FBI 166-170

  • 5 days ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this
00:15clip. Don't forget to like and comment so that the admin will have the
00:20encouragement to continue making clips. Let's go listen. Chapter 166 Jealousy and
00:28Trance Hearing Roan's question, Norton said that the agent next to him was named Brentin,
00:32who was a billiards player in college and is now a new agent in their investigation.
00:37Team. Because of his good ability, team leader Dylan valued him,
00:42so he was also brought to this party today. Hello, Brentin. Stretched out his hand and
00:49shook the other party, Roan asked directly with a smile, am I wearing the wrong clothes?
00:54Why do you keep staring at me? Excuse me. Brentin bowed his head and apologized,
01:01picked up a glass of wine casually, expressing that he was just curious about Roan. Brentin
01:08didn't say what he was curious about, but the other party immediately looked away and left
01:12here. There was a gleam in Roan's eyes, and he continued to chat with Norton. The party
01:19officially started, and the guests wandered around. Augustus's home was not luxurious,
01:24but in a small two-story building, all kinds of facilities were available, and there was even a
01:30gym. Judging from Augustus' big belly, the user of this gym most of the time should be his daughter
01:36Lula. Although Lula's face is a bit reckless, her figure is even more reckless. It looks like the
01:44of regular exercise. There are a lot of guests today, the living room feels a bit crowded,
01:50and many people have gone to the gym. At the invitation of Ryder, Roan and Norton also went.
01:57They went to do some exercise and try the equipment there. Unexpectedly, Brentin also came.
02:04He walked directly to the billiards in the corner of the gym, scratched the table with his hand,
02:09and looked at Roan with a smile, this table is well-maintained, do you want to come and have a
02:14look? American pool. Right. Brundon is not bad at all, and he picked up a cue and made a handsome
02:22gesture, which immediately attracted the attention of many female guests. Roan's expression remained
02:29unchanged, but thinking of Brentin's apology just now, he already understood from the bottom of his
02:35heart. Obviously, Brentin wanted to use him as a stepping stone to play handsome. As for the
02:42reason for doing this. Roan glanced at his side, staring at Brentin's Norton. If he guessed
02:49correctly, Norton or Dylan should have mentioned themselves in front of Brentin. Roan guessed right.
02:55Brundon does get a little jealous of Roan. Since he entered the Organized Crime Bureau, Norton or
03:02Dylan would criticize him every time he made a mistake in his work. If it was pure criticism,
03:08Brentin would not have other ideas, and he must admit that he made a mistake. He knew this. But
03:15every time after being criticized, Norton or Dylan would mention the name Roan and then sigh
03:21and regret it. No one likes to be judged by their parents or superiors. Compared with other people,
03:28Brentin is naturally jealous and curious about Roan. But after learning from Detective Norton
03:34the number and time of Roan's cracked cases, Brentin fell silent. He is indeed not as good as
03:40Roan, and there is no comparison. Being able to join the Organized Crime Investigation Section
03:46and being valued by Dylan, Brentin naturally has qualified psychological and emotional regulation
03:52skills. So in the following work, Brentin chose to cast aside jealousy, accumulate himself a little
03:59bit, make fewer mistakes, and improve himself is the kingly way. But when I attended this party
04:05today, the jealousy in Brentin's heart still popped out. It doesn't matter if you are good at solving
04:11crimes, why are you still so popular with women? In the whole party, besides Lacey, Roan was the
04:17second most popular. Many women like to join Roan's side. Compared to the ability to solve the case,
04:25Brentin estimated that he is not Roan's opponent in 10. But playing American billiards is different,
04:31and 10 Roan can't be his opponent. Brentin just wants to show off his superb skills and crush
04:38Roan to realize his sense of vanity. Coupled with the fact that there were many female guests as
04:44spectators, the sense of vanity became even stronger. Looking at the billiards on the table,
04:50Roan was silent for a few seconds, patted Agent Norton on the shoulder beside him, and agreed
04:55with a smile, okay, but you need to explain the rules. Roan doesn't know much about American billiards,
05:02but he is very clear about Chinese billiards and is also very skilled. After all, some rich people
05:09like to play ball games, such as 10 million balls, and finally get a female star into the hospital
05:15or something. The old killer in his previous life had carefully taught Roan the content of this kind
05:21of ball games. After proficiency in playing ball, Roan learned more about killing people with the
05:27club and the ball itself. Seeing Roan nodding in agreement, Norton, who also reacted, walked up to
05:34Brenton, slapped Brenton on the shoulder, and said with a cold snort, Roan doesn't know much about
05:39American billiards, let him do it. Certainly. Brundon smiled, seeing more guests noticed the
05:48scene here, not only explained the rules to Roan seriously, but also set the ball professionally,
05:54and finally pointed to the billiard ball with a graceful smile and said, you come first, I can
06:00guide you if you make a mistake. OK. Roan grinned, picked up the cue and fiddled with it a few times,
06:08and directly used the greatest strength to knock all the diamond-shaped billiard away.
