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00:00Channel Red Novel, Chapter 71, a main quest 6 guys from Eaton High had suddenly surrounded
00:17Gary and Inu and it was clear that they hadn't come for a simple talk.
00:21However, Gary had instantly noticed that something was different about this attack compared to
00:26the last one.
00:28These guys were nowhere near as bulky and as it turned out, they were far worse in a
00:33They don't seem to belong to the rugby club.
00:37Were they just regular students at Eaton High?
00:40Did I mess them up so badly that they're now scared of me?
00:43No, otherwise they wouldn't have attacked me a second time and only sent out these guys.
00:49Gary wondered as he looked at the students rolling about in pain on the ground.
00:54After the fight, Gary had realized something, how much he had improved.
00:59Inu's training had paid off, and his improvement in stats although minimal really showed during
01:04this fight, he was practically untouchable to anyone who had never fought before.
01:09Hey, what was that all about?
01:12Why the hell did you get in my way, only to punch those guys out yourself?
01:16Were your three too easy?
01:19Inu complained.
01:21Look I know you've been improving and you might want to show off, but there was no need
01:25to do that.
01:26If this was a game, then what you would have just done was similar to kill stealing.
01:31My bad, I was just trying to look out for you.
01:34I was worried that if you exert yourself it would be bad for your injury.
01:39I mean we have that tag team match coming up soon, can't allow my partner to get any
01:43more hurt on my watch, right?
01:46Gary apologized with a smile rubbing the back of his head.
01:50Besides, if this was a game, shouldn't you let me kill the last guys from my penta?
01:55If only you knew.
01:57Gary thought to himself, as he had gotten in Inu's way exactly to, kill steal, his opponents.
02:04His system only rewarded him exp for those he himself knocked out.
02:08As this was a rare opportunity, he had to make the most of it, even if it meant that
02:13Inu might feel patronized.
02:15With his increased strength and charging heart it was far easier than last time.
02:20He hadn't received any quest for it, yet the 6 students had still awarded him with 120
02:25exp combined with the daily quest he had been doing each day before practice, it was enough
02:30for him to finally get the level up he had worked towards.
02:34Congratulations, you have now reached, level 5, a stat point has been granted, 95 slash
02:416 28 exp, hmm, I had kind of been hoping to get another skill that might help me in
02:46my fight against Billy.
02:47Oh well, good thing I at least got Claw Drain recently.
02:51System, mind explaining why I got 20 exp for these guys while I got 25 exp for their friends.
02:59Is it because they're weak, or because my level increased?
03:03As usual, Gary got no response.
03:06His werewolf system truly was a fickle mistress.
03:10However after a few steps he did receive a new message.
03:14New main quest received, you have grown as a werewolf and you're still not dead yet.
03:19That's a surprise.
03:22Continue to grow and reach level 10, where a new class awaits, objective, reach level
03:2610, reward, select a class, a class, now this is really starting to feel like a game.
03:34What even is a werewolf class, that doesn't even make sense.
03:38I already had so much trouble wrapping my head around the alpha thing.
03:42It was something that Gary would just have to worry about when he reached that level,
03:46that was if he could survive the night of the full moon.
03:49He knew he had no chance of leveling up 5 levels by then.
03:53So, he decided to focus on what he could do.
03:57He needed to figure out where exactly he would be putting this stat point.
04:02Knowing that Billy was out there possibly waiting for him to attack, it didn't seem
04:06wise to save it up.
04:08Now that he knew for a fact that each of his 3 base stats could be increased through training
04:12and hunting targets, he decided to place the point into energy or health.
04:18I guess energy is more versatile.
04:2110 more health won't really help me, but this way I can use it for charging heart or
04:25claw drain.
04:27Being able to replenish my health seems better than having a bigger pool and who knows how
04:31many more skills I will get in the future.
04:34If only I knew if Billy also has skills like me.
04:38Your energy has now increased to a maximum of 120, there was another reason why Gary
04:43had chosen energy.
04:45The closer it got to the full moon, the faster his points were going down, even if he turned
04:50off the marks.
04:51Hey, who ordered you to attack us?
04:55Spill it!
04:56Inu yelled at one of the students as he grabbed him by the collar.
05:00The injured guy was still barely conscious, unable to reply.
05:04Let's just leave them be.
05:07I don't think they're going to say anything and if we stay here we might attract the wrong
05:10kind of attention.
05:12Gary suggested as he was in a good mood after feeling himself grow a little bit stronger.
05:18You don't understand, I know these guys because I used to be with them.
05:22I know everyone who could put up a fight, but these ones are just mere scrubs.
05:28They wouldn't attack us without a reason.
05:30I need to know if Eaton High got a new leader after I transferred.
05:35Inu kept shaking the guy, but not getting any answer, he took to another.
05:40Still no reaction.
05:42He gave Gary an annoyed look, to which the high schooler just shrugged.
05:47Later that night, Gary went to sleep as he did every night but when he woke up he was
05:51greeted with the message he had been putting off for a long time.
05:55Your bloodlust grows even further, one day until the next full moon, thanks for watching
06:00and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 72, Replacement Eaton High had clubs
06:06just like every other school.
06:08There were a couple of students who had entered the rugby club and had changed everything
06:12in the school.
06:14Although it was Sunday, they had a special training to get ready for tomorrow's match
06:18against Westbridge.
06:20Out on the field there were two boys who stood in front of everyone rather than a teacher.
06:25They were tall, and had a small frame with both hands in their pockets.
06:30One had long red hair that was tied up in a ponytail and by his side was another teenager
06:35who looked almost identical to him.
06:37The only difference was that this one had short hair.
06:41The long haired one gave his team instructions like a coach would until some students came
06:45running to the field.
06:47It was obvious that none of them were part of the rugby club.
06:51Sren, when we dealt with those guys just as you asked, only group 4 and 7 had problems.
06:58One of the students reported.
07:00That's good enough.
07:01Sren, the short haired brother replied with a yawn.
07:05Since the rest of the groups completed this task it will be an easy win for us.
07:11Tomorrow's going to be a cake walk, as usual.
07:14Waking up the next day, Gary had read the dreaded message, the one that he had been
07:18putting off for the longest time.
07:21The full moon is nearly upon you.
07:24Every fiber of your being is waiting in anticipation.
07:28Current bonus, all stats plus 3, your bloodlust grows even further.
07:32One day until the next full moon, damn it, I was hoping I actually wouldn't get stronger.
07:38The more power I borrow from the moon the quicker my energy goes down.
07:43Gary's expulsion was finally over and he had prepared the apology letter for Steven and
07:47his family.
07:49Coincidentally, it was also the day of their big match.
07:53This was the reason why he had woken up extra early.
07:57Gary started to feel the effect of his bloodlust, but fortunately catching a few rats was enough
08:01to satisfy his urge and hunger for the next few hours.
08:05He estimated that it should be enough to get him by until lunch, though he would most likely
08:10go out again instead of eating in.
08:13In school, Gary and Tom were among the first ones who had arrived and Tom couldn't help
08:17but be worried about his friend.
08:19I know I can't stop you from playing, but I at least want you to promise to meet up
08:24with me afterwards, okay?
08:26We need to sort out your personal problem.
08:29If we can't stop you from turning, at least we should try and hold you somewhere where
08:33you won't be able to hurt anybody.
08:36Tom shared his plan.
08:38I've done a lot of research and there are quite a few people that you might end up going
08:43The most likely candidates are me as your best friend, your family members as well as
08:47just the first person you might see, so we need to try and stop all of that.
08:52Gary was pretty sure that there was a good chance that he would go for someone else entirely.
08:58Since he hadn't bothered to try and get rid of the mark from Gil, he was the only hunting
09:02target left.
09:04Ever since he had seen what he had done to the old man the other day, Gary was coming
09:08more and more around to the idea that if anyone was to die, he wouldn't feel too horrible
09:12if it was scum like him.
09:14In a way, he wouldn't be doing it himself either.
09:18It was his werewolf self, so he wouldn't even feel like he was the one that killed him.
09:23Last chance to change your mind.
09:26Are you sure you should be playing today, especially with the full moon around the corner?
09:30Tom asked, not hoping for much.
09:33I keep telling you, I'm fine, man.
09:37Have you seen me attack anyone?
09:39You haven't exactly been to school, so who knows what you've been up to.
09:44Tom argued, there are plenty of annoying people in school that you might attack and it might
09:49be worse when you're out there on the rugby field.
09:53I'll stop nagging.
09:55Tom could see the look on Gary's face, he wasn't going to give up.
10:00At lunch, the rugby team was given permission to skip the whole afternoon lessons to go
10:04through some plans for this evening's match.
10:07The whole school was also invited to watch, mostly due to Mr Root promising Headmistress
10:12Young results.
10:14When the rugby club went out on the field there was something quite noticeable straight
10:19Gary could smell it as soon as he arrived.
10:22I've smelt this before.
10:25It was only when he saw the conditions of the others that he realized that everyone
10:29was injured in some way.
10:31Mr Root was pacing backwards and forwards biting his fingernails.
10:36How could this happen?
10:38You're telling me that they've actually gone so far as to attack all of you?
10:42Some students had gotten lucky, running away and making a break for it while their friends
10:47had taken a beating, others seemed to have been let off easily.
10:50They had still been injured but not to the point that they required medical attention.
10:55Still, it would take them a week or so to heal naturally.
11:00Hey, do you think what happened to us, happened to all of them as well?
11:04Inu asked.
11:06Mr Root, then let out a big sigh shaking his head.
11:10God damn it, letting you out on the field will do nothing but add insult to injury.
11:15There's just one choice left.
11:18Benchwarmers, I'll need you all to fill in the positions of the regulars.
11:23Get ready everyone because we will be playing tonight.
11:26Tom was pointing at himself, because it took him a moment to process what this meant.
11:31I'm going to get killed.
11:34Tom gulped.
11:35Don't worry.
11:37Gary placed his hand on his shoulder.
11:39I'll protect you.
11:41Although they were meant to be words of comfort, it just made Tom worry even more.
11:47This evening, everyone had gotten into their uniform.
11:50It would be an interesting match to say the least.
11:54However, one student in particular felt a growing migraine come up.
11:58Nine hours left until the next full moon, thanks for watching and subscribe my channel
12:03channel Red Novel, Chapter 73, the big day Kai was walking up the stairs, looking at
12:09the black face of his golden rim watch.
12:12He could see that he still had a few hours until the match.
12:16All Westbridge students had been invited to watch their school's rugby team compete against
12:20Eaton High's and for certain reasons the high schooler wanted to make it back before
12:24it would start.
12:26The reason why Kai had to worry about time was because at this very moment, even though
12:30it was a school day, he was at a different school.
12:34What's more, he had just opened the door leading to the rooftop, where he found a lone figure.
12:40I was told you would be here.
12:42Kai spoke up.
12:44A smoker, eh?
12:46If you treasure your body you should drop it.
12:49In a couple of years, you'll start to feel the difference.
12:52It's up to you, the gang sure as hell will enjoy squeezing the money off of you.
12:57The student took another puff from his cigarette, before throwing it on the floor stepping on
13:03He then turned around, looking directly at Kai while making sure his hair was still kept
13:08up in the perfect shape.
13:10People from other schools usually only come here because they want to fight.
13:14Austin stated.
13:16However, the last person I hit saved my arse, so I've decided to take it easy from now on.
13:23Since you haven't outright attacked me or challenged me in a flashy manner, I'll take
13:27it, you want something else from me?
13:30Hearing this Kai smiled and threw out a business card.
13:33It cut through the air easily, and Austin was able to catch it.
13:38A green little birdie told me about your fight against a certain school invader.
13:42Apparently, you actually managed to hurt that oversized pig monster, which means you're
13:49Kai said.
13:50Let me ask you something.
13:52What do you plan to do once you graduate?
13:55You might feel on top of the world right now, being in charge of all these kids, but that
13:59will change once you get out.
14:02I looked into you and judging from your current grades they're barely enough to let you pass,
14:06meaning you'll struggle to find a good job, and your so-called friends, that might stick
14:11with you these days, well, they'll have no reason to stay by your side.
