Werewolf 16-20

  • 3 days ago


00:00Channel Red Novel, Chapter 16, Green Fong, It's pretty impressive for just high school
00:16students, right?
00:18And this isn't the only one.
00:21This is one of the many underground fighting clubs spread through the whole country.
00:25Although this is just a small one, Kai revealed to Gary who was still a bit taken aback at
00:30the idea that people his age would gather in secret to watch others duke it out live.
00:35If this is considered small, just how large is big for you?
00:39Gary found it hard to comprehend since he guessed that there were at least 500 people
00:45On closer inspection he noticed another thing, those teens and tweens seemed to be gathered
00:50in groups, each wearing their own sort of uniform.
00:54It looked like a club meeting from all sorts of different schools were going on.
00:58Kai, having a keen eye, noticed what Gary was looking at.
01:03Remember what I said about many people from different school groups being here?
01:08Those school gangs take this thing here quite seriously.
01:12The reason they dress the way they do is so they can make a name for themselves.
01:17Just like with the gangs, the idea is for you to see their clothing and instantly know
01:21who they belong to.
01:23It might sound impressive for a bunch of students to organize all of this, it's because
01:27the ones responsible are the gangs.
01:32Gary gulped looking around to see if he could see any well known ones amongst them.
01:36Do you mean like the underdogs?
01:39Referring to the gang Gary used to work at.
01:42Kai couldn't help but chuckle seeing Gary acting so nervous.
01:47Do you think the underdogs would come down here personally?
01:50This here is the very minor leagues, basically just a gathering of a bunch of no name schools,
01:56or what we refer to as loners attempting to join one of the other gangs, proving their
02:02Still this is technically a recruitment field and there are scouts from gangs here, but
02:06they would be like D tier gangs.
02:09They either absorb one of these smaller gangs into their own, or look at who they can snatch
02:13up and join their gang in the future.
02:16You know, since guns are now non-existent, knowing how to use your fists or a weapon
02:21is a big deal.
02:23At the bigger events there are even those that are alters.
02:27What Kai was referring to was the Harmful Weapons Act, which came into play a little
02:31after they had been born.
02:33With how fast and how bad the world had been deteriorating, countries were worried that
02:38World War 3 could start at any moment and humanity would just end up destroying the
02:44So a pact was agreed between every single country.
02:47To get rid of all weapons, nuclear weapons, missiles, tanks, anything of mass destruction.
02:54With technology it was nearly impossible to hide anything from other countries, so they
02:58couldn't even build things in secret.
03:01This just made the development of altered growth between countries, as they strived
03:05to create the perfect human being.
03:08What shocked Gary, was there were apparently things like this going all over the place
03:12that he didn't know about.
03:14The underworld was certainly another side that people didn't see unless they were involved
03:18in it and more importantly invited.
03:21So what are we doing here?
03:23Gary asked, as the two of them started to push through the crowd, until they eventually
03:27reached the outer edge.
03:30The onlookers had formed a natural large rounded ring to not interfere with the fighters.
03:35For those that were in a difficult position, the fight was being live streamed and others
03:40could watch it on their phones and devices.
03:42Well, remember what I said about loners not belonging to a gang?
03:47It's easy to see who is part of one and who isn't by their colors, or more accurately
03:52the lack thereof.
03:54Kai pointed out.
03:56Gary could see there were quite a few people that weren't wearing any obvious colors, like
04:00the ones currently in the ring.
04:02Wait, what are you saying?
04:05I'm saying we can't create a gang with just the two of us.
04:09We need more people, and can you think of a more perfect place other than this?
04:13Gary suddenly understood why Kai had more than one pair of clothing in the bag he had
04:18handed him earlier.
04:19He intended to give it to the new recruits on the spot.
04:23Gary watched the two as they fought, wanting to get an idea of just how skilled these fighters
04:28would be.
04:29Both those in the center looked the same age as him.
