FBI 191-195

  • 5 days ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this
00:15clip. Don't forget to like and comment so that the admin will have the
00:20encouragement to continue making clips. Let's go listen. Chapter 191 IRS and
00:27arrests your guess is right Roam. After listening to Roam's analysis Augustus
00:33smiled and patted him on the shoulder very satisfied that cosmetics company is
00:38indeed suspected of money laundering. The amount exceeds 100 million and we have
00:43found evidence. Very good. I knew it. Hearing what Augustus said all the
00:50agents of the know. Five investigation team showed joy clapping their hands and
00:56cheering loudly. Not surprisingly this week's bonus has been settled again.
01:02Everyone looked at Roam's back and felt that he seemed to be shining. Golden
01:07light. After cheering Ryder said directly I'm going to apply for the formalities
01:12now and then arrest the boss of the cosmetics company. Wait a moment. Ryder
01:18was about to leave the know. Five investigation team excitedly but Roam
01:23hurriedly stopped him. Waved his hand to signal Ryder to wait a few minutes. Roam
01:29turned around and walked into the team leader's office with Augustus. The two
01:34sides sat down. Augustus asked what's the matter Roam? What did you find? Roam
01:40didn't make a fool of himself and said directly it's easy to catch the boss of
01:44the cosmetics company. But the real culprit behind this case is that Connors
01:49and we have no direct evidence related to him yet. It was Connors driving
01:54subordinate who called Roslyn Lewis the killer. With Connors as financial
01:59resources he could afford a lawyer who defended his innocence and then said in
02:04front of the judge that this matter had nothing to do with him. Those companies
02:08controlled by women have a bunch of shell companies and limited companies
02:12behind them and their registration is still in the Cayman Islands. If you want
02:16to find out the composition of the shares behind it and find the money
02:20laundering evidence of Karnas it will be impossible to complete it in a short
02:24time. If the time is delayed for too long it will be very detrimental to the case.
02:30It's okay Roam I'll take care of it. Hearing Roam's worried words Augustus
02:36smiled slightly to show that he was not panicked at all. Um. Roam was taken aback
02:43for a moment then thought of something. The worry on his face gradually
02:46disappeared and asked I don't know what the officer plans to do. This is a money
02:52laundering case involving hundreds of millions of dollars. Augustus picked up
02:57the coffee and took a sip. Satisfied with Roam's reaction speed he replied when
03:03you catch the boss of the cosmetics company the rest will naturally be
03:06handed over to professionals. Who are the professionals? Of course the IRS.
03:13Hearing this the expression on Roam's face suddenly lit up. Investigating
03:19money laundering evidence is very troublesome not only time-consuming but
03:23also requires a lot of manpower. There no. Five investigation team doesn't have
03:30that many people at all and they can't devote all their follow-up time to this
03:34case. Passing the follow-up to the IRS and letting the IRS watch Connors and
03:39find evidence not only saves time and effort but also that group of people is
03:44definitely more active than the no. Five investigation team and they also want to
03:49send Connors to prison. Llewellyn and the others don't have to worry about being
03:54robbed of their credit because they're no. Five investigation team handled the
03:59case earlier and they also arrested the people involved. If people hold it in
04:04their hands credit cannot escape. Afterwards not only the bonus can be
04:10secured but also the reward after Connors is sent to prison the IRS must
04:14also distribute a share to their no. Five investigation team. After figuring
04:19out the joints Roam looked at Augustus with admiration. As expected of a person
04:25who came out of the criminal investigation section the means to push
04:29the boat along the way are really easy to come by. Seeing Roam's eyes Augustus
04:34looked calm on the surface but he already laughed out loud in his heart.
04:39Finally installed it in front of Llewellyn it's not easy. Coughed twice
04:44Augustus put down the coffee cup in his hand and said in a deep voice so next we
04:50must catch the boss of the cosmetics company she is very important. No problem.
