Werewolf 91-95

  • 2 days ago


00:00Channel Red Novel, Chapter 91, altered Hunter Ranks despite surviving the full moon, the
00:16amount of things Gary had on his mind hadn't really reduced.
00:21For some reason he had put this one in particular to the back of his mind.
00:25Perhaps because it had been the first thing he had been confronted with after reverting
00:29back, or maybe it was because Blake being an altered hunter seemed as unbelievable as
00:33him being a werewolf.
00:36Man what is it with this school?
00:38Does it have some special attraction to strange people?
00:41I'm seriously starting to worry about running into vampires, dragons, demons, or the like.
00:48Out of everyone, why did he have to be an altered hunter?
00:52Planning to avoid the confrontation, Gary decided to do the easiest thing.
00:56He lifted his hand to wave at the other, and then, tried to promptly walk right past Blake.
01:02However, as he did, a shadow was cast in front of him.
01:06The high schooler quickly moved to the other side, yet the shadow copied him.
01:12It was clear that the young altered hunter was blocking his way.
01:16Come on.
01:17You really want to do this, in school of all places?
01:21I can't get into any more trouble.
01:24I just came back after being excluded for an entire week.
01:27Look, I'm pretending that I never saw you, that everything was just a bad dream yesterday,
01:33so why can't you do the same?
01:35Gary was screaming internally, as he decided to go for a spin, trying to get past his schoolmate.
01:42Right now, Gary was imagining himself on the field with the rugby ball in his hands, and
01:46he was trying to get past one of the defenders.
01:49Unfortunately, Blake seemed to have predicted this and was already in the right position
01:54to catch him.
01:57Couldn't things have gone my way for once?
01:59Blake, placed his hand on Gary's shoulder quite confidently and leaned in so no one
02:04else would hear.
02:05Look, I'm not too eager to have that conversation either, but we really need to talk about yesterday.
02:12Don't worry, I'm not planning to do anything else to you.
02:16Let's just head to the bench outside near the art block.
02:20I believe it's in both our interests to decide what to do next.
02:24Blake whispered, before he patted the other on the back and continued on his way.
02:29Well, a talk doesn't sound too bad, but I haven't even had time to think about what
02:33to say.
02:34Damn it, Blake is a nice guy, right?
02:38I mean, he let me go yesterday in the woods.
02:41Surely, he wouldn't lie to me to try and kill me now.
02:46Here in school with far too many potential witnesses.
02:49If he really wanted to, he could have approached me outside of school.
02:54Being relatively sure that it was safe, he decided to follow behind the other.
02:59Nobody found it too strange that they walked together.
03:02Although they hadn't won the match, everyone in school knew that Eaton High had beat up
03:06nearly all the regulars.
03:09Gary had only recently become one, and their teamwork had secured them a draw, making the
03:14two of them the superstars of the rugby club.
03:17Alas, Gary was being reminded just how popular Blake actually was.
03:23Everyone went out of their way to greet him, a few girls even stopped by to bring him gifts.
03:28The high schooler wasn't too sure, but he wouldn't be surprised if some of those cookies
03:32had been baked early in the morning just for Blake.
03:36On the other hand, only a few congratulated Gary here and there.
03:40It was obvious that he was treated mostly as an afterthought, when they noticed that
03:44he had been behind the real rugby star, damn it, would they all be thinking the same if
03:49they knew he was an altered hunter.
03:51This lifestyle, everything he's doing is fake.
03:55It was then that Gary realized the hypocrisy.
03:59Was what he was doing really any different?
04:02Altered hunters had a bad reputation.
04:05After all, becoming an altered was something that everyone aspired to be or wished for.
04:10They were superstars and instant celebrities, yet one crazy group of people had chosen to
04:15kill them for no apparent reason.
04:18Or at least not a reason the general public could understand.
04:22If anyone did find out Blake was an altered hunter, he would probably be chased after
04:26for the rest of his life.
04:28Eventually, the two of them reached the bench, and he realized why Blake had picked this
04:35There was no one else there, other than students far away in their classrooms practicing art
04:39instead of going outside to play.
04:42The two of them sat together for a while, neither one really sure how to start such
04:46a serious conversation.
04:49Should I go first?
04:51Is he waiting for me to say something?
04:53Or should I just wait?
04:55Just when Gary was about to speak, Blake started instead.
04:59My family.
05:01They have been altered hunters since seemingly forever.
05:05Altered have actually existed for much longer than you're led to believe.
05:10Just like us, they used to have a different name, but that's beside the point.
05:14It was only recently that, altered started to become more public about their existence.
05:20I don't know how someone like you managed to become an altered.
05:24I actually chose to go to a no-name school in a tier-3 town because I believed that it
05:28would allow me to separate my two lives.
05:31I never wanted to run into somebody I knew, but then I met you.
05:36It made sense, although Blake hid the fact that he was an altered hunter, in the end
05:40he was still a teenager like Gary.
05:43Gary knew how hard it was to kill someone that you know, or someone you saw every day,
05:48the connection made it harder.
05:50Going to a no-name school, it should have been impossible for anyone to afford to become
05:54an altered, or have the potential to be selected as one, apart from Blake himself of course.
06:00I'm guessing it started when you got better at rugby.
06:04I didn't think much of it at the time, and I thought that it was actually fun to just
06:08forget about everything and try to compete for a change.
06:11You helped me forget about what I was.
06:14Damn it, the more I listened to him, the more I realized the two of us are alike.
06:20That's why I started to enjoy rugby a lot as well.
06:24And then you saved me, which is why I decided to do that favor for you the other day but
06:28at the same time Gary, this is a warning.
06:31There aren't many altered in this town, which means that you will become one of our targets.
06:37How much do you know about altered hunters?
06:40Blake asked.
06:41Not much, just what is on the news.
06:44I had no idea that you used that strange armor of yours.
06:49Gary replied honestly.
06:51We altered hunters have ranks.
06:54Blake explained.
06:56These ranks are tattooed on their shoulders in the form of stars and a lot of hunters
07:00are proud of this.
07:02The more stars, the stronger the altered hunter, and my father, who lives here with me in this
07:06town, is a three-star hunter.
07:09A three-star hunter.
07:12So what are you, and how do hunters even get these stars?
07:16Gary asked.
07:17It was the first question that the other had asked, that made Blake pause for a while.
07:23I don't have any stars on my shoulder yet.
07:26An altered hunter will only get a star if he manages to successfully kill five altered.
07:32Right now, I'm still an apprentice to my father and you were actually meant to be my very
07:36first kill.
07:38Now Gary understood why Blake's father was so dangerous.
07:42If he was a three-star altered hunter, it meant that the other had already killed altered
07:46in the double digits, beings that were superhuman with all sorts of different forms.
07:52He was experienced beyond belief.
07:54I guess I was lucky I ran into you then and not him.
07:58Gary chuckled nervously.
08:01That's my point and it's why I came to talk with you.
08:04Since I'm in my apprenticeship phase, my father will accompany me until I earn my first star.
08:10We never expected to find two of you in slew, making us split up.
08:14However, if I was you, I wouldn't go out anymore.
08:18The next time I'm with my father and we spot you again, I won't be able to stop him.
08:23If anything I will have to help him.
08:26Blake admitted, stood up and got ready to head back to class.
08:30Wait, Blake.
08:32The other worked the other altered, did your father manage to catch him?
08:36Do you know where he is?
08:39Gary asked.
08:40Blake turned around, his face didn't look pleased, which was a rare sight.
08:45This whole time while they were walking through the hallway, Gary had only seen a smile on
08:49the other's face, though he could tell that it was just for show.
08:53No, we didn't.
08:56Some white rose agent got in his way and according to him, he used the chance to escape one that
09:01other altered fled.
09:03There's nothing in the news, so I guess they were unable to find that one afterwards.
09:08Blake shrugged his shoulders.
09:10I'm sorry, I thought that the two of us might become good friends, but because of what I
09:14am, and what you are, it might be best if we kept our distance outside of rugby.
09:20Although Gary didn't know Blake too well, for some reason, the words of the other stung.
09:26Maybe it was because he learned that the two of them were close, or maybe it was something
09:30else, but if Gary did meet Blake again, he didn't want to be his enemy.
09:35That was for sure.
09:37Shut up.
09:38Gary shouted.
09:40Don't go deciding that crap on your own.
09:43I'll kick your arse at rugby, and I'll kick your arse in fighting as well, but that's
09:49We can still talk in school, we can still laugh and have fun.
09:53You're still you, and I'm still me, nothing has changed.
09:57Who cares about who or what we are outside of school.
10:01Turning back around, Blake gave the other high schooler a sad smile, yet didn't say
10:07And that is why you're dangerous, Gary, because of your beliefs.
10:11I hope I won't ever have to pick between you or my father.
