Susan
03:17about her weight before and it was only about 45 kilograms. An adult Caucasian
03:22male with a height of over 170 and a medium build under normal circumstances
03:27cannot carry an adult Caucasian female who is 1.6 meters tall and weighs 90
03:33kilograms. Louis and the scavengers have never said before that they saw the
03:38murderer with physical injuries. Clapping his hands and straightening up,
03:42Rome turned his head and saw the expression on Lacey's face and then
03:46grinned, I learned it in the FBI training academy. As a killer in the previous life,
03:52erasing one's own footprints and how to fake footprints to confuse trackers is a
03:57must-learn course, such as some basic knowledge, adolescents have short steps,
04:02thin footprints, irregular distances between footprints and curved walking
04:07routes. Young people have big steps and big footprints and the distance between
04:12footprints is regular. They walk in a straight line. Old people have short
04:18steps, steady walking, short footprints and the pressure on the heel of the
04:23footprint is heavier than that of the sole of the foot, etc. After learning the
04:28basics, the old killer taught Rome a lot of ways to hide his real age through
04:32steps, footprints, etc. Okay. Lacey didn't ask in detail. She came from the
04:40intelligence department and knew something about this knowledge, but she
04:44was not very proficient and she didn't remember it for a while. So, what do you
04:49mean? What I mean is very simple. The original intention of the murderer was
04:55indeed to throw the body into the lake. You are not wrong about that.
05:00Rone pointed to the lake not far away, then pointed to the messy footprints
05:05beside the deep pit, frowning slightly, but when he came here, he should have
05:10encountered some kind of unexpected event. So he had to throw the body in the
05:14deep pit. Hearing this, Lacey frowned, what unexpected event? Rone spread his
05:21hands, I don't know, it's just a guess, maybe someone found the car parked by
05:26the murderer. All right. Lacey nodded, didn't say much, and began to search the
05:32periphery of the scene carefully with Rone. In the gully between the deep pit
05:37and the lake, on a tree growing obliquely, Rone accidentally found a small
05:41transparent packaging bag. What's this? Seeing Rone carefully pick it up from
05:48the leaves, Lacey also came over, tilting her head and asking, like a bag for
05:53flour. Possible. Rone nodded, put it away carefully, and continued to search
05:59around the periphery of the scene. Soon, several agents from the trace inspection
06:04section drove to the scene in a car. Luo and briefly exchanged with the other
06:09party, and after handing over the transparent packaging bag to the other
06:13party, several two detectives from the trace inspection department jumped into
06:17the deep pit and began to carefully examine the surroundings of the corpse.
06:23After a while, the two frightened young lovers were also picked up by their
06:27respective parents. Seeing the violent reactions of the parents of both parties
06:32dancing and dancing, Luo and felt that these two exciting men and women should
06:37not be able to sleep tonight. After the on-site inspection was completed and the
06:42corpse was packed into the car, agent Nell from the trace inspection section
06:45came over to Rone who had met Rone because of the appearance of the female
06:50corpse in the refrigerator during the disappearance case.
06:53Hello, Neil, thank you for your hard work. Rone stretched out his hand, greeted Neil
07:00with a smile, and asked with a smile, well, did you find anything? It's all work.
07:06A smile appeared on Detective Nell's round face. Hearing Rone's question, he
07:12briefly talked about the situation at the scene and then said, the victim is
07:17suspected to have been raped by the murderer before his death, but it can't
07:20be determined. Before the autopsy. If the cause of death is high probability, it is
07:27a strangle mark on the neck. Rone nodded, okay, please notify me as soon as the
07:33autopsy report comes out. No problem. Nell agreed to Rone with a smile and the
07:39two parties returned to their respective cars and returned to the FBI New York
07:43headquarters building together. The office area of the No. 5 investigation
07:50team still can't find any trace of the gray car, Rone. Lacey went to inform and
07:56comfort the family members of the victim Susan, while Rone unloaded the equipment
08:01and sat back on the chair at his station. Just as she was about to stretch, Mona on
08:06the side stopped typing on the keyboard and leaned over to Rone to vomit her
08:10bitterness. There are too few networked monitoring in that area and it can be
08:15checked with one hand. There are too many traffic arteries in the periphery and
08:19the traffic volume is huge. It is impossible to check for suspicious gray
08:25cars. The gray car drove sideways on the house surveillance outside the forest
08:30area. Because of the angle, the license plate of the gray car was not visible in
08:36the video, nor was there any difference in the windshield. Naturally, it was
08:41impossible to check the other party through the main traffic line. The only
08:45certainty is that the gray car has four tires and the doors are intact. Don't be
08:51discouraged, Mona, as long as you keep working hard, you will definitely gain
08:55something. Poured a bowl of hot chicken soup on Mona's head, which made her dizzy
09:00and Rone pushed her back to the computer again. You, Mona, was about to
09:05continue to say something when Ryder suddenly pushed the door of the number
09:09five investigation team and shouted excitedly at Rone, chapter 72 undercover.
09:15Um. Ryder's loud voice startled everyone in the number five investigation team.
09:21Rone frowned and asked, the priest in the church or Susan's husband, Jono? No, not
09:29them. Ryder carried two large drawings, walked to Rone's desk and tore them
09:35apart. Rone looked down and a sketch of a strange but familiar face appeared in
09:40front of his eyes. This is. Looking at the portrait in front of him, Rone raised
09:46his head in silence for a few seconds, staring at Ryder, Agent Mullen from the
09:51DEA. That's right, it's him. Ryder nodded. He didn't know Agent Mullen's name, but he
09:58knew that he was one of the agents who came to Rone that day and he was also a
10:02DEA. Hearing Rone's words, the other agents who approached also remembered
10:08that Augustus brought two agents to find Rone that day and all of them frowned.
10:12Mona turned around the portrait, looked at the sketches of faces on it with a
10:17dignified expression. The DEA guys are serial killers. Thinking of the way Agent
10:23Mullen looked at him that day, Rone admitted that the other party made him
10:27uncomfortable. But to say that the other party is a serial murderer, Llewellyn
10:32always subconsciously feels that something is not right. No, not him.
10:38Hearing what Mona said, Ryder shook his head, lifted the portrait of Agent Mullen,
10:42pulled out another portrait from below, pressed it on the portrait of Agent
10:46Mullen, and patted hard, Agent Mullen was one of two people the scavenger saw. This
10:53man is the one Louise said put Susan in the car, and the man who was standing
10:57outside the church in the scavengers. Seeing the second portrait of a man with
11:02profound facial features and a mature appearance, with a small cut on the right
11:07eyebrow, Rone frowned slightly and didn't speak yet.
11:10William's pupils shrank suddenly and cursed angrily, shit. Damn it. It's him. Um.
11:19Rone tilted his head and looked at William, only to see William quickly
11:23returning to his workstation, typing with his ten fingers on the keyboard. A moment
11:28later, a case report appeared on the computer screen. Rone, when you asked Mona
11:34to investigate the criminals in the circle who lived near the Little St.
11:38Phil's Church and were imprisoned for rape, stalking, and obscenity, I checked
11:43for Mona for a while and found this failure. Case. Because the other party was
11:49not in prison, and the time happened a year ago, I didn't record it. Rone cast
11:55his eyes on the computer screen, and William explained, a year and a half ago,
11:59this white man named Sean was arrested by the police for and murder. But the New
12:05Jersey police only had the testimony of one witness, and no DNA of Sean was
12:10detected on the victim's body. The crime scene was washed by rain, leaving no
12:15traces. In addition, there is a witness to protect Sean, emphasizing that Sean was
12:21definitely not at the scene of the crime, so Sean was acquitted in the end. What?
12:27Hearing this case, Ryder, Mona, and all the detectives were very surprised, but
12:32Rone touched his chin in silence for a few seconds and asked, if I'm not
12:36mistaken, the witness who testified to Sean is Agent Mullen? Yeah. William nodded.
12:44In the European and American legal systems, it is very common for the police
12:49to testify in court during the trial, and in many cases, the testimony of the
12:54police can become one of the important. Evidences in the trial. Agent Mullen gave
13:00false testimony. After reading the case report, combined with the serial homicide
13:06case that investigation team know. Five is currently investigating, the idea of
13:12detective Mullen's false testimony suddenly flooded the minds of the
13:15detectives in investigation team number five. But, they have no evidence. Thinking
13:23that Mullen is from the DEA and wanted to pull himself undercover before, Rone
13:27suddenly understood what, this Sean is probably Mullen's undercover agent.
13:32Slapping his hands hard, Rone attracted everyone's attention and said in a deep
13:37voice, everyone, we now have a suspect, and it will always be much easier to deduce
13:42clues through the suspect. Now, please investigate this Sean's life immediately
13:47and check his connection with the four victims of the serial murder case. Then,
13:52find a way to find key evidence. At the critical moment, it's time for the
13:58technicians of the number five investigation team to use their abilities.
14:02Okay. No problem. William and other five technicians immediately agreed when they
14:09heard Rone's words and turned around to check Sean's life file in the FBI
14:13database. Ryder. Rone turned his head, cast his eyes on Ryder and said in a deep
14:20voice, you go to the forensic doctor immediately and you must get the autopsy
14:25report as soon as possible. As long as Sean's DNA is found on Susan's body,
14:31their number five investigation team can immediately apply for an arrest warrant.
14:36Okay. Ryder nodded heavily, threw the sketch on Rone's desk and turned to
14:42leave again. Looking at Ryder's back quickly disappearing, Rone nodded and
14:46turned his gaze to Mona. Just as he was about to ask the other party if he could
14:51quietly enter the information database of the Drug Enforcement Administration,
14:55Mona interrupted him, I have successfully entered the network of the Drug
15:00Enforcement Administration. Rone, question mark. There was a crackling keyboard
15:07sound and soon, a pattern with the words, file download, appeared on Mona's
15:12computer. Seeing the fast progress bar on the computer, Luo encursed the garbage
15:17speed of a certain network disk in his previous life from the bottom of his
15:21heart. At this moment, an exclamation point suddenly appeared on Mona's
15:26computer, Rone's eyelids moved slightly and the corner of Mona's mouth lifted
15:31into a disdainful smile and her fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard to ensure
15:37that the speed of downloading files remained unchanged. Time passed quickly
15:42and the moment, file download complete, appeared on the computer screen, Mona
15:47stood up suddenly and unplugged the network cable behind the computer's butt.
15:51Rone, dot. This operation is really skillful. Okay. Sitting back on the chair,
16:00Mona heaved a long sigh of relief, pointed at the computer screen and said,
16:04here is Sean's undercover information in the hands of DEA agent Mullen. Rone's eyes
16:10lit up when he heard the words, thank you, Mona. Mona stretched her waist and
16:16waved her hands. It's not hard. If the people from the Drug Enforcement
16:20Administration come to find you, you can do it. Rone, dot. Don't panic. It's time for
16:27Augustus to use his abilities. As I said before, the technicians of the know. Five
16:33investigation team are all old people who have worked in the FBI data room for
16:38a long time and they can find information very quickly. Only a few
16:43minutes passed and the information on Sean's birth to the present was
16:46completely checked. Sean Davis, 41 years old this year, social security number is,
16:53he lives in the Harwood area, the recorded marriage was three and a half
16:57years ago and the place where the marriage was held was the Little St.
17:02Phil's Church. William sat on a chair and read with a serious expression, his wife
17:07Lynette suddenly disappeared on the way home one night in the third month of
17:11marriage. After investigation, it was found that she was kidnapped by a local
17:16gangster. Chapter 73 contact, before getting married, eight years ago, when
17:22Sean was 33, William pulled up the information in the computer, looked at
17:27the screen and read carefully, Sean was a salesman at a real estate company where
17:32our fourth victim, Tamara Terry, was 22 at the time and happened to be an intern
17:37at the real estate company. More than that, as soon as William finished
17:43speaking, Mona fiddled with her right hand, pointed to the undercover log on
17:47the computer screen and said, when Sean was looking for his wife after she went
17:51missing. Agent Mullen found him. After observing for a period of time, he judged
17:58that Sean has brains, understands current affairs, emphasizes emotions and can
18:03speak well, so Maren contacted and told Sean that his wife was taken away by the
18:08White Horse Gang. If he wanted to save his wife, the best way is to cooperate
18:14with the DEA, the undercover White Horse Gang. Detective Mullen's judgment was
18:20correct. Six months after Sean undercovered the White Horse Gang, he
18:25obtained the White Horse Gang's human trafficking information and the criminal
18:28evidence of the White Horse Gang's criminal leader and finally wiped out
18:33the entire gang in one fell swoop. Hearing what Mona said, everyone looked
18:38sideways. Roan, who was riding in front of the conference room, paused, then turned
18:44around and asked, where is Sean's wife? Died. Mona's complexion is not very good
18:51looking. According to the little leader of the White Horse Gang in charge of
18:55transporting goods, Sean's wife was suffocated to death in the transporting
18:59car. Roan thought for a long time and continued to ask, when Sean was
19:05undercover in the gang, did he eat flour? Eat. Mona pulled down the computer page,
19:11carefully checked the undercover log and read, according to Detective Mullen's
19:15records, in the first week of joining the White Horse Gang, Sean was forced to
19:21smoke flour. After the gang was destroyed, Sean was sent to a drug
19:26rehabilitation institution by Mullen, and Sean successfully left there after
19:30seven months. Roan nodded, and after writing down the words, I have
19:35experienced smoking flour on the whiteboard, he asked again, in the
19:39undercover log, is there a record about the rape and murder case a year and a
19:45half ago? After reading it carefully, Mona shook her head and said, no.
19:51Speaking of this, Mona suddenly looked back at William and asked, William,
19:56when did the rape murder case happen? And what month? Hearing this, William
20:01tapped his 10 fingers on the keyboard, raised his head and replied after a few
20:05seconds, April 5th, a year and a half ago. Okay. The pen play with the right
20:12hand stopped, and Mona pointed to the computer screen with a signature pen and
20:17said to Roan, a year and a half ago, on April 29th, in the undercover log under
20:22Mullen, Sean had a new undercover record. This time, the undercover gang was the
20:29Hyena Gang. Roan, who was writing on the whiteboard, cursed secretly when he
20:34heard this. Not only that, opening the contact record written by Agent Mullen
20:40when she was undercover with Sean, Mona looked carefully for a moment, then said
20:45with a frown, when Sean was undercover for the Hyena Gang, Mullen agreed with
20:50him to meet once a month at Little St. Phil's Church. At the same time, the two
20:55meet each time and marry the first three victims on the same day. Shit. Biauzi
21:02raised it. Hearing what Mona said, all the detectives of the No. 5
21:06Investigation Team scolded in unison. After writing the last word, Roan turned
21:12around, coughed lightly to attract everyone's attention, pointed at the
21:16whiteboard with a serious expression and said, according to the information you
21:20have found, we have now summarized the following clues. First, Sean's family
21:26lives in the Harwood area, which happens to be in the circle at the center of
21:30Little St. Phil's Church. Second, the place where Sean and his wife held their
21:35wedding, and the place where he met Mullen when he undercovered the Hyena
21:39Gang, happened to be Little St. Phil's Church. Third, Sean's wife disappeared in
21:45the third month after marriage, which is consistent with the time when the
21:49previous three victims disappeared after marriage. At the same time, Sean and
21:54Mullen met at the Little St. Phil's Church at the same time as the marriage
21:59of the first three victims, so it is very likely that Sean learned the victim's
22:03personal information when he met Mullen that day. Months later, the victim was
22:08kidnapped. Fourth, when the fourth victim, Tamara Terry, was married eight years
22:14ago, Sean was in the same real estate company as her, so Sean was likely involved
22:19in her wedding at that time. Fifth, one month after the N-murder case, Sean
22:25entered the gang undercover again, which is very likely the condition that Agent
22:29agreed to give him a false testimony. After listening to Luo An's words, all the
22:35detectives nodded in unison. The information is correct, and there is
22:39nothing wrong with Roan's reasoning. One is the same by chance, two is the same as
22:45luck, three is the same as random, but four or five are all the same. Looking at
22:51the words on the whiteboard, everyone present has confirmed that Sean is
22:55definitely the real culprit in this serial murder case. But with these clues
23:00alone, Roan and the others can't arrest people, because it's all indirect
23:04evidence. Next, it's time to look for direct evidence. Roan walked to Mona's
23:10station and began to check the undercover information in Mona's
23:14computer. The autopsy report hasn't come out yet, so we don't know if there is
23:19Sean's DNA at the scene of the crime. Mona got up and left her seat. After
23:25looking at the whiteboard at the front of the office area, she tilted her head
23:29and asked, I remember there were footprints left by the murderer at the
23:32scene of the crime. Can these footprints lock Sean? William took a look at the
23:38photos in the crime scene investigation report, his eyes lit up, he tapped his
23:43hands on the keyboard, and then slapped, Sean's credit card usage records show
23:47that he bought a pair of shoes three months ago, and the texture of the soles
23:52of this pair of shoes is exactly the same as that of the footprints at the
23:56scene of the crime. Good. Mona's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she
24:02hurriedly turned her gaze to Roan, let's apply for a search warrant now. As long
24:08as we find the pair of shoes and test the soil on the shoes, we can prove that
24:12the other party has been to the scene of the crime. The gray car is also one of
24:17the important evidences, but considering that there is no record of Sean buying a
24:21gray car, and Sean's undercover hyena gang also deals with black cars, Mona
24:27thinks that the gray car is likely to be can't find it. No. Hearing Mona's words,
24:34Luoan, who was reading the undercover information on the computer, slowly shook
24:39his head and said, we need to report this first. It's okay to file for a search
24:44warrant, but Sean is an undercover agent for the DEA and is on a mission with the
24:49hyenas at this time. It is very simple to directly arrest people or search the
24:54other party's residence, but if the DEA plans to rely on Sean to carry out some
24:59operations in the near future, but the task fails because of the arrest of Sean.