04:55Llewellyn nodded heavily. The female boss is related to the bonus of this case and
05:01he will never let her escape. Leaving the team leader's office Roam didn't talk
05:07nonsense and immediately led Ryder into the equipment warehouse. Black combat
05:13uniform, tactical helmet, plate armor vest, three smoke bombs, ten shock bombs, two
05:19assault pistols Glock 18, five pistols with extended magazines. After finishing
05:25the equipment Roam and Ryder looked at each other, grinned together and strode
05:30out of the number five investigation team. In a cosmetics company building in
05:35Manhattan the elevator door slowly opened and Roam who was fully armed
05:40pressed the communicator and walked out together with Ryder. Hello. Ignoring the
05:46exclamation of the two beautiful girls at the front desk Roam walked directly
05:50into the company pulled a white woman who looked like a secretary and asked
05:54we're here for Lylenny. Keller. This is the name of the female boss of this
06:00cosmetics company. Seeing Roam and Ryder in full armor the secretary swallowed
06:06and replied sorry she's not here. Roam frowned slightly turned around and
06:11walked around her to the door of the boss's office without knocking on the
06:15door he pushed it away forcefully. The office is empty. Hey you can't do this
06:23you guys are too much. Do you have a search warrant? Seeing Roam's actions
06:30besides the female secretary just now several white men who made a pose
06:35appeared out of nowhere but was easily stopped by Ryder. Seeing the colorful
06:41hair and colorful outfits of these white men Roam felt a toothache as expected of
06:46a cosmetics company. Here is the search warrant you want. Swallowing the
06:52discomfort in his heart Roam stretched out his hand and pulled the loudest guy
06:56and directly patted the search warrant on his chest. Then Roam turned his head
07:01to look at the crowd and said sharply listen if you guys know where Lylenny
07:06Keller is and don't tell us trust me I can definitely send you all to jail for
07:11deceiving. Agents and disrupting official business. After hearing Roam's words
07:17everyone present fell silent snort toasted and refused to eat fine wine
07:22turned to look at the female secretary Luo En's eyes were cold and he asked in
07:27a cold voice tell me where did Lylenny Keller go. Looking at Roam's face close
07:33at hand and the serious expression on his face the female secretary swallowed
07:38and hurriedly replied the boss went to the private airport in the south of Long
07:42Island. He just left half an hour ago. I just saw that she answered a phone call
07:48which seemed to be from the bank. She was taken aback so she left quickly. Bank?
07:55Luo En frowned upon hearing this not understanding why there was something
08:00about the bank. But now is not the time to think about these things bypassing
08:05the female secretary Roam quickly walked to the elevator bowed his head and said
08:09to the communicator have you heard everything? Mona? Since joining this
08:15company Roam's communicator has not been turned off. Heard it? There was a sound
08:21of typing on the keyboard from the communicator and Mona replied I just
08:26found out that Lylenny Keller like Tris Perez has a share in a private jet. The
08:31plane is now waiting on the runway of the private airport in southern Long
08:35Island and the passenger list reported by the captain is Lylenny Keller alone.
08:40Good. The elevator quickly reached the first floor Roam took rider to the
08:46parking lot and said at the same time contact air traffic control immediately
08:50and asked them to stop this plane from taking off. Also find out who the bank
08:56officer who called Lylenny Keller just now is Lacey you go and get him back
09:00immediately. No problem. There were two clear and crisp responses from the
09:06communicator and Roam and rider also ran to the side of the SUV. Opening the door
09:12and turning the key the dark SUV rushed out towards Long Island like lightning.
09:17Chapter 192 standard American cutoff on the road leading to Long Island a dark
09:24SUV shuttles through the traffic at high speed. Looking at the SUV overtaking with
09:29various unimaginable angles and methods rider swallowed silently and carefully
09:34tightened the seat belt. Selectively ignoring riders small movements Roam
09:39stepped on the accelerator directly. Immediately afterwards Llewellyn suddenly
09:45thought of something looked at the traffic lights on the road and the
09:48congestion on the road and calculated the distance between the company and
09:52Long Island. Airport. After pondering for a few seconds he pressed the
09:58communicator and said loudly Mona I need your help. What help? You and William
10:04immediately checked the private airport and the cameras on Lylenny's road to the
10:08airport. Roam explained loudly Lylenny should not be at the airport yet I need
10:14to know where she is now. Judging from the congestion on the roads in Long
10:18Island and Queens Lylenny Keller is now either stuck on the road or taking a
10:23detour. Judging from the urgency of the other party the other party has a
10:28high probability of choosing a detour. Now as long as he knows Lylenny's
10:32detour route Roam is sure to block her quickly. Hearing this rider and the
10:38co-pilot was shocked. He didn't expect Roam to have such a dual-purpose ability.
10:43No problem. As soon as the voice fell Mona's answering sound and the crackling
10:49of the computer keyboard came from the communicator. Soon the keyboard sound
10:54stopped and Mona said loudly you guessed it right Roam Lylenny Keller hasn't
11:00arrived at the airport yet not only that but we didn't find Lylenny Keller on the
11:04roads. Outside the airport seeing that the road ahead was crowded again Roam
11:11turned the steering wheel and drove the SUV to another road and continued to ask
11:15where is Lylenny Keller now. After receiving the document from William
11:20Mona on the communicator was all smiles Lylenny Keller drives the latest Porsche
11:25also equipped with GPS. After entering the car's model license plate inventory
11:31record and other information into the computer Mona flew her fingers on the
11:36keyboard quickly located the other party and then replied. Loudly the other
11:41party's car is now on the northernmost side of Central Park Avenue and its
11:46heading is due west. It looks like it doesn't plan to go to Long Island's
11:50private airport. What? Getting the exact location of the other party Lylenny frowned
11:56slightly but still quickly drove the SUV around and rushed out. Why didn't the
12:02other party go to the airport? This question flashed in his mind Roam
12:06thought for a few seconds and continued check the call history of Lylenny
12:11Keller's mobile phone to see if it is an employee of the cosmetics company who
12:15told. Lylenny the news of our visit. If it is send someone to catch him
12:21immediately. Not an employee of that company. Mona on the communicator said
12:27that she had checked Lylenny's call records just now. Not long ago she called
12:32Lylenny from a phone number she had never seen before. I've seen that phone
12:37number before. Just when Mona was going to check the other party's location based
12:42on the phone number to see if she could find out the other party's identity
12:45through surveillance William in the office area suddenly shouted a few hours
12:51before Tris and Lowell were killed by Rosslyn and after we successfully
12:55arrested Rosslyn that phone number was in contact with Connors as men. Mona was
13:00slightly taken aback not trying to figure out who the other party was. Fouquet
13:06Roan in the SUV reacted quickly cursed in a low voice and immediately explained
13:12the opponent is that sniper. Polish tea. Hearing this Mona also understood her
13:19pupils shrank and she said in a surprised voice the sniper was
13:23instructed to kill Lylenny. Exactly. Roan nodded heavily thought for a while and
13:29asked again is there an airport in the direction Lylenny Keller is heading to
13:34now. The killer can make Lylenny turn around and leave the private airport
13:38there must be a reason that can convince Lylenny such as a new route that
13:43can leave New York. Lylenny is now speeding north on the Greenstone
13:47Highway. Hearing Roan's question Mona quickly tapped the keyboard and soon
13:53made a new discovery on the map the end of that road is a pier Lylenny is likely
13:58to plan to escape by boat. No it should be said that the killer planned to kill
14:03Lylenny at the pier to silence her. Roan snorted coldly stepped on the
14:08accelerator again and said loudly at the same time immediately call the SWAT
14:13operation team for support and let them block off the entire periphery of that
14:18pier. The number five investigation team agent nodded loudly no problem. Black
14:25lightning was speeding along the Greenstone Highway and it took only 10
14:29minutes for Roan and Ryder to arrive at the spot where Lylenny Keller's Porsche
14:33was just now. 500 meters west of number 134 Street turn right at the fourth
14:39intersection ahead. In the office area of the No. 5 investigation team William and
14:46other detectives stared at the computer screen closely. Inside there were two
14:51flashing bright spots one black and one red. Mona was remotely controlling Roan
14:57to hunt down Lylenny Keller. Good. Listening to Mona's remote control Roan
15:04turned the steering wheel and quickly drove the SUV into another road then
15:08asked how far is the nearest SWAT team. On the road very close about three miles
15:15northwest of you. Roan nodded and just about to say something Ryder and the
15:20co-pilot suddenly raised his finger forward and said loudly see that Porsche
15:25there it is. Very good. Following the direction Ryder pointed Roan also saw
15:32the white car so he immediately drove the SUV over. Seeing the menacing SUV the
15:38white Porsche obviously panicked and the speed suddenly increased. Seeing that the
15:44opponent was getting closer and closer to the pier Roan did not hesitate
15:48directly took out the Glock 18 aimed at the opponent's left rear wheel and pulled
15:52the trigger. Boom. Boom. Boom. A total of three bullets were fired from the muzzle
16:01two of which hit the Porsche tires perfectly. After checking the equipment
16:06Ryder grinned when he saw this. Nice job. Roan. The corner of Luo and's mouth was
16:13slightly raised. Seeing that the other party's tire was broken but still had no
16:19intention of stopping he immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove the
16:23SUV into the left rear of the Porsche and then turned. The steering wheel
16:28vigorously. Boom. Boom. Porsche immediately lost its balance after being hit. Coupled
16:36with the force of the SUV in the opposite direction the Porsche was
16:39directly across the road. Standard American cutoff. The next second Roan and
16:46Ryder immediately opened the car door and quickly approached the Porsche with
16:50a Glock 18 in a vigilant posture. Don't move. Hands up. As soon as the two spoke
16:58the Porsche driver's door was opened and a white man in a suit jumped out with a
17:02gun. Bang. Bang. Bang. Ryder who was closest to the driver's seat did not
17:08hesitate and immediately aimed at the opponent's chest and pulled the trigger.
17:12At the same time Roan also found Lilani Keller who was about to escape in the
17:18direction of the co-pilot. Seeing from the corner of the eye that Ryder easily
17:22dealt with the bodyguard Roan immediately walked towards Lilani quickly
17:26grabbed the back of Lilani's neck lifted her up on the spot and then easily cuffed
17:32her hands behind her back. Damn the FBI. Feeling the cold handcuffs on her wrists
17:39Lilani Keller cursed with a ferocious face. Son of. But before she could finish
17:45speaking Roan frowned and pulled her hard pushing her to the ground. The next
17:50second a bomb crater suddenly appeared where Lilani was standing just now.
17:55Lilani screamed in horror when she saw this while Roan raised her head and
18:00looked in the direction of the building not far away with the corners of her
18:03mouth slightly raised. I found you Mr. Sniper. Chapter 193 Five Bombs. Boom the
18:13moment he heard the iconic sound of the sniper rifle Ryder subconsciously bent
18:18down to look for the obstacle and then suddenly found that Roan was on that
18:22side and hurriedly moved there. While his face changed and asked loudly Roan how
18:29are you doing? I'm fine. The angry voice came to his ears and Ryder just breathed
18:36a sigh of relief. Before he could react an old woman in handcuffs suddenly fell
18:41into his arms from the front of the car. Looking at Lilani Keller who was
18:46screaming loudly in his arms Ryder twitched the corner of his mouth and
18:50asked again Roan what's next? You are optimistic about the suspect here let
18:57the SWAT operation team come here as quickly as possible and completely
19:01block this area. Roan who was hiding behind another car checked his equipment
19:06his eyes flickering coldly I'm going to deal with that sniper. What? Hearing the
19:13previous words Ryder nodded solemnly but he was stunned by the latter words. Just
19:19as he got up to say something Roan's figure had completely disappeared. Bang
19:24bang on the other side Roan kept shooting at the hidden position of the
19:28sniper suppressing the opponent and rushed into the building at an extremely
19:32fast speed. Just now when Roan crashed the Porsche and opened the door to get
19:37out of the car he took a close look around at the fastest speed. Because this
19:42is a pier there are not many places suitable for snipers to hide. Roan quickly
19:48found a few locations and calculated in advance which locations fired bullets
19:53and where the bullets were probably located. The moment Lilani Keller was
19:58caught the urgent feeling of being on fire came again and Roan knew that his
20:02guess was right and the sniper really planned to kill him. Pulling Lilani
20:07Keller to the ground Roan glanced at the bullet marks on the ground and quickly
20:11determined the opponent's position. At the same time in a certain room in the
20:16high-rise building a muscular middle-aged white man with a cropped cut
20:20was standing by the wall to avoid bullets with an extremely ugly expression
20:24on his face. Shit! How did that guy find me? Twice! Already twice! As a killer who
20:35roams the underground world all year round a white man with a short hair who
20:40is good at using sniper rifles does not miss many times. But this time not only
20:45did he miss twice the reason for the misses was also because of the same
20:49person. Suppressing the anger in his heart the killer habit that he has
20:54cultivated all year round still makes the white man with a short hair quickly
20:58pack up the sniper rifle wipe away the traces and prepare to leave here quickly.
21:04A tall and handsome FBI agent at the moment before leaving the white man with
21:10a short hair kept flashing Roan's face in his mind I remember you. Turning
21:16around and walking quickly towards the departure route he had prepared in
21:19advance the eyes of the short-haired white man were full of coldness. The
21:24inch-headed white man intends to leave here first. Judging from his experience
21:29this area will be blocked soon. On the other hand after avoiding the punishment
21:35of MS-13 mission failure the white man with a short cut is still planning to
21:40find an opportunity to completely kill the FBI. Even if no one pays him this
21:45time. On the other side Roan quickly checked the internal structure of the
21:50building judged others by himself and looked at the problem with the eyes of a
21:55killer and soon found a suitable escape route. Quickly walked towards one of the
22:00stairs and as soon as he arrived there Roan heard hurried footsteps. Without
22:05hesitation Roan took out two shock bombs and threw them over. Seeing two foreign
22:11objects that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes the white man with short
22:15hair instantly widened his eyes. Shit! Although he didn't know how the other
22:21party found this way but the experience of struggling on the line of life and
22:25death for many years made CUN2 make the best response. He directly blocked the
22:30weapon box in his hand in front of him. Boom! Boom! Bright flames and deafening
22:38explosions sounded suddenly and the white man with a short hair was thrown
22:42to the ground violently. At hashtag UN percent swearing a curse word from an
22:48unknown country the next second the short-haired white man resisted the
22:52discomfort from all over his body and got up on the spot immediately took out
22:56his pistol and pulled the trigger in the direction of the shock bomb. Bang! Bang!
23:02Bang! Using bullets to suppress the opponent the expression on the white
23:06man's face showed no panic. He had encountered this situation before but in
23:12the end he survived. Not only that but he also gained a lot of experience from
23:17those experiences. The inch-headed white man believes that he can also get rid of
23:22the opponent this time and then leave smoothly. But Roan on the other side of
23:27the wall unhurriedly took out three shock bombs again.
23:30Gulyalup, seeing the new foreign object on the ground the expression on the
23:35white man's face finally couldn't hold back and he cursed loudly son of. Before
23:41he finished speaking the familiar explosion sounded again. Boom! Boom! Boom!
23:49The flame broke through the limit and surged out. This time the short-haired
23:55white man who was very close to the shock bomb felt a rush of hot air
23:58followed by severe pain. The next second his body soared into the air surrounded
24:05by countless cement debris in shock waves and slammed into the shaking wall
24:09next to him. The short-haired white man lying in the cement debris felt buzzing
24:14in his ears and the world in front of him seemed to be shaking. TSK! TSK! TSK!
24:21Walking out from behind the wall in a vigilant posture Roan saw the white man
24:26with a short hair and clothes all over his body. With a blank expression on his
24:31face he kicked away the weapon on the ground. The moment he saw Luo An's face
24:37clearly the white man with an inch head slowly took out the third gun with his
24:41right hand under his body and at the same time his eyes were tearing open
24:45damn them! FBI! The white man with an inch head didn't know Roan's name but it
24:52didn't prevent him from opening his mouth to curse. It's me what's wrong? Luo
24:58An chuckled put his left hand into his pocket and seemed to be planning to take
25:02out his phone to call an ambulance. Seeing this the white man with an inch
25:07head was full of disdain and immediately pulled out the third pistol. This is one
25:13of the whole cards of the inch-cut white man and he is also an old buddy who has
25:17saved his life many times. The inch-length white man believes that this
25:22time is no exception. Boom! The next second gunfire rang out. CUN2 was stunned
25:30it seems that I haven't shot yet. Immediately afterwards a splitting
25:35headache, numb hands and feet and a feeling of losing control of his limbs
25:39came into his mind. Feeling the blood slowly flowing from his forehead the
25:45white man with an inch cut realized that he had been shot. Immediately afterwards
25:50an unspeakable sleepiness flooded his heart. Looking at the body of the white
25:55man with a short hair Roan put away the Glock 18 in his right hand and smiled
26:00disdainfully do you really think I didn't see your little moves. There is no
26:05killer in the world who does not have a whole card let alone a guy with a short
26:09head who has been in the killer business for decades Roan has been guarding
26:12against him. Put a white man with a haircut in prison and the judge will
26:17sentence him to death or life sentence 100%. But Roan knew that the other party
26:23would definitely use the hidden funds to buy the lives of himself or the agents
26:27of the number five investigation team in the underground world before he died.
26:31Killers are the most vindictive group of people in the world. What's more there
26:37are still countless lives in the hands of white people with short hair. Pressed
26:41the communicator Roan patted the dust on his body and said softly this is Roan
26:46Lylany Keller was successfully arrested and the sniper has been successfully
26:51resolved. Oh nice job Roan you are so awesome.
26:58Luo An's voice fell and the applause of all the agents came from the
27:02communicator. Backing to the know five investigation team the agents applauded
27:09Roan again for a while and before Roan sat down Mona patted him on the shoulder
27:13pointed to the team leader's office and said with a strange look Roan Augustus
27:19has something to look for you. Chapter 194 Internal Revenue Service Criminal
27:25Investigation Unit here a CI hearing that Augustus was looking for him and
27:29seeing the weird expression on Mona's face Roan's expression froze slightly. He
27:35thought of the SUV he had just used the American style stop method and
27:39accidentally crashed the front of the car. At this moment Lacey returned to the
27:44number five investigation team. Roan's eyes lit up and asked well Lacey did the
27:50bank clerk get caught? Certainly. Lacey took a big sip of coffee and explained
27:57with a smile that guy is very timid and when I was a little scared he would do
28:02anything. That guy is an informant bought by Lylany Keller with money. He usually
28:08has nothing to do but as soon as he finds out that someone is investigating
28:12the financial situation of the cosmetics company that guy will
28:16immediately call Lylany Keller. All the agents suddenly realized Roan also
28:21nodded and understood the reason why Lylany Keller ran away in fright. After
28:27thinking about it Roan turned to look at the crowd and said guys we have to learn
28:31from this experience. If there are similar activities in the future be sure
28:36to monitor the communication between the target person and the people around him
28:40at all times. Exactly. You're right. All the detectives nodded solemnly when
28:47they heard the words and William and other technicians even patted their
28:51chests to promise that they would pay more attention to these aspects in the
28:55future. Roan nodded in satisfaction then took the investigation materials in
29:00Lacey's hand and walked into the team leader's office calmly. Hello sir.
29:06Entering the team leader's office apart from Augustus there is also a middle-aged
29:11white man in a gray striped suit. Nodding to greet the other party Roan handed the
29:17folder to Augustus then said with a smile sir the two suspects have been
29:22arrested and the person who tipped off the information has been dealt with.
29:27Today's operation was a complete success. After taking the document Augustus
29:33twitched the corner of his mouth when he saw the innocent smile on Roan's face
29:37as if he didn't know what happened. The SUV in the garage is still waiting for
29:42Augustus to pay for repairs but Augustus quickly put this matter behind him.
29:48Anyway the SUV situation is not very serious and the activities of the fifth
29:54investigation team can afford the money. This is the senior agent of our number
29:59investigation team Roan Greenwood. Put the folder on the table Augustus smiled
30:05and introduced to both parties this is the senior investigation team leader
30:09from the Internal Revenue Service IRS criminal investigation section. Hello
30:15agent Roan. The unattractive middle-aged white man smiled and extended his hand
30:20to Roan just call me Elmer. Hello sir Elmer. Knowing Elmer's identity Roan was
30:28in awe and hurriedly extended his hand to shake him. Internal Revenue Service
30:33criminal investigation section or IRSI is a terrorist department that makes
30:38countless federal citizens turn pale. The reason for the horror is simple. The
30:44general investigators in the IRS are responsible for managing illegal
30:48activities such as tax evasion tax evasion while the criminal investigation
30:53section is in charge of financial crimes. In the army of tax evaders in the
30:58federal territory apart from the ordinary rich people there are also a
31:02bunch of rich people big companies and big consortia. The IRS criminal
31:08investigation section is primarily targeting these people. According to the
31:12federal constitution the federal government has the power to tax the
31:16income of federal citizens from all sources. This all sources includes not
31:22only ordinary legal income but also a lot of illegal activities such as
31:26smuggling money laundering robbery and reading. However talents who are often
31:32engaged in these blue ocean industries are often not motivated to pay taxes. So
31:38the criminal investigation section of the Internal Revenue Service often
31:41chooses to use physical means to collect taxes. In the process of using physical
31:47means weapons are not mentioned. In specific actions the agents of the
31:52criminal investigation section of the Internal Revenue Service can directly
31:56break into the door and arrest people without permission. Ignore Miranda
32:00warnings. Ignore the secrecy law and have the right to call all other law
32:05enforcement information materials within the department. Suspects have no right to
32:10remain silent etc. The most outrageous thing is that the department can first
32:15arrest people and then search for evidence. Thinking of this Roan glanced
32:20at Augustus very calmly. He didn't expect that the other party could pull the head
32:25of this department over to deal with the Connors money laundering case. But that's
32:30fine Roan was still thinking about the possibility of Karnas as a rich man
32:35getting himself out of this case. But now Roan is not worried at all being
32:40targeted by the IRSCI Karnas's happy life has entered the countdown. I've
32:46heard of you Roan. Since you joined the No. 5 investigation team the detection
32:53rate of this search team has skyrocketed. Withdrawing his hand Elmer looked Roan
32:58carefully up and down with a gleam of appreciation in his eyes and asked with
33:03a smile how about it are you interested in working under me. Hearing this Roan
33:09hadn't reacted yet and Augustin stood up with his eyes wide open. Hey Elmer I've
33:16got you a present today don't take it too far. August and Elmer worked together
33:21for a long time in a department in New York when they were young and they knew
33:26each other very well. To be honest Augustus I feel that a talent like Roan
33:32is a bit wasted on you. The smile on Elmer's face remains the same. There is
33:39no leader who doesn't like talents especially a leader like him who fights
33:43wits and courage with the rich people every day. Elmer checked Roan's profile
33:48briefly before coming here and then he fell in love with this intelligent senior
33:54FBI agent. For Elmer wisdom is far more important than skill not to mention that
34:00Roan has solved so many cases in a short time. So Elmer selectively ignored
34:06Augustus dissatisfaction smiled and said to Roan if you come to me I can
34:11guarantee that your level will not change you will still be a senior agent.
34:15This is quite a sincerity. Thank you for your appreciation sir. Glancing at
34:23Augustus standing beside him Roan smiled and said but I prefer to solve cases. The
34:29team leader and team supervisor take good care of me and the work and life of
34:35the FBI are more suitable for me. Roan would not jump to the criminal
34:40investigation section of the Internal Revenue Service as soon as his head
34:44became hot. The work there is really high turnover and high efficiency. It is their
34:51real goal to open and close the case as quickly as possible and thus get tax
34:55revenue. Moreover among the many law enforcement agencies in the federal
35:01territory the work pressure of IRS employees is the highest and the
35:06absorption rate and crime rate are also the highest. Roan's goal in this
35:11life is to solve crimes and make money to enjoy life not to stage a 996
35:18workplace battle. August laughed with satisfaction walked out from behind the
35:24desk and patted Elmer on the shoulder triumphantly. All right Elmer who was
35:31rejected was also not angry with the same smile on his face he took out a
35:35business card from his pocket and handed it to Roan take it and if you change
35:39your mind later you can make this call. After finishing speaking Elmer patted
35:46Roan on the shoulder and then left the team leader's office with a folder.
35:50Before leaving he didn't forget to look back and add by the way Augustus all the
35:57information related to the money laundering case of Connors remember to
36:01send me a copy later. No problem. August agreed with a wave of his hand turned
36:07and sat back in his chair casually threw the SUV maintenance files aside then
36:14handed the other two folders to Roan and said with a smile open to take a look.
36:19Chapter 195 the essence of the FBI and CIA because the chief financial officer
36:27kidnapping case has not been completely resolved the follow-up still needs the
36:31IRS to participate so although the number five investigation team solved
36:36the case and caught the murderer the bonus and other money have not been
36:40issued for the time being however the Park River mail corpse case that the
36:46financial crimes investigation section intervened in was finally finished today
36:52among the two documents one is the bonus received by investigation team
36:57number five after the Park River mail corpse case was dealt with and the proof
37:02that Luo En's bonus doubled the other is the post event thanks of the financial
37:08crimes investigation section investigation team number five had a
37:12large amount of extra money in its activity funds and there was also a
37:17pending receipt of three hundred and ninety thousand US dollars in Luo En's
37:21account Roan and Augustus in the office looked at each other and both grinned
37:26loudly oh right the two laughed for a while Augustus suddenly thought of
37:34something slapped his head and said the identity of the short-haired white
37:38killer who was captured and killed by you today has been clarified his name is
37:43Orson Monroe he is 46 years old and he is an old assassin in the underground
37:50world in addition to the FBI the CIA and NSA also offered rewards for the cases
37:56he has done the total is about four hundred and seventy thousand US dollars
38:02remember to claim it later Roan's eyes lit up and he nodded heavily okay thank
38:08you sir you don't need to thank me you are the
38:12one who solves the problem and you deserve it August waved his hand then
38:18turned on the computer beside him with an annoyed expression on his face and
38:22said actually Orson Monroe is carrying a bounty from the underground world but
38:27you can't get the money underground world Roan was slightly taken aback when
38:34he heard the words and hurriedly looked at Augustus's computer and found an
38:38encrypted website with black and red on the screen and the content in it was the
38:43reward for Orson Monroe the conditions for receiving this reward are a bit
38:48harsh that is the killer must hand over the head of Orson Monroe to the other
38:53party I don't know what kind of deep hatred the other party has with Orson
38:59Monroe but because Orson Monroe is dead now this bounty has become gray Roan
39:05glanced at the harsh requirements for receiving the reward then looked away
39:10and asked with a serious face sir what's going on with this website seeing this
39:16website a man in a suit who killed five movies because of a dog suddenly
39:20appeared in Roan's mind in turn it reminded me of the Continental Hotel but
39:28Llewellyn has been in New York for so long and he has never seen or heard of
39:32the name of the Continental Hotel he has been to the building in the movie it
39:38is just an ordinary hotel and there are often movie crews filming there hearing
39:43Roan's question and the Continental Hotel in his mouth Augustus shook his
39:48head saying that he had never heard of this organization in the Federation and
39:53no well-known underground organization in the world had this name then Augustus
39:58pointed to the website on the computer and explained this website was set up by
40:04a gangster over there in South America according to Augustus when this killer
40:09website was just established the FBI and CIA discovered it and sent a lot of
40:15agents to register accounts to monitor each other even when the gangster was
40:20almost attacked by the enemy the CIA group helped maintain the website to
40:25prevent the website from closing down so now there are more FBI and CIA people
40:32on this website than real killers not only that Augustus took a sip of coffee
40:37and continued to display several other various websites in the underground
40:42world there are a large number of FBI agents and CIA agents stationed on these
40:49websites these people also rely on these websites to disguise their identities
40:54and solve many cases holding the folder Luo and left the teen leader's office
41:01speechlessly sure enough phishing law enforcement is the essence of FBI and
41:06CIA law enforcement how's it going Roan seeing Roan walk out of the teen
41:14leader's office Mona covered her mouth and smiled and asked did Augustus
41:18criticize you for wrecking your SUV how can it be Roan smiled slightly there
41:26was so much more money in the activity funds of the number five investigation
41:31team Augustus laughed so happily that his back molars came out but Augustus
41:36still reminded Roan to be more careful next time Roan also smiled and nodded in
41:43agreement saying that he would not do it next time throwing this week's bonus
41:48payment certificate to Mona before Roan sat in his chair happy screams rang
41:53through the office area of the investigation team number five immediately
41:59afterwards the agents of the number five investigation team applauded and cheered
42:04for Luo and the detectives quarreled and played for a while then returned to
42:09their posts and started to deal with the follow-up of the case while Luo and sat
42:14on the chair without doing anything and started circling here's another reason
42:19Roan refuses to go to the IRS he can phish phish openly in the number five
42:25investigation team looking at the computer in front of him Luo and eyes
42:30were blank his mind was empty and he silently calculated his accumulation and
42:35gains during this period after spending 1.2 million to buy Apple stock Roan has
42:42$220,000 left the three doubling prizes for the male corpse case the deep pit
42:49case and the female judge case add up to a total of $9,000 the $200,000 reward
42:56from the Long Island government $60,000 for the bearded trio and Salvato
43:01crystals $39 and Orson Monroe's $470,000 combined with the weekly salary Roan
43:08found that his income during this period was about 1.35 million US dollars
43:15writing and drawing on the paper casually Roan leaned on his chin and
43:20frowned and thought would you like to buy Apple stock next do you want to
43:25switch but which one is better continuous entanglement dot JPG the
43:32clock at the front of the office area soon reached the closing time as usual
43:37Ryder and other agents went back to their homes Mona stayed in the
43:42investigation team and Lacey drove straight to the hotel Roan bought some
43:47fruits and flowers again and went to the hospital to visit Veronese to get in
43:52touch Verini's wounds are recovering well when
43:57Roan brought her things to the hospital she was sitting in a wheelchair looking
44:01at the scenery in the distance through the window of the ward seeing Roan
44:06Verini showed a faint smile on her face after a few words of greeting she
44:12changed the topic to the case again that's the story of the case sir after
44:18describing the general situation of the money laundering case Roan handed her
44:23appealed fruit and said with a smile the follow-up arrest of Connors the team
44:27leader Augustus handed over to those people in the IRS um after taking the
44:35fruit Verini nodded softly with a satisfied look on her face the two
44:40continued to chat for a while and when the nurse arrived and indicated that it
44:44was time for the injection Roan got up and left the ward after brushing up his
44:51favorability Roan drove back to his small apartment in Greenwich the next
44:56day in the office area of the number five investigation team all the agents
45:01were busy with their own work Luo and was still sitting on a chair fishing
45:06while checking the system page in his mind last Wednesday to Sunday because
45:12Roan didn't do much the system basically gave him a pass evaluation and all the
45:19treasure boxes that were opened were physical potion and strength potion
45:23Roan's performance on Monday was evaluated as good by the system and
45:28another bottle of swift potion that was used up before was opened in the
45:34treasure chest the case was solved yesterday and the system gave Roan an
45:38evaluation of excellent in addition to the four bottles of potion physical
45:44potion and strength potion there are two bottles of hemostatic potion Roan
45:51finished his breakfast and drank a bottle of physical potion in the lounge
45:55to moisten his throat just returned to his seat
45:59Augustus suddenly pushed open the door of the office area and walked in shouting
46:04loudly Roan come to my office now the fun in this clip is over which
46:11listeners haven't liked and commented yet you can press like and comment to
46:17encourage the admin find the fun in the next clip may the listeners be happy