06:13Bump, after the billiard on the table tumbling for a while, one of them miraculously fell into
06:18the hole. Good. Roan, amazing. Norton and Ryder next to him, including Lacey, Mona, Lula and
06:28Sirin who walked in, all applauded for Roan's direct goal. Blondin on the side also smiled and
06:34applauded, it's just the luck of the novice. Roan got up and asked with a smile, can I play another
06:41ball number now? Right. Brundon nodded indifferently. Roan glanced at the table, bent down again,
06:49and the next ball to hit was a blue ball. People next to them frowned when they saw this,
06:55because there was a red ball next to the blue ball, which blocked half of the route,
06:59making it difficult for the blue ball to enter the hole. The ball is blocked. Yeah, it seems that the
07:06ball will be handed over to Brenton. Roan waved his hand, aimed at the cue ball and poked hard.
07:13Boom. Boom. Boom. There are three consecutive impact sounds, the cue ball hits the blue ball,
07:22the blue ball hits another red ball, the red ball bounces off the edge of the table,
07:26hits the blue ball again, and then knocks the blue ball into the hole. The audience next to
07:33him were dumbfounded. Augustus reacted the fastest, he laughed loudly with his belly out,
07:40Roan. You are so lucky. The others laughed too. Only the smile on Brundon's face was slightly
07:48stiff. He felt like something was wrong. Roan didn't speak, and continued. The next target is
07:56the yellow ball, boom. Successfully entered. Followed by the red ball. Boom. Enter again.
08:06Roan hit the billiard consecutively in order and performed the miracle vigorously.
08:12Several consecutive all went directly into the hole, and finally only the number nine ball was
08:17left. Seeing this scene, everyone applauded again and all laughed loudly, ha ha ha, Roan is so lucky.
08:25Amazing. Roan. So amazing. This kind of ball can go straight in. A few ladies next to him simply
08:35shouted, come on, Roan. Score the last goal and beat Brenton. They also know that Brenton is a
08:43front ball player. Blondin, who was standing aside, saw this scene, held on to the cue, and
08:49stood stiffly in place, a little suspicious of life. But before he could react, Roan successfully
08:56hit the no. Nine ball into the hole. Boom. At the moment when the voice sounded, Brenton, who had
09:04been a spectator the whole time, was in a trance. Everyone around gave all the applause to Roan,
09:11and the familiar writer and Lacey came over and said, Roan, you actually cleared the table with
09:17one shot. This is the first time I know that you play billiards so well. How about you stop working
09:24in the FBI and go to work professionally? Amid the crowd's pursuit, Roan was very low-key, waving his
09:31hand to show that it was all luck, and then looked back at Brenton with a sunny smile on his face,
09:36how about it, Brenton, continued. Brundon. Chapter 167, Afterward Rewards and Unexpected
09:44New Cases Monday, Investigation Team No. 5. Except for Mona who slept directly in the
09:51investigation team, the other agents have not come to work yet. Roan came early today.
09:58He was sitting on a chair, checking the light-blue system page in his mind.
10:03In the past few days, the system gave him good and excellent evaluations most of the time.
10:09After the rough treasure chest opening animation in the web game every day,
10:13most of the potions that are opened from the system treasure chest are stamina potions,
10:18strength potions, and swift. Potions. For this kind of medicine that can add a little bit of
10:25basic attributes every time, Luoen always asks for as much as he wants, never too much.
10:31During the two nights when the Park River Mail Corpse Case, and Seaside Deep Pit Serial Murder
10:37Case, were detected, in addition to the above three potions, the system treasure chest also
10:43opened a hemostatic potion, an antidote potion and a bottle of new potion, Featherfall Potion.
10:51There was no instruction manual, and Roan didn't know what the Featherfall Potion meant,
10:55so he had to temporarily put it in the warehouse. If you open another bottle in the future,
11:01drink the next bottle and try to see the specific effect.
11:05Since he got into the habit of pouring himself a few bottles of stamina potion,
11:09strength potion and swift potion after breakfast every day, although Roan had prescribed a lot of
11:14potions, there were not many left in the warehouse. At this time, in Luoen system warehouse,
11:22there are two bottles of antidote potion, three bottles of hemostatic potion,
11:27one bottle of strength potion, one bottle of swift potion, one bottle of weakness potion,
11:33one bottle of water lung potion, one bottle of fire resistance potion, and one bottle of
11:38newly opened Featherfall Potion. There was originally a bottle of sleep potion in the
11:44storage column. After attending August's wedding anniversary party on Saturday night,
11:49Roan went to the barbecue party held by Ryder's house on Sunday.
11:54As Roan expected, a lot of unseen Texas faces came to the party.
11:59These people came here because they heard about Roan's armwrestling last time.
12:04With the blessing of strength potion and stamina potion, Luoen is naturally not afraid of these
12:09red necks in front of him. After a round of battles to win everyone, Roan successfully
12:14promoted from a good half-brother in Texas to a half-brother whom Texas had never seen
12:19in the first half of his life. Roan.
12:23Several NYPDs gave Roan a card after he won everyone. This is a certificate issued by the
12:29NYPD police department to some police family members. If these police family members accidentally
12:36made a small mistake, as long as they show proof and the situation is not serious, NYPD will let
12:42them go. America's human society is not only deeply rooted, but also directly on the surface.
12:50Give Roan this proof, mainly because these NYPD rednecks heard about Roan's love for drag racing.
12:56With this card, even if Roan drives a Chevrolet racing car when there is no mission in the future,
13:02as long as there is no accident, the NYPD will not come to trouble him.
13:07After receiving the card, Roan was very happy, and the only problem was that this
13:12group of people could drink too much. Roan Greenwood's drinking capacity is average.
13:18Even with the blessing of various medicines, the drinking capacity does not mean that it
13:23will increase if it is improved. What's more, a lot of rednecks took turns to pour him wine.
13:30In the later stage, he couldn't drink it anymore, and the group of people refused to let him go.
13:36Roan had no choice but to pour the sleeping potion into the wine barrel while they were
13:40not paying attention. Half an hour later, the noise of the group of drunkards completely disappeared,
13:47replaced by snoring that soared into the sky. Seeing this, the rednecked wives threw their
13:53husbands into the trunk one after another, kicked the accelerator and drove home.
13:58Not long after, just when Roan calculated that there were still a few days before the system
14:03treasure chest would give out US dollars again, Lacey pushed open the door of the No.
14:095 investigation team and walked in.
14:14Throwing a few packs of Roan's favorite breakfast on the table in front of Roan,
14:18Lacey whispered, good job.
14:23Roan raised his head, his face full of bewilderment, and then suddenly remembered
14:27something, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he shook his head hastily, I never touched you.
14:33Roan has no sexual interest in lesbian.
14:38Hearing Roan's words, Lacey was stunned, and after realizing it, she gave him a hard look.
14:45Let go of her hand, Lacey took out a business card and stuffed it into Roan's pocket,
14:49and said with an unhappy face, if you don't want to struggle and want to reach the sky in one step,
14:55just make. This called.
14:58Luo An's face became more suspicious, he picked up his business card and asked, who is this?
15:05Lacey snorted coldly, she's the girl I brought with me to the party at Augustus' house, Diana.
15:12At the party on Saturday night, when Roan asked Brenton if he wanted to continue, Brenton was
15:17silent for a while and chose to continue, and in the follow-up process, he made several fouls.
15:24That is to use the rules reasonably to block Roan's advancing ball with his own ball.
15:29The men present felt that it was normal to use the rules rationally for the outcome of
15:33the competition, but the ladies were not so rational, and complained one after another to
15:38express their dissatisfaction. So in the end, although Valentine won 2 out of 3 rounds against
15:46Roan, all the ladies present ran to Roan's side to comfort Roan. One after another said that
15:52Valentine, who was a former athlete, bullied Roan, an amateur player, was a big bully and was too
15:58despicable. Valentine wants to cry but has no tears, and feels uncomfortable when he wins and
16:05loses. Lacey's female companion, Diana, was also one of the ladies who comforted Roan.
16:12After the party that night, Lacey and Diane went to a hotel and then, fought on the bed.
16:18Because they both thought that the other was Ling and they were Yi.
16:22After more than an hour of fighting, Lacey suffered a tragic defeat and was forced to
16:27open for business. After a long time, Diana ate the post-event fruit with a full face,
16:33and then suddenly approached Lacey and made a request, call Roan, she wants to discuss
16:38techniques with Roan. Don't get me wrong, the technique here refers to American pool.
16:45Diana's family is very rich, and her brother is also a world-renowned American pool player.
16:51Diana herself naturally had a spiritual pursuit when she was not short of money.
16:57That is, I want to be like my brother, who is famous all over the world for his American billiards.
17:03But she has mediocre skills and lack of talent, so she finally chooses to delegate her life goals,
17:09marries an American pool player. Roan is not an American pool player,
17:14but he knows the skills of American pool and has a handsome face.
17:18Although it was a man, Diana didn't care, men and women didn't matter to her.
17:23After listening to Lacey's narration, Roan's eyes were filled with the word speechless.
17:29Too lazy to care about this kind of woman who eats both men and women,
17:33and has no idea of being a son-in-law, Luoan casually threw the card into the trash can.
17:39After pondering for a long time, Roan coughed lightly, and approached Lacey to ask a question.
17:46That is based on Lacey's experience, why didn't she distinguish the other party's role this time?
17:51Roan is a little curious, he wants to learn something new.
17:56Boom! At this moment, the door of the No. 5 investigation team was suddenly pushed open,
18:02and then Augustus's loud voice rang out, everyone! A new case came suddenly.
18:09It is not yet the specific working time. In the office area of the No. 5 investigation team,
18:15Roan, Lacey, Mona, and Augustus are staring at each other.
18:20This time it's considered overtime, and I will pay overtime pay later.
18:26Seeing the empty office area, Augustus twitched the corner of his mouth,
18:30but fortunately the key figures to solve the case were all there,
18:33so he said without nonsense, a judge in the New York court.
18:38Was killed 10 minutes ago. You go to the scene to check the situation now.
18:44Yes, sir. Hearing that there was still overtime pay,
18:48Roan got up with a serious face, dragged Lacey into the equipment warehouse,
18:53and then immediately drove to the scene of the crime.
18:56Chapter 168, Female Judge Shot Dead in Front of Bakery,
19:01The crime took place on Manhattan Island, not far from the Jacobs Federal Building.
19:06Roan and Lacey arrived at the target location in just a few minutes.
19:11The SUV parked slowly on the side of the road.
19:14Roan and Lacey unfastened their seatbelts and jumped out of the car,
19:18walking quickly to the bakery opposite.
19:21The body was lying next to the car in front of the bakery.
19:26Hi, I'm Roan Greenwood.
19:28Seeing the cordon pulled up by NYPD,
19:31Roan subconsciously prepared to take out the golden badge in his pocket and introduce himself.
19:37But as soon as the words were spoken, the NYPD detective on the opposite side turned his head,
19:43walked over and patted Roan on the shoulder,
19:45I didn't expect it to be you, Roan, this case was actually
19:50handed over to you.
19:52Seeing the smile on the police detective's face, Roan also laughed,
19:56so it's you, Detective Walton.
19:59Detective Walton is a standard Texan.
20:02He happened to attend the barbecue party at Ryder's house with Roan yesterday,
20:06and even broke his wrist with Roan.
20:09After losing to Roan by arm wrestling,
20:11it was Detective Walton who gave Roan the card that only NYPD family members would get.
20:17Introduced Lacey's identity, and briefly reminiscing with Detective Walton,
20:22Roan glanced at the corpse covered in white cloth on the ground,
20:25and asked, what's the situation at the scene?
20:29The victim's name is Carolina Bellas, 65 years old this year,
20:33and one of the judges in the New York court.
20:36Speaking of business, Detective Walton looked serious and put his hands on his hips,
20:41that's why this case will be handed over to you.
20:44The murder of a judge is not a small case,
20:47and the NYPD decisively chose to hand over this case to the FBI.
20:52Roan bent down and lifted the white cloth to check the condition of the corpse.
20:57Lacey continued to ask, did something get stolen?
21:01Looks like not.
21:03Detective Walton shook his head, mobile phone, wallet, identification,
21:08cash, and handbag are all there, and no missing items were found.
21:13Lacey's face remained unchanged,
21:15it does not appear to be a murder of passion sparked by a robbery.
21:22Roan beside the corpse nodded in response,
21:24then his eyes lit up, and he moved to the side of the car.
21:28Picking up two obviously used bullet casings from under the car,
21:32Roan smiled and got up and handed them to Detective Walton,
21:35please send someone to send them to the federal building later.
21:40Detective Walton nodded in agreement,
21:43and at the same time pointed to the white youth surrounded by several NYPD not far behind,
21:48and said, he was the caller and an eyewitness to the incident.
21:53Roan and Lacey thanked Walton and immediately walked to the white youth.
21:57I was planning to come to this bakery to buy something to eat just now.
22:02Seeing the FBI golden badges displayed by Roan and Lacey,
22:06the young man immediately replied,
22:08just after I passed the corner of the street, I heard two gunshots.
22:12When I saw someone shot and fell to the ground, I quickly called the police.
22:17You're doing really well.
22:20Lacey took out a small notebook, and expressed her affirmation to the youth while recording,
22:24while Roan continued to ask, did you see the appearance of the shooter?
22:30The white youth shook his head,
22:33indicating that the murderer was wearing a mask, so he couldn't see his face clearly.
22:39But the guy was wearing blue jeans, a black jacket, and a gray hoodie.
22:44The young man immediately added, and pointed to the east of the bakery,
22:49after the shot was fired, the guy just ran towards there.
22:53Hearing the youth use he to describe each other, Roan continued to ask, are you sure that
22:59guy is a male?
23:03The young man said that the murderer yelled before shooting, it was a man's voice,
23:07and he couldn't have heard it wrong.
23:10What did the murderer shout?
23:12There are two
23:14sentences in total, I didn't hear the first sentence clearly.
23:18The young people spread their hands together, the last sentence shouted, now it's your turn.
23:25Hearing this, Lacey stopped.
23:28Writing, and Roan crossed his hands and hugged his chest, looks like a revenge case.
23:34Investigation team number 5, Roan and Lacey participated in the meeting discussions via
23:39mobile phones.
23:43Stood at the front of the office area, holding a folder, loudly introduced the basic information
23:48of the victim, then looked at William, and asked, anything else to add?
23:53Carolina Bellaz has been a
23:56judge for six years.
23:58William sat on the workstation and said while typing on the keyboard, but most of the cases
24:03she has been in charge of in the last two years have been related to appeals in
24:09So what she faces are criminals in prison.
24:12Augustus closes the folder, has the victim received threatening letters or been followed?
24:18There is a case on record.
24:20Mona tapped the
24:22keyboard a few times, looked up and said, 14 months ago, a gang member threatened Carolina
24:28by sending bullets.
24:30But less than a month after the gang member was released from prison, his head
24:35was chopped off because of a fight between gangs.
24:39An unlucky fellow.
24:41Augustus' cell phone rang suddenly, he turned and walked into the meeting room,
24:46Roan said on the other end of the phone, the
24:49Death of a gang member does not mean that others have no hatred with Carolina.
24:54Some people can bear to take revenge on her after they are released from prison.
25:00All the detectives of
25:02Investigation Team No. 5 nodded in unison.
25:06Although the West does not have the original saying that a gentleman takes revenge,
25:1010 years is not too late, but there are also the same sentences, with
25:16The same meaning
25:17Continue to investigate the case that Carolina has handled recently.
25:22Lou Owen was sitting in the car,
25:24remotely controlling the direction of the next investigation by the agents of
25:29The No. 5 Investigation Team, and then asked,
25:32Mona, how is the surveillance around the crime scene doing?
25:36Only the camera in the flower shop next to the bakery recorded a little bit of the
25:41Incident, and the surveillance in other places did not find the murderer.
25:46Mona showed the monitoring screen to the agents of the No. 5 Investigation Team,
25:51but Roan and Lacey couldn't see it, so she
25:54Briefly described the situation in the monitoring, and finally concluded,
25:59Carolina was driving a Jaguar, so it can be deduced that the murderer is about 1.8 meters tall.
26:06As for other content
26:08Sorry, the clarity of the flower shop surveillance is average,
26:12and the murderer is still wearing a mask,
26:14so I can't find any other useful information for the time being.
26:19Roan didn't say
26:22Much, he pondered for a few seconds, and continued to ask,
26:25how is the victim's family, such as financial status, marital relationship, etc.
26:32Mona tapped the keyboard a few times quickly, then
26:36Frowned, Carolina's husband died in a car accident two years ago,
26:40and her two daughters are a lawyer and a coffee shop owner.
26:44But the lawyer's daughter suddenly disappeared a year ago and her
26:48Whereabouts are unknown.
26:51The daughter of the coffee shop owner became addicted to drugs two years ago,
26:55and died of a drug overdose six months ago.
27:00After listening to Mona's description
27:03And then thinking of the murderer's words, now it's your turn,
27:06all the detectives of the No. 5 Investigation Team were startled,
27:10and Lacey in the SUV also became suspicious.
27:14Roan was silent for a
27:16Moment, and asked with a serious face, so, Carolina's family is now extinct, right?
27:24Mona on the other end of the phone reported an address and said,
27:28Carolina Bellaz has an older sister
27:31Living in this world
27:33For nearly a year, she has been living with Carolina.
27:38Let Mona and the No. 5 investigators dig deep into all the information about Carolina.
27:44Roan hung up the phone
27:47Started the SUV, kicked the accelerator,
27:49and rushed out in the direction of Carolina's sister's house.
27:53Chapter 169, Fingerprint upon learning that her sister had been attacked and died not long ago.
28:00Carolina Bellaz's sister, Anaz Bellaz, sat in a wheelchair and wept silently.
28:06Seeing the 70-year-old man in front of him sobbing and crying,
28:10Lacey hurriedly took out a tissue and handed it.
28:15Waiting for Anliz's mood to gradually stabilize, Roan asked in a low voice,
28:19Can you tell me about Carolina?
28:22After a long silence, Anliz sighed again and again, Carolina is a good person.
28:28She is a kind person, and she has never had conflicts with other people in her life.
28:33It doesn't matter whether this is true or not, anyway,
28:37Lacey took out a small notebook and wrote it down, and.
28:41Roan continued to ask, In the past few days, do you feel that Carolina is a little anxious,
28:47a little worried, or something else is wrong?
28:51Anliz shook her head again and again, everything.
28:55Has been pretty normal these days,
28:57so I'm in total shock and don't understand why someone would kill her.
29:01Seeing that the old man in front of him was out of breath, Lacey hurriedly poured her a.
29:06Glass of water, and comforted her while smoothing her back,
29:10we understand that this kind of thing is never easy to accept.
29:14But we need to know more information about Carolina, only in this way can.
29:19We catch the murderer who killed Carolina.
29:22I know I know.
29:24Drinking the water that Lacey handed over, Anliz calmed down again.
29:29After a moment of contemplation, she suddenly remembered.
29:33Something, looked at Roan and said seriously,
29:36Last week, because of my handicap, Carolina said she would hire me a nanny.
29:41But she was afraid that the nanny would not work well, cheat her or bully.
29:46Me, so she asked someone to install surveillance cameras in various places in this apartment,
29:52and the lawn outside the house also has.
29:55Hearing the news, Lacey's eyes lit up immediately, Roan.
30:00Didn't talk nonsense, he got up and asked, where is the monitoring terminal?
30:05Not long after, the surveillance footage appeared in front of Luowen.
30:10After excluding those blank and useless clips.
30:13Roan successfully found a guy wearing a mask in the record on Friday afternoon.
30:19This guy is wearing the exact same mask that was worn by Carolina's killer.
30:24Looking up and looking at Lacey, Roan.
30:27Immediately exported the monitoring records, and then asked Anliz, do you know him?
30:33Looking at the screenshot of the photo in the video,
30:35Anliz nodded after thinking for a few seconds, I don't.
30:40Know him, but I've seen him.
30:42He wandered around this apartment many times a few days ago, and he exuded a weird feeling.
30:48When I was sitting on the lawn basking in the sun, he kept staring at me.
30:53Luowen heard the words and hurriedly asked, then did you see his face clearly?
30:58No, he was wearing a mask all the time, just like in the photo.
31:03Anliz suddenly came to her senses, looked at Roan.
31:07Eagerly, and asked, is he the one who killed Carolina?
31:11Damn it, I should have thought of that, I always thought he was a bum.
31:15I should have said it sooner, told Carolina at the news earlier so she.
31:20Wouldn't, while talking, Anliz sobbed again, Roan sighed when she saw this,
31:25and Lacey took out a tissue to comfort her again.
31:29Investigation Team Number 5, Office Area.
31:33Roan sat back on the.
31:35Workstation, picked up the coffee and took a sip.
31:39The bitter feeling went straight to his brain, and Roan pursed his mouth,
31:43wanting to ask Augustus, when the money has arrived, when will he replace?
31:47The coffee machine.
31:49Okay, this is the person camping outside Carolina Bella's apartment.
31:54After sorting out the surveillance video brought back by Roan,
31:57Mona quickly made a comparison picture with.
32:01The murderer at the crime scene, according to the comparison of the height of the trees
32:05outside the apartment, the height of the two people is the same,
32:09the walking posture is also very similar.
32:12And the center of gravity is on the right heel.
32:15Is on the right heel.
32:17Very good.
32:18August patted his belly and nodded in satisfaction,
32:21it seems that this guy should be the murderer who killed Carolina Bellas.
32:26He planned.
32:28This case in advance, then monitored Carolina to understand the laws of her daily life,
32:33and finally implemented his plan this morning.
32:36But, I can't find the identity of this guy.
32:40Mona's 10.
32:41Fingers danced quickly on the keyboard, and the crackling sound was endless,
32:46but a few minutes later, Mona still sighed in disappointment,
32:49looked at Augustus and said, this guy was wearing a mask.
32:53The whole time, and the surveillance cameras near Carolina's apartment couldn't see his face
32:59And I haven't found any signs of the other party driving.
33:03Every time that guy walks into a park.
33:06He disappears completely.
33:10Hearing what Mona said, Augustus frowned, then looked at William and the others,
33:15and asked loudly, how is it?
33:17Have you found someone who might threaten Carolina?
33:21Or have a grudge against Carolina?
33:24Sir, there are too many people.
33:26William and others had wry smiles on their faces.
33:30Carolina Bellas was a judge and handled dozens of cases every day.
33:35Even if.
33:37Those ordinary civil cases are discarded,
33:39the cases that Carolina handles every day can fill more than a dozen pages.
33:45Looking for suspects from the perspective of hatred alone is like looking for a.
33:50Needle in a haystack.
33:52August also thought of this, and the expression on his face became even uglier.
33:57A judge was shot to death, which caused a huge impact.
34:02Many media, large and small, in New York.
34:06Have turned their attention to this.
34:08In the past, the team leader Vernie was standing in front of him, so Augustus didn't panic.
34:15But now Vernie is still lying in the hospital, Augustus naturally.
34:19Needs to be the top of himself.
34:22Thinking of the messy media who dare to ask anything,
34:25and the attention of the special agent director Corbett, Augustus is under great pressure.
34:31But as the leader of.
34:33The number 5 investigation team, resisting pressure itself is what he should do,
34:38so Augustus did not choose to transfer the pressure to agents like Roan and Mona,
34:42but chose to bear it all by himself.