04:33Around 16 or 15 years old.
04:36One was a black boy, with short spiky blonde hair, wearing a sleeveless shirt, his muscles
04:41showed quite well and he had a couple of scars on his shoulders.
04:46His opponent was a larger boy who was nearly twice as big as the first one.
04:51It wasn't that the other boy was small, it was just that this one was incredibly large.
04:56The two of them exchanged a few blows, and a few punches from the black boy had hit the
05:01larger one in the stomach, but he just laughed it off, as if it was nothing.
05:06Who will win, enter the warrior or spike the blob?
05:10Last chance to place your bets, everyone.
05:13One of the students announced walking around with a board showing the odds which were currently
05:17in favor of the blob.
05:20Interested in placing a bet?
05:22If I'm not mistaken you should have received a nice down payment.
05:26Although knowing you, you probably didn't take any along, so want me to lend you some?
05:31Kai offered with a wide grin.
05:34Seeing the two exchange a few punches gave Gary a good idea who he thought would win,
05:38but placing a bet was out of the question for him.
05:42Although he was sure, anything could happen in a fight, especially one like this without
05:46any clear rules.
05:48He came here to win money, not risk losing it all and he had a premonition that borrowing
05:53from Kai would just be him placing a leash on himself.
05:57Is this what you meant, when you said we could make money?
06:00Gary asked.
06:02Nah, as I said this is just something for fun.
06:06I'm merely curious to know who you think would win.
06:09Remember I haven't finished testing out how useful you are to me yet.
06:14So far none of the attacks from Inu the warrior had connected and it looked like spike the
06:18blob would soon tire him out and beat him.
06:21Just then, Inu took a stance, where he bent his knees slightly and raised his hands above
06:26his head.
06:27It looked similar to a boxing stance, but Gary knew straight away it wasn't a boxing
06:33I don't gamble, but if I had to place a bet I would place it on Inu, Gary said, making
06:39sure to emphasize his no gambling policy.
06:42However Kai was no longer listening.
06:45He brought out a wad of cash and waved the person over to register his bet.
06:50All of this on Inu.
06:52Kai demanded as he put down what Gary estimated to be at least one thousand dollars.
06:59I told you I don't want to borrow any of your money.
07:02Who says it's for you?
07:04Don't worry this is my own bet.
07:07The fight continued, and this time the blob got into a downward portion similar to one
07:11in American football.
07:13He then readied himself and charged forward at a great speed that no one had seen before
07:18in the fight.
07:20Those that had bet on the blob cheered at this sight.
07:23Before they had thought it likely for him to win, but seeing this display of his talent
07:27they were sure of it.
07:29Even the scouts from the gang seemed to consider giving him an offer after this round.
07:34At that moment though, at the right time, using his knee.
07:38Inu struck him in the face, using his own force against him.
07:42Blood splattered as his nose was broken, the fighter himself thrown back in the air and
07:48Inu the warrior didn't stop there, using the blob's thigh, he leapt off it, and struck
07:53down with his elbow at the top of his opponent's head.
07:57Inu did this three times in a row, and gripped onto his head with both of his thighs.
08:02Falling to the ground, Inu never let go, and once the blob's body hit the floor, Inu finally
08:08rolled over and there was a clear winner.
08:11The crowd erupted in cheers despite some of them having lost their money, as people always
08:16loved seeing a turnaround, and Inu had given them quite the spectacle.
08:21After collecting his own fight money, Inu went to rest and spiked the blob was carried
08:25off to the side.
08:27Just a lucky guess.
08:29Kai asked as he was gleefully counting his winnings, that Gary couldn't stop eyeing,
08:33now wishing he had made the bet.
08:36His stance, although it looked like boxing, he's actually a Muay Thai fighter.
08:41They focus on using their knees and elbows.
08:45One had fighting experience and was calm throughout the match, never looking worried, while the
08:49other was just a street fighter, in other words your average bully, Gary answered.
08:54Kai couldn't help but let out an appreciating whistle, realizing that Gary was more so special
08:59than he had realized.
09:02He brought out his phones and started to type away, and without looking down asked Gary
09:06a question.
09:08So have you thought about an alter ego name for today?
09:11Saying that the underdog still want you to hide using your real name or the fake one
09:15you've given them, isn't advisable.
09:18What would you want as a stage name?
09:20A stage name?
09:22Gary thought about it for a moment.
09:25Given his change, he would pick something werewolf related.
09:29Bird maybe something like Silver Fong, but WH-Silver Fong won't do, your hair's green.
09:36Kai interrupted him, as he finished typing and sent out his message.
09:41Next we have a new fighter, fighting for the first time.
09:45He wishes to keep his name a secret but he goes by the name, Green Fong.
09:50The announcer shouted out to the crowd to hype them up, while Gary had still been connecting
09:54the dots.
09:56You wanted to make some money, right?
09:59Don't worry, I will bet on you, and we can share the profits.
10:03This is the best way to get our name out here, so it's time for you to go make us some money,
10:08Green Fong.
10:09Kyle said with a smile.
10:11Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 17, Round 1
10:17Before Gary had any chance to refuse participating in the next fight, the crowd opened up a way
10:22for him and with a not so gentle push, Kai forced him to enter the arena.
10:27The high school students were now looking at him from all over.
10:31It felt as if they were seeing right through him trying to analyze what type of person
10:34he was.
10:36Was it a mistake to go to Kai?
10:39Gary was left wondering.
10:41As a fan of altered fights he had naturally dreamed about being on stage himself.
10:46Who would have thought he would get a chance, only that it would be at an underground fighting
10:52The spectators did not seem to be too impressed with Gary as he was pretty average in terms
10:56of height.
10:58Today had been the first time he had ever visited a gym, so his lean figure did not
11:02have any muscles for him to show off.
11:05Compared to the last contestants, he just didn't look as if he would last long.
11:10Your heart rate is increasing, 90 BPM, 95 BPM, 99 BPM, god damn it Kai, why couldn't
11:18you have warned me at least.
11:20Shit, I have to calm down.
11:23With so many people watching I can't display too much power.
11:27Gary worried as he looked around.
11:30His fight or flight response kicked in, and he would definitely prefer the latter option
11:34until he got a better feel for his newfound powers.
11:38Unfortunately for Gary, Kai was nowhere to be seen.
11:42Let's now give a big welcome to his opponent.
11:45With 15 fights under his belt, he has won 10 of them, by a Leibue assist tier.
11:51The announcer called out and the crowd erupted in cheers as a large bald headed man entered
11:56from the opposite side.
11:58Billy had his top off displaying his six pack of flaps, and aside from a normal looking
12:03pair of pants, he had a pair of thick gloves on his hands.
12:07Oi, you gotta be kidding me.
12:10I thought this was high school students only.
12:13Why the hell is my opponent a middle aged man?
12:17Gary complained to the announcer, panicking far too much to realize that what he had just
12:21said could be heard by everyone including his opponent.
12:25Your opponent might have been held back, but he is merely 19 years old.
12:30The announcer explained to Gary, as well as some other newcomers.
12:34Thanks for not making me feel bad about giving you a beating.
12:38Billy spoke, approaching Gary as he punched his right fist into his left open hand, a
12:43large vein sticking out from his head due to his anger.
12:47Looks like both of our fighters are ready, let's get this show on the road.
12:52The announcer shouted out and Gary's system apparently agreed with him as well.
12:57New quest received, win your debut fight, the opponent in front of you is out for blood.
13:02Use whatever means necessary to defeat him.
13:06Quest reward, 50 EXP, the quest this time didn't make Gary feel any better about the
13:11person he had to fight, and through the clear screen he could see Billy charging right at
13:15him, swinging his right fist.
13:18The attack seemed sloppy to him and Gary's improved eyesight allowed him to almost see
13:23the very wrinkles on his opponent's hand.
13:26His natural instincts kicked in and he ducked down avoiding the attack, placing his hands
13:30over his face.
13:33Having dodged the attack, Gary didn't use the chance to attack the other part.
13:37Instead, he started to run away from Billy.
13:41After having won his fight Inu had gone over to the bar counter and had ordered himself
13:45a beer, part of the quirks he had received for winning his match.
13:49As he had expected, several people had quickly come over, attempting to recruit him over
13:54to their teams.
13:56It was rare to see a loner, who was quite talented and knew martial arts on top of that.
14:02Inu had listened to the various offers, but none of them had piqued his interest.
14:07Kai had deliberately waited for all the hyenas to disappear, but rather than to directly
14:11approach Inu like all the others had done, he had ordered himself a fancy cocktail.
14:17Once he had received it he took a big swig and leaned against the counter from which
14:21he had simply started to watch Gary's match for a bit.
14:24So far Green Fong had managed to avoid the wild but powerful swings from Billy a few
14:29times, even thrown a couple of them himself, unfortunately they all had rebound off the
14:34other's large belly.
14:36Do you fancy yourself a betting man, Inu?
14:39For the first time, Kai addressed the other boy.
14:42Inu took a second to reply, as he had started to believe that Kai might have really just
14:47come over for a drink.
14:49He had noticed that he was dressed in the same colors as the fighter in the arena.
14:54The strange thing about that was, although Kai had the looks of a pretty boy, he nevertheless
14:59appeared to have the physique of an experienced fighter.
15:03Much more so than his buddy whose only strength appeared to be dodging and running.
15:07Even under his clothes his muscles were apparent and Inu had a feeling that the other was not
15:12only someone who would not shy away from a fight, but might actively seek it.
15:16However, most importantly to Inu, the one trait that stood out even more than the others,
15:22was that this eccentric boy next to him smelled of money.
15:26From the hoses he wore, to the watch he was wearing on his wrist, all of it looked to
15:30be genuine brand name items.
15:33If I wasn't a betting man, then I wouldn't be here and I'd bet with my life every time
15:37I fight, Inu eventually replied.
15:40Well, that makes two of us then.
15:43Thanks to your performance in the last match I've already earned a pretty penny, Kai said,
15:48as he took out a wad of cash which he then playfully tossed up.
15:52He noticed that Inu's eyes became bigger, seemingly trying to estimate how much it was
15:56worth, putting a mild smirk on Kai's face.
16:00I've seen that you've rejected the offers of the other guys, so how about a little wager
16:04to make things interesting?
16:07In a moment, I will go over to place a bet on Green Fong winning with the money I used
16:11for my earlier bet.
16:13If I turn out to be correct, you'll join our gang and half the payout sum will be yours.
16:19We can call it a nice little advance payment for joining the crew.
16:24On the other hand, if he loses, all the money you see here will be yours.
16:29Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 18, Round 2
16:34This wasn't the first underground fight that Inu had appeared at.
16:38He had been to quite a few before and each time he showed off his skills there would
16:42be those that approached him.
16:44It was the first time he had been to one of this size, so he thought today would be the
16:48day he finally decided to join a gang.
16:51To him, it was a stepping stone.
16:54These small gangs would be recruited by bigger gangs in the future, or maybe if he stood
16:59out he would get on the fast track but for some reason, when he heard this blonde boy
17:03speak, he did so with a confidence different to all the others.
17:07Which made him want to know more about him.
17:10A smile appeared on Inu's face as this was less a bet and more of a win-win scenario
17:15for him.
17:16Either way he would get a lot of cash, but it did serve its purpose to make him intrigued.
17:21Suddenly, he started paying a lot more attention to the ongoing fight.
17:26Inu recognized that Green Fong was able to see Billy's movements clearly, yet neither
17:31his punching or his kicking showed any signs of being a trained fighter.
17:36Between the two of them, there was also another clear difference.
17:40Weight Class.
17:42The weight class of one was too large of a gap to overcome.
17:46From the few hits that Gary had landed on his opponent, none seemed to have had any
17:50effect so his downfall would be whenever Billy managed to catch him.
17:54In the middle of the fight, he wouldn't suddenly grow in strength.
17:59Perhaps he might be able to tire out his opponent, but this arena had something that would co-mate
18:03that strategy to make things more interesting.
18:06If fights took too long, the crowd would start to close in on the fighters, forcefully shrinking
18:11down the arena size.
18:14Obviously there would not be enough room for fighters like Gary to evade, in which
18:18case a couple of hits from Billy and he would win.
18:22Why would I say no, to free money?
18:25Inu chuckled, holding out his hand, and Kai slapped it, confirming their deal.
18:30Although Inu believed there was a low chance of losing the bet, he also wouldn't mind.
18:36The way Kai treated money as just something he could throw around leisurely, Inu was sure
18:40that joining him wouldn't be entirely bad.
18:43Besides, the eyes of that fellow gave off the feeling that he knew what he was doing.
18:49Now it's all up to you, Green Fong, Kai thought, as he went over to place the bet.
18:55In the middle of the match, Gary made a discovery.
18:58Looking at his stats he noticed that his energy value had dropped by two points.
19:03His system had only told him that energy would be used to restore his HP when idle and that
19:08meat could be used to fill it up.
19:11Apart from that, he had been under the impression that it would function as a sort of a stamina
19:17Despite all the running and wild swinging he had been doing, he still felt like he could
19:21go on for hours, so if it was that, then he had far more stamina than a normal human.
19:27He just had to take a look at Billy for that.
19:30The fighter was no longer in the best shape of his life with sweat visibly dripping down
19:34from his face.
19:36That huffing and panting in his swings were getting slower as his arms felt heavier.
19:41Should I just wait for him to run out of gas?
19:44Gary wondered, yet at that point a buzzer-like sound could be heard.
19:49The next moment, everyone in the crowd took a single step forward.
19:54Suddenly the arena had gotten smaller.
19:57Gary didn't know the rules of the event, but he could tell that something was about to
20:00change, and it was unlikely to be anything good.
20:04With Gary looking around in a slight confusion, Billy saw it as a chance and went in for a
20:10With no path of retreat, Gary went to do the only thing he could do.
20:15It should be something like this, right?
20:18Jumping off his feet towards the other guy, he shoved his right knee forward.
20:23Billy's head had been slightly tilted, so Gary's knee connected with the other's face.
20:28From the outside it looked like an exact replica of what Inu had done before.
20:33The one in question nearly choked on his beer as he watched how his move had been copied
20:37after seeing it once.
20:39Alas, unlike Inu, Gary lacked the experience to follow up.
20:44He had clearly heard and felt Billy's nose break and thought this would be the end of
20:49The reality of the matter was, that the other was able to shake the hit, and filled with
20:54rage swung his right fist, for the first time managing to hit Gary.
20:59He wasn't sure if he was imagining it or not, but Gary could have sworn he heard a
21:03few cracking sounds as he was sent tumbling to the ground holding his side.
21:07The pain was intense and with every breath he took it seemed to hurt even more.
21:12Does that blob have a sledgehammer hidden in those gloves?
21:16You have been inflicted with a grave injury, –17 HP, 83 out of 100 HP, your left rib
21:23cage has been broken, energy points will be used to perform emergency healing, –10
21:28energy, 88 slash 100 energy, As soon as this message appeared, Gary could feel something
21:34escape his body.
21:36His real energy sapped away, while at the same time his breathing got better.
21:41A few breaths later and he was back to normal.
21:44It was as if he had never been hit in the first place.
21:48His broken bones had completely healed.
21:51However, while looking at his HP value it said otherwise.
21:57Gary thought, tapping his hurt side slightly.
22:00I healed, and so quickly.
22:03Is this what it means to be a werewolf?
22:06Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel
22:08Channel Red Novel, Chapter 19, BPM Rising Gary had visibly suffered a large blow, yet
22:14he somehow managed to stand up as if it had been nothing more than a light tap.
22:19The crowd was flabbergasted, but not as much as Billy himself, who knew best how much power
22:24should have been behind his hit.
22:26Billy's weight should be two times that of Green Fong, Inu calmly analyzed from the side.
22:32Unlike the rookie he should also know how to fight properly, so it's impossible for
22:37him to have gone easy on his opponent.
22:39I'm also pretty sure there's a reason behind him wearing those gloves.
22:44Inu had been certain that Billy was the clear favorite in this match.
22:48Although Gary hadn't been too bad in terms of dodging and evading the other's attack,
22:53the rules of the arena were too much in favor of the veteran fighter.
22:57That one hit alone should have been the deciding factor.
23:01There's always a puncher's chance as they say in boxing, Kai commented, looking on leisurely,
23:06as if everything was proceeding exactly according to his calculation.
23:11Nobody noticed that the cocktail glass that he had put aside was on the brink of fracturing.
23:16Gary was just as amazed at the extent of his resilience as everyone else, but since
23:21it was his body, he was simultaneously the first to come to the realization that it sadly
23:26changed very little.
23:28If anything, it just meant that he would have to suffer longer as a punching bag.
23:33As if on cue, Billy's experience helped him come to the same conclusion.
23:38Since Green Fong had not used this opportunity to fight back, it just meant that his opponent
23:43still lacked the means to defeat him.
23:46Why else would he have run around the whole time?
23:49As such, Billy went in for another punch towards Green Fong's head.
23:54Sensing the incoming threat, Gary braced himself and used his hands to block it, yet in the
23:58next moment he felt a sharp pain from his sides, once more.
24:03Closing your eyes in the middle of a match.
24:06You really are a greenhorn.
24:08Billy shouted.
24:10You have been inflicted with a grave injury, 20 HP, 63 out of 100 HP, your left rib cage
24:17has been broken, energy points will be used to perform emergency healing, 15 energy, 73
24:24out of 100 energy, Gary was unable to reply, too busy to grit through the pain.
24:30His opponent had fully intended to incapacitate him by striking at his supposedly injured
24:34side once more.
24:36Were it not for his newly attained healing factor, Gary was sure that the resulting injury
24:41would have put him out of commission for a few weeks in the best case scenario.
24:45I need more power to be able to do anything to that blob.
24:50Gary thought to himself.
24:51I just have to be careful to not let my heart rate rise too much.
24:56He was not sure where exactly his limits were, but from the few times he had experienced
25:00it Gary was aware that around 100 to 120 BPM he seemed to grow more powerful.
25:06Nevertheless, somewhere between 130 to 150 BPM he also started to transform and lose
25:13his sanity.
25:15The pressure of having to continuously dodge Billy's fists, but more prominently the
25:19second alarm sounding out, the crowd closing in on them, making the fighting area even
25:24smaller than it was before, worked in his favor.
25:27100 BPM, 103 BPM, 107 BPM, unfortunately, although Gary's plan was working as intended,
25:36it was not doing so fast enough.
25:39Unless he got a power boost fast, he might end up losing this fight.
25:44His energy was seemingly unable to heal his HP and he was not looking forward to find
25:48out what happened once it hit zero.
25:51He thought back to earlier today and what had allowed him to get his boost.
25:55It was one person, the new girl, Exian.
25:59He imagined that she was somewhere in this crowd, watching his fight, like she had done
26:03earlier today.
26:05111 BPM, 118 BPM, 125 BPM, your strength is increasing, Gary could feel the strength rising
26:14in him, and seeing Billy's fist, he didn't evade it.
26:18This time he widely swung back, and both fists collided mid-air.
26:23Some of those in the crowd squealed as they imagined the pain Gary must experience at
26:27that moment.
26:29They were not wrong, he was in a lot of pain, convinced that the knuckles in his fist were
26:33broken, yet if they were, it didn't seem to be to a degree that his energy, healing, kicked
26:40Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first time that Green Fong has not been pushed back by
26:45Billy Buster, the announcer gleefully commented.
26:49Could this be the start of a comeback for our underdog?
26:52The crowd erupted in cheers as this fight finally started to resemble an actual brawl
26:57instead of a game of tag.
26:59Gary could care less about the crowd's entertainment.
27:02Internally he was cursing due to the pain his hand was suffering from, pleading the
27:06system to do to his hand what it had done to his rib.
27:10Alas, it was to no avail.
27:13He had no choice but to continue to ignore it, yet the good thing was that Billy was
27:17suffering even more than him.
27:20The metal plating the fighter had kept hidden had been smashed by Gary.
27:24Using such underhanded tricks was not against the rules of the arena, merely frowned upon
27:29since the crowd was expecting to see a fair fight.
27:33Using brass knuckles and the like was basically the equivalent of a fighter admitting that
27:37they didn't believe in their own skills.
27:40How is that possible?
27:42How did that broccoli heads punch suddenly get so much stronger?
27:46Billy was left wondering, as he stood there looking at him, with his right hand throbbing.
27:51Could it be he just pretended to be weak to play with me earlier?
27:55No that should be impossible, he is obviously a greenhorn, so how?
28:00It was a strange sight to behold, but Green Fong suddenly seemed like an entirely different
28:06His eyes were dead set on the person in front of him, and Billy could feel a slight shiver
28:11run through his body.
28:13Today, it was midnight already going into the next day, and the sky was quite clear,
28:18shining down on all of them was part of the moonlight.
28:22Although Gary was unaware of all of this, he was just ready to go with his natural instincts.
28:27I, I, need to calm down.
28:30Gary thought.
28:32The pain in his hand, the adrenaline of the fight and the thoughts of Exxon were all pushing
28:37his heart rate above what he had ever had before.
28:40150 BPM, 155 BPM, 160 BPM, what is happening to me?
28:48Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 20, He did what?
28:54Gary could tell that slowly he was losing his mind, and all his thoughts resolved on
28:59his desire to get rid of the person in front of him.
29:02He started running forward, ignoring the pain.
29:06Gary just hoped that if he could win the fight fast enough and get out of the arena, he could
29:10try and calm down.
29:12Or at least get far enough away from anyone he could end up hurting.
29:16Billy, who had been too frightened to move up until now, finally snapped out of his earlier
29:21days, having convinced himself that Gary obviously must be far worse off than he was after smashing
29:27his fist into the brass knuckle.
29:29At that moment he saw his opponent leap through the air with his hands behind his back.
29:34For the first time, Gary was the aggressor.
29:38He latched onto the surprised Billy with his legs between his armpits and his hands
29:42behind his neck.
29:44Billy managed to loosely grab Gary's hairs and pulled him forward, although it was not
29:48enough to free his arms, it allowed him to punch Green Fong's head.
29:53After the first hit, almost possessed, Gary decided to dig his teeth right into Billy's
29:57right shoulder.
29:59His strong powerful jaws were easily able to get through the thick skin.
30:04His victim screamed in pain, wanting nothing more but to get his crazed opponent off, Billy
30:09let go.
30:10This prompted Gary to do the same and he landed on the ground.
30:15As Billy stumbled slightly backward, worried about the throbbing wound.
30:19Unfortunately for him, Gary was not done yet.
30:23He leapt through the air once more, but this time delivering a dropkick aimed right at
30:27Billy's head.
30:29The blob's head flung to the side, and his whole body soon followed after it.
30:34The large body tumbled to the ground, as he had taken quite a hit and let out a small
30:39tremor that those at the front had felt.
30:42Unable to think straight, Gary was making sure to finish Billy off.
30:46He climbed on top of the poor guy, pinning his arms under his knees, and started to punch
30:51his head with his open-palmed hands as if he was clawing at the person, one after another.
30:57Gary, stop!
30:59Listen to me, the fight is over!
31:02Kai shouted out from the side.
31:04The smirk on his face gone, replaced with a serious face.
31:09He had seen many go through a fighter's high, but in Gary's case it seemed that there was
31:13something more to it.
31:15Oi, announcer, are your eyes only for decoration?
31:19Even an amateur could tell you that Billy Buster is out cold.
31:23Announce the result.
31:25Inu, just like everyone else, couldn't believe their eyes.
31:29How was it possible for such a scrawny guy to have such strength and such wildness?
31:35At the end, his fighting style, if one wanted to call it that, seemed more like that of
31:40a wild animal.
31:42One that had been backed into a corner and started to fight without any concern for self-preservation.
31:46Fortunately, the call had reached Gary who had stopped, looking over to where Kai was.
31:53He suddenly felt exhausted and could only look over.
31:57His gaze seemed to ask Kai whether the fight was really over and the next moment his eyes
32:02and body felt as if he had run a marathon.
32:05Ah, yes.
32:07Everyone, as you've heard, Billy Buster seems to have passed out.
32:12Please give a big round of applause for our newcomer, Gerrernnnnngggg.
32:19The announcer declared, after it had become clear that the fight could not continue.
32:25Once he did, the system screen appeared in front of Gary to congratulate him.
32:30Quest reward, 50 exp, congratulations, you have reached now level 2, a new skill has
32:36been unlocked, a stat point has been granted, Gary was quite interested in the new skill,
32:41but quite honestly he felt like he was going to collapse at any second, and just when his
32:46eyes were about to close, he could see Kai that Kai had hurried over, with his hand held
32:52You did well, Green Fong.
32:54Come on, I'll take you home, Kai insisted.
32:58Accepting his hand, Kai carried Gary out of the place with him over his shoulder.
33:03There were many that wanted to speak to them on the way out, but nobody dared to stop Kai
33:08as they made their way back.
33:10Before leaving, he turned towards Inu.
33:13After our deal, I'll contact you about where and when to meet tomorrow, Kai said, as he
33:18continued to walk out, shortly stopping to collect his earnings.
33:23But how will I contact you?
33:25Inu asked, with a big smile on his face.
33:29Check out your new uniform.
33:31Looking down in the bag that Kai had left next to him, Inu pulled out a uniform and
33:35underneath the clothes there was a little burner phone.
33:39It was old and had physical buttons on it, but programmed on the phone was Kai's number.
33:44Looks like I found my gang.
33:47Inu thought.
33:48A few minutes later, after Kai and Gary had left, Inu suddenly realized that the former
33:53had yet to give him his money.
33:56Unable to move Billy had been taken off the stage and transported to the medical area.
34:01He had woken up around half an hour after he had been knocked out.
34:05The last thing he remembered was having been bitten by Green Fong.
34:09Although he wasn't sure what happened next, he just knew that there was no way in hell
34:13he would ever fight that crazy bastard.
34:17The medical staff present were mostly university students who were studying medicine.
34:22They were able to treat most things as long as they were not too serious.
34:26Billy's broken nose had not been a problem and once he had woken up, they had informed
34:30him that he was mostly fine.
34:33The main thing they were concerned about was the bite mark on his shoulder.
34:37We tried our best to disinfect it, but if it still hurts or stings by tomorrow it would
34:42be in your best interest to get it checked out at the hospital, the one in charge, an
34:46actual graduate who was already helping at his parents' doctor's office advised him,
34:51before he went to check on his other patients.
34:54Standing up, Billy did indeed feel fine, only the wound on his shoulder continued to throb.
35:00How the hell am I supposed to explain to them that I was bitten by a human, though?
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