14:16Your fighting skills are good, for the average teenager.
14:20If you plan to join a gang, you will quickly find out that out there on the streets, where
14:24people fight every single day, best case scenario your skills might allow you to be a team leader.
14:31You might not be at the bottom of the barrel, but you'll be far from the top.
14:35However, if you want a better future, come to the place on that card in a couple of days.
14:41If nothing else, I can at least guarantee that you will end up seeing something very
14:46Austin looked at the card and could see an address written on it.
14:50When he looked up he could see Kai was already about to leave.
14:54That's it.
14:56You've come here to give me a lecture and a salesman pitch.
14:59Austin shouted.
15:01Yup, but the lecture was on the house.
15:04Now if you'll excuse me, I got a game to watch.
15:08Kai replied without turning around, shutting the door behind him.
15:12It was about time for the match to start.
15:15All the players that would be fielded today were currently in the locker room, yet Blake,
15:20Gary and Gil were the only regulars.
15:23The rest were those who had usually done nothing but warmed the bench.
15:28All of the benchwarmers were nervous since this was a last minute change due to unforeseen
15:34My bones are too fragile for this crap.
15:37If any of those guys tackle me, I'm going to be killed.
15:41Tom whined, his legs actually shaking.
15:44Shit, I was just in the hospital.
15:47If I go there again, my parents will probably make me drop out and start homeschooling me.
15:53Just pass the ball to me every time you get it, alright?
15:57You can let me handle all that stuff.
15:59Gary tried to encourage his best friend.
16:03Mr. Root looked at the players at his disposal and couldn't stop shaking his head.
16:08Today would possibly be his last day as Westbridge's coach.
16:12Knowing this he placed his hands on the shoulders of his most promising players.
16:17Blake, Gary, I'll be counting on the both of you.
16:21Get out there and win this for our school.
16:24If you manage to do that, I'll treat you to an all-you-can-eat buffet.
16:28Mr. Root promised earnestly.
16:31You mean it, coach?
16:33You'll pay for all of us.
16:35A large but unathletic student asked with large eyes, suddenly having found some motivation
16:40to give it his best.
16:42I actually meant just these two, but I guess that would be seen as favoritism.
16:47Oh what the hell.
16:49These kids need some encouragement and if it saves my job, it's a cheap price to pay.
16:57Mr. Root answered after a slight moment of hesitation, giving them all a thumbs up.
17:02Now get out there, and score some points to earn your meal.
17:06Mr. Root reverted to his usual tone.
17:09Outside, the stands were filling up.
17:12It was a home match for Westbridge so Eaton High was the one coming to their school.
17:18Their buses had arrived and the supporters as well as the members started to come out
17:21and walked towards the field and stands.
17:25Nearly all of the supporters were students and the Westbridge students noticed that they
17:29all looked a bit rough around the edges.
17:32Glances from the other side caused the students to quickly look away.
17:36Kill them.
17:38Make sure you break their legs.
17:40Inu screamed from the stands, standing up at the very back.
17:45Everyone turned around, yet for some reason, Inu's words gave them confidence to shout
17:49and cheer for their team.
17:51Hey, do you mind if I sit here?
17:54A voice asked him suddenly.
17:57When Inu turned to look at the person, he noticed that a beauty had approached him,
18:01someone he recognized from his class.
18:05Exine, right?
18:07You sure you wouldn't rather sit with the girls from our class?
18:11He asked, getting all red-faced.
18:14Exine looked at the girls, who were surrounding and praising Tiffany.
18:19I've actually only transferred here myself, so I'm still a bit of a loner.
18:23If it's a problem or you're reserving that seat for someone else, I can just look for
18:29Inu quickly shook his head and patted the seat next to him, clearing off the dust and
18:33then gestured for the girl to take the seat.
18:37Not far off in the stands, some of the parents had also come to watch the match.
18:42Today the seats were emptier than usual, after all most of the regulars weren't going to
18:46be playing today.
18:48Nevertheless, several mothers had turned up because there was a rumor that a certain someone
18:53would arrive.
18:54As it turned out, that rumor was true.
18:57A tall muscular handsome man who looked to be in his early thirties had appeared.
19:02He had a clean shaved beard and short hair giving him the appearance of a top class actor.
19:08Of course, this person wasn't oblivious to the stares and gave his fans a friendly wave
19:12back to them.
19:14He is so dreamy.
19:16Tiffany squealed a little bit.
19:19It looks like Blake gets his good looks from his dad.
19:22One of her drones added.
19:24Finally, it was time for the teams to face each other.
19:28The ones walking at the front were Blake and Gil as they were the most senior members.
19:34The captain of the rugby club walked confidently, yet his partner seemed to be somewhat lost.
19:40Facing them was the team from Eaton High, led by the twins Sren and Leng.
19:44As they saw who they would be facing, everyone on their side broke out in laughter.
19:49Although most of the Westbridge team looked scared, there were two members who were more
19:53determined than ever.
19:55Getting into the center of the field, the group started to practice a little, and soon
19:59the game would start.
20:03Tom whispered to his best friend.
20:05Don't try, too hard, okay?
20:08Gary looked back, and gave a thumbs up, he looked into the crowd and could suddenly see
20:13Exian and Inu sitting next to each other and the next moment he could feel something burn
20:18inside of him.
20:20Sorry, Tom, I might have to try a little hard.
20:24Gary thought to himself.
20:26What Gary didn't know was that not too far away looking at the field from behind some
20:30trees was a single large teenage boy.
20:34We don't have long.
20:35I'll be waiting for you.
20:38Billy thought, licking his lips.
20:40Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 74, The Rugby Match,
20:48Before the match was about to start, Gary wanted to check on a couple of things.
20:53For one his growing headache that just wouldn't go away.
20:56He tried his best to hide it, as he didn't want Tom to notice, else his best friend would
21:00just nag him even more, only worsening his headache.
21:05Seven hours until the next full moon, this was the reason for his headache, and this
21:09wasn't even the first notification either.
21:12About five hours ago a message had popped up informing him that there were 12 hours
21:17until the next full moon and it had repeated every hour since.
21:21Just like the previous ones he mentally closed it, before he went to check on his energy
21:26100 slash 120 energy, the reason why his energy levels were still so high was due to him having
21:33enjoyed a big lunch.
21:35He had eaten a lot, and was even stealing food from the others.
21:39At the same time, while walking around school, there was always some type of creature he
21:44could find not too far away.
21:46He hated to admit it, but he was getting used to this scavenger lifestyle.
21:51Nevertheless, without really doing anything and even after toggling off his marks, 20
21:56energy points had been consumed.
21:58It looks like after this game, I'll have to go hunting again before trying to sort out
22:02this werewolf crap.
22:05Gary let out a big sigh as he got into his newly assigned position.
22:09Today, he was placed on the right wing, while Blake would be on the left wing.
22:14Even though he wasn't left handed, the stat player could play well in any position.
22:20I should probably refrain from using Charging Heart for now.
22:24Let's see how I do with just my basic stats.
22:27Initially, one of the benchwarmers had been selected to start the match by kicking the
22:33However, he dropped the ball and it hit the ground as he swung his leg and missed the
22:38To avoid further embarrassment, Mr. Root requested Blake to be the kicker.
22:43It was a good strong kick that made it to the other side, signaling the start of the
22:49In rugby, the players naturally ran as a line together, this was the same as the other team.
22:55To score a point, one would have to run up to the long white try line to score.
23:00The main rules were that you could only throw back the ball, you could use your feet and
23:04hands on the ball, but other than that, players were free to tackle each other as they wished.
23:10Gary immediately ran towards the player who caught the ball.
23:14The Eaton High players were confident in their strength, especially when they saw a scrawny
23:19boy come towards them.
23:21Even if they got tackled, they intended to pass the ball to the next person before falling.
23:27However, Gary got close and immediately dived down hitting the ball carrier's legs.
23:32The surprised student fell down like a sack of potatoes.
23:36Part of it was due to the unexpectedness of the unconventional method used, but the other
23:41half was because of the strength that he felt from Gary.
23:44When the student fell he dropped the ball, yet a short-haired red-haired boy picked it
23:48up almost instantly.
23:51Sren ran forward, yet Gary quickly recovered and went in for another tackle.
23:56As he dived, the new ball carrier quickly spun and thereby evaded the attack.
24:02Too slow.
24:04Sren sneered running forward.
24:06Using his agility and his teammates, he was able to avoid most of the Westbridge team.
24:12Blake was their last defense.
24:14Another player ran across trading paths with Sren.
24:18It only took a split second and the redhead continued to run forward.
24:22Blake successfully tackled him to the ground, but that's when he could see that he no
24:26longer had the ball.
24:28You might be a good player but you seem to be lacking in the brains department.
24:33Sren taunted the other.
24:35The referee blew into his whistle signaling that Eton High had scored the first point
24:39of the match.
24:41As for the one that had scored, it was none other than Leng.
24:44Damn it.
24:46Gary cursed kicking the ground.
24:48He was mostly upset that he had let the other person get away.
24:53During the last two weeks rugby had become more than a mere hobby for Gary.
24:57Thanks to the system his performance had improved immensely, allowing him to play earnestly.
25:03He knew that he was basically cheating, but it just felt good to be recognized for once.
25:08Of course, being allowed to work off his frustration was a nice bonus.
25:13The game restarted with Eton High kicking off.
25:16Alas, now that Westbridge was in possession of the ball things only got worse.
25:22The passes were bad as it instantly became obvious that the fielded players lacked any
25:26actual practice.
25:28Gary was having his own problems as if he saw that Gill was open, the only other decent
25:33player on their team he refused to pass to him.
25:36It didn't help that they were all scared of getting hit by the other team.
25:40They all got rid of the ball so fast that one might mistake them playing hot potato
25:45over rugby.
25:47Tom was in the unfortunate situation that he got past the ball, yet Gary had been too
25:51far away from him.
25:54Having hesitated for too long, the high schooler ended up getting hit before he could pass.
25:59Eton High ended up scoring a total of four times, before Blake managed to finally score
26:04one single point, something he had Gary and Gill to thank for.
26:09Unlike in professional rugby, the high school didn't use multiple points per touchdown,
26:14and just counted them as one for simplicity.
26:18Gary yelled.
26:20I can't catch those two redheads.
26:23They're too fast and nimble.
26:26They get away every time, even with my current speed.
26:29I should be okay if I use it until the end of the game, right?
26:34I know the halftime still hasn't been called.
26:37Gary tried to convince himself, unwilling to let his first rugby match end in a complete
26:43It would be one thing if the other team was simply better than theirs, but it just didn't
26:48sit well with him that they were sorely losing because of Eton High's dirty tactics.
26:53To be honest, Gary wasn't sure if they could win even if they had all of their regulars,
26:58that was what was more annoying Eton High were good, so why the need to resort to dirty
27:04Skill activated charging heart, all stats have temporarily been doubled, dash 10 energy
27:09points, dexterity 10, plus 3, thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel,
27:16After 75, the rugby match, too, Gary had already been doing well in the game without
27:21having to use charging heart.
27:24This was mostly due to the power of the moon, otherwise, he would have still fallen slightly
27:28behind the athletic students, but now with charging heart active and the power of the
27:33moon Gary was at his strongest.
27:36Since Blake had luckily managed to score a point, it was time for Westbridge to kick
27:40off the ball again.
27:42Coach Root, let me do it.
27:45Gary raised his hand asking for permission.
27:48With how things were going, Mr Root didn't really care.
27:52It was obvious that Eton High would put more people on Blake now, leaving virtually no
27:56chance for a comeback.
27:59Blake or Gill didn't voice any objection so the teacher just allowed the high schooler
28:02to do as he wished.
28:05Getting ready, Gary dropped the ball, and booted it as hard as he could.
28:09He had powered all of his frustration into kicking the ball and didn't hold back.
28:14The ball went high in the air, and further than any of Blake's kicks and down so far,
28:19it had gone so far some people even thought it was going to hit the tryline.
28:24In the end, it was a few meters short.
28:27Sren had run all the way to the back but even with his speed he was unable to get back in
28:32time to catch it.
28:34Did you see that kick?
28:36I don't even think I've seen that in professional rugby games.
28:40One of the parents commented.
28:42Well, it's a smaller pitch, but that was definitely an impressive kick.
28:47Another added.
28:49What some of the players at Eton High noticed and same with Blake was the kick Gary had
28:53done, had no signs of proper technique, the ball shouldn't have gone that far.
28:58Meaning he had done it all with raw power.
29:02I'm thankful that you're on our team, but the improvement you have had, what happened
29:06to you?
29:08Blake thought.
29:09The game went on and Blake surprisingly managed to snatch the ball off of one of their players,
29:14but just as Mr Root feared, after that the team had him surrounded.
29:19They knew there was no need to focus on the other players, and they were blocking his
29:23path from passing to Gil.
29:25Gary, seeing this had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
29:29You can do it, right?
29:31Then go show them what you got.
29:34Blake chucked the ball right though the gap towards Gary, and after catching the ball
29:38like a rocket, he was off.
29:41Gary just ran straight.
29:43He knew better than to try and use any fancy footwork that he wasn't used to, to evade
29:48the opposition.
29:50One of the Eton High players went for the tackle, but the ball carrier just continued
29:54running even when his legs were touched.
29:57Gary was like a train on tracks, not stopping in the least.
30:01Once he got past the first two it was smooth sailing until he reached the try line to score
30:05a point.
30:07I did it.
30:08I scored a point.
30:10Gary yelled out in triumph.
30:13He then looked over the stands and enjoyed the feeling of being cheered on, especially
30:17since the one person he was looking out for gave him a standing ovation.
30:21Did you see that?
30:23Lang asked his brother.
30:26Since when did Westbridge have someone like him?
30:29Was he holding back on us the entire time?
30:32Of course I saw that.
30:34Sren answered in frustration.
30:36It was one thing to lose a point to the star player, but this was something completely
30:40unexpected and he didn't like that.
30:43No idea what's gotten into that guy.
30:47According to our intel, he was supposed to be a benchwarmer, just like the rest of them.
30:52Now it seems like he's their star player.
30:55Let's just put more people on him.
30:58The game continued, but that wasn't the only point Gary ended up scoring.
31:02With his sheer power he was able to force his way through nearly each time.
31:07At some point some of the players on Blake were also put on him.
31:11Using that opportunity, he would pass the ball, allowing the real star player to score.
31:17When the referee called for a break, the score was 7 to 4 for the home team.
31:22They had managed to nearly double the others' points, but there was still a problem.
31:27Despite his boost, he was unable to catch up to either of the twins.
31:32What's more, his energy had decreased sharply, which would make it risky to use Charging
31:36Heart again.
31:38During the break, Tom approached Gary.
31:41I'm guessing your sudden boost in performance is due to the moon.
31:45Do you feel any different?
31:48Any sudden, urges?
31:50Tom asked carefully.
31:52Gary smiled back as he went back into position.
31:56Just a healthy desire to win this match.
31:59Both teams went into position.
32:02Gary noticed the twins had an evil smile on their faces.
32:06In those few minutes, they had devised a strategy for how to deal with the annoying green head.
32:12After the kick, Gary was in possession of the ball, yet five people had him surrounded.
32:17It was the required number of people to stop him without making it too easy for Blake to
32:23Already used to this, Gary had no choice but to pass the ball to the closest person, Tom.
32:29They had done this a few times already and his best friend would usually just pass it
32:33on to the next person, but as soon as the ball left Gary's fingertips, two red-headed
32:38students could be seen running through.
32:41Before he had any chance to react, they both crushed Tom banging into him from either side,
32:46he fell to the ground in seconds, but that wasn't the end of it.
32:50Turning around, both of them with their studded metal boots stepped on Tom's hand.
32:56It had gone right through his palm causing him to bleed.
32:59Why the f**k is it always me?
33:03Tom screamed in pain.
33:05In almost an instant, Gary leapt from where he was, landing right on top of Sren, pinning
33:10him to the ground.
33:11I'll kill you.
33:13Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel.