The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 543-544 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

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The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 543-544 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
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00:00Before listening from episode 543 to episode 544, don't forget from today, everyone supporting me.
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00:21comment and like. Episode 543. A surprise visitor as a courtesy to her business partner,
00:30and because she had liked Claire the one time they had met, Emma agreed to meet in person. Knowing
00:36that it was difficult for Emma to travel without drawing unwanted attention, Claire offered to
00:41meet her at her home. After all, Emma couldn't possibly meet at the Baines home. If Janet was
00:48there, she would fight her on the spot. After careful thought, Emma felt that she could trust
00:55Claire to visit her at home. So she agreed. She didn't want her pregnancy to be revealed just yet.
01:03So staying home was the best option. Why do you think Claire wants to see me? She asked Eric
01:09after she got off the phone. I don't know. But I don't think you need to worry about her intentions.
01:17She seems genuine. Maybe she really just wants to be friends, she thought. We did hit it off pretty
01:24well at party. It wouldn't hurt to try and connect with her. He kissed her forehead and got up to do
01:31some work in his office. Not long after he left, Claire knocked at the door. Although she had tried
01:38to imagine Emma and Eric's house before, seeing it in real life still made her sigh in amazement.
01:44They lived in such a big apartment, but it still felt cozy and welcoming. The couple clearly put a
01:50lot of work into making their house feel like a home. It was her second time meeting Emma when
01:56she opened the door. She didn't look as elegantly mysterious as she had looked on the first night
02:02they had met. Dressed in some sweatpants and one of Eric's baggy sweatshirts, she didn't much
02:08resemble a supermodel, but something about her was still extraordinary.
02:13Thanks for inviting me, Claire said with a smile as she entered the house.
02:18Please sit down, Emma replied as she gestured to the sofa. It's good to see you again. You must be
02:25wondering why I wanted to meet with you today, Claire said as she sat down. I just wanted to tell
02:31you that the woman who was standing in your way for the first round of votes was my stepmother,
02:36Janet Mitchell. Isn't Janet younger than Claire? She thought. That's an awkward situation. I wanted
02:44to stop by to thank you, Claire said, massaging her back and grimacing slightly. I haven't seen
02:52her so angry in a long time, and thanks to you, I got to watch her be as miserable as she has made
02:58me. You don't need to keep your guard up around me. I'm not in the entertainment industry, so
03:06don't have any ulterior motives. Emma already knew that Claire wasn't a calculating person,
03:12and that she was just genuinely happy to have found someone with the same enemy.
03:16What's wrong with your back? Emma asked. It's nothing, she replied with a smile. I just slipped
03:23on some ice and fell. She laughed nervously and said, I feel a little awkward interrupting your
03:30busy schedule to tell you something so insignificant. I hope I'm not bothering you.
03:36Since I stopped acting, I really haven't been all that busy, Emma said, and I'm enjoying the company.
03:44In that case, there's something I would like to talk with you about,
03:48Claire replied, clutching her hands together in her lap. I think you need to be careful about
03:52Janet. Are you worried about me? Emma asked with an amused smile. I have dealt with much worse than
04:00Janet. I'll be fine. I know how capable you are, Claire replied, looking her directly in the eyes.
04:08I just have one request. If she messes with you, please don't show her any mercy.
04:14Emma burst out laughing. Eric's description of her was on point. She thought she knows what she
04:21wants and doesn't hold back or try to hide it. She's certainly not subtle, but I like her.
04:27Don't worry, Emma said. There are some things I can't make any promises about, but I'll always
04:34make sure those who go against me regret it. Claire smiled and nodded. She didn't have a lot
04:40of opportunities to interact socially and felt a bit nervous talking with Emma. Her mother had
04:46passed away when she was young, and her father had often hit and scolded her, so she'd never
04:52learned how to properly socialize with other people or share her feelings. She had worked hard
04:58over time to develop the limited social skills she had, with little help from anyone else.
05:05She did, however, know how to defend herself when attacked. The argument she had at the
05:12annual celebration was all because Jenna had provoked her. Apart from standing her ground,
05:18she didn't know how to de-escalate the situation. But with some help, she could become a force to
05:24be reckoned with. Emma and Claire sat in a strained silence for a while until the doorbell
05:30suddenly rang. Claire stood up and said, I'll get it. Thank you. Emma said she was trying to
05:37conceal her protruding belly, and it would be more difficult to hide when standing.
05:43I'm home early. Peter yelled as he knocked at the door. Let me in. It's cold out here.
05:50As Claire opened the door and made eye contact with him, he asked, Is that you, little monkey?
05:57What are you doing here? She looked him up and down and said, Do we know each other?
06:03Are you kidding? He asked. We went to school together for like 10 years. Everyone at school
06:10knew who you were. I thought you looked familiar when I saw you on TV, but I couldn't figure out
06:17why. She replied as she realized who he was. She then covered her face as she blushed and said,
06:24Does that mean you know about my embarrassing past? Unfortunately, I do. He said with a laugh,
06:32It's kind of hard to forget something like that. Emma watched them interact while totally ignoring
06:37her, so she cleared her throat to remind them that she was there. Sorry, Peter said. I was just
06:44excited to see an old classmate. We weren't even in the same grade, Claire thought. We just went
06:51to the same school. I don't know what he's so excited about. Does he think we were friends?
06:57Are you ready for tomorrow? Emma asks Peter. He took a deep breath and said, As ready as I'll ever
07:04be. Where are you going? Claire asked. Can I go too? Peter was taken aback by her question and
07:12Emma let out a laugh. I'm sure Peter would be happy to have you come along, she said,
07:18turning to him and smiling. What do you think? Can she go? She would be the perfect date for him to
07:26bring. She thought she might not be very self-aware, but she clearly wants to try to improve her social
07:32skills. She'll keep him distracted from Noelle. Peter thought for a moment and then said, As long
07:40as she won't be bored there, she can go. I can just chat with you if I get bored, she said. I'm sure
07:46we'll have plenty to talk about, but I would like to know where we're going. Because of her abusive
07:53and controlling father. Claire had made very few friends over the years and up until just a few
07:59years ago, her own temper had been too out of control to even consider getting close to anyone.
08:05She had worked hard to learn to manage her emotions properly. Since it was rare for her to
08:10come across an old classmate whom she got along with, she completely opened up and relaxed. Maybe
08:17we can be friends. She thought I could use a friend right now. I have to go to a party, Peter said.
08:24I'd be delighted to have your company. Episode 544. Claire's dark secret. I can't believe Claire
08:33just asked Peter to go to the engagement party like that. Emma thought with a chuckle. They seem
08:39like they'll get along great. As long as she keeps him company and can shield him, I'll be happy.
08:46After they left Emma's home together, Claire and Peter caught up like a couple of old friends,
08:52falling into easy conversation as they recalled their school days.
08:56They got along so well that they even exchanged numbers, and he offered to escort her home.
09:02I'll be fine, she said. My house isn't that far away. You're doing me a huge favor by going with
09:10me tomorrow, he replied. It's the least I can do. Claire wasn't a cautious person, so she couldn't
09:17see any reason to reject his sincerity as she got into his sports car when she sat down beside him.
09:23He was suddenly reminded of the last woman who had been in his car.
09:27Noelle. What's wrong? She asked with a concerned look. Nothing, he replied, shaking his head to
09:36try and clear the memory. You're not thinking about another woman, are you? She said as she
09:42rubbed her back, feeling like she may have been too rude. She placed her hands under her chin,
09:48made an ugly face, and asked, Is she as pretty as me? He let out a laugh and said,
09:56There's the goofy monkey face that I remember. You haven't changed at all. To be honest, I like
10:03wearing jeans and gym clothes the most, but I have had no choice but to wear this dressy stuff for
10:08the past few years, she said with a frown. She looked down at her dress and then hiked it up
10:14over her leggings, tied a knot in the corner, and turned it into a makeshift tunic. This feels a lot
10:21better. As Peter saw her relax, a big grin spread across his face. It's not easy to meet someone you
10:28feel completely comfortable with, he thought soon after. The two arrived outside the Baines' home.
10:34After thanking Peter for the ride, Claire opened the car door and stepped out. They had already
10:41agreed on a meeting time the next day, so they had no reason to linger. However, just as he
10:48started driving away, she noticed that she had left her purse in his car. It had been a long
10:54time since Claire had felt so carefree, but as soon as she arrived home, she ran into Edward
11:00and Janet, and her mood immediately soured. As soon as Edward spotted her makeshift tunic,
11:06anger contorted his face into a grimace. Who said you could dress like that, he asked.
11:13You're an heiress, but you're walking around looking like a complete slob. Are you trying
11:19to embarrass me? Her face turned pale as she looked at Janet, who was standing behind Edward
11:24with a smirk on her face. She must have told him what I was up to, Claire thought as she clenched
11:30her fist. Are you just ignoring the rules? he asked as he grabbed onto her arms and shook her.
11:36You're hurting me, she cried as her gaze sharpened. Is this the only way you know how to interact
11:42with me anymore? How dare you talk back to me? He yelled and he raised his hand to strike her.
11:49At that moment, Peter quietly walked in the front door with Claire's purse in his hands
11:55and saw the scene unfolding in front of him. How could he treat his own daughter like that,
12:01he wondered. Does he really hit her? I wonder if that's why she was rubbing her back in the car.
12:07What a monster. He wanted to rush over and grab Edward's hand before he could hit Claire again,
12:13but seeing her fearless expression, he stopped in the doorway. He knew that she wanted to remain
12:19strong and there was no way that she would want an outsider to see her like that. So as he saw
12:25Edward lower his hand and let go of her, he decided not to walk in. No one in the Miller family had
12:32ever struck another family member like that. He had never been exposed to domestic violence before
12:38and was shocked by what he had seen. After returning home that night, Peter thought about
12:44the look on Claire's face as her father grabbed her arm. He called her and said,
12:48Hi, Claire. It's okay if you don't want to come to the party with me tomorrow.
12:54Why wouldn't I want to come? She asked. I already picked out my outfit and everything.
13:01Isn't she in pain? He wondered. I know her arm must be hurting and she was certainly having back
13:08pain. Come pick me up tomorrow like we planned, she said. You have no idea how much my stepmother
13:15has been pestering me to put myself out there more. I want to make her shut up and I'll never
13:20hear the end of it if I don't go tomorrow. I know I have trouble with relationships, but I won't let
13:26her keep bullying me. She thought I have to step out of my comfort zone sometime or I'll be alone
13:32forever. Peter knew that Claire was hard on the outside, but a big softie on the inside.
13:40He sat in silence, thinking about Janet's smug expression as she watched Edward raise his hand
13:46to his daughter. As he clutched his phone, a smile gradually spread across his face.
13:52Even though he hadn't been exposed to physical abuse, he knew how it felt to have such a toxic
13:58presence at home. Even though Emma had already taught Jenna a lesson, he could never forget what
14:04she had done. Luckily, the Miller family had Emma to protect them from Jenny's schemes.
14:11Claire, on the other hand, seemed to have no one who could protect her. Peter woke up early,
14:18determined to help his former classmate get revenge. Dressed in a dark blue suit and a dark
14:24green coat, he drove to pick up Claire. On the way, he stopped at a florist and bought a bouquet
14:31of elegant champagne-colored roses. He arrived outside the Baines' home at eight in the morning,
14:38and when he rang the bell, Janet opened the door and gasped in surprise.
14:43Aren't you Pete McMillan? She asked with her hands held to her face.
14:49Sorry to ring the bell this early, he said. I hope I didn't wake anyone. Is Claire ready?
14:56I'm here to pick her up. She scanned him from head to toe and started to smile flirtatiously
15:01at him. She's not here, she said, but I called her earlier and she said she's home.
15:08He replied, raising an eyebrow. Really? she said. I don't think so. I'm right here. Claire said.
15:18Coming up behind Janet. We're leaving now. Mom. 1.6 as Janet's face turned red
15:27when she heard the way that Claire emphasized the word mom. How did she reel in this stud?
15:33Well, I'm stuck with a guy who's old enough to be my father, she wondered. It's not fair.
15:40So this is your father's second wife? Peter said as he looked at Janet with his eyebrows raised.
15:46Let's go, Claire said with a laugh as she walked to his side. Don't waste your breath on her.
15:53He reached out his arm, hooked it around her waist as they turned to leave and said,
15:58let me get the door for you. Thank you so much for watching.
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