25:05Roan doesn't care about the DEA group, but the later wrangling issue will
25:10definitely require the chief to come forward, so this matter must be told to
25:14Augustus first. At the same time, the organized crime section of the FBI is
25:20also watching the hyena gang together with the DEA. Roan may not care about the
25:25DEA, but he cannot ignore the organized crime section of the FBI. So, the murderer
25:32this time is an undercover agent. After listening to Roan's narration, Augustus
25:37rubbed his temples, remained silent for a moment, puzzled and said, as an undercover
25:42agent, daily life is already stressful enough, why do you want to find time to
25:48kill people? August had never done undercover work, but one of his former
25:53colleagues had done it for a while. The latter colleague came back alive and did
25:58not leave the psychiatrist for a year in a row. Augustus knew that this kind of
26:03work was definitely not suitable for him. Maybe it's because of the stressful life
26:08and the nervousness every day, but it can't be expressed on the face and words.
26:13Sitting opposite Augustus, Roan took a sip of coffee when he heard this, and
26:18expressed his guess, when Sean went undercover for the first time, it was for
26:22his wife and he had spiritual support. But later, his wife died and he became
26:27addicted to drugs while undercover. This kind of nightmare experience made Sean,
26:33who was only a real estate salesman, never want to go through this kind of
26:37thing again. In the case of and murder in the alley, Sean asked Marin for help,
26:42and the other party agreed to help Sean make false testimony, but the condition
26:47was that Sean should be an undercover agent. Again, so. So this time, Sean was an
26:54undercover agent so that he would not go to jail this time, and he didn't have any
26:58spiritual support. Thinking of the group of DEA, sometimes in order to complete
27:03the task, not only will they not take care of the emotions of the undercover
27:07agent, but sometimes force the other party to do some tasks. Augustus couldn't
27:13help curling his lips. Roan nodded, I just looked at Agent Mullen's records, and the
27:18morning when the four missing persons lost contact was when Agent Mullen was
27:22in contact with Sean. So it should be when the two sides had a meeting in the
27:27morning. Agent Mullen said something that made Sean uncomfortable, coupled with the
27:33excessive psychological pressure, so in order to vent, Sean finally chose to
27:37kidnap a person he remembered three months ago. Women getting married at
27:42Little St. Phil's Church. Without hesitation, Augustus immediately took out
27:47his phone after hearing Roan's conjecture, I'm going to contact the
27:50Organized Crime Unit. Chapter 74 Bomb. Sean, we don't know his undercover
27:57identity. Dylan, a team leader of the Organized Crime Investigation Section on
28:03the other end of the phone, heard Augustus' inquiry, and immediately asked
28:06his subordinates to check the information on the characters of the
28:11hyena gang, and then replied, we show here that Sean is one of the key henchmen of
28:16the hyena gang leader. The DEA people never told us that he was an undercover
28:21agent. Dylan didn't care about this. Their group also had undercover agents in the
28:27hyena gang, and they didn't tell the DEA about the identities of these
28:31undercover agents. According to the rules, only those who are responsible for him
28:37in the department know his existence. Before specific operations are carried
28:42out later, they will inform the Joint Operations Department of the identity of
28:46the undercover agent to prevent the undercover agent from being killed by.
28:50Mistake. Hearing Augustus mentioned Sean's undercover identity, Dylan was a
28:56little puzzled, and asked with a smile, how did you know Sean's identity? You
29:01hacked into the DEA's internal network. August glared at Roan, who sat
29:06obediently on the chair with an innocent face. Of course not. Insisted that there
29:12was no such thing, Augustus asked seriously, this Sean is related to a
29:17vicious criminal case we are investigating, and he has a high
29:20probability of being the murderer of the case. Dylan on the other end of the phone
29:26understood what Augustus meant. He was saying hello to himself before taking
29:31action, and wanted to ask if the action against Sean would interfere with them.
