FBI 176-180

  • 5 days ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this clip. Don't forget
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00:22clips. Let's go listen.
00:25After 176, exploding helicopter the community where Qian Baisi lives is located at the junction
00:32of Queens, New York and Long Island, which is on the outskirts of the wealthy area. The
00:37traffic is developed, there are many vegetation covered areas, and there are many cameras.
00:43Now this large area is full of red and blue lights flashing everywhere, and sirens are
00:48blaring. Many intersections outside the area, NYPD has implemented mandatory traffic control.
00:57Many drivers looked at this rare scene curiously. After learning from various sources that someone
01:03used a bazooka, they felt that they had entered the real version of GTA. I just don't know
01:08how many stars NYPD gave to the other party. Big newspapers are rich and can drive a helicopter
01:15from the sky to live broadcast the pursuit of the murderer. The tabloid reporters wanted
01:21to drive into the blockade, but tonight the NYPD was very dutiful and refused to let them
01:26in. In desperation, these reporters had no choice but to turn their cameras to those
01:31grim looking troop carriers with black spray paint and the word SWAT on the side, which
01:36drove into the blocked area. From all directions. Agents. In the office area of the know.
01:45Five investigation team, Augustus stood at the forefront, watching the live broadcast
01:50on TV, feeling overwhelmed, turned around and said loudly, the major media in New York
01:56are going crazy now. They want answers, but we don't have them. William, Roan and Ryder
02:03what's going on now? Ryder was injured and sent to the hospital, Roan is chasing the
02:08enemy. Biauzi raised. August cursed in a low voice and hurriedly ordered, does Roan
02:15have support? Tell the nearest SWAT to join him. Also, where is the enemy now? Did you
02:22find it? William and other technicians tapped 10 fingers on the keyboard quickly, and when
02:28they heard Augustus question, he hurriedly answered, the nearest SWAT team is expected
02:33to join Roan in 5 minutes. The trace of the enemy has been found by Mona, and she is now
02:40helping Roan locate and hunt down the enemy. Good. Running to William's side, Mona has
02:47already connected the screen of her computer to the computer of investigation team number
02:51five remotely. August looked at the screen on the computer, folded his arms around his
02:57chest, his forehead was full of nervous sweat. At the same time, the jet black SUV was speeding
03:04forward on the road like lightning. Turn left at the intersection ahead, and turn right
03:09after 300 meters. In the driver's seat, Roan's eyes flickered coldly, and the communicator
03:16next to his ear continuously heard the sound of Mona's typing on the keyboard and the
03:20sound of the direction remote control. Roan called Mona after leaving Chien Biauzi's
03:26house and explained the situation here. When Mona heard this, she immediately handed over
03:32the steering wheel to Lacey, and asked Lacey to drive to the scene to support Roan. She
03:37herself sat on the co-pilot and quickly tapped the keyboard. Through the camera on the road,
03:43she remotely controlled Roan to hunt down the gray pickup at the fastest speed. Looking
03:49at Mona typing on the keyboard in the co-pilot, all 10 fingers appeared afterimages, Lacey,
03:55who was driving, swallowed silently. In the blockade area, following Mona's guidance,
04:01Roan drove the SUV across the backyard of a passerby's house, crashed into an empty
04:06kennel and fence, and soon found the shadow of a gray pickup on. Another road. August
04:13from afar. At this moment, a long strip of orange flame suddenly shot out from the gray
04:18pickup, shooting towards the sky. Boom, deafening explosions sounded, and the TV station helicopter
04:26in the sky was hit, spinning and falling to the ground on the spot. Fouquet. Shit. Personnel
04:34from several law enforcement camps and TV stations saw the scene on TV and cursed one
04:39after another. Oh my god. Jesus. The audience in front of the TV covered their mouths and
04:47exclaimed when they saw this scene. Roan, be careful. Hurry up and brake. Mona, Augustus,
04:56William and others in the distance shouted Roan's name through the monitoring on the
05:00road. Because of the direction where the helicopter crashed, it was on the road ahead of the Roan
05:06SUV. Fine. Roan frowned slightly, and silently pulled out the communicator by his ear a little.
05:15Mona yelled so loudly that her eardrums were almost shattered. Looking at the helicopter
05:20gradually falling towards him, Roan's face darkened, and he stepped on the accelerator
05:25silently. The next second, at the moment when the helicopter's fan blades were spinning
05:30and landing, Roan shifted the gear lever, controlled the brake, and at the same time
05:35turned the steering wheel suddenly. And the SUV directly passed the helicopter obliquely
05:41at an incredible angle. Boom. The helicopter fell to the ground completely and exploded
05:47on the road. The pitch-black SUV rushed forward again like lightning against the background
05:53of bright fire. Everyone in Yuanfang know. Five investigation teams saw this scene, they
06:00all slapped the table and shouted loudly, Nice. Cool. Awesome. As expected of Roan.
06:09I knew he could do it. Different from all the agents, Mona saw this scene, her throat
06:15became dry, and she shouted to the communicator, Roan. Are you crazy? Are you dying? Not next
06:23time. Because of the obstruction of the helicopter just now, the shadow of the gray pickup disappeared
06:30again. Replying to Mona casually, Roan hurriedly asked, Mona. Where is the enemy now? Under
06:38Lacey's tongue-tapping gaze, Mona slammed the door next to the co-pilot hard. Hashtag
06:44percent Yuan. Muttering a few words in a low voice, Mona tapped the keyboard again, and
06:50then replied in a cold voice, Turn right at the intersection 500 meters ahead. A team
06:56of SWAT and NYPD is there, and they will soon meet the gray pickup and exchange fire. Okay.
07:04As soon as Mona's words in the communicator in the ear ended, there were soaring flames
07:09and intense gunshots not far from the front right. Seeing this, Roan immediately turned
07:14the steering wheel and rushed in that direction. When he arrived, an overturned police car
07:20was burning on the side of the road, and two NYPDs were lying on the ground, obviously
07:25seriously injured. The SWAT operation team next to it was not injured, but there were
07:31some bullet craters on the vehicle. Stomped on the brakes and parked the SUV on the side
07:37of the road. Only then did Roan realize that there was a forest on the right side, and
07:42two deep car marks on the ground turned into the forest. Running quickly to SWAT, Roan
07:48took the M4A1 assault rifle handed over by the other party, and asked in a deep voice,
07:54What's going on now? The opponent has four people with long guns. One of them saw us
08:00and used the bazooka, and two NYPD patrol officers were killed. Before the SWAT action
08:07team could answer, a gloomy NYPD suddenly came over. It was only then that Roan discovered
08:13that the other party was actually Detective Walton whom he had just met this morning.
08:19Nodding to Roan, Detective Walton opened the trunk of his police car, took out two rifles
08:24from inside and carried them behind his back, turned to stare at Roan and said, Their car
08:29was just driven. Into the nearby woods by the SWAT team. Okay. Nodding, he showed the
08:36photo of Joe Landry to everyone, and after confirming that he was one of the four people
08:41in the gray pickup and the guy driving, Roan immediately took the communicator handed over
08:47by SWAT. No nonsense, Roan shouted into the communicator, Attention all units, check the
08:53equipment immediately, and use the team as a unit to surround this forest in all directions.
09:00Once you encounter non-law enforcement personnel, you are allowed to kill them on the spot.
09:07For heavily armed SWAT teams and a dozen NYPD armed with rifles all slowly entered the target
09:12area. Taking a deep breath, Roan took the helmet handed over by the SWAT team member
09:18and put it on, turned on the night vision goggles, and picked up the rifle. Together
09:23with the vengeful Detective Walton, the two formed a temporary team and walked into the
09:28woods together.
09:30Chapter 177, Double Kill and Successful Arrest of Joe Landry Roan, Detective Walton, and
09:36several SWAT team members found the gray pickup truck after walking for a long time.
09:42The gray pickup crashed into a tree, the front of the car was deeply dented, and the windshield
09:47was shattered. Walton walked slowly to the gray pickup in a vigilant posture, but when
09:52he found no one inside, he cursed in a low voice. Roan on the other side rummaged through
09:59the interior of the gray pickup, and his face was very ugly. Because he didn't find the
10:04bazooka launcher inside.
10:07Attention all units. Roan took out the communicator from his pocket, and said with a serious face,
10:14The enemy has a bazooka launcher in his hand, be careful.
10:20Hearing Roan's words, every member of the hunting team in the woods changed their expressions,
10:25their spirits became more concentrated, and the atmosphere became more tense.
10:30The police detective passed the gray pickup and continued to walk a few steps forward.
10:35Suddenly, he found that Roan hadn't followed, and hurriedly turned around and asked in a
10:40low voice, What's wrong, Roan? What did you find?
10:46Roan looked at the gray pickup, then looked at the ground around him, remained silent
10:50for a while, then suddenly raised his head and asked, Walton, are you familiar with this
10:55forest? Are there any rivers or paths in it?
11:00Walton's home is not far from here.
11:03He heard Roan's words, thought for a while, and replied in a low voice, Due north from
11:08here, there is indeed a river that finally flows into the Long Island Sound.
11:13After listening to Walton's narration, Roan frowned, and took out the communicator again,
11:19Attention all units.
11:21The enemy is likely to flee to the river in the north direction.
11:25The search team in the nearby area should pay more attention and be careful.
11:32Received the affirmative reply from the SWAT team members, Roan put away the communicator,
11:37raised the rifle, and ran to the north at a fast pace.
11:41Seeing this, Walton hurriedly raised his rifle to keep up, but he was puzzled why Roan made
11:46such a judgment.
11:48Hearing Walton's question, Roan, who was walking forward, frowned.
11:53One of the reasons is that he just found some broken branches and crushed leaves, and their
11:58path is exactly north.
12:00The second reason is that the state of the gray pickup truck after it hit a tree was
12:06Judging from the traces on the ground, the gray pickup is very fast.
12:11A car hits a tree at that speed, there is no way the driver and passengers are not injured
12:16at all.
12:17But there was no blood in the car, and the only explanation was that four people jumped
12:22out of the car before the crash.
12:25But after the four jumped out of the car, they packed up their things and left here
12:28at an extremely fast speed, and rushed straight to the north, so it is very likely that they
12:34had prepared in.
12:37After listening to Roan's narration, the eyes of Detective Walton behind Roan were full
12:42of disbelief.
12:44He was about to say a few words of rebuttal and doubt, when suddenly there was the sound
12:48of rifle fire not far ahead.
12:52Let's rush over to support.
12:55The moment the gunshot sounded, Roan stepped on the ground fiercely, and his figure disappeared
13:00in front of Detective Walton in an instant.
13:04Detective Walton gasped, not only shocked by Roan's speed, but also the direction of
13:08the gunshots, which was north.
13:11Seeing from the corner of the eye that Detective Walton didn't follow him in time, Roan rolled
13:16his eyes, and immediately opened the system, took out a bottle of, quick elixir, and poured
13:22it into his.
13:25The opponent has a bazooka in his hand, and Roan doesn't want to be bombed everywhere.
13:31Without potion the next few seconds after entering the body, Luo and's already amazing
13:36speed improved to a higher level.
13:39Walton could still see Roan's back in front of him, but in the blink of an eye, Roan had
13:43completely disappeared from his eyes.
13:48Are FBI agents this crazy now?
13:51Shuttle through the woods at an extremely fast speed, Roan quickly arrived at the position
13:56where SWAT and the opponent exchanged fire.
13:59Bang bang bang, because of the low terrain, the three SWATs are being suppressed by the
14:04opponent's firepower.
14:07But SWAT is not without gains, they have killed a four-person group of long-haired white men.
14:13This long-haired white man is now put in front of him by a thick-browed white man as a cover,
14:18allowing SWAT bullets to hit the body.
14:21Nodding with the three SWAT players, Roan measured the distance between the two sides,
14:26and immediately took out the only four shock bombs left from his pocket.
14:31At the same time, another bearded white man took out a rocket launcher from behind, stood
14:35up on the spot, opened his mouth and laughed loudly, garbage, be purified by the flames.
14:42Praise Jesus, let us see you on the Sabbath.
14:48Before he pulled the trigger, two dazzling white lights and explosions suddenly exploded
14:53in front of the bearded man in thick eyebrows.
14:57Seeing this, the three SWAT members hurriedly got up and shot back.
15:02And Roan had already moved to the enemy's side at an extremely fast speed the second
15:06after the shock bomb exploded.
15:09Damn, I.
15:11The bearded man was hurt by the eyes of the white light, and he cursed and hurriedly prepared
15:16to pull the trigger again.
15:18At this moment, he suddenly felt the saber in his pocket being drawn out, and at the
15:23same time, an emotionless male voice suddenly sounded in his ears, you really deserve to
15:30Cold sweat instantly soaked the back of the bearded man, and the expression on his face
15:34with thick eyebrows was like seeing a ghost.
15:38Bang bang.
15:41Bang bang.
15:44Six shots were fired, two in the chest and one in the head, and the bearded man and the
15:49thick-browed man collapsed to the ground with their limbs limp.
15:53The two of them didn't understand how the man who killed them moved to their side until
15:57the moment they lost consciousness.
16:00The moment the two corpses fell to the ground, the feeling of being uncomfortable all over
16:04the body, as if the bottom of the buttocks were on fire reappeared.
16:09Without hesitation, Roan immediately threw himself under the bearded man.
16:17Two bullets hit the ground beside Roan, and the dirt bounced on Roan's face.
16:22Joe Landry.
16:24There is only one person left in the group of four.
16:28When the three SWAT members came here and shot to cover Roan, Roan was already like
16:32a raging beast, galloping towards the direction of the shooting.
16:37At this moment, the three SWAT team members finally saw Luo An's moving speed clearly,
16:42and their eyes were dull and suspicious of life.
16:46Bang-bang-bang, pistol bullets shot out from behind the dirt bag not far away, but they
16:51landed either in front of Roan's figure or on the side.
16:55Only one of them left a scratch on Roan's calf.
16:58Fu Ke.
17:00On the mountain, George Landry's eyes were filled with shock and horror.
17:05Seeing that Roan was getting closer and closer to him, and the bullet in the pistol had been
17:09emptied, he hurriedly got up and prepared to run to the river downhill.
17:14The three of them stopped SWAT just now, just to give him time to clean the kayak.
17:19Now that the three of them are dead, Landry has no plans to bury them with them.
17:24The moment Landry got up, a white flash suddenly flashed his eyes.
17:29Poof, the next second, the pistol fell to the ground, and a sharp pain came from his
17:34right wrist.
17:36Landry looked down with pain on his face, and it turned out that the bearded saber was
17:40firmly inserted into his wrist.
17:46Landry's yell just came out of his mouth, Roan suddenly knocked him to the ground with
17:50a knee bump.
17:52This case is so big that Landry, the principal culprit, must not die now.
17:58But being alive does not mean that he can go to prison in good health.
18:02Using bazookas to blow up NYPD and FBI, this kind of thing has not happened in New York
18:08for a long time.
18:10Landry rolled down the to the river, and Roan walked up to him, and directly removed his
18:15left and right arms with skill.
18:17Tell me.
18:19Bending down, looking at Landry's face, Roan touched the scar on his left eye, with a bright
18:24smile on his face, Who thee are you?
18:27Chapter 178, Afterwards Harvest and the truth of the case
18:31Under the dark night, Roan bent down and squatted by the river, looking at George Landry in
18:36front of him, with a smile on his face, Tell me.
18:42Who you really are?
18:44Hearing the question from the ghostly man in front of him, Landry, who had a saber stuck
18:48in his right hand, blushed instantly, and opened his mouth to greet Roan's family.
18:56Before he could make a sound, seeing Roan who was driven down by three SWAT players,
19:00he got up and kicked him unconscious.
19:03Agent Roan.
19:05Are you okay?
19:07SWAT members rushed to the river with their rifles in their arms, and after confirming
19:11that Landry had fainted, they asked Roan very concerned if he was injured.
19:16The three of them were not only shocked by Roan's vigorous skill and terrifying speed
19:21of action, but also felt a little ashamed that they and others did not provide help
19:26I'm fine.
19:29Roan smiled and patted his arm, indicating that he was not injured.
19:33Hearing the shameful words of the three, Roan waved his hands.
19:38The three of them discovered the enemy first, and successfully killed one of them.
19:43There is no need to do this.
19:45Handing Landry who was lying on the ground to the three of them, Roan climbed up to the
19:49top of the again, and Detective Walton finally arrived here.
19:54Looking at the three corpses on the ground, and hearing about Roan's performance from
19:58the SWAT team, Walton was the first to react that the SWAT team was bragging in front of
20:03him, the NYPD.
20:05But thinking about Roan's terrifying running speed just now, and the SWAT team members
20:10patted their chests to ensure that they would never lie, Detective Walton's breathing became
20:15much faster, and...
20:17His gaze at Roan was filled with disbelief.
20:21If it weren't for Roan being the FBI, he, Walton, would have to contact his superiors
20:26to find a way to get Roan into their NYPD.
20:30Roan didn't know that another guy had the idea of recruiting him.
20:34He took out the communicator and told the search and arrest team in this area that the
20:38enemy had been dealt with, then took out the communicator and pressed the toggle button.
20:43At this time point, various law enforcement teams do not have the real-time monitoring
20:48equipment that is mounted on law enforcement personnel.
20:52Since entering the woods, Roan has turned off the communicator, and the No. 5 Investigation
20:57team has lost contact with Roan.
21:00At this time, everyone in the No. 5 Investigation team was in fear, and Augustus was covered
21:06with sweat.
21:08Lacey, who reached the edge of the woods, clenched her fists, and Mona bit her lips,
21:13all staring at the woods in front of them.
21:16Outside, there was a group of reporters who seemed to be crazy about the headlines.
21:21Inside, there was Lou Owen, who could not be contacted and could only wait for the news.
21:28August couldn't sit still at all, unconsciously clutching the folder with his sweaty hands,
21:33he paced back and forth in circles at the front of the No. 5 Investigation team's office
21:39Reporter Augustus was not worried.
21:42What he feared most in his heart was that Roan had an accident.
21:46Dittidi, in the extremely quiet room, the sudden sound of the communicator startled
21:52Waking up, Augustus prayed to God that Roan would not have an accident, and at the same
21:57time asked William to press the button.
22:00Mona and Lacey in the distance also hurriedly pressed the answer button.
22:05Three people were shot dead, and I managed to capture George Landry alive.
22:10Roan took off his helmet, stood on the spot, stretched, smiled and said to the communicator,
22:16the task was successfully completed, and no one in the search team was injured.
22:21Hearing Lou Owen's iconic voice from the communicator, everyone in the No. 5 Investigation team suddenly
22:27cheered, yeah!
22:31Good job!
22:32August laughed, threw the folder aside casually.
22:36Asked William to inform Roan to have a good rest tomorrow and not to go to work, and then
22:41strode away from the No. 5 Investigation team.
22:44There are a group of reporters waiting for him outside.
22:50And Mona also let out a long breath when they heard the voice, and slowly loosened their
22:54tightly clenched fists.
22:56Roan, you were able to capture Landry alive.
23:01That's amazing!
23:02When Roan came out of the woods, Lacey smiled all over her face, patted Roan's shoulder
23:09vigorously, and gave him thumbs up again and again.
23:12Mona, who was standing by the side, hugged the computer, glared at Roan with A.
23:18Stern Face, didn't say anything, and escorted George Landry with Lacey, and went to the
23:24hospital with the ambulance.
23:26Master Roan Greenwood, who had been busy all day, drove back to his small
23:32apartment in Greenwich Village, Manhattan, which had been completely renovated because
23:36of extra money.
23:38Sleep until 12 noon the next day.
23:41Get up and go to the bathroom to resolve internal
23:46Roan opened the system page in his mind while taking a shower.
23:50To his surprise, the system gave him yesterday's evaluation was not, excellent, it's excellent
23:56since getting this crude.
23:58System, this is the first time Roan has received this evaluation.
24:03Toggle the system page and open the system treasure chest that I was too lazy to open
24:08last night because I was too tired.
24:10A familiar, but rough cut scene, under Luo and surprised eyes, five bottles of potions
24:17were actually opened from the treasure chest.
24:20So, if you get the, pass, evaluation, two bottles of medicine will be opened.
24:27From the treasure chest, good, will be three bottles, excellent, will be four bottles,
24:32and, very excellent, will be five bottles.
24:36Having a better understanding of the operating logic of the
24:40system, Roan began to check the names of the medicines that were opened from the treasure
24:44chest, physical potion X1 strength potion X1 hemostatic potion X1 feather fall potion
24:50X1 analgesic.
24:53Potion X1 seeing the stamina potion, Roan took it out of the system without saying a
24:58word, raised his head and drank it clean.
25:01The spirit is instantly full, and the waste is instantly strong.
25:07This time, Luo and system warehouse page has two bottles of antidote potion, two bottles
25:12of hemostatic potion, two bottles of strength potion, two bottles of feather fall potion,
25:18one bottle of weakness.
25:20Potion, one bottle of water lung potion, one bottle of fire resistance potion, one bottle
25:26of analgesics.
25:28Analgesic potion, is a new potion that appeared again.
25:32Although the system still doesn't explain.
25:35It, Roan can guess what it does just by looking at the name.
25:39And, feather falling potion, finally got two bottles.
25:43In order to know its specific ability, Roan drew the curtains of the living room.
25:49Raised his head and drank them all.
25:51The moment Roan drank, feather fall potion, Roan felt as if he had escaped a small part
25:56of the earth's gravitational shackles.
25:59Under this feeling, Roan jumped on.
26:02The spot, and then found that one of the effects of the potion was to slow down his
26:06falling speed, and the other was to make him jump higher.
26:10The only problem is that he needs to clean up the lamps.
26:14On the living room floor that he smashed by himself, with what Augustus said earlier,
26:19Roan didn't go to work all day on Tuesday, but stayed at home watching dramas and watching
26:23movies plus lying.
26:27Wednesday morning, Roan walked into investigation team number 5 carrying two packs of Mona's
26:32favorite breakfast.
26:34Then he was surprised to find that all the desks of the number 5 investigation team.
26:40Agents were replaced with new computers, and the old chairs became new chairs.
26:45Also got a new coffee machine.
26:49Sitting on the new chair at his workstation, Roan twisted his butt, patted the new computer,
26:56and showed a happy smile on his face.
26:59Now when you watch a movie when you have nothing to do, the computer should stop freezing.
27:04At this time Mona also came in, Roan saw this, and
27:08immediately handed her breakfast with a smile.
27:12After receiving the breakfast, Mona gave Roan a blank look, and the little grievances in
27:17her heart slowly dissipated.
27:19The two chatted briefly for a
27:22while, and Roan asked, How about it, Joe Landry, did you confess?
27:27Chapter 179, Afterwards Harvest and the Truth of the Case, No.
27:33Mona shook her head.
27:34Yesterday, the doctor in the hospital pulled out the knife from Landry's hand, and briefly
27:41dealt with Landry's two arms that had been removed.
27:45Mona and Lacey brought him back to the number 5 investigation team.
27:49But no matter how they interrogated, Joe Root Landry didn't say a word, didn't say
27:55anything, and didn't even ask for a lawyer.
27:58In desperation, they had no choice but to let the trace inspection department test Landry's
28:03DNA first and compare it with the DNA of the head in the refrigerator, trying to know the
28:09relationship between them.
28:12But the test results have not yet come out.
28:15Roan frowned when he heard this.
28:18But we are not completely without gains.
28:21Mona turned around, handed some documents to Roan, and said with a smile, We found information
28:27on Landry's three associates.
28:30According to the data, the three of them are the remnants of the Davidic sect.
28:37Hearing the words in Mona's mouth, Roan suddenly remembered the words, Praise Jesus, let's
28:42see you on the Sabbath, that the bearded man shouted before his death.
28:48Davidianism is a branch of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, a very well-known extreme
28:52sect in the Federation.
28:55Their teachings believe that the kingdom of heaven is coming, and the end of the world
29:00is a battle with the heathen, and they will sacrifice their lives for it in this holy
29:04war so that they can ascend to heaven.
29:08This group of people preaches terror and violence, fights non-cultists, builds estates and bunkers,
29:15hoards weapons and food.
29:17In 1993, the branch Davidians shocked the Federation by setting fire to the manor and
29:23setting themselves on fire, including 21 children under the age of 16.
29:30In 1995, the Davidians again caused a big explosion in the federal government agency
29:35building in Oklahoma City, the capital of Oklahoma.
29:41More than 200 people were killed or buried in the rubble.
29:45After this, the FBI used great efforts to arrest the main leader of the sect and put
29:49it in prison.
29:51It can be said that among the numerous cult organizations in the Federation, the Davidic
29:57sect has always been the top group in terms of hands-on ability.
30:01This also explains why the three bearded men dared to use bazookas to blow up the helicopters
30:08of NYPD and TV stations.
30:11The surviving cultists did not have the idea of fear of law enforcement officers.
30:18After reading the information, Rone threw it aside, and when almost everyone in the
30:23No. 5 investigation team came, he and Mona interrogated Landry again.
30:30Facing Rone, the guy who threw a knife and stabbed himself, Landry's face was full
30:34of anger.
30:36But still, did not say a word.
30:40After tossing for two hours, Rone and Mona got up helplessly and left the interrogation
30:46In addition to direct hands, the two used all kinds of words.
30:51Seeing Luo and also walk out of the interrogation room empty-handed, the faces of the agents
30:57of the No. 5 investigation team suddenly collapsed.
31:01How about?
31:03Lacey rested her chin on her hand, looked at Rone and asked tentatively, the surveillance
31:09video in the interrogation room is broken again?
31:12Hearing this, the corner of Luo and's mouth twitched.
31:16Rejecting Lacey's suggestion of physical interrogation, Rone sat on the chair and pondered
31:22for a long time, then suddenly slapped, someone must know the identity of Joe Landry.
31:29She also has a high probability of knowing why Landry killed.
31:33Judge Carolina and the other five people.
31:36Lacey, Mona, William and the others all cheered up and hurriedly asked, who is it?
31:43Jorgen Landry's family.
31:45Because Landry was arrested and the nanny.
31:48Stopped coming here, the mother who was paralyzed in bed did not continue to take the medicine
31:53and woke up from sleep.
31:56Rone and her contact Mona helped her with personal hygiene and put her in a
32:02Knowing the purpose of the two, mother Hailey trembled and took a sip of water.
32:07Time passed by, Hailey sighed, and slowly told the story decades ago, Hailey did not
32:13go to college when she was young.
32:17After graduating from high school, she worked in a supermarket in order to make money, so
32:21she met her boyfriend Reed Thompson.
32:24The two got to know each other several times, and Hailey suddenly discovered that Reed was
32:30actually an addict.
32:32Hailey originally planned to leave Reed, but was deceived by Reed's rhetoric, not
32:36only did not leave him, but agreed to go to the south with him.
32:40To study and make money.
32:43Not long after, Hailey, who had not taken isolation measures, became pregnant with Reed's
32:48child, and then gave birth to him with Louie Moe.
32:52The two began to read together with.
32:55Their children.
32:56I often walk by the river, so how can I not get my shoes wet?
33:01During an operation, the two were discovered by border control personnel, Hailey escaped
33:06successfully, while Reed and.
33:09The child disappeared during the escape.
33:12Hailey has had enough of this life of fear, so she finally chose to give up looking for
33:16Reed and the child, and came to New York alone.
33:20In New York, she.
33:23Started again at the supermarket, successfully married a supermarket executive a year later,
33:28and gave birth to a second child, whom she named Joe Landry.
33:32Several years later, Landry did not go to.
33:35College, but chose to join the army and became a naval scout.
33:40Later, Hailey's husband died of a sudden illness.
33:44In order to take care of his mother, Landry chose to retire from the army and return.
33:51At this moment, the nightmare found her again.
33:55One night, Hailey was having dinner with Landry when several men suddenly broke into
33:59her home and killed Landry on the spot.
34:02The leading man told.
34:05Hailey not to be afraid, he would not kill her, because his name was Gary Thompson.
34:10It was the child who was abandoned by Hailey back then.
34:14According to Gary Thompson, his father told him since he.
34:18Was a child that Hailey deliberately left clues to provoke the border patrol, which
34:22led to him and his father being forced to flee.
34:26In the end, they had just left the Wolf's Lair and entered the.
34:30Household registration, and were arrested by Davidians.
34:34People catch.
34:36It was also at that time that Gary Thompson met people like Big Beard and Thick Eyebrows,
34:41who were also children captured by.
34:45Later Davidians were destroyed by the FBI.
34:49Gary thought the nightmare was over, but his father Reagan was caught in prison and sentenced
34:53to life imprisonment.
34:55Although Reagan read and sold books, he killed people under the instructions of the branch
35:01Davidians, was stronger than seeing people, and even made bombs.
35:06But Gary knew that his father Reagan was a good man.
35:10So he started contacting lawyers, trying to get his father out of prison.
35:16In the process, Gary accidentally found a photo of Hailey among his father's belongings.
35:22Although the Davidians were destroyed at the.
35:25Upper level, there are still many tribes left at the lower level.
35:29Through the help of these Davidic remnants, Gary successfully found the current address
35:33of his mother Hailey, and also discovered.
35:37That his living conditions were completely opposite to George Landry's.
35:41Jealousy blazes in Gary's chest.
35:45Driven by anger, Gary killed Landry and chopped off his head, and then threw plastic.
35:50Surgery, he changed his appearance into Landry's appearance.
35:55In this way, he can firstly escape the pursuit of the FBI, and secondly, he can live on as
36:00Joe Root Landry and take care of Hailey 4.
36:05The way to take care of mother Hailey is to turn her into a disability, declare that she
36:10has mental problems, feed her medicine, and let her sleep.
36:14During the period, Hailey did not tell the truth, but how could Gary believe it?
36:21Last week, an elderly Reagan died in prison.
36:25In order to take revenge, Gary began to look for helpers and buy guns, and began to kill
36:30the lawyer and several other people who were dawdling in his eyes.
36:35In Gary's eyes, if they weren't careful, his father would have been released from prison
36:39long ago.
36:41After those people were dealt with, Gary set his sights.
36:45On the female judge who opposed his and his father's appeal request, Carolina Bellas.
36:51As for the killing of the female prison guard Kamola Cara and the NYPD policeman by Kiyombasi,
36:57it is related to.
36:59Another matter.
37:00Note, the original case comes from the Public Access to Court Electronic R of the Federal
37:05Court of the United States.
37:08The author found it through the internet and made some appropriate adaptations, the
37:13original case is too insincere, so the author feels that this book is not adapted, might
37:18be gone, chapter 180, after the event and the truth of the case the reason why Gary.
37:25Thompson wanted to kill the female prison guard Kim Mora and NYPD's Chien Bisi was
37:30because of a woman named Brill.
37:33Brill is the bearded younger sister who grew up with Gary and is also Davidian.
37:38A few months ago, Brill was arrested and imprisoned.
37:43He was released from prison not long ago because of minor charges.
37:48But not long after she came out, she was shot dead by NYPD on the spot and sent to the morgue
37:54for attacking others with a gun in a public place.
37:58The NYPD who sent Brill on the road was Chien Bisi, and he also got the aforementioned administrative
38:04leave because of this.
38:07Female prison guard Kim Mora-Kara was the female prison guard who often abused her when
38:13Brill was in prison.
38:15Whether there was real abuse is unknown, but Beard chose to trust his sister unconditionally.
38:22Hearing that Gary asked for help, the bearded man immediately nodded and agreed.
38:27In exchange, after the bearded man helped Gary kill judges and lawyers, Gary also helped
38:33the bearded.
38:35Roan killed Chien Bisi and the female prison guard.
38:38Roan took out his mobile phone and helped Hailey contact the service organizations in
38:43this community.
38:45After Mona and Hailey had a brief chat, the two got up and left the house together.
38:51Sitting in the co-pilot, Mona hugged the laptop, her face full of sobs, Roan, I feel like this
38:57story could be made into a movie.
39:00Readings, revenge, killings, cults, gun battles, hatred between two generations, there are
39:07too many elements.
39:10Maybe turning the steering wheel and driving the SUV back in the direction of Jacobs Federal
39:15Building, Roan didn't have much thought about this story.
39:20There will always be stories with more twists and turns than this in the world.
39:25Seeing Roan's lack of interest, Mona pursed her lips and muttered a few
39:30words in a low voice, then suddenly remembered something, and asked excitedly, Roan, do you
39:36think I have adapted this case into a screenplay, and then cast it in Hollywood, is there any
39:41chance of selling it to those large film and television companies at a high price?
39:48Are you serious?
39:50Seeing the golden light in Mona's eyes, Roan twitched the corner of his mouth and said
39:55hastily, don't forget the FBI's case confidentiality
40:00I know, Mona rubbed her face and muttered, just talking casually.
40:06Mona is a little short of money recently, so she started to think wildly.
40:12Looking carefully at Mona, and making sure she was really just joking, Roan breathed
40:17a sigh of relief.
40:19Mona Ben was repeatedly warned by August because she often used computers to invade other places
40:25to do things.
40:27But these are trivial matters.
40:30Mona's skills are all on the computer, and Augustus just beats her.
40:34The office area of the No. 5 investigation team.
40:38Other places to do things.
40:41But these are trivial matters.
40:43Mona's skills are all on the computer, and Augustus just beats her.
40:48The office area of the No. 5 investigation team.
40:52With old Hylies.
40:54Confession, Mona and Lacey took Jorgen Landry, to the trace inspection department to verify
40:59his authenticity.
41:02Verification is just to show more evidence in court.
41:05Facing a cultist plus murderer like.
41:09Gary Thompson plus a prisoner who bombed the NYPD and FBI with a bazooka, and the buff
41:14is almost full, the judge knows how harsh his sentence will be.
41:19Of course, the follow-up work of collecting.
41:22Evidence, writing reports, and contacting judges in this case has nothing to do with
41:29He is sitting at his desk now, fiddling with the new computer intently.
41:33Originally, Mr. Warren sent.
41:37Investigation team No. 5 and 10 laptops shortly after the, disappearing case of the rich woman.
41:44But the notebook belonging to Roan was snatched by Mona as soon as she got it.
41:48So the current scene.
41:51In the office area of the No. 5 investigation team is that Lacey, William and others have
41:56a new desktop computer and a new laptop.
41:59Roan only has a new desktop computer.
42:02In front of Mona is a new.
42:05Desktop computer and two new laptops.
42:09Looking at Mona's 10 fingers flying and typing on the keyboards of the three computers, Roan
42:13was speechless.
42:15Are your fingers not tired?
42:17Also, why is.
42:20Lacey next to her drooling again.
42:22At this moment, Augustus, who had been missing for a long time, pushed open the door of the
42:27No. 5 investigation team again and walked in, while shouting loudly.
42:34Come to my office.
42:36Yes, sir.
42:38Roan immediately got up and strode into the team leader's office.
42:43I don't know what reward this case can bring me.
42:48Throwing the folder in his hand into.
42:51Roan's arms, Augustus sat down on the old chair.
42:55The reason why it is an old chair, not a new one like the detective's, is related to Roan.
43:01Because Roan, accidentally, drove into a passerby's fence.
43:05And Kennell, while chasing the gray pickup the night before, casually promised Augustus
43:10that he would change it in the future, and never next time.
43:14Roan lowered his head and opened the folder in his.
43:19As expected by Llew Owen, the document contained bonuses for all members of the No. 5 investigation
43:25team, as well as proof that Llew Owen himself had doubled his bonus.
43:30The bonus on weekdays is.
43:321,500 US dollars, doubled to 3,000.
43:37Equivalent to one month's salary of a senior agent.
43:41Not only that, but in the serial murder case in the deep pit by the sea, the $200,000 reward
43:47offered by them.
43:49Long Island government will also be credited to Llew Owen's account before leaving get-off
43:54work today.
43:56Looking at the figure of 203,000 US dollars, Llew Owen suddenly grinned, raised his head
44:01with a smile.
44:03On his face, and shouted loudly, thank you sir.
44:07You're welcome.
44:09August waved his hand, he only hoped that Roan would destroy less things in the next
44:15When he first came to the No. 5 investigation team, Roan just spent some shock bombs, which
44:21was not a big deal, and it was still within the range of Augustus.
44:25But last night's fence and kennels.
44:28August took a sip of the new.
44:31Coffee on the table, feeling a little relieved.
44:35Roan just promised him that he would pay attention in the future.
44:39With his steady performance on weekdays, this kind of thing should not happen again.
44:44In the future, right?
44:46Swallowing the coffee in his mouth, Augustus pulled out another folder and handed it to
44:51Roan, this is the reward for the two cultists you killed the night before yesterday.
44:58Roan was taken aback for a moment, Augustus saw this and explained with a smile, those
45:03two guys have been committing crimes over the years, but because they have always been
45:07helped by the Davidic Remnants and their status is too low, a certain department of the FBI
45:13didn't search carefully, so they have been active until now.
45:17This money is a reward from a certain department of the FBI.
45:23The teen leader of that department thought that the money would be taken by their own
45:27people, but they didn't expect it to be taken by you.
45:30The reward for each of the bearded trio was $30,000, because one of them was killed by
45:37the three SWAT players, so Roan could only get $60,000.
45:42But $60,000 is not a small amount.
45:46Adding the $203,000 just now, Roan did the math, and solved them.
45:51Case by himself, and got a total of $263,000.
45:57Lou Owen's eyes were full, if he could make so much money by solving every case, plus
46:02the Apple stock he bought before.
46:05Set a small goal.
46:07First, earn him $100,000,000 before the age of 35.
46:12Seeing the golden dollar-dollar in Roan's eyes, Augustus twitched the corner of his
46:18After chatting with Roan briefly, he waved him away.
46:23After leaving the team leader's office and walking to the front of the office area, Mona
46:27and Lacey cast doubtful glances at Roan.
46:31Now the fun in this clip is over.
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46:44May the listeners be happy forever.