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00:00Channel Red Novel, Chapter 56, Billy's Targets After reading the message, Gary had worrying
00:17thoughts going through his head.
00:19Why would Kai bring up Billy now of all times?
00:23Had he somehow discovered that all of those recent murders might have been his doing?
00:28Or could he have encountered a hairy creature at night and linked the whole mess back to
00:32Hang on, if Kai has actually found some lead on Billy, then that would be a great thing.
00:38I might finally be able to track him down and stop him before he can do any more harm.
00:44Gary thought, pacing up and down in the woods.
00:47He looked at the clock on the phone.
00:50It was nearly lunchtime and although he was only allowed in school for club practice,
00:54which would be at around 3 p.m., he just couldn't wait that long.
00:59Kai's message sounded pretty urgent and if he reached out to him about Billy then it
01:02was vitally important to hear what his upperclassmen had to share.
01:07Gary decided to rush back to school, even running for it.
01:11While he was still worrying about his energy bar, this clearly took precedence though he
01:15refrained from using Charging Heart, as he should still make it in time.
01:19The high schooler managed to arrive quite quickly at school, it was quiet so the lunch
01:24bell didn't seem to have gone off yet.
01:27Given his uniform, it was unlikely that someone would report him if they saw him.
01:32Even if someone did recognize him, they would likely just think that he had been called
01:36in by Headmistress Young.
01:38After all, who would use the free holiday, that was exclusion, to get back to the school
01:45Rushing through the gates, Gary hurried through the hallways while trying to avoid the few
01:48teachers and students who were outside.
01:52Everyone was busy with their own thing, but it couldn't hurt being cautious.
01:56Right now he was following Kai's instructions and was heading to a certain storage room.
02:02Gary had expected that Kai would call him over to the school's roof, but with the bell
02:06ringing any moment now, there would be students who would go up to the school roof to enjoy
02:10their meal up there.
02:12Given that his upperclassmen seemed to care about secrecy in the matter concerning Billy
02:16just added to Gary's worries.
02:19He texted Kai that he had arrived and was now pacing up and down in the small storage
02:25Unfortunately, he could only make four steps before having to turn around.
02:30This room was basically an oversized supply closet, filled with cleaning supplies and
02:35piles of toilet paper.
02:37A few pacings later the school bell had rung and students had begun running through the
02:41halls, yet Kai had yet to reply.
02:45There was a sudden knock on the door.
02:48Gary panicked, looking left and right, trying to search for a hiding spot, but there was
02:52nowhere to hide apart from a mop sticking out from a bucket.
02:56For once it didn't seem like any of his werewolf powers were going to help.
03:01As it slowly opened, Gary moved behind the mop and turned around, stopping his breathing.
03:06Yeah, you might want to try that again when you don't have green hair.
03:11It sticks out like a sore thumb, and what was the point of turning around?
03:15If you can't see me.
03:17I can't see you, what are you five?
03:20Kai held back his laughter as he closed the door behind him.
03:24I knocked to let you know that it was me.
03:27I mean seriously, who else could it have been?
03:30The only ones visiting this room would be either the janitor or some horny teens looking
03:35for some quiet time.
03:37Do you think either one would have knocked?
03:39Realizing how stupid he had been, Gary felt a little embarrassed about what had just happened.
03:45Standing up, he brushed off some dust from his clothes.
03:49So, how come you have mentioned Billy so suddenly?
03:53Have you seen him lately?
03:55Did he look any different?
03:57Gary asked, wanting to change the subject, hoping that Kai would soon forget his earlier
04:04The upperclassman thought that it was a pretty strange question to ask off the bat, but decided
04:09to tell him the reason why he had called him in so suddenly.
04:13No I haven't, otherwise I would have already reported him to the police.
04:17Anyway, just be quiet for a moment and listen to what I have to tell you.
04:22Also, try not to panic since it won't help you and I would like you to help me figure
04:26out what to do next.
04:28Kai answered, looking into Gary's eyes.
04:31The former didn't miss that the latter was gulping just from his warning, so Kai didn't
04:36have high hopes about Gary not panicking.
04:38However, he couldn't exactly fault him for that.
04:42Gary had already tried to reach out to him about Billy, yet Kai had shot him down at
04:47the time, believing that his underclassman had just been looking for trouble.
04:51You know about all those murders that have been happening on the news lately?
04:55Well, I'm convinced that this is Billy's doing.
04:59I mean, son goes missing after his mother and father have been found dead, yet doesn't
05:03show up despite news outlets stating that police are looking for him, doesn't really
05:07take a genius to figure out that unless he's dead, he would be the prime suspect.
05:12Heck, I think you figured that out when you sent me that text.
05:17If you've watched the reports you should know that the victim of one of the recent
05:20murders in our town was a high school student like us, whereas the most recent one was a
05:25university student, and wouldn't you know it, both had connections to our fugitive friend.
05:31Hearing this, Gary felt relieved.
05:33He had strongly suspected that Billy was the murderer, yet learning that his victims were
05:38people he knew meant that at least his family members were likely safe.