29:36So, Augustus, don't search Sean's residence today, so as not to disturb the
29:42hyena gang. Seeing Agent Norton knocking on the door and handing over the
29:47documents after entering the office, Dylan's pupils shrank slightly, and he
29:51immediately said to Augustus in a deep voice, are organized. Crime investigation
29:57section and the DEA will jointly launch a major operation against the hyena gang
30:02tomorrow. Your investigation team can send people to wait outside tomorrow.
30:07After the operation is completed, Sean can be handed over to you for
30:12interrogation. Whether the DEA people would agree to this matter was
30:16selectively ignored by Dylan and Augustus. Okay. August nodded, smiled, and
30:23agreed, and made an appointment with Dylan to drink after get off work. The
30:28phone hung up, and Augustus told Roan about the joint operation with other
30:32departments tomorrow. Roan frowned slightly, remained silent for a few
30:37seconds, and said nothing, nodded, turned and left the team leader's office. After
30:43telling the news to the agents of the No. 5 investigation team, many people
30:48relaxed. The serial murder case has been more than half completed here, and we
30:53just need to prepare the key evidence and wait for Sean to take over tomorrow.
30:57After Luoen sat back at his workstation, his expression was a little grim. Because
31:04they don't have any direct evidence now, Roan asked Augustus to report this
31:08incident just now, mainly to tell those who monitor the hyena gang that he is
31:12going to search Sean's house and find. That Sean went to the edge of the lake
31:17last night key evidence. But now things have developed into arresting Sean
31:22tomorrow, and then searching Sean's house later. Mona Beside also thought of this,
31:27she frowned and looked at Roan, and asked in a low voice, the longer the time
31:32drags on, the higher the possibility of Sean disposing of those shoes, and the
31:37lower. Our success rate of convicting Sean later, this don't panic. Roan comforted
31:44in a calm voice, the autopsy report hasn't come out yet, and Sean's DNA may
31:49be found there. And tomorrow, after the hyena gang is dealt with by the DEA and
31:55organized crime, we have a high probability of finding the gray car that
31:59Sean drove that night. Okay. Seeing that Roan looked confident, Mona also calmed
32:06down. Then Ryder brought back bad news. Sorry, Roan. Ryder pushed open the door
32:14of the know. Five investigation team walked to Roan station with a gloomy
32:19face, and said in a deep voice, the autopsy report of the forensic doctor has
32:23not yet come out, but I asked the other party, they did not. Find white genetic
32:29material in the victim's body, only found some simethicone. The victim's
32:34fingernails contained no material related to the killer other than dirt.
32:38Simethicone is the main component of the oil on the outside of some condoms. What
32:44about fingerprints? Beside Mona frowned slightly, looking at Ryder. Not found
32:50either. Ryder shook his head, and the trace inspection section carefully
32:55checked the clothes on the victim's body. Except for some substances in the trunk
33:01of the car, no fingerprints and hairs of the murderer were found. Skin debris,
33:06etc. may be found in the deep pit where the body was found. The blisters
33:11disappeared. Shit. Hearing what Ryder said, Mona cursed secretly, then turned to
33:18look at Roan. Roan rubbed his chin and pondered for a moment, then suddenly
33:23remembered something, raised his head and asked, where is the transparent packaging
33:27bag I handed over to the trace inspection department? What? Ryder looked
33:34stunned. He was not at the scene of the crime and didn't know what Roan was
33:38talking about. Seeing the expression on Ryder's face, Roan also thought of this,
33:44so he hurriedly sent Ryder back to the trace inspection department to let them
33:48check the transparent packaging bag. Ryder nodded and turned to leave again.
33:53Mona looked a little anxious, and Roan waved his hand calmly, don't panic, there
33:59must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will naturally
34:02sink when it reaches the bridge. There will always be a way to solve the
34:07difficulties. What did you say? Mona was at a loss. The Native American couldn't
34:14understand the English that Roan had randomly translated. Not important. Without
34:20explaining, Roan stood up, clapped his palms to attract the attention of the
34:24agents, briefly explained what Ryder said just now, and said with a serious
34:29expression, everyone, the current. Situation is like this, we must find more
34:35evidence that Sean went to the scene of the crime last night. Now, please take
34:40action to find out all the things Sean has done in the past month, try to find
34:44more useful clues, and finally come up with key evidence to crucify Sean. Okay.
34:51No problem. William and other five technicians agreed loudly, and the sound
34:56of crackling keyboards began to ring in the office area of the number five
35:00investigation team. Mona also sat on the workstation and danced her fingers,
35:06checking the surveillance video from last night again. There is a strange
35:10situation, Roan. A few minutes later, William called Roan over, pointed to the
35:16data on the computer screen and said, according to Sean's credit card spending
35:20records, he bought 10 old Rapid Brand 2003 mobile phones in a mobile phone
35:26store a week ago. Roan was taken aback when he heard this, and looked down to
35:33see William calling out the 2003 Rapid Brand mobile phone, his pupils shrank
35:38suddenly, and he cursed, Fouquet. Sean is going to make a remote bomb. What did
35:44you say? Bomb. What bomb? Hearing the word bomb, everyone in the number five
35:51investigation team raised their heads instantly. The collapse of the building
35:56was just four years ago, and they haven't forgotten it yet. Seeing the
36:00pictures on the computer, Mona suddenly remembered something, covered her mouth
36:05and said in shock, last year, a synagogue exploded in the suburbs of New York, and
36:10the murderer used a 2003 Rapid Brand mobile phone. Exactly. Lua nodded. In his
36:19previous life, the old killer saw the news on the news, so he remembered to
36:23teach himself how to make remote controlled bombs. The phone's battery
36:28doesn't have a good temperature sensor, and it's not a failsafe. Seeing that
36:33everyone was looking at him, Roan signaled William to enlarge the mobile
36:37phone on the computer screen, then pointed to it and explained to everyone,
36:40make a simple modification to it, and then as long as someone calls this phone
36:46for more than 13 seconds, it will immediately detonate the phone. Of course,
36:51the power of a single mobile phone explosion is not great, but just connect
36:56some grenades or other explosives around the mobile phone, and then make a call at
37:00a critical moment. Shit. Jesus. After listening to Lua and's explanation,
37:08everyone in the number five investigation team saw that Sean had
37:11bought ten mobile phones, and their expressions suddenly changed. Chapter 75
37:17Thank you, but why is Sean making bombs? After listening to Roan's description,
37:22Mona asked with some doubts, isn't he an undercover agent? Who knows. Roan shook
37:29his head, turned to look at Mona, and asked solemnly, I remember that in Agent
37:34Mullen's undercover record this month, this incident was not written. Mona ran
37:39back to her seat, carefully checked the files in the computer, and then nodded,
37:43yeah. After hearing the affirmative answer, Roan walked into the team leader's
37:48office without hesitation. What's wrong? Augustus, who was lowering his head to
37:55write documents, looked puzzled at Roan who entered his office without knocking.
37:59But after listening to Roan's guess, Augustus' face suddenly became serious,
38:04are you sure Sean bought those phones to make bombs? No, I'm not sure. Roan's words
38:11made August's face full of black lines, but then Roan continued, but this kind of
38:16thing would rather believe that it is true than that it is false. I remember
38:21you telling me just now that the FBI's Organized Crime Unit will be working
38:25with the DEA on the Hyena Gang tomorrow, and if their source of information is
38:30Sean, then, the loss of the Organized Crime Section may be huge. August nodded.
38:37Dylan from the Organized Crime Division was also at the Columbus Foundation. He
38:43stopped talking nonsense and immediately took out his phone to call Dylan. Is
38:48there such a thing? After listening to Augustus' description, Dylan, who was
38:53sitting in the meeting room and discussing tomorrow's action plan with the team
38:56members, felt as if his was on fire and couldn't sit. Still, after a few seconds
39:03of silence, Dylan signaled Augustus to hang up the phone for a few minutes, then
39:08pressed another number and called the person in charge of DEA's tomorrow's
39:11operation. In the office of the leader of the number five investigation team,
39:16Roan and Augustus looked at each other in silence for a moment, and they both
39:21picked up the coffee. After a long time, August's phone rang again. Thank you very
39:27much, Augustus. Dylan on the other end of the phone had obviously just finished
39:32arguing with someone, and his tone was still a little out of control, the DEA
39:37did not formulate this joint operation based on the information sent by Sean,
39:43but they also don't know about Sean's purchase of mobile phones, briefly
39:47described the general situation of the matter, Dylan's tone was very serious,
39:51August, I O U A. Favor this time. If Augustus hadn't told himself the news,
39:59the FBI would be caught off guard when the joint operation with the DEA was
40:03launched tomorrow. How many agents might die, and Dylan's career would be over
40:08afterwards. Just buy me a drink later. Hearing the voice on the other end of the
40:14phone, Augustus laughed, then glanced at Roan, and said with a smile, but this time
40:20the news was discovered by my subordinate, the detective named Roan. Greenwood. He is
40:26one of his own. I will bring him when we drink together in the future. Don't be
40:31angry. Is it the Roan Greenwood who killed the serial murderer with a pen and
40:37appeared in the New York Daily a few days ago? Hearing what Augustus said, Dylan's
40:42eyes lit up, and he waved his big hand to indicate that drinking and so on are trivial
40:47matters, and then said that his investigation team is a little short of. People recently,
40:53and wonders if he can send Roan to help them for a few days. Call back later.
40:59August laughed, ignored Dylan's words, and immediately hung up the phone. Old drunkard.
41:06Hearing the busy signal on the phone, Dylan grinned, walked out of his office, and shouted
41:11to his agents, thanks to the group of unreliable DEA, we are now remaking tomorrow's action
41:17plan. Yes, sir. In the distance, in a certain office of the DEA New York branch, Melton,
41:25the leader of a certain operation team, grabbed the documents on the table and threw them
41:29at Agent Mullen. Foo-k-y-o-u. Mullen. Melton's eyes were filled with anger, pointing at Mullen
41:38and yelling, how did your undercover agents do it? What made Melton angry was not the fact that
41:44Mullen's undercover agents might defect. In the DEA, the number of undercover agents who die,
41:51defect, or disappear every year is not small, and Melton has long been used to it.
41:57What really made Melton angry was that this matter was not told to him by his subordinates,
42:02nor was it told to him by other DEA colleagues. Instead, the group of FBIs called him and asked
42:09if there was such a thing. Their FBI agents are more valuable. They cannot be like the DEA,
42:16where agents die casually due to misinformation shame and lose face to other departments.
42:22Sorry, sir. Seeing the anger on Melton's face, he knew the other party's temper well,
42:29so he didn't make much excuses, but explained in a deep voice,
42:32I will re-evaluate the undercover undercover later, go to the psychological evaluation of his son.
42:40Hearing this, Melton glared at Mullen again. According to common sense, if a person wants
42:46to join the FBI, CIA, NSA and other departments as a new employee, he needs to undergo a series
42:53of tasks such as background investigation, career assessment, lie detection, psychological
43:00assessment, etc. If one fails, he will not be hired. But DEA is different. Even if you are broke,
43:09financially struggling, have a disqualified family background, failed a lie test,
43:14and even have gang connections, you can be a new DEA employee. The reason is simple,
43:21such people are usually sent abroad by the DEA, such as those countries south of the Federation
43:26as undercover agents. A person with a clean background and no black material will not be
43:32able to break into the circles that sell flour in those countries in the southern part of the
43:36Federation. In this case, the DEA will not pay too much attention to the above-mentioned reviews
43:43when it chooses undercover agents in China. The so-called psychological evaluation, most of the
43:49time is that DEA agents and undercover agents stand together, smoke a cigarette and chat.
43:56Taking a deep breath, Melton sat back on his chair, fixed his eyes on Mullen and asked,
44:01have you told your undercover agent about the operation tomorrow?
44:05No, but, hearing this, Mullen immediately shook his head and opened his mouth to say something,
44:10but in the end he denied it, Sean didn't know about it. Very good. Melton heaved a sigh of
44:17relief, and while arranging the documents on the table, he said in a concentrated voice,
44:22reformulate tomorrow's action plan, adding the uncertain factor that the hyena gang
44:28may have a remote-controlled bomb to it, and our DEA agents can't die from a misinformation.
44:34Okay, sir. Mullen nodded, turned and left the office.
44:40Closed the door of the office, Mullen's face darkened immediately, and he whispered to
44:45himself through gritted teeth, damn Sean, and the FBI bunch. Nice job, Roan.
44:52Hanging up the phone, Augustus grinned. I'm not alone, sir. Roan shook his head,
44:59and said with a serious expression, William discovered Sean's purchase of the mobile phone,
45:04and the file was investigated by Mona. I just judged that the other party has the possibility
45:10of making a bomb. Good. Hearing Roan's words, Augustus smiled even more.
45:17Now the fun in this clip is over. Which listeners haven't liked and commented yet?
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45:29May the listeners be happy forever.