10:15Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 92, Shortcut to
10:21Power Back In Gary's Classroom, there was one student who hadn't moved at all from
10:25her seat, and that was Exian.
10:28She had kept her head down, which was still pounding from the lack of sleep.
10:33After everything she had experienced that night, the most frightening thing for her
10:36was waiting for her when she got home, because she had been forced to confront her father.
10:42As the mayor, it was impossible for her to keep something of that magnitude hidden from
10:46him, especially since the bodyguard assigned to her had been killed in active duty, leaving
10:51her no other choice but to tell him the truth.
10:54Exian had confessed to everything, though she claimed that she had wanted to celebrate
10:58with some of her friends because of the rugby match, before they had been attacked by an
11:04The news report later revealed this fact and the police report made it so her father believed
11:10Unlike what she had expected, the mayor had hugged her tightly and had just been thankful
11:14that it appeared to have been a random attack rather than someone trying to go after her.
11:19Of course, that hadn't been the end of it.
11:22This morning, after having thought things over during the night, he had told Exian about
11:26the changes that would happen to avoid such a situation.
11:30The increase of bodyguards was the least of her troubles.
11:34The worst part is, I can't even complain about him changing the rules of this deal.
11:39Still, he could at least have allowed me to go home by myself.
11:44How am I supposed to make any friends, if I have to drive to and from school in a car?
11:49I guess the only freedom I have left is in school.
11:53Exian sulked as she could hear the sound of giggling from behind.
11:58The annoying high-pitched laugh had become an annoyance and it was giving the high school
12:02girl a bigger headache than usual.
12:05How great would school be if Tiffany wasn't around?
12:08She has yet to actually do anything since our talk, but I can't shake this feeling that
12:13she is plotting something big.
12:15However, right now Exian was simply too tired to care whatever that banshee was preparing.
12:21Her last thought before she fell asleep was where Gary had actually disappeared to yesterday.
12:27When returning to class, Gary spent some time talking with Tom.
12:31During the breaks they were trying to come up with ways of preventing what happened the
12:35first time, and on top of that, his best friend was actually trying to figure out ways to
12:40deal with the other Omega Wolf.
12:42The only weakness we know of is Chocolate.
12:46Even that is something we can't be too sure of.
12:49In the worst case scenario it might actually be something completely unique to you, but
12:53even in the best case scenario, it's not like we can get rid of him by throwing a chocolate
12:58cake in his face.
13:00Say, do you think if I smother myself in chocolate that it might act as a repellent, so he won't
13:05eat me?
13:06Tom questioned him.
13:08That is the strangest suggestion I have ever heard.
13:12Gary commented, as he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
13:15Do you want me to wear gauntlets or something and smear that in that stuff to deal poison
13:19damage to him or something?
13:22If it works, why not?
13:24Although it might be a bad idea for you to be the one to use them.
13:29Double edged sword and everything.
13:31Who cares if it sounds stupid.
13:34You have to remember that our freaking lives are on the line here.
13:38And for some reason that werewolf seemed to have taken a particular liking to Inu.
13:43Tom whispered.
13:45Over to their right, Inu was snoring lightly.
13:48Gary had a feeling that he already knew why the other werewolf was after him.
13:53I don't think something like chocolate is going to do much.
13:57At best it might make him vomit Inu out if he tries to eat him, but it won't really stop
14:01him from killing him.
14:03Eating human flesh seems to empower a werewolf.
14:07I can only assume it will either be an increase in stats or more stat points to assign, or
14:12maybe a direct increase like it was for hunting down a target.
14:16As long as one can actually live like that, the pros seem to outweigh the cons.
14:21It really seems to be the easiest and fastest way to get a power boost.
14:26Later in the afternoon, it was time for club classes again, and when Gary and Blake met
14:31they looked at each other, before giving the other a nod.
14:34It seemed that their little talk had improved the relationship between the two of them.
14:39Instead of their regular training, Mr. Root talked about the game, telling everyone what
14:44went well and what went wrong, but in the end, how it was ultimately not their fault
14:48that they didn't win.
14:50Eaton High had used an even dirtier method than usual, so not losing was already a huge
14:57Most surprisingly, he actually thanked all the non-regular players for taking up their
15:01role, calling them out by name instead of just referring to them as, the benchwarmers.
15:07All of the regular players gave them a big round of applause and Gary was starting to
15:11think that Mr. Root actually was one of the better adults he had seen in his life.