05:42What are the links, and how did you figure all of this stuff out?
05:46Gary asked.
05:48To be honest, that was a bit of a coincidence.
05:51I was actually looking for a link between you and Inu.
05:55You remember the new guy that recently joined our gang.
05:59Kai asked and Gary just nodded.
06:02He had only seen their newest gang member once though, so he wasn't sure what exactly
06:06kind of link they could've had.
06:08Most importantly, how did Billy fit into all of this?
06:12Or the murders for that matter.
06:14See, turns out you weren't the only one who received a nice little gift from a secret
06:19admirer in the middle of the night.
06:21Fortunately, Inu was just as smart as you and let me take care of that problem.
06:27As you can imagine, I have no desire to keep sending over people and taking care of such
06:33I did a little digging into who exactly would do such a thing.
06:37Unlike you, Inu doesn't really have any connection to the underdogs nor does he have
06:41beef with any of the other gangs.
06:44The only thing that I could find that the two of you shared, apart from both being in
06:48the same gang now, was that both of you participated in the fighting club.
06:52You know who else was participating.
06:55That's right Billy, and so were his two latest victims.
06:59Now, here's where things get interesting.
07:02Not only were the deceased high schooler and university student both fighters, both of
07:07them fought against Billy Buster.
07:10Now knowing that Billy was out for revenge, it made Gary wonder a number of things.
07:15So does that mean he's after everyone he ever fought?
07:18Gary asked.
07:20Say, how do you know their names?
07:23I don't recall the news mentioning them.
07:26Heck, didn't the family of the high schooler even request for it to be scratched from the
07:32Does that really matter now?
07:34Just be glad that I did find out and that I discovered the connection.
07:39As for your first question, it's not as simple as Billy going after those he fought.
07:44Kai replied.
07:46In fact, he seems to target those he lost against.
07:50I have a feeling that the body parts that the two of you received might have come from
07:54his other two victims.
07:56I need the both of you to be careful.
07:58Heck, it might be for the best if the two of you could start hanging out and look after
08:03each other.
08:04Having Kai figure out all of this, Gary started to wonder.
08:09Was there actually a way for Billy to track him down?
08:12Gary had never found a way, but Billy had somehow found the houses of all of those he
08:17had lost to.
08:19That information had to come from somewhere.
08:21Maybe, Billy hadn't found Gary's home due to being a werewolf but had seeked him out
08:26just due to this revenge.
08:28Otherwise how would he have found Inu's home?
08:31Now Gary knew that Billy was out for more blood, and it looked as if Inu had made it
08:35on the Omega's hit list.
08:38And all of this, was his fault.
08:41All of the people who had died so far were because he had bitten Billy.
08:45On top of that, if Billy could find out where he lived somehow, it certainly meant that
08:50the underdogs could.
08:52Gary hesitated a little before asking the question that was on his mind, how many people
08:56did Billy lose to?
08:58Four, including you.
09:00Two of which are already dead and you can pretty much guess who he had lost thrice against,
09:06Foo asterisk k, thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, chapter 57,
09:13get him, before me.
09:15Learning a bit more from Kai about the other victims, it seemed like Billy had been going
09:20through his revenge list by order of those he had lost to.
09:24Which in turn meant that Inu was next.
09:27From what I remember Inu is quite the strong fighter.
09:30He might be able to handle himself in most situations, but that's with a human as his
09:35opponent, not against a werewolf.
09:38Gary thought.
09:39It's also possible that he's gotten stronger because of the moon like me, and to top that
09:44off, he's apparently killed at least four people if we include his parents.
09:49Yeah, there's no way Inu will survive that on his own.
09:53You're a more caring person than I thought.
09:56While that might not be the best quality for your average gang leader, for our little group
10:01it's not exactly bad.
10:03Kai mentioned, making Gary flinch as he had completely forgotten about his role in their
10:07little gang.
10:08Anyway, I think it's for the best if you two start to hang out together.
10:14Although Billy seems to go after his victims in the order he lost against them, we have
10:18to account for the fact that you got your present before Inu.
10:22If that's something like his calling card, then he might be coming for you first actually.
10:27Either way, there's safety in numbers and at least you know that he's coming after you.
10:32After your practice, give Inu a call.
10:35Let me add his number to your phone.
10:38I was going to get you two to meet up with each other more often anyway.
10:42Use that time to learn how to cooperate for the next underground fight.
10:47Gary was in the middle of giving his small secret phone to Kai when he realized something.
10:52Come again?
10:54What's that about an underground fight?
10:56Gary asked.
10:57Oh yeah, I never got a chance to tell you since someone managed to get themselves excluded
11:04This weekend our little gang will have their gang debut and the two of you will be entering
11:08in a tag team match against Eaton High.
11:11Don't worry, it's a couple of days after that rugby match of yours.
11:16Who knows, maybe you'll see your opponents out on the field.
11:20Kai casually said as he headed for the door.