34:45Silent for a while, Augustus turned his gaze to Roan,
34:49who was bowing his head in thought, and wanted to ask him what he thought next.
34:53At this moment, Ryder pushed open the door of the investigation.
34:58Team N walked in.
35:02Seeing all the agents turn their eyes to him,
35:04Ryder raised the folder in his hand and said with a smile,
35:07of the two shell casings that Llewelyn picked up at the scene of.
35:12The crime, the trace inspection department detected half a fingerprint on the back of one of them.
35:18Using the database, we managed to match a guy, Alvar Miller.
35:22Good job.
35:24August patted his big.
35:26Belly happily, gave Roan a pair of appreciative glances, and then looked at Mona.
35:32Mona has always been very reliable,
35:34and quickly found out the suspect's information and showed it to everyone, of R.
35:39Miller, 43 years old this year, participated in several wars when he was young.
35:45After retiring and returning to the federal territory,
35:48he has been in and out of prison for a lot of crimes such as.
35:52Shooting, threatening witnesses, drug crimes, and intentional injury.
35:58The time spent in prison is far longer than the time outside.
36:02After reading the information, Roan immediately got up and took.
36:07Ryder to the equipment warehouse after learning of Aval Miller's current address from Mona.
36:12In the equipment library,
36:14Ryder did not use the extended magazines of the Glock 18 as usual, but replaced.
36:19Them all with shock bombs.
36:22Even the number of shock bombs that Lead took was more than that of Roan.
36:26Roan on the side.
36:28Chapter 170, Two guns to the chest and one head the place where Alvar.
36:34Miller lives is in the west of the Bronx, a place called the Fordham community.
36:39Here are mainly Latinos and Blacks, whites account for a part, and almost no Asians.
36:45In addition, the rate of teenage.
36:47Mothers in this area is also higher than other areas and communities in New York.
36:52Later generations, here is known as one of the top 10 dangerous areas in New York.
36:58After entering the night, the.
37:00NYPD does not like to come to this area.
37:04The simple folk customs, freedom and harmony can be seen from it.
37:08However, the daytime scene of this area looks okay.
37:12Roan, who was fully armed,
37:15Roan, who was fully armed, drove Rider.
37:18Into the community and saw many roadside stalls selling things
37:22and some Black children running around on the street.
37:25Be careful later, Roan.
37:28Seeing the relaxed and calm expression on Roan's face.
37:32Rider, who was sitting in the co-pilot, silently grasped the Glock 18 in his hand
37:38and said in a low voice, the NYPD is not welcome in this area, let alone the FBI.
37:44Rider said that he is not a.
37:47Racist, but it is an indisputable fact that the crime rate is high in places with many Black people.
37:54The Fordham community is not very big, but there are more than a dozen Black gangs.
37:59Don't be.
38:01Nervous, Rider, you have to trust the equipment on both of us.
38:06Roan turned the steering wheel and drove the SUV into another street,
38:10smiling and patted the weapon on his body.
38:13As usual, Roan was.
38:16Wearing a combat uniform at this time, with a plate-carrying vest on his chest,
38:20ten shock bombs and ten extended magazines in several bags on his waist,
38:25and two Glock 18s in his holster.
38:30Equipment is similar to Roan's.
38:33Evaluate the skills of the two of them again.
38:36As long as those gangsters are not at the same time and the same place,
38:40and ambushed the two of them beforehand.
38:43Remaining problems will not be very big.
38:46Seeing the calmness on Roan's face, Rider's mood gradually calmed down.
38:51The bullet is the centering stone, and the equipment on the body is even more iron.
38:57The current number five investigators all have subconscious confidence in Roan,
39:02and Rider is no exception.
39:04After moving forward for a few minutes, the SUV slowly stopped beside a dilapidated two-story.
39:12Push the car door and get out of the car.
39:16Some passers-by saw Roan and Rider in full armor and decisively chose to leave here and take a
39:22One of the survival wisdoms of living here.
39:26Is not to be curious plus stay away from troublesome things that seem to be dangerous.
39:31This small building is a hotel.
39:34Rider opened the door and entered.
39:37Just about to ask the black boss at the front.
39:40Desk, Roan sniffed his nose, frowned, looked around the layout of the hotel,
39:45and pointed his pistol at him.
39:47Rider was taken aback for a moment, and immediately raised his pistol.
39:54But the moment Rider raised his arm, although the black boss didn't know why he was exposed so
39:59quickly, he chose to do it without hesitation, and immediately took out a pistol from.
40:05Under the table.
40:07Bang bang.
40:10Three shots were fired, and as soon as the black boss made a move, Roan pulled the trigger
40:17Two bullets hit the chest, and one bullet hit the head.
40:22Black boss closed his eyes and collapsed backwards on the ground.
40:28Successfully sent away the black boss, Roan quickly dragged Rider to hide behind the front
40:35Bang bang bang, sure.
40:38Enough, in the next second, a series of bullets were shot from the stairs, hitting the position
40:43where the two were standing just now.
40:45Ignoring the slippery feeling brought by the blood of the black.
40:50Boss, although it is not clear what happened, Rider, who is experienced in combat, immediately
40:56raised his pistol and fired back at the opponent.
40:59Not only that, Rider also learned Roan's craft.
41:03Taking advantage of the gap, took out a shock bomb from his waist and threw it over.
41:10Dazzling white light and deafening explosions suddenly erupted in the stairwell, and there
41:15was a burst of.
41:17Wailing from the enemies who shot.
41:19Good job.
41:21In the notes on the desk at the front desk, Roan, who successfully found the room where
41:26Avel Miller lived, patted Rider on the shoulder with.
41:29Satisfaction, and then reached out to motion him to look at the cabinet he had opened.
41:34Rider looked back, and there was a dead Latino girl lying in the cabinet.
41:39Obviously, this girl is the front.
41:42Desk of the hotel.
41:44The smell of blood is too strong, my nose is more sensitive.
41:49Explained casually, facing Rider's admiring gaze, Roan told the room where Avel Miller
41:54was, and then whispered.
41:56And then whispered.
41:58Call for backup, quick fix.
42:02Received the order, Rider immediately pressed the communicator, Roan jumped up and jumped
42:07over the front desk.
42:09At this time, on the stairs, there were several.
42:12Black youths lying on the ground and howling, and several black youths were bending over
42:17to pull them upstairs.
42:19Seeing Roan's figure, the expressions of several black youths who were bending over
42:25Pull him changed, and they all raised their weapons towards Roan.
42:29Before these people could react, Roan threw another shock bomb towards the stairs the
42:34moment he stepped out of the table.
42:39Moment the shock bomb exploded, Roan immediately pulled the trigger of the Glock 18.
42:45Bang bang bang, a series of gunshots rang out, and watermelon juice was immediately
42:50sprinkled on the stairs.
42:52Rider completed the task of calling for support at this time, and ran to Roan's side.
42:57Standing at the stairs on the first floor, Roan threw two shock bombs upstairs again,
43:02then raised his left hand.
43:05And waved it, no nonsense, you left and I right.
43:09No problem.
43:11Rider stood in front of Roan, rushed up to the second floor, shot down the two black
43:15men who were about to attack him, and then moved.
43:18And then moved.
43:20Towards the rooms on the left side of the second floor.
43:23Roan walked up to the second floor expressionlessly, hit by the wall at the stairway, pointed his
43:29gun at the ground and was knocked down by.
43:32Rider, but the black man with the gun who didn't know if he was dead or not, pulled
43:36the trigger and chose to make up the knife.
43:39The other party still had a gun in his hand, and Roan didn't want.
43:44Himself and Rider to be backstabbed by these guys because of their negligence.
43:49However, Roan made up the knife not on the heads of these black men, but on their left
43:54and right chests.
43:55After today's.
43:57Incident is over, he and Rider will definitely be questioned and investigated.
44:03If the knife shoots these people's heads and smashes them, then some guys who have
44:07been eyeing Roan for a long time.
44:10Will accuse him of his tongue.
44:12Luo An always likes to look a few steps forward when doing business.
44:17Especially now that Vernie is still lying in the hospital.
44:21Replaced with a new magazine, Roan.
44:24Disappeared in a flash, and checked every room on the right side of the corridor at
44:28a fast speed.
44:30There was no one in the front rooms, until Roan was getting closer to the room where
44:34Alvar Miller.
44:36Was, when a burly black man with a short gun suddenly jumped out.
44:41Seeing Roan, who was a head shorter than himself, the burly black man grinned.
44:46The flames from the muzzle roared out.
44:49Bang bang.
44:53Three shots were fired, and the face of the burly black man froze.
44:58The next moment, the strong black man's hands and feet were numb, and he lost control
45:03of his limbs.
45:04The short submachine gun.
45:06That hadn't had time to fire fell to the ground powerlessly.
45:10Looking at the strong black body, Roan blew on the muzzle of the Glock 18, bowed his head
45:15and spit, he looks so ugly, why are you.
45:21Walked into the room in a vigilant posture, and there was a white man shot in the chest
45:25lying on the ground, and the windows of the room had been completely shattered.
45:30The white man is not.
45:31Aval Miller, but his face is somewhat similar to him.
45:35Going to the window, checking the shards of glass and finding that it was from the inside
45:39to the outside, Roan judged that someone should have.
45:43Jumped from the room and escaped here.
45:46Roan turned around, and just bent down to check the injury of the white man on the ground
45:51to see if he was dead, when the man suddenly spat out a mouthful of.
45:55Blood, struggled and whispered, help.
45:58Blood, struggled and whispered, help.
46:01Now the fun in this clip is over.
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46:12The next clip.
46:14May the listeners be happy forever.