15:17Practice continued on as normal after that but there was one thing that the high schooler
15:21had noticed a certain student hadn't arrived who had done every time since.
15:26His mark is too faint, so he can't be in school.
15:29Just what is he up to?
15:31He seemed fine yesterday.
15:34Maybe he isn't over Barry's death yet.
15:37Gary wondered.
15:38Apparently, he wasn't the only one who had noticed his disappearance.
15:43He could overhear some of the students talk to each other.
15:46Hey have you noticed that Gil isn't here?
15:49A student asked.
15:51I heard that he went to Headmistress Young this morning to drop out.
15:57Are you sure he didn't just plan to transfer to another school?
16:01You know, he and Barry were inseparable.
16:04Maybe he just wants to be elsewhere to not be reminded of his childhood friend.
16:09I thought the same, but someone told me that Gil had actually joined a gang.
16:14I doubt he has a need to go to school if one of the big gangs accepts him.
16:19The students carried on talking about Gil, and Gary could only think of one gang that
16:23he probably had joined.
16:26The gray color gang which was related to the gray elephants.
16:30Tomorrow I have that fight with Inu, so we were meant to do some training today, but
16:34if we run into Billy again, there isn't much chance I can beat him.
16:38If I meet Gil again, I wonder if that quest will activate again.
16:43I wouldn't mind farming him for some exp at that moment he crossed eyes with Blake, remembering
16:48that there were others out there.
16:51It should be okay.
16:53As long as I don't transform, I'm just a normal high schooler.
16:57I can't avoid taking risks.
17:00If I just sit around, my friends, and family could all be in danger.
17:05I need to get stronger.
17:07Thinking about his last remaining hunting target, Gary thought back to the last time
17:11he had seen Gil together with the color gang, how he had almost killed a defenseless old
17:17That had just been a test after joining the gang.
17:21Now that he had proven that he didn't shy away from dirty work, he might actually be
17:25given worse things to do, and thinking along these thoughts.
17:29Billy has eaten multiple people already, that's why he was so much stronger than me.
17:34If I were to do the same I might gain the power to rival him.
17:38I can't bring myself to end innocent lives like Billy does, and Barry was just an accident.
17:44However, there are some people that don't deserve to live in this world anymore, and
17:49if I have to kill, if I have to get stronger to protect the ones I care about, then I would
17:53rather them die over my friends.
17:56Thinking about this, without realizing it, saliva was dripping out from Gary's mouth
18:00thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 93, an important
18:06bond after training was over, Inu actually came over to Gary to tell him that there would
18:10be no practice today.
18:13Although Inu had just joined the school, he had been advised to join the rugby club by
18:17someone in particular, and it had been no surprise to him when he had arrived the other
18:21day that he could see Gary there.
18:23Kai was clearly a person that just loved to pull strings and act as the puppet master
18:28behind everything.
18:30As for Inu's reasons for cancelling practice, for one, the high schooler was still mentally
18:35tired from what had occurred yesterday.
18:38He didn't want to stay out, and his other reason was that he considered it important
18:42to rest before an important match, like the one they would have tomorrow.
18:46Too much training was just as bad as no training, and he thought that whoever they would face
18:50in their match tomorrow he was confident the two of them could deal with it.
18:55Before leaving, he informed Gary that he would update him on anything to do with the Billy
18:59front, but since he would be staying at home today it was unlikely anything would occur.
19:04It seemed that Inu hadn't put together that Billy and the werewolf were the same person,
19:09but Gary couldn't blame him.
19:11Were it not for his werewolf system, even he would find it impossible.
19:15The fact that training was cancelled was great news for the high schooler, who quickly hit
19:20the gym on his way back.
19:22There was no need for him to consume extra meat since he had already had his fill thanks
19:26to the generous donation of a certain altered superstar.
19:31EXP 105-628, I know that my stats have gone up, but training is starting to seem pointless
19:37with how long it takes me to increase any of my stats naturally.
19:41With a measly 5 EXP per session it will take me ages to level up even once.
19:47If I want to get stronger, I need a faster way to earn EXP and for that I'm going to
19:52have to take risks.
19:54By now, the color gangs should have calmed down, so perhaps I can incite another turf
20:00I can't just sit around and allow Billy to get stronger on his own.
20:04But first, I need to do something else.
20:08Arriving home, Gary pushed the door open, and was positively surprised to see his mother
20:13in her work clothes.
20:15She was wearing a plain blue top with a badge that had her name along the top.
20:20He figured that today might have been one of her very rare free days, or perhaps her
20:24shift had been moved to later.
20:27What are you doing here, mom?
20:29Did they call you for a late shift again?
20:32Gary asked, as he popped his head into his room, hoping to find his sister, yet she was
20:37nowhere to be found either.
20:39Yeah, they have me on the late shift again.
20:42His mother replied as she was texting on her phone.
20:46The middle-aged woman had a smile on her face as she did this as well.
20:50Which worried Gary, if this was the case she was either talking to her friends, or it was
20:55with another man, and Gary dreaded the thought of meeting another person from SLU.
21:00That and he didn't like the idea of another person being introduced into their family,
21:04he was the one that would help their family out of their situation, not a stranger who
21:08didn't know the struggles they had gone through.
21:11His mother worked as a cashier at a 24-hour supermarket.
21:15They would call her in for extra work at all sorts of times and she would always accept.
21:21Because they knew she always said yes, they always asked her first.
21:26For Gary though he hated it, the later the shift the more likely there was for trouble
21:30to be caused.
21:31The only saving grace was that the supermarket was under the underdog's territory in SLU,
21:36so no one touched it.
21:38If they did, they would be facing the biggest gang in SLU.
21:42Still, that didn't stop some gangs, or strays from trying to do things once in a while.
21:49If you're looking for Amy, she's staying over at Stacy's tonight.
21:53His mother shouted, noticing that her son was looking in every room, and even knocked
21:58on the toilet.
21:59She went out.
22:00Well as long as she stays indoors, I guess they're safe, but I really wanted to do something
22:07The reason Gary was a little bummed was because he had been planning to create a bond mark
22:12with her.
22:13Although it was unlikely that Billy would go after his sister, it wasn't impossible
22:17and it was mostly a question of when the underdogs might unearth his real identity and the people
22:22around him.
22:24After hearing what Tom said about him protecting him as a full werewolf, Gary was confident
22:28he wouldn't harm them.
22:30Well, I guess I will just have to leave it for next time then.
22:34Gary thought.
22:36There was still one other person he could mark though.
22:39Going up to his mother, he pulled a chair and sat down opposite her.
22:43She intricately turned her phone over, which made Gary even more suspicious that she was
22:48talking to a guy on the phone.
22:50However, seeing this gave him an idea.
22:53Mom, I don't mind you talking to other people, but...
22:57I get kinda jealous sometimes.
23:00I know looking after me and Amy can be hard sometimes.
23:04It's just that I get worried that sometimes, you might leave us.
23:08Gary had his face down and was putting on an Oscar worthy performance.
23:13His mother immediately raised her arms and gave him a big hug.
23:17Gary, you and Amy are the most important people in my life and that won't change.
23:23You even saved up all that money for me.
23:26I hate to admit it, but you can't even imagine how much it has helped our situation.
23:31I wouldn't give you two up for anything in the world.
23:34I will never leave you.
23:37You promise?
23:38Gary asked, holding out his pinky.
23:41I promise.
23:43His mother replied as her own pinky touched her son's.
23:47And at that moment, a notification from the system had appeared.
23:51A spoken deal has been made, would you like to mark, my adem?
23:56Yes, three fifths marks have been assigned, Gary was pleased that the system was pulling
24:01through for him for once, but that was when he received another message he never expected.
24:06You have successfully bonded with another person.
24:10The system has decided to reward you for your hard work, keep going.
24:14At the end of each day, you will receive 10 EXP for every active bond mark, protect those
24:20promises, and the people you trust.
24:23Loyalty is the number one priority for every upright werewolf.
24:28Huh, is the system sick today or is this supposed to be a type of reward for surviving the full
24:34Either way, it's finally actually giving me some good things for once.
24:39With this I can easily get 30 EXP every day with the daily quests.
24:44That's not all, I still have two free marks.
24:47Hey, system, what do I have to do to increase the number of marks?
24:52Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 94, The Altered
24:57Rookie Just when Gary had thought the system might have turned over a new leaf, the system
25:02returned to being as unresponsive as ever.
25:05Aside from leveling up, the high schooler came to terms that he would have to hope that
25:09he might to either luckily unlock a way to increase that number, or the system might
25:14decide to drop him some tips.
25:16Nevertheless, Gary needed to be careful about the promises he made.
25:21According to his system, should the other party end up breaking that, then his bond
25:25mark would automatically turn into a broken mark, making those people into hunting targets.
25:31While that might not be bad in his daily lives, it would lead to disastrous consequences during
25:36a full moon.
25:38It was something he wanted to avoid at all costs.
25:41Fortunately, when seeing his mother on the phone, he had come up with what he deemed
25:45to be a perfect plan.
25:47He had made his mother promise him that she would never leave him.
25:51Gary was completely convinced that she would never do such a thing.
25:55If their mother had wanted to, she could have left the two teenagers ages ago, making this
26:00an unbreakable bond mark.
26:02Thanks, mom.
26:05Gary smiled, elated that he would be able to protect mother whenever she would be in
26:09danger now.
26:11Like Tom, the mark that appeared was green, although the smell coming from them was different.
26:16It looked like he would have to try his best to use his nose rather than his eyes more.
26:21Now I just need to think of a promise that I'll be able to keep with Amy.
26:26It would be best if it could be something as foolproof as mom's.
26:30Right now, nothing comes to mind, at least nothing that she is guaranteed to keep.
26:35A little while later, his mother received a call, and it was time for her to go to work.
26:40Gary knew her shifts were long ones, so when leaving the house late today there was no
26:45need for him to worry about sneaking out.
26:48The high schooler waited a little while until the sun set, yet he noticed something odd
26:52about Gil's marking.
26:54For some odd reason it was becoming clearer, leading him to believe that he was coming
26:58in his direction.
27:00What is he doing?
27:02The guys at school said that he dropped out to join a gang, but the gray color gang's
27:06territory isn't anywhere near here.
27:09Could he have some sort of personal business in this area?
27:13When it was finally dark out, Gary decided to head out.
27:17He wore his trusted hood covering up his head, and he had made sure to wear something black.
27:23At first glance, he appeared like just another member of the black color gang.
27:27Curious about Gil's mark that had become slightly paler, but seemed to be still around the area,
27:33Gary followed it.
27:34However, even before he could see the dropout, he could clearly make out the sound of conflict
27:39from a mile away.
27:42Walking through some trees and past the roads he found the source of it.
27:46Underneath a bridge, there were members of the red color gang and members of the gray
27:50color gang fighting against members from the black color gang.
27:54Initially, Gary believed this to be a three-way fight, but after watching for a while it became
27:59clear that the the other two had banded together to attack the black color gang.
28:04What is going on?
28:06Did the gray elephants take over the gang behind the red color gang?
28:10No, could it be that the two of them entered an alliance?
28:13Shit, if that's really the case, this could endanger everyone in SLU.
28:19It was then that Gary realized that he could hear the sound of even more fighting going
28:24This wasn't just a small scuffle between two gangs, right now he could tell that there
28:29was a war going on.
28:31The other two color gangs had clearly invaded the black color gang's areas.
28:35Crap, why did it have to happen today of all the days?
28:40If they're pushing the black color gang this much, then it will force the underdogs to
28:45Gary was starting to panic, looking around to check if he could still escape if things
28:49went south.
28:51However, before he left another thought crossed his mind.
28:55Wait, there's chaos, too much for the police to handle.
28:59In the past situations like these, they would leave it so the gangs take each other out,
29:04only coming at the end to arrest the losing side.
29:08If that's the case, can't I take advantage of all of this?
29:12As long as I avoid the members of the real gangs and just go after the color gangs, this
29:17might be my one chance to earn big time.
29:20Just as he had expected, things were about to change.
29:24A distance away, walking confidently through the streets was Kirk.
29:28Instead of his iconic red suit that he wore whenever he appeared on TV, right now he had
29:33a black suit on with a yellow spotted tie, representing the underdogs cheetah squad.
29:39Following him were five menacing looking men.
29:42They had received reports from the black color gang members who had called for backup, and
29:46they had arrived just outside what looked like a pub.
29:50Didn't your superiors warn you to only go so far?
29:53We don't usually involve ourselves with the affairs of color gangs, but you guys have
29:58pushed it too far this time.
30:00You do know that this pub belongs to the underdogs, right?
30:04Kirk asked with a smile.
30:07There were several injured black color gang members rolling on the ground in front of
30:11him, while members of the gray and red gang seemed to have suffered minimal casualties.
30:16There were still more than a dozen of them on each side, with the total around 30.
30:21Immediately, the one closest to Kirk ran forward with his baseball bat, and swung it with all
30:27his strength over his head.
30:29Without wasting any time, Kirk took a stance and threw out his fist.
30:34The second the bat and his fist collided, the piece of wood snapped in half.
30:39What the?
30:40The gray color gang member looked at his bat in disbelief.
30:44Is he a robot or something?
30:47You idiot, that's Kirk Summerfield.
30:50He's an altered who recently won that rookie tournament.
30:54One of the red color gang members shouted.
30:57Kirk was quite a well-known figure in the public, yet not many knew that he was also
31:01a member of the underdogs.
31:03The gangs were quick to run away.
31:06Alas, they didn't get far.
31:09Kirk had transformed the bottom part of his legs to run past them all.
31:13He would have been even faster if he hadn't taken off his expensive shoes beforehand,
31:18to block off the juveniles' path of escape.
31:21Since you guys are already here, I'll have you answer a few questions.
31:26You didn't think I would let you go this easily after what you did, right?
31:30First, who are you working for, second why do your bosses believe that they could just
31:34barge into our area and take over and lastly, have you seen a kid about this height, around
31:3916 years old with green hair?
31:42Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 95, The sister
31:48of the Dem family Amy Dem and Stacey Turnhell have been inseparable ever since kindergarten.
31:54They had known each other since seemingly forever and both girls had been lucky enough
31:58to be able to always go to the same school.
32:01Unlike Gary, his sister had always received good grades, and had even passed the 11 plus.
32:07It was a test one did when reaching the age of 11 to determine whether or not the student
32:12could enter a grammar school.
32:14Those grammar schools were state funded and were exclusive for the best of the best, those
32:18that the state believed had the most potential.
32:21This came as a blessing to the Dem household as it meant, everything would be paid for.
32:27Their mother was very happy when she found out that they would not have to worry about
32:30school supplies or lunch or any other things Amy might need for any club she might have
32:35chosen to join.
32:37Gary hadn't even come close to passing his test, but Amy and Stacey had both managed
32:42to place relatively high, allowing them both to choose which school to attend.
32:47Although not the most prestigious one, Amy had chosen to go to SLU's Only All Girls
32:52Grammar School, so her family wouldn't have to worry about her.
32:56Now that she was in high school, she and Stacey were the only ones who had passed the test
33:00from her old school, making the two friends naturally grow closer to each other.
33:06When Amy had come over, Stacey had told her that they would be doing something very special
33:12After putting on the black dresses the latter had prepared for the two of them, both went
33:16out of the house.
33:17I really don't feel comfortable in this.
33:20Are you sure this makes me look slimmer?
33:23Amy complained, as she walked.
33:26The dress felt far too tight to her skin, something she just wasn't used to.
33:31Originally, Stacey had also prepared some high heels, but this was as far as Amy would
33:37She had tried to slip them on and felt like her toes were constantly being squeezed to
33:42She didn't understand why other girls put themselves through such torture.
33:47Come on, it's just for today.
33:50Stacey encouraged her, pulling out some red lipstick and a mirror, as she masterfully
33:54applied a thick coat on her lips, making them seem bigger than they already were.
34:00Stacey was an unnatural blonde-haired girl.
34:03In the past she used to be quite shy, but ever since she had entered high school she
34:07had begun to become far more outgoing.
34:10Amy didn't know what had caused that seemingly sudden change, her best guess was that Stacey
34:15might have just wanted to create a completely new image in a new school.
34:19At least when it was just the two of them alone, Stacey still acted like always, so
34:24Amy hadn't addressed the change.
34:27For all she knew people changed as they got older.
34:30Her brother and his green hair were a perfect example of that.
34:34However, lately Stacey had become far more interested in fashion, makeup and lipstick,
34:40and it showed.
34:41She had applied it well onto her face, as if she had spent hours upon hours watching
34:46video tutorials to learn it.
34:49It was scary, how Amy could see her best friend turn a few years older with a couple of steps.
34:55Both of them were merely 15 years old, Amy was just one younger than her brother, and
35:00usually parents wouldn't let girls out so young, but for some reason, Stacey's parents
35:04didn't seem to care as long as her grades weren't affected.
35:08As for Amy's mother, with how busy she was with work, it had been ages since she had
35:13last seen Stacey, probably still thinking of her as the shy little mouse she used to
35:18Here, let me help you out a bit.
35:21Stacey offered as she came over.
35:24With surprising expertise she applied some of her makeup and lipstick onto her best friend.
35:30At first Amy had wanted to reject but she found it hard to say no when looking at her
35:34happy friend.
35:36She didn't want to ruin the mood between the two of them.
35:39Done, you look amazing.
35:42You really should start wearing this stuff more.
35:45Just say the word.
35:47I got mom to buy me new ones after I aced that last test, so I will be happy to share
35:51my old ones.
35:53It really brings out your looks.
35:56Stacey held out the mirror for her best friend and Amy barely recognized herself.
36:01The one who looked back at her appeared to be a young and very pretty university student.
36:06It was definitely something she could get used to, though she would still rather wait
36:10a few years for such a change to occur naturally.
36:14The two girls hailed a taxi, something Amy was thankful for.
36:19Walking the streets, especially at this late hour and dressed up like they were, seemed
36:23to be a guaranteed recipe for trouble.
36:26Why do we have to dress up, anyway?
36:29I thought we were just going to karaoke.
36:32Amy asked.
36:33Yeah, but we're meeting someone today.
36:36Shoot, did I forget to tell you?
36:39Oh, I'm so sorry, I was so excited that I thought I told you already.
36:44My boyfriend's going to be there and he also invited some of his friends.
36:49Who knows, maybe one of them has green hair like your brother.
36:53Stacey teased her best friend.
36:56Now, Amy wasn't feeling so great and it wasn't just because of what Stacey insinuated.
37:02She had thought it was just going to be the two of them, like it always had.
37:06Stacey had mentioned her boyfriend a few times recently, but Amy had believed it had just
37:11been something she had made up to look better compared to the girls of their class.
37:16At their age, their only chance of meeting boys was through school, yet at an all-girls
37:20school that was impossible.
37:23Most of their male teachers were up there in their years, but even the youngest one
37:26was easily more than double their age.
37:30She hadn't seen Stacey hang out with anyone around school, so just where had she met him?
37:35I mean, at least we'll be in a public place, so I guess it's going to be okay.
37:40Amy mumbled, still a little worried.
37:43Eventually, the taxi pulled up on the main high street of SLU.
37:48It looked different at night with all the lights, but it was considered a relatively
37:52safe area.
37:53The general public believed it was due to the mayor, who had promised that the town
37:57center was the one place that he would guarantee all of their safety.
38:02Another reason why Amy thought it was okay to be here, until she got out of the taxi
38:06with Stacey.
38:08Immediately Stacey ran up, and hugged someone that was more than one head taller than her.
38:14The boy wore a grey beanie with his hair sticking through slightly.
38:18He also had both his ears pierced and his bottom lip.
38:22He wasn't alone either, he had brought along two friends, one of which was currently smoking.
38:28Seeing this sight, alarm bells were screaming in Amy's head, but the main reason was due
38:32to Stacey's boyfriend clearly being older than them.
38:36The three of them had to be either in their last year of high school, repeaters or most
38:40likely university students, unless they worked somewhere else, of course.
38:46I've been so looking forward to this.
38:49I'm glad that we finally get to meet.
38:52Stacey greeted him.
38:54Hearing this, Amy just wanted to slap her forehead.
38:57The two of them hadn't even met.
39:00Stacey please don't tell me you actually met him over binder or some other app.
39:04Oh, who am I kidding, given the age difference, where else could they have met?
39:10I bet she lied about her actual age and that's why she was so adamant to put on that makeup.
39:15Amy believed to have seen through the situation.
39:19The next second, she saw the two of them holding hands, and Stacey turned around.
39:24Come on Amy, you're a great singer.
39:27You're always hogging the mic when it's just the two of us, so let's show them what we
39:33Stacey invited her best friend.
39:35Every bone in the high school girl's body was advising her not to go inside, yet Amy
39:40couldn't leave Stacey alone with those strangers.
39:44If she were to suddenly make up some excuse like her stomach hurt, then who knows what
39:48might happen to her best friend.
39:50Three young adults with one naive little girl.
39:54What if they do something to her?
39:56No, I can't leave her alone.
39:59She must have known that it would be dangerous alone, I'll just have to try to convince her
40:03to go home early.
40:05Who knows, maybe it's all just in my head.
40:09There's always the chance that they might be decent guys, but if not, I'll just have
40:13to tell them that I got a sudden stomach ache or something.
40:17She shouldn't mind too much if this is their first meeting.
40:20Amy thought about what to do in this situation.
40:24The police would be too slow to respond, they had too much to deal with in slew.
40:29Who knows how fast they would react even if it became an emergency.
40:34Just in case of anything she typed in a text, noting her current location.
40:39She didn't send it out to anyone yet, but it would only require a click to send it to
40:43the one person she trusted most.