11:23Shit, out of all things.
11:26I've barely had a single match, never mind with someone else.
11:29Heck, it was because of that stupid match in the first place that I ended up turning
11:37Gary called out, stopping Kai before he left.
11:41I wanted to ask you about something.
11:43Kai sighed as if he knew what the question would be.
11:47Let me guess, you're worried that since Billy found out where the two of you lived, then
11:51it must mean that he had somehow gotten that information, which means the underdogs might
11:55as well.
11:57You don't have to worry about that.
11:59It's in my own interest to prevent them from finding you.
12:02I've already begun looking into how he found out about you in the first place and once
12:06I do, I will make sure to make it impossible for them to do the same.
12:11Although Gary was worried about this, it was more so about something else.
12:16At least he knew that Billy was only attacking opponents he had lost to, so maybe his family
12:20wasn't in any danger, but there was another problem.
12:24Thank you very much, but I was actually going to ask, if you could spot me some money.
12:29I used up everything I've earned to help my family pay off some overdue bills, but we
12:33got some new ones coming in, so I needed some more.
12:37It won't be for long, you can just deduct it from whatever we'll earn in that tag team
12:43Hearing these words, Kai's hand left the handle, and a smirk appeared across his face.
12:49Borrowing money from a gang, now that would be quite troublesome.
12:53Wouldn't it?
12:54Although I would like to say yes, you're not the only one who is a bit short on cash.
13:00You see, I never really accounted for having to call for the cleaners, much less having
13:04to do it twice in a row.
13:07As you can imagine it's not exactly cheap to get them to work without asking questions
13:11and keeping it off the record.
13:13I'm down to what I've earned by betting on you, but those are gang funds.
13:18The rest of my cash is tied in with the underdogs, so there's no way I can access it without
13:22someone getting suspicious.
13:25You wouldn't want to be borrowing money from an underdog member, now would you?
13:29That could end up being very dangerous.
13:32If you need cash that badly, try Inu.
13:35Otherwise, you will just have to make do until the tag team match.
13:40I promise then you will get a big pay day, as long as you win of course.
13:45Kai said, leaving the room before Gary could say anything else.
13:50Gary didn't have high hopes for Inu.
13:53They didn't really know each other, so why should he give him his money?
13:57Gary was the gang leader in name only and they both knew that.
14:01Since there wasn't much for him to do, the high schooler simply decided to stay in the
14:05small storage room with his thoughts until lunch was over so no one could see him.
14:10In the end, he hadn't figured out anything at all.
14:13He had pondered over going back to the woods, but then he would just have to get back to
14:17school, which seemed like a waste of time, and probably energy.
14:22As such, Gary decided to just wait out the last two hours before club practice started.
14:28The bond mark on Tom was barely visible today, indicating that his best friend was far away,
14:34most likely still in the hospital.
14:36Gary couldn't imagine how worried his parents must have been after being notified that their
14:40boy had been assaulted to that degree.
14:43Then there was Gil.
14:45The mark from their forced bond was also very weak, so it seemed as if he hadn't attended
14:50school as well.
14:52If he were to wager a guess, the bully was also in a hospital, though Gary hoped it wasn't
14:56the same one as Tom's.
14:58Gary didn't want to see his face so soon again anyway.
15:02The only one whose mist had been very noticeable ever since he had entered the school ground
15:07was Barry's.
15:08Gary knew that he had been there when Tom had been bullied, so he intended to pay him
15:13Eventually, it was time for rugby practice.
15:17Gary turned up and people were actually pleased to see him, most noticeably Mr. Root and Blake.
15:23The latter came up to Gary and gave him a friendly shake and a pull in.
15:28It was something that Gary had only seen people who were very close with each other.
15:33It wasn't quite a shake, nor was it a hug at the same time.
15:37To say the least Gary found it a little awkward.
15:41What was that?
15:42Gary asked.
15:44The two of us went through that crap with Eaton High together and honestly I've been
15:48thinking about that day for a while now.
15:51Without you, I could have seriously gotten hurt, it might have even ruined my entire
15:55rugby career.
15:57And I see you're getting better at rugby by the day.
16:00I think it will be good if the two of us stay close together.
16:04Before, when interacting with Blake, Gary had shrugged him off, and he was only starting
16:09to realize now it was because he had been, jealous.
16:13With how perfect Blake was, it had only highlighted how imperfect Gary had been.
16:18However, now that those on the rugby team had started to accept him, he was realizing
16:23that Blake was just a nice guy.
16:26Not everyone was happy to see Gary though.
16:29When he saw him and Blake exchange their greeting, Barry's eyebrows furrowed.
16:34The strange thing was that Gary seemed to notice it and turned his head around, though
16:38Barry looked away, as if avoiding the death stare.
16:42Are any of the team members still causing you problems?
16:46Blake asked, noting the change in Gary's mood.
16:49For a second he considered whether confiding in the helpful athlete, but ultimately decided
16:54against it.
16:56Even if Blake had some power to punish the duo who had done that to Tom, most likely
17:00by getting them kicked off the team, that wouldn't satisfy the anger that was inside
17:04of Gary.
17:05Thanks for the offer, but it's okay, it's nothing that I can't deal with.
17:11Gary shook his head, walking past Blake, not even looking at him again, but just staring
17:16at one person.
17:18Rugby practice that day was probably the worst performance Gary had ever put on since he
17:22had become a werewolf.
17:24The main reason for that was his energy problem.
17:28With no reliable way to replenish it, he hadn't used Charging Heart even once and he was trying
17:33to conserve his energy as best as he could, which translated poorly for his team.
17:38He might have gotten into trouble, but as it turned out he wasn't the only one who was
17:42performing subpar.
17:44Barry had messed up catching the ball as it was thrown to him a couple of times in a pass,
17:49thumbling and allowing it to fall to the ground.
17:52After yelling at them all a couple of times, Mr. Root decided to call off the practice
17:57early today, in hopes that maybe some rest would do them some good.
18:01He hoped that by that time Gil might be back as well.
18:05As the others left the field, Gary turned around to stare at Barry again, causing him
18:10to flinch.
18:11Damn it, I can't concentrate on the practice match at all today, and it's all because of
18:17Gil, he was in the hospital and he was badly beaten.
18:21I can't prove it, but it just has to have been him.
18:25He might not look that part, but after what he did to Steven it's clear that he's hiding
18:29a few things.
18:31I knew we shouldn't have messed with his friend, and look what's happened now.
18:35The way he's looking at me, I just know he's going to come after me next.
18:40Barry thought.
18:41Eventually, everyone ended up going to the locker room, and were happily getting changed,
18:47but for Barry, he had yet to open his locker to change out of his rugby uniform.
18:52His hand went to open it, but it was visibly shaking.
18:56That stare.
18:57I can tell, he's, he's going to kill me.
19:01If it wasn't for the guy saving Gil from his assailant, Gary would have surely killed
19:06I can't let it end like that.
19:09Barry thought, as he opened up the locker, and inside there was a 4-inch kitchen knife
19:13he had brought with him from home.
19:16He can't kill me, if he's dead.
19:19Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 58, Low on Energy
19:24Gary had left as soon as rugby practice was over, following an unexpected message on his
19:30secret phone from an unknown number.
19:32Given the content of the message it wasn't hard to figure out who it was though.
19:37Kai gave me this number and told me to text you.
19:41He told me that the two of you have already talked about our little Billy situation and
19:45our upcoming tag team match.
19:47I'll be waiting here.
19:49The sender had attached his location on the map, marking his position.
19:53Honestly, Gary wasn't looking forward to meeting Inu so soon, mainly because the high schooler
19:58figured that the other would want to either have a sparring match or just train together.
20:03Until he had a way to solve his energy problem, neither option seemed like a good idea.
20:0952 to 110 energy, his energy points were going down far faster than he had expected, even
20:15though he hadn't felt like he had actually done much during rugby practice.
20:19It seemed as if just staying awake was taking up energy today.
20:23The primary reason why Gary had decided to meet up with Inu was in hopes of solving this
20:28very same problem.
20:30He intended to follow Kai's suggestion and ask his fellow gang member to borrow some
20:36Arriving at the location, Gary was surprised to see that it was quite a nice looking park.
20:41There was a large open green field where people were playing football, a set of swings and
20:45some families.
20:47It was halfway between Gary's school and Inu's school.
20:51I don't even know what gang runs this part of SLU.
20:55Although the underdogs have most of the SLU under their thumb they don't own all of it,
20:59this place is so, peaceful.
21:02Gary thought, which was why he was wondering why Inu had asked him to meet up in such a
21:08Over here.
21:09Inu shouted, waving with one hand in his pocket.
21:13The first thing Gary noticed was that both of the fighter's hands were still bandaged
21:19He looked almost exactly the same as when Gary had first seen him in the arena, the
21:23only difference was that he was wearing familiar looking clothes.
21:27It took him a moment to recognize them as the gang uniform that Kai had prepared for
21:32What gifts.
21:34Here I do my best to make myself presentable by wearing our gang outfit, yet our, mighty
21:39leader isn't wearing the clothes himself.
21:42Gary wasn't sure whether Inu sounded more annoyed or embarrassed about the fact that he was
21:46the only one who seemed to have put some thought into this meeting.
21:51I didn't really consider this like a gang meeting and I also just came out of school.
21:56Besides, is it really wise to wear our colors so openly?
22:01Isn't this like sending a challenge to all the other gangs?
22:04Gary asked.
22:06At this point, Inu couldn't hold it in any longer and let out a big sigh.
22:11Someone who was in a gang wasn't supposed to act like that in front of their leader,
22:15but the more he interacted with Gary, the more he was convinced that Kai must seriously
22:20be pulling his leg about who the actual leader of their gang was.
22:24As long as the big gangs don't know who we are and who is supporting us, they won't be
22:28messing with us.
22:30They just don't roll that way.
22:33Why do you think so many color gangs are able to roam around freely sprouting their colors?
22:38Unless it gets pretty serious, those behind them don't usually get involved.
22:43Secondly, brandishing your colors is the whole point.
22:47A gang isn't meant to show any fear, or back down from those around them.
22:52If you're serious about starting this gang stuff then you need to do it right.
22:56Gary wanted to stop Inu there.
22:59This whole creating a gang business had never been his idea in the first place.
23:03However, explaining to the other that Kai had practically forced him to act as their
23:08leader, didn't really seem like it would be possible or actually help in this situation.
23:13Inu had already gotten in a fighting stance, pointing for Gary to go opposite him in the
23:17large grass field.
23:20They weren't even too far away from where the kids were so the parents were able to
23:23easily see them.
23:25Really, here?
23:27Gary questioned.
23:29Well from what I've heard, it's not like we have a hideout yet, so yes, here.
23:35Don't tell me you're shy, Green Fong.
23:38When I fight, I always intend to win.
23:41You're my partner so I need to see what you got.
23:44Inu explained and straight away threw out a kick.
23:48Out of reflex Gary tried to evade it, but he was too slow and as such was only able
23:52to partially block the attack.
23:55As soon as it hit though, he realized how heavy the hit was and just how powerful the
23:59strike was.
24:01Dash 5 HP, damn that hurt, and it didn't feel like he was serious yet.
24:06Shit, if I keep losing health then my energy will be used up to heal me once I'm idle,
24:11which will just worsen my situation.
24:14Inu didn't give Gary much time to think and just kept on attacking.
24:18His opponent couldn't do much but try his best to evade and block, but it was near impossible
24:23for him to counter given his passive fighting style.
24:27Thanks to the buff the moon provided him, Gary's speed was faster than usual, but it
24:32was a far cry from him using Charging Heart.
24:35After some more of what could only be called a one-sided bullying, Inu called off the fight.
24:41Gary was very thankful for that since he was left with merely 31 points of energy and the
24:46pangs in his stomach were getting stronger.
24:49What's wrong with you?
24:51You seem distracted and a little, weak?
24:54Inu asked.
24:55Are you that worried about that whole Billy situation?
24:59Gary shook his head.
25:00No, it's just that I'm exhausted.
25:04As I told you, I just came from rugby practice, and these days I can't really afford to eat
25:09anything decent.
25:11Actually I was hoping you could dash, I can't.
25:15Inu replied straight away, not even letting Gary finish his sentence.
25:19Finance wise, I'm not exactly in the best situation myself.
25:24Otherwise, I would have never ended up joining your gang.
25:28If you're really hungry, you'll figure something out, I had to do the same.
25:33Whether you need to hunt for food yourself, steal or what, a really hungry person will
25:37find a way.
25:39Alright that might explain the lack of energy, but not you being distracted.
25:44Look, I know Kai said the two of us should look out for each other, but honestly you
25:48just need to look out for yourself.
25:51You don't need to worry about me that I also don't have time to babysit you either.
25:56I beat the guy three times already and now that I know that he might be after me, I won't
26:02mind beating him a fourth time.
26:04Maybe I'll even get some sort of reward if I can hand him over to the police.
26:09Gary wanted to say that Billy had changed since then, but there was no way that Inu
26:13would believe him if he started talking about werewolves.
26:17He would probably consider him to be crazy on top of being an incompetent leader and
26:22Anyway, that was my pep talk.
26:25We can meet up and train here before the match.
26:29When you have more energy I'll show you a few things, you might know about fighting,
26:33but you don't know how to fight.
26:35Inu said and got ready to leave.
26:38Next time make sure to have more energy.
26:41Also, come in uniform, so I won't look like an idiot.
26:47Gary called out.
26:48If, something happens, if you happen to see Billy or if you think he's somewhere near
26:53you, promise you'll text or call me.
26:56I'll be there straight away.
26:58I already told you, there's no dash, please, just tell me.
27:03Gary insisted.
27:05Inu looked into Gary's eyes.
27:08He didn't know why it was so important for his leader, but there was more fire in his
27:12eyes when he made his request than the whole time the two of them had been fighting.
27:16Sure, whatever.
27:19Inu shrugged and waved him goodbye as he walked off.
27:2330 slash 110 energy, your energy is now extremely low, in order to conserve energy, marks will
27:29no longer be visible, huh?
27:32Wait, that was an option.
27:34Couldn't you have told me about that earlier?
27:37Gary felt a migraine coming up due to the system's seeming antics.
27:41Well, it's as if knowing that would have solved the issue anyway.
27:46Looks like I have no choice now, I'm going to have to use the secret stash.
27:51I've never felt this pain before.
27:53The mist from the marks that would usually hover around in the air had disappeared.
27:58The only good thing was that the energy was now decreasing at a seemingly lower rate.
28:03It seemed like nearly everything the werewolf body did required energy.
28:08Gary thought about how much meat he had already eaten since he had become a werewolf and more
28:12importantly how much money it had cost him.
28:16He shook his head, to think about something else.
28:19Gary passed by his school and headed home.
28:22The more he thought about food the hungrier he was getting.
28:26Is, is this hunger or is my eyesight worsening as well?
28:30No, my sense of smell is also, could it be that I'm becoming more regular?
28:36Gary realized his situation.
28:38He checked his menu.
28:40While his energy points were low, his stats remained unchanged, which was a good thing
28:45to find out.
28:47While walking down the street, Gary was pondering whether he should stop by the gym after replenishing
28:52his energy.
28:53He had missed yesterday's session and now that he had increased his base strength, he
28:57was sure he would have to train even more if he wanted to further raise it.
29:02Although his hearing had also suffered, he noticed the sound of someone coming up from
29:07Gary didn't think anything of that.
29:10It was still the middle of the day and he was on a public street.
29:14At most he thought that he might have dallied around too long and someone wanted to pass
29:19Gary turned around to let whoever it was pass him, but in that moment he recognized the
29:23guy behind him.
29:27He called out in surprise.
29:29The next second, Barry had closed the distance between the two.
29:33Suddenly, Gary felt a familiar type of pain.
29:37It was a dull ache that continued to worsen, and a warm liquid trickled down his leg.
29:43You have been stabbed.
29:44Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 59, First Kill,
29:51You have been stabbed.
29:5330 HP, 70-100 HP, While your energy is extremely low, emergency healing function is unavailable.
30:02You are bleeding.
30:04Your health will decrease by, 4 HP per minute until you're patched up or healed.
30:09Barry didn't need the system to figure out that he had been stabbed, it was a memory
30:13that he would probably never be able to forget.
30:17The really worrying part were the messages following it.
30:20Unless Gary could somehow replenish his energy to have his system automatically heal the
30:25wound, or at least bandage it, he would bleed out and die.
30:29Barry, you damn bastard.
30:32Where the hell did you come from and why did you stab me?
30:36First you hurt Tom, and then you do this.
30:39I should just, just.
30:41Gritting his teeth, his bloodlust was leading him to only one logical conclusion.
30:46I should just kill you.
30:48Barry looked up, yet rather than seeing a scared expression on his victim's face, Gary
30:53was the picture of pure unbridled anger.
30:56He had expected him to be either screaming, scared, or in shock, but instead his schoolmates
31:01seemed ready to take him along to the next world.
31:05Instinctively, Barry stepped away from him.
31:08His hand, which had still been on the knife handle, ended up pulling the weapon out.
31:13He had never stabbed anyone before, so he himself was still in shock at what he had
31:19I'm sorry, but I don't want to die.
31:22Barry cried out, attempting to stab Gary one more time.
31:26However, Gary stood there, already waiting for the other's attack.
31:31Screw you.
31:32He thawed as he activated Charging Heart.
31:3518 out of 110 energy, showing no hesitation, he grabbed the knife before it could stab
31:41him again.
31:43Gary held it in place with his strength, even though his hand was now cut.
31:47Dash 5 HP, 65 out of 100 HP, a deep cut has appeared on your hand, Dash 5 HP, your blood
31:55loss quickens, 2 HP, 63 out of 100 HP, what kind of psycho is he?
32:02How can someone just grab onto a knife like that?
32:06How isn't he hurt or scared from all that bleeding?
32:09You're a monster.
32:11Barry eventually blurted out.
32:14Not wasting time on talking back to his assailant, Gary swung his hand out.
32:19It was too fast for Barry to even see as Gary hadn't held back.
32:24His strike connected to the right side of his head, close to his temple.
32:28His whole body turned and he nearly fell over.
32:32Lacking the power, he let go of the knife in his hand and Gary kicked the knife down
32:36the alleyway, before kicking the bully in the same direction.
32:40Why, did I even try, why did I even think about getting that marking off?
32:46Gary muttered, yet it seemed more as if he was speaking to himself than to him.
32:51He knelt down and punched Barry in the head once more, leaving the larger teenager dazed.
32:57Gary's punches were harder than anything he had ever received, even though the bully had
33:01actually seen and had his fair share of fights.
33:04Barry soon felt his body being dragged deeper into the alleyway, being pulled by the hoodie
33:09he had worn to not get recognized immediately by passerby.
33:14He didn't know why the other was doing that, but whatever his reasoning was, it couldn't
33:18be good for him.
33:20Desperate to get out of this situation, Barry looked for anything that might help.
33:25He managed to find a brick on the ground and quickly picked it up.
33:29Barry was still busy dragging him along, so he was surprised when the other suddenly
33:33jumped off the ground and smashed him in the head with a brick.
33:37Dash 10 HP, 51 out of 100 HP, your skull is partially fractured.
33:46After repeatedly taking a beating your body has grown stronger.
33:50Don't get used to this though, you might lose some brain cells.
33:54Endurance plus 1, Unsurprisingly, Gary let go of Barry.
33:58For a moment, he even saw black and by the time he recovered, he only saw the backside
34:03of Barry running away.
34:06Following an instinct, he immediately started to run after his target.
34:11After closing the distance, he leapt up in the air, landing on Barry's shoulders, causing
34:15him to fall to the ground and smash his head on the floor.
34:19Quickly turning him over, Barry was now pinned, by the weight of his knees, but was too weak
34:24and had no energy to try to lift Gary off him anyway.
34:28What the foo asterisk K is wrong with you?
34:32Not only did you torture Tom to the point he had to go to the hospital, you freaking
34:36stabbed me in broad daylight and tried to bash my head in.
34:40All because your stupid friend might have to sit on the bench.
34:44Gary shouted at Barry as he had pinned him down.
34:47He no longer cared about what would happen to him.
34:50He wasn't using fists, instead he was attacking Barry as if his hands were made from claws.
34:56His nails had ripped through the other school uniform, and were now piercing Barry's chest.
35:02Skin was being ripped off from it, as the poor high schooler continued to scream in
35:07Help me.
35:09A monster, he's a monster.
35:12Barry could only pray that someone would help him, and hear his cries for help.
35:17Did you stop when Tom asked?
35:19If it's my life or a scumbag like yours, I'll easily take yours.
35:24Gary thought as he lifted his hand once more.
35:27Police, put your hands up and get off him.
35:31A man shouted.
35:33Gary could tell the voice was coming from the front, but instead of listening to the
35:36police officer, he decided to pull up his hood, and began to run back into the alleyway.
35:42The middle-aged policeman came running forward and wanted to chase the culprit, but looking
35:47at the state of the person on the ground it was obvious that the high schooler needed
35:50an ambulance and first aid straight away, perhaps by the time they arrived it would
35:55be too late.
35:56This is Chief of Police, Anton Milstone, reporting in.
36:00We have a culprit who has attacked what looks like a high schooler, heading down 163 Street
36:07Need an ambulance sent to my location ASAP.
36:11Anton quickly went down to look at the kid's chest, and could see that the wounds were
36:15deep, and the markings looked as if they were done by claws.
36:19It didn't look like something a normal human would be able to accomplish.
36:24That's when he noticed that the boy was mumbling something under his breath.
36:28It's okay, conserve your energy.
36:31The ambulance is on the way.
36:33Anton said.
36:35Listening carefully he could just make out.
36:37A monster, monster.
36:40Coming out from Barry's mouth.
36:43Was it an altered?
36:45Anton wondered.
36:47Running through multiple alleyways as fast as he could, Gary was still bleeding out and
36:51to make matters worse his energy was still incredibly low.
36:55His charging heart had also come to an end and he thought he at least had made it far
36:59enough to get away from the policeman.
37:02Stupid police.
37:04Only there when you don't freaking want them to be, why don't they go and stop some real
37:08criminals for a change.
37:10Gary cursed, as he went to lean against a wall and was applying pressure to his wound.
37:17Gary shouted out in pain.
37:20What do I do now, I was going to, I was going to, what was I going to do?
37:25Then it hit him.
37:27Was I really just about to eat another person to replenish my energy?
37:31If the police didn't stop me.
37:33Gary shuddered to finish that thought.
37:36Not being able to move much, and with his energy about to hit zero, there weren't many
37:40options he had left.
37:43He was far away from home, not even sure where exactly he had run off to.
37:48Suddenly he heard the sound of squeaking.
37:51Squinting his eyes, he could make out the shape of several rats who had scurried over
37:55to him.
37:57Curious as to what was in front of them, and then eventually a few of them had come out.
38:02I'm so, hungry.
38:04Gary mumbled, and as soon as one of the rats got within distance, he immediately grabbed
38:10The rat was struggling and bit down on Gary's finger.
38:13I, deserve that for what I'm about to do.
38:17I'm sorry little guy, but I need to live.
38:20Gary apologized.
38:22Plus 10 energy points gained, Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel
38:26Channel Red Novel, Chapter 60, The Hunting Target
38:30Gary wasn't sure how many times he had to close his eyes and just continue chewing,
38:35but eventually the message that he had been waiting for finally arrived.
38:39Their energy has been fully restored, 110 of 110 energy, the alleyway had been filled
38:45with rats that Gary could use, and after consuming the first one his energy was being replenished
38:50allowing to catch more.
38:52Three rats later and his emergency healing finally kicked in, though it meant that he
38:56would have to eat even more of the rodents.
38:59On the plus side, the wounds on his body and hand had started to heal as if it was magic,
39:04but what he had done, what he had eaten to get to this point, felt like a distant memory
39:08in his mind.
39:10The taste of the rats themselves had actually been far better than he had anticipated, though
39:15he had the feeling that this was thanks to him being part werewolf now.
39:19He was sure if he was still a complete human, he would have thought very differently.
39:24Nevertheless, they had the same iron-like taste that he had begun to enjoy in the steaks
39:29he had been purchasing from the convenience store.
39:32Daily quest achieved, eat 2kg of meat, 285-460 exp, walking out of the alleyway, Gary used
39:40his enhanced senses to check if anyone was following him, but so far he seemed safe.
39:46However, he had to do something about his clothes.
39:50They were a blood mess, not least of all because of his impromptu snacks.
39:55Blood is so hard to get out of a white shirt, yeah I will have to dump this one.
40:00There's no way in hell I can get the stench of rat entrails out of it.
40:04I'm going to have to buy a new one.
40:06Here, I tried so hard to save that emergency money and yet I'm still going to have to use
40:12Gary thought.
40:14For the time being, he kept the uniform with him as he needed to find some way to dispose
40:19of it discreetly later, preferably somewhere far, far away from his fight with Barry.
40:24He still hadn't figured out what to do with his other clothes that were covered in blood
40:28from the construction site and he had no desire to have a closet full of evidence.
40:33The taste of those rats, they weren't that bad, and it's cheaper than buying meat.
40:38Still, the thought of what he had just done was making him feel quite sick.
40:43It was then he heard the sound of some pigeons and could see them flying above.
40:48I suppose it doesn't have to be rats necessarily.
40:52It should also work with other things, right?
40:55If I can keep up my energy without having to spend money, and if it stops me from.
41:00Gary didn't want to finish that thought.
41:03He changed into his rugby uniform for now, placing the bloody clothes in his bag, and
41:08headed home.
41:09The high schooler decided against going to the gym for now and he wasn't sure he would
41:13go there after having dropped off his bag at home.
41:17The good news was that Gary had not only replenished his energy, but that he had essentially solved
41:22his problem on how to get a free supply.
41:25At least for the coming days he could test out his new skill more, but there was still
41:29the problem with Barry.
41:31Will he tell anything to the cops?
41:34I mean he was the one who stabbed me.
41:37Everything I did was pretty much just self-defense.
41:41If he tells the truth, he will just get in trouble as well.
41:45After getting home, speaking to his mother and sister, it was this thought that was making
41:49it hard for him to fall asleep.
41:52Eventually he saw a familiar message as the clock hit midnight.
41:56Your bloodlust grows, six days until the next full moon, earlier in the day, Anton Milstone
42:02had stayed behind to investigate the crime scene.
42:06More police had arrived to help him while the ambulance had given the injured high schooler
42:10some treatment, before taking him to the hospital.
42:13After reporting what he himself had witnessed, the chief of police had left his subordinates
42:18to gather any clues, while he himself had decided to go to the hospital, hoping to talk
42:23to the victim.
42:24Despite it being dark outside, he continued to wait for the boy to wake up.
42:29While in the hallway, a young police officer named Rue Game walked up to Anton with a few
42:34files in his hand, but he had a worried look on his face as he approached.
42:39Just tell me what it is.
42:42Anton sighed and waved to Rue to hurry up.
42:45Yes, sir.
42:47Unfortunately, it seems like we will have to hand over the case to White Rose.
42:52We tested the weapon that was found at the scene for fingerprints.
42:56It appears that the one we have apprehended isn't the victim, but actually the assailant.
43:01However, we have also found the blood of what we can only assume to be the actual victim.
43:07The blood splat report states that our injured friend most likely stabbed the one you have
43:11scared away.
43:13Now here's where things get interesting.
43:16While we don't have that mysterious person's identity in the database, we do have this
43:20blood on record.
43:23You remember the gang members that we found at the construction site.
43:27Well the blood matches up.
43:29Whoever that person is, he was at the construction site on that day.
43:34Anton let out an even bigger sigh, because he now understood why White Rose would grab
43:39this case.
43:41If the blood matched up, it was most likely the same altert who had killed the gang members
43:45that had attacked the high schooler.
43:48What about Billy Brunton?
43:50He was a high school student and his last two victims were teenagers.
43:54Is there any possible link to him?
43:57Anton asked.
43:59Not that we are aware of.
44:01We have Billy's suspected DNA on file that we recovered from his home.
44:06White Rose has made a forensics check, but his DNA wasn't the one found at the construction
44:11site nor anyway near the alleyway or the other cases.
44:15It seems these are two separate altered killing cases.
44:19Shaking his head, Anton was wondering what the world was coming to.
44:24Thanks rookie.
44:26Report this to White Rose, and while you're at it, try to look for some links between
44:30the two.
44:31I know that there hasn't been anything so far, but the fact that these are both high
44:35school students and have run in with suspected altereds, I just have a feeling this whole
44:40thing is connected.
44:42It was then that the sound of panic was heard not too far from where they were.
44:47The nurse came storming out of the room, and quickly brought a doctor back with her.
44:52Even more panic started to ensue, and they were wondering just what was going on.
44:57Inside the hospital room itself, Barry was shaking.
45:00His whole body seemed to be undergoing some type of fit and he had foam in front of his
45:06Not too long after, a certain someone received a notification screen.
45:11Congratulations, you have successfully hunted your first marked.
45:15Reward, additional stat points, huh?
45:19Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel.