FBI 141-145

  • 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this
00:15clip. Don't forget to like and comment so that the admin will have the
00:20encouragement to continue making clips. Let's go listen. Chapter 141 the truth of
00:27the case what's the matter Roan. Hearing Roan spit out greetings one after
00:32another Mona hurriedly turned around and asked what have you found. Shit. Seeing
00:39that the eyes of the agents of the know. Five investigation team were all turned
00:44to him Luo and pointed directly at the information in the computer and said
00:48Garcia's target is not congressman Matai at all. The technicians of the know. Five
00:55investigation team heard the words all of them were stunned and William
00:59hurriedly asked then who is Garcia's target. Roan was just about to answer
01:04when Mona on the side suddenly covered her mouth and exclaimed could it be the
01:08team leader Vernie. What how can this be did you guess wrong.
01:15Hearing Mona's words all the agents had incredible expressions on their faces
01:20and then Chi Chi turned their eyes to Roan. Luo and his face was very gloomy he
01:26nodded heavily and said that's right Garcia's real goal is Vernie. No nonsense
01:32Luo and directly called up the monitor in the computer and showed it to
01:36everyone. The monitoring location is on the first floor of the Jacob federal
01:40building and the target is facing the security check position at the entrance
01:44of the first floor and the time is from one month to three days ago. In the
01:50surveillance footage these days Ancona entered the Jacobs federal building with
01:55a paper bag containing doughnuts every morning. Before entering the security
02:00check area Ancona will distribute the doughnuts to several security check
02:04personnel on the first floor. Several security personnel took the doughnuts
02:08with a smile checked the other items that Ancona brought and waved their hands to
02:13let Ancona enter the building. The paper bag containing the doughnuts
02:17successfully bypassed the security inspection machine and the detectors in
02:21the hands of the security inspection personnel and successfully sneaked into
02:25the building without inspection. In one of the surveillance videos it was shown
02:31that Ancona was sorting out the paper bag that entered the building without
02:35going through the security check and accidentally dropped a few yellow wires
02:40but Ancona picked it up quickly with a calm face without attracting the
02:45attention of others. Seeing this scene the faces of the agents of the number
02:50five investigation team were very ugly. William cursed a few words in a low
02:55voice and Mona suddenly said in this way Ancona brought the various parts of the
03:01remote-controlled bomb into the federal building little by little. Exactly.
03:06Looking at the security inspectors smiling eating doughnuts in the
03:10surveillance Rome sighed speechlessly. What you think of as a business war
03:15intrigue strategizing and money betting. Actual business war the chairman
03:21personally went off to secretly take pictures hired someone to unplug the
03:25network cable of the rival company and poison the competitor. The way Ancona
03:30brought the bomb into the building this time is also so unpretentious. Mona was
03:36silent for a moment then tilted her head to look at Rome because Ancona
03:40started bringing doughnuts a month ago that's why you judged that Garcia's
03:43target was Vernie right. A month ago Congressman Matti didn't know where he
03:49was and no one could predict that he would attend this press conference. So
03:54Ancona brought the bomb into the building and the target can only be
03:58Vernie who has held many press conferences. More than that.
04:02Rome nodded then turned off the surveillance video in the computer and
04:06showed Garcia's information to everyone. Garcia was in prison for violating the
04:11arms regulations. Prison house records show that he was detained in the same
04:16area as Brent Harry at that time so he most likely learned bomb-making
04:20technology at that time. Yeah. Exactly. All the detectives of the number five
04:28investigation team nodded in unison. This is their consensus. Rome then turned
04:34the information in his hand to another page and continued everyone knows that
04:39prisoners like Garcia waiting for trial will be assigned some work for
04:42punishment when they are in custody. I checked Garcia's work tasks and found
04:48that during his detention he initially worked in the church such as cleaning up
04:52garbage and tidying the lawn. But then Garcia was sent to clean the floors of
04:57a separate senior prison. What's the meaning? Hearing what Rome said all the
05:03technical agents looked puzzled William was at a loss and Mona asked directly
05:08Rome what exactly do you want to say? What I want to say is turning around and
05:14calling out the page in the computer Rome pointed to the profile picture of
05:17the person in the prison information and said with a gloomy face this guy who
05:23lives in a high-end prison is probably the real mastermind behind this case
05:27Frederick Antonio seeing the names and information of the characters in the
05:32computer many agents of the know. Five investigation team showed doubts. After
05:38thinking for a few seconds Mona suddenly showed panic and her hairs
05:42stood on end. Damn it. It's him. Riker Island Prison a certain room. At this
05:50time not only Roan and Mona came here but also Augustus with a big belly and a
05:55dark face. The reason for Augustus's ugly face has nothing to do with Roan and
06:01Mona but because of the brown-skinned young man in front of him wearing a
06:04prison uniform with red eyes and a cold face. Frederick Antonio. Mona stood
06:11outside the room and waited while Roan and Augustus sat opposite Antonio. No
06:16nonsense. Augustus asked directly in a cold voice you know why we're here.
06:21Certainly. Antonio's voice was a little hoarse and a faint smile appeared on his
06:27face when he heard what Augustus said is Vernie okay. August was expressionless
06:33Antonio saw this and slowly shifted his gaze to Roan continued to smile and said
06:38I heard from the grapevine that she was injured and hospitalized. Your gossip is
06:44not very accurate. Hearing Antonio's words Roan was speechless shaking his
06:49head and laughing. Vernice was only slightly injured and went to the
06:53hospital to bandage the wound. Why did she become hospitalized when she came to
06:58you. Antonio heard the words the smile on his face froze slightly and then
07:03continued to ask with a smile Mr. Detective what's your name. It doesn't
07:08matter what my name is. Roan waved his hand took out a folder from his pocket
07:14and read Frederick Antonio 29 was arrested and sentenced to life in prison
07:19for mass dumping a flower into New York. Father's name is Ermenegildo Antonio a
07:25well-known drug lord in a South American country who died of myocardial
07:29infarction a few years ago. After his death his wife and two young sons were
07:35beheaded by his subordinates and their bodies were hung on the bridge for
07:39public display. That's right this Frederick Antonio is the son of the big
07:44drug lord captured by the former number 5 investigation team chapter 109 it was
07:50for the safety of the people in the former no. 5 investigation team that
07:54Veronice disbanded the former number 5 investigation team and dispersed them to
07:59other departments. But what everyone didn't expect was that after learning
08:03that his father mother and brother had all died Frederick Antonio in the prison
08:08actually set the target of revenge on Vernie. This bombing case was an
08:12explosive revenge case created by Frederick Antonio who bought Garcia with
08:17money while Garcia was cleaning the floor of a separate high-end prison.
08:21Hearing what Roan read out the smile on Frederick Antonio's face slowly
08:26disappeared. Hearing the part about his mother and younger brother Frederick
08:31Antonio suddenly became murderous and roared with a hideous face damn FBI agent
08:36I will find someone to kill your whole family definitely. Chapter 142 seduced
08:43the prison guard Riker Island prison in a certain room. After listening to Roan's
08:49words Frederick Antonio's eyes were red and the murderous intent in his eyes was
08:54undisguised. August on the side took a deep breath and asked with a gloomy face
08:59Antonio where is that Garcia guy now? Do you think I'll tell you? Hearing what
09:05Augustus said Antonio immediately sneered. Then he raised his legs his face
09:11was full of solemnity and his eyes were fixed on Augustus's face and even if you
09:16capture Garcia I will continue to find other people to complete this work. Until
09:21Vernie and those people are completely dead. Speaking of this Antonio turned his
09:26gaze to Roan who was aside and continued to say coldly by the way there
09:32is also an eye. Tell you a lucky news you will definitely die in my hands. Hearing
09:39this Roan's eyes showed a gleam of coldness then the corners of his mouth
09:43rose and he silently sentenced the guy in front of him to death. Seeing the
09:48smile on Roan's face Antonio's eyes became even colder. Immediately afterwards
09:54he patted his pants stood up looked down at Roan and Augustus and said okay
09:59too if I'm not wrong you should have sent someone to search my room. Can I go
10:05back now? Taking two deep breaths Augustus stood up with a gloomy face. Give
10:11a glance to the prison guard at the side and let the prison guard take Antonio
10:15away. And Roan exchanged glances Augustus left the room through another door. Seeing
10:22the two of them coming out Mona who was outside leaned over raised the phone in
10:27her hand and shook it her face was not very good-looking William and the others
10:31carefully checked Antonio's room just now but there was nothing but toiletries
10:37and blankets. Yeah. Augustus raised his hand and rubbed his temples and said in
10:43a muffled voice Antonio knows we will come so he must clean up the room before
10:48then. But Antonio is connected to the outside world. Roan leaned on his chin
10:54thought for a moment raised his head and said the so-called gossip he said just
10:59now illustrates this point. Mona tilted her head in doubt when she heard the
11:04words then how did Antonio do it? Are we going to investigate the prison guards
11:09who came into contact with Antonio next? Hearing what Mona said Augustus was just
11:16about to nod and agree when Roan shook his head and said no Antonio's way of
11:21contacting the outside world is most likely not a prison guard. After all
11:26Antonio is a criminal who has been sentenced to life imprisonment. Most of
11:32the time American prison guards choose to sit idly by and watch this kind of
11:37person. Especially Antonio is a man. If he was a woman he might be able to seduce
11:45the guards. Hey wait men seem to be able to seduce male prison guards too. Seeing
11:52the puzzled eyes of Mona and Augustus Roan shook his head hastily then grinned
11:56and asked. Remember how Antonio contacted Garcia? August suddenly realized and Mona
12:04also clapped her hands to understand Garcia came to the high-level prison to
12:08clean the floor. 10 minutes later a burly white man in an orange red prison
12:15uniform was brought in front of Roan, Augustus and the others. The burly white
12:20man's name is Barton and he has been cleaning the floor on Antonio's floor
12:25recently. No nonsense Augustus stared directly at Barton's eyes and said in a
12:31deep voice according to the information records in the prison you are the only
12:36prisoner who can contact Antonio. I just said it. Hearing what Augustus said
12:42Barton shook his head again and again I only mop the floor when I come to this
12:46floor and I never talked to the guys locked in the room. Yeah. Roan next to
12:53Augustus raised his head shook the file in his hand and said with a smile Barton
12:58you were only in prison for injury after drinking and the sentence was only two
13:02and a half years. Lying to the FBI is a felony. Do you really want to spend a
13:09few more years in prison for Antonio? Aye. Seeing the information Buttons mouth
13:15twitched. August raised his eyebrows when he saw this and continued I have sent
13:21others to search your room. If you still don't say anything now but my people
13:26later search your room for things that don't belong to this prison.
13:29Barton's face was extremely ugly when he heard this. Silent for a while he took a
13:36deep breath fixed his eyes on Roan and Augustus and whispered okay I can tell
13:42you everything but I also have a condition that is you must transfer me
13:48out of this prison. No problem. August nodded decisively and agreed it's just a
13:55small thing for them. After receiving an affirmative answer Barton let out a long
14:00breath and explained everything. Antonio has a cell phone and it's stashing in my
14:06place right now. At 10 30 p.m. in the office area of the number five
14:11investigation team he raised his head and took a sip of the coffee. The
14:18bitterness made Roan's face ghastly but his state suddenly revived. Bite the big
14:24new burger that Augustus bought Roan tilted his head to look at Mona and
14:27William who were busy and asked how about it did you find any clues from
14:33that phone? Found it but not quite. William nodded and shook his head showed
14:39the information on the computer to Roan took a bite of a new hamburger and said
14:44vaguely this mobile phone has contacted a number many times recently. Before and
14:50after the bombing the number of contact was more so we can judge that the other
14:54end of them. Phone is Garcia. Several of us looked up the recent call records of
15:00that phone number. According to the signal base station positioning
15:04technology we successfully found the approximate location of the other party
15:10which is in Brooklyn. The reason why it is said to be an approximate location is
15:15because the current signal base station positioning technology has a very large
15:19error which is a full two miles. Hearing what William said Roan frowned. The good
15:27news is that Garcia hasn't left New York yet. The bad news is that the coverage
15:32area of two miles is too large who knows where. Garcia is hiding now. At this
15:39moment Mona's excited voice suddenly sounded from the side Roan. I found
15:45Garcia. Hearing this Luo and suddenly cheered up hurried to Mona's side and
15:50even picked up a hamburger and stuffed it to her. Mona grabbed the hamburger and
15:57stuffed it into her mouth with five fingers flying on the keyboard. She
16:01continued the mobile phone you got sent a message with only numbers yesterday. I
16:07checked the string of numbers and found that it was a bank account so I guessed
16:11that the money in that account was the remuneration Antonio paid to Garcia. Sure
16:16enough not long ago this bank account spent $800 and the address was in
16:22Brooklyn. Seeing the surveillance video on Mona's computer Garcia who simply
16:28disguised his appearance took two white women into the small hotel on the street
16:34after withdrawing the money Roan suddenly showed a smile on his face
16:37William contact SWAT. Let's go tonight. Chapter 143 dragon flying Phoenix dance
16:45at 1145 in the evening in Brooklyn Mrs. Mitter Hotel on a certain street. Even if
16:53he came out to play games with two white girls Garcia was very cautious. The
16:59Mrs. Mitt Hotel he chose was located on the corner of the street with a wide
17:04view and it was convenient to run away in case of emergencies. At this moment
17:10several dark SUVs slowly approached from a distance. In order not to startle the
17:17enemy Roan did not let the SWAT team members park them directly downstairs of
17:21the hotel but parked them at the corner of the street some distance away from
17:25the hotel. This location happens to be the blind spot of Mrs. Mitt Hotel. The
17:32heavily armed agents opened the door and got out of the car. Roan who had
17:37carefully observed the surroundings of the hotel beforehand turned his head and
17:42said to Ryder with a solemn expression in case of an emergency there are two
17:47routes that can safely leave the hotel as quickly as possible. They are the
17:52small alley on the east side of the hotel and the protruding balcony of each
17:57room. Sanchez of the ATF has said that several cases in South America are
18:02related to Garcia. So I need you to lead the SWAT team to guard these two escape
18:09routes. When you wait for the specific action you must not let Garcia escape.
18:14Okay. Hearing Roan's words although Ryder's face was solemn he nodded
18:20decisively and agreed. Immediately afterwards Ryder waved his hand
18:25backwards directly leading the two teams of SWAT players to the position
18:29Roan just mentioned preparing to block the route. Looking at the backs of Ryder
18:35and others advancing rapidly Roan nodded then turned to look at Mona who was
18:40sitting on the co-pilot of the SUV typing on the keyboard of the laptop
18:44without getting out of the car and asked directly which room is Garcia in. Hearing
18:51Roan's question Mona immediately replied the middle room on the second floor. Okay.
18:57After a while knowing that Ryder and others had successfully arrived at the
19:03designated location Roan grinned put on his helmet opened the safety of Glock 18
19:08and led two SWAT teams to rush towards Mrs. Mitt Hotel. A SWAT team member with
19:14an explosion-proof shield quietly opened the door of the hotel. Roan waved his
19:21hand to signal the beautiful white woman at the front desk to keep silent
19:25and asked Mona to stay here to appease the front desk and then everyone rushed
19:30to the second floor. In the middle room on the second floor Roan and a group of
19:36SWAT players stood on the left and right sides of the door of the room. After
19:41looking at each other Roan raised his finger and started the countdown. After
19:47the three numbers were over the SWAT team member holding the
19:50explosion-proof shield did not hesitate and immediately kicked open the door of
19:55this room. Boom! Roan and a group of SWAT team members followed closely behind
20:02shouting loudly FBI! Stay still! Hands up! Before Roan and others rushed into the
20:10room Garcia was flushing flirting with two white girls. Suddenly heard the loud
20:17noise of the door of the room being knocked open Garcia's body trembled in
20:21fright and he almost confessed all the accumulation of time. However years of
20:28struggling on the line of life and death made Garcia react quickly. Garcia hurriedly
20:33grabbed the pistol that was lying on the bed and then grabbed the white girl who
20:38was still playing with his specialties just now and blocked her in front of him.
20:43Ah dash! The two frightened girls sang soprano crazily. Among them the reporter
20:49who was held hostage by Garcia shouted louder. Shut up! Snapped! Looking at the
20:58crowd of SWATs who filed in Garcia slapped the girl who was held hostage by
21:02him severely telling her not to shout anymore. Immediately afterwards Garcia
21:09lowered his head severely behind the reporter's back held a pistol tightly
21:13against the reporter's temple and shouted loudly exit this room immediately
21:17or I'll shoot you. Putting away another girl who was still sitting on the bed
21:22naked and panicked Roan asked the team behind her to take her to a safe place.
21:27Hearing Garcia's words the SWAT member holding the explosion-proof shield and
21:33rifle shouted loudly let go of the woman in your arms Garcia. You know things
21:39don't go your way. Shit! Garcia who was still naked said with a sullen face
21:46either I go or she dies. Hearing this the abducted girl was terrified and her body
21:53trembled even more. Garcia look at the woman held hostage by you how scared is
21:59she? After confirming that the reporter was okay Roan who was holding a Glock 18
22:06turned back and said loudly you need a more valuable hostage. How about changing
22:12me? I'll be your hostage. No no no. Garcia shook his head repeatedly when he heard
22:20this and shouted loudly it's impossible. Don't even think about it. Roan narrowed
22:27his eyes slightly moved forward slowly and continued trust me Garcia only buy.
22:34Replacing the hostage with me will you have a better chance of leaving here? No.
22:39Seeing Roan start to move forward Garcia's face became even more flushed
22:44and at the same time he shouted loudly don't go any further if you go any
22:50further I'll drive. Boom boom boom. Before Garcia finished speaking Roan's eyes
22:59flashed and before everyone could see clearly he quickly moved to the side of
23:05the room and then immediately aimed at Garcia's right hand holding the gun and
23:09decisively pulled the trigger of the Glock 18. Three bullets hit Garcia's
23:14right hand and right arm very accurately. Without support the gun held
23:21by Garcia fell to the ground in an instant. Feeling the pain from his arm
23:26Garcia who only realized what Roan had done afterwards was shocked in his eyes
23:32were full of disbelief. Fouquet is this guy human? Several SWAT players who saw
23:40this scene were also dumbfounded. In their eyes Luowen was clearly in front
23:45of them one second but in the next second he teleported to their side. Not
23:51only that Roan's marksmanship is so accurate. Several SWAT players looked at
23:57Roan in shock but now is not the time to worry about whether Roan is human or not.
24:04The next second Garcia hastily pushed the girl in front of him who was soaring
24:09again towards Roan and rushed towards the balcony next to him. Roan hugged the
24:15reporter who was pushed over and at the moment Garcia ran to the balcony Ryder
24:20who had been waiting outside for a long time and the SWAT team members in the
24:25room all pulled the trigger. Bang bang bang bang there was a fierce gunshot and
24:31Garcia collapsed to the ground with blood all over his body. I don't know
24:36whether it was intentional or not but Garcia's specialty was cut in two by a
24:41bullet. Hiss, seeing this Luowen immediately felt a chill in his crotch.
24:48Hastily turned his gaze Roan turned and waved to the SWAT team members in the
24:53room and said contact an ambulance immediately. Roan doesn't know if Garcia
24:59will survive but an ambulance will still be called. After all it is procedural
25:05justice with American characteristics. At the same time the hospital in the
25:10distance Corbett who was wrapped in bandages was sitting in a wheelchair and
25:17next door was Vernie lying on a hospital bed. At this time although they stayed in
25:23different rooms they silently watched the boring TV program in front of them
25:28at the same time but the two of them are not on the TV they are waiting for the
25:33news of the operation tonight. Chapter 144 drowned in the toilet while taking a
25:38shower. A. Distant Hospital. Corbett was sitting in a wheelchair watching the
25:45boring TV show in front of him his lips were a little dry. After learning that
25:50Frederick Antonio was the real mastermind behind this case this
25:55afternoon August immediately told Corbett and
25:58Vernie the news. At the same time Corbett and Vernie also received related
26:03news about this evening's operation. Knowing that it was Roan who led the
26:09operation tonight and arrested Garcia, Vernice was not very nervous. A small
26:15operation to arrest people Vernie believed that Roan who had never let her
26:20down would not capsize in. The gutter. Corbett is different. The speed with
26:27which Roan solved the case earlier really shocked Corbett. Later when he
26:32reread the file of Roan's solution the act of killing the murderer with a pen
26:37shocked Corbett again. But personal bravery and leading a team are two
26:42different things. Corbett has never seen the scene of Roan directing an action
26:46and he is not sure whether Roan has enough. On-site command ability. So at
26:53this time in two adjacent wards Vernie who was lying on the hospital bed only
26:58felt a little anxious because of the long waiting time but overall she was
27:02not. Nervous. Feeling that her lips were a little dry she picked up a cup beside
27:09her and took a sip of water. Corbett had a serious face and his dry
27:13lips were subconsciously ignored. The left arm was injured and was bandaged
27:20and unable to move. Corbett's right thumb and index finger began to rub
27:25continuously. Time passed by and just as Corbett got impatient and was about to
27:31transfer his wheelchair to go to the toilet the cell phone in the room
27:35suddenly rang. Jingle bell. Seeing this Corbett immediately pressed the answer
27:41button. Good evening sir. August's iconic loud voice came from the other end of
27:48the phone only to hear him laughing and saying loudly the operation tonight was
27:53a complete success. Garcia was successfully arrested and has now been
27:57sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Nice job.
28:03Colbert let out a long breath when he heard the words. After listening to
28:08Augustus brief description of tonight's action Capote smiled even wider and his
28:14evaluation and affirmation of Roan in his heart rose to another level. He
28:19finally understood why Vernie valued Roan so much. He has brains, means, high
28:25efficiency in solving crimes and is also very powerful in shooting skills and he
28:33looks handsome. If he hadn't known that Roan was a member of Verinis and that he
28:38would be promoted and transferred away soon Corbett would already be thinking
28:42about how to transfer Roan to his subordinates. After praising and
28:47affirming Augustus, Roan and the agents of the number five investigation team
28:51Corbett called the deputy director of the FBI New York. Branch. The deputy
28:58director who was sleeping immediately recovered when he heard the news. After
29:03repeatedly confirming that the case had been solved and that both the man behind
29:07the scenes and the actual operator had been caught the deputy director raised
29:12his eyebrows and immediately decided to hold another press conference tomorrow.
29:16At the same time the deputy director picked up his notebook and carefully
29:23wrote down the name Roan Greenwood. Hung up the phone Corbett went to the
29:27bathroom with a smile on his face to resolve the internal conflict and then
29:32lay back on the hospital bed. After a moment of silence Corbett took out his
29:38mobile phone and called the white youth who had informed Roan and Augustus to
29:42come to see him. Ike go to the office tomorrow morning and give me that red
29:47folder in the corner of your desk. At the same time next door Roan also told
29:53Vernie the news of the success of the mission. Thank you Roan. After hearing the
29:59news Vernie showed a faint smile on her face. She didn't laugh too much after all
30:06the wound on her stomach hadn't healed yet and it was still hurting faintly at
30:11this moment. It's not hard sir this is what I should do. Roan on the other end
30:18of the phone grinned and then briefly described what happened to Vernie
30:22tonight. Immediately afterwards Roan put away the smile on his face walked to
30:28the corner silently and asked in a solemn whisper sir that Frederick
30:33Antonio what are you going to do? This guy only has the word revenge in his
30:38eyes now. If he can make one bombing he can make a second bombing and he
30:45threatened Roan not long ago to kill his whole family. Although it is a bit
30:50difficult to do this Roan is alone now after all. You don't have to worry about
30:55this. Hearing Roan's words Vernie was silent for a moment and said coldly
31:02Frederick Antonio will be sent to a correctional center. As the son of the
31:07big drug lord Ermenegildo Antonio Frederick Antonio who dumped a lot of
31:13flour to New York has countless enemies in New York. Entering a correctional
31:18center that is heavily infiltrated by the New York gang Frederick Antonio who
31:23is full of enemies will not survive long. In order to prevent the agents of
31:29the former number five investigation team from being retaliated afterwards
31:33Vernice dispersed those agents to other departments but it never occurred to her
31:39that Vernie herself became the target of Frederick Antonio's revenge. This time
31:44the other side dared to plant a bomb in the Jacobs federal building so what
31:49about next time? Unruly guards. Greedy lawyers. Frederick Antonio always has a
31:56way of getting word out of prison. As for why not wait for the judge to sentence
32:01Frederick Antonio to death for this case and let the law end his life. The reason
32:06is simple. In the United States criminals have the right to choose the jury system.
32:12Faced with the death penalty the jury system requires 100% passing so the
32:18mistrial rate is extremely high and even if the death penalty can be imposed
32:24the trial period in the United States is extremely long and it is normal for the
32:29execution to be delayed for more than 10 years or even decades. It really takes so
32:35long. After chatting briefly for a while Veronice hung up the phone before her
32:40health recovered. A few days later Roan learned from William that not long after
32:45Frederick Antonio entered the correctional center he accidentally
32:50drowned in the toilet while taking a shower the next day because of working
32:55overtime last night to search for clues and arrest people. The detectives of the
33:00number five investigation team came to work at 2.30 this afternoon. It was the
33:06same as the usual work process after the case was detected. After the detectives
33:11sat at their desks some began to contact the court judge to determine the
33:16trial date and some began to write the case report of the bombing case. In the
33:21TV hanging at the front of the office area the press conference of the deputy
33:26director of the FBI New York branch is being broadcast. Of course before the
33:32press conference started a lot of FBI agents carefully inspected the site
33:36where the press conference was held several times. The reporters and FBI
33:42agents who participated in this press conference also conducted a detailed
33:46inspection of their belongings. The highlight is a careful and safe. Sitting
33:54at the workstation Roan's posture is apparently watching a
33:57press conference on TV but in fact he is checking the light blue system page in
34:01front of him. Yesterday's experience the evaluation of Luo and by the system is
34:08not surprising it is still excellent. Immediately afterwards Roan opened the
34:13treasure chest that he hadn't had time to open last night. Chapter 145 bonuses
34:19and event funding after a rough page game treasure chest opening animation
34:25two bottles of strength potion and one bottle of hemostatic potion were opened
34:29from the system treasure chest. At this time there are two bottles of stamina
34:35potion, two bottles of antidote potion, two bottles of hemostatic potion, four
34:40bottles of strength potion, one bottle of swift potion, one bottle of weakness
34:45potion, one bottle of sleep potion and one bottle of scuba in Luo and system
34:51warehouse bar. Potion and one bottle of fire resistance potion. There were
34:57originally nine bottles of stamina potions but since it was confirmed that
35:02after drinking the potions a small part of them would remain in his body
35:06permanently. Roan has now formed a good habit of pouring himself a bottle of
35:11stamina potion with his head. Raised after breakfast every day physical
35:17potion, physical fitness, multiple blessings worth having. Putting two
35:22bottles of potions into the warehouse page of the system Luo and was bored and
35:27was preparing to watch the press conference in front of him and see what
35:31words the deputy director used to praise the number five investigation team in
35:35front of a large number of reporters. August suddenly had a big belly and with
35:41a big grin he pushed open the door and walked into the number five
35:45investigation team. Roan. August waved his hand and shouted come to my office.
35:52Okay. In the team leaders office Roan sat down and Augustus smiled and handed him
36:00a folder. Without nonsense he said directly congratulations Roan your bonus
36:07has doubled again and it's still tripled. Open the folder and see the notification
36:13that the prize of 1,500 US dollars has tripled and changed to 4,500 US dollars.
36:20Luo and suddenly grinned thank you sir. Seeing the smile on Roan's face
36:26Augustus was very moved. Although Augustus had previously worked in the
36:32criminal justice department this was his first time as the head of investigation
36:36unit 5. But before that Augustus also had some information about the salaries and
36:43bonuses of FBI agents. After all the criminal justice department always has
36:49access to FBI insiders who commit crimes for money. Most of the FBI's
36:54ordinary agents live on. Their monthly basic salary and the number of bonuses
37:00they get is related to the number of cases they solve. Overall not many. It was
37:07like when the number five investigation team was first established. Lacey and
37:12Ryder had never seen a bonus at all. And Roan can not only get a bonus every
37:17month but even double the bonus. Not only that he looked down at another
37:22folder in his hand which contained the notice that all members of the number
37:27five investigation team will issue bonuses this month and Augustus's face
37:32suddenly showed a smile. This is an important reason why Augustus likes Roan
37:37more and more and at the same time delegates power to Roan when solving the
37:42case. Roan can not only make money by himself but also lead all the agents of
37:48the number five investigation team to make money together. But the bonus is
37:54only one of the reasons for Augustus to smile. What really makes Augustus feel
37:59uplifted happy and excited is another notification. After taking the folder
38:05that Augustus handed over Roan opened it suspiciously and saw that it read the
38:11activity expenses of number five investigation team will be increased by
38:15one-third on the original basis. Seeing this Roan's eyes lit up immediately he
38:22looked up at Augustus and asked sir this this is the notice just issued by the
38:28head of the special agent. Seeing Roan's eyes Augustus smiled and nodded his back
38:34molars. Burst out with joy Corbett felt that our number five investigation team
38:40was sparsely staffed and poorly equipped so he specially approved a new
38:44fund for us. That's what they said but the two people in the office could tell
38:50at a glance that the money was a reward specially issued by Corbett because Roan
38:54broke the bombing case in a short period of time. Thinking of this Augustus looked
38:59at Roan with more and more satisfaction and asked loudly Roan do you think any
39:06equipment of our number five investigation team is too old and needs
39:09to be replaced. Certainly. Hearing what Augustus said Roan immediately nodded
39:16with a smile and replied coffee machine and coffee beans next to the office area
39:21every day is bitter coffee Roan really doesn't want to bear it anymore.
39:26Augustus waved his hand change Roan's eyes lit up and he continued our chair
39:34he just saw a comfortable looking office chair a few days ago August didn't
39:39even blink change. Roan tilted his head and thought for a while our computer the
39:47current computers of the number five investigation team are all historical
39:51relics of the members of the number five investigation team from the previous
39:54generation. Mona and the others don't know if they can use these computers
40:00smoothly. Anyway Roan feels that he is stuck when he wants to watch a movie or
40:05video. August was silent for a moment gritted his teeth. Change. After all
40:13changing the computer is to better solve the case. In the past it was fine to
40:18replace the equipment without extra funds now that I have money I don't want
40:23to change it. It's somewhat unreasonable. Roan thought about it again and suddenly
40:31his eyes lit up the SUV of our investigation team. The SUVs in the
40:36parking lot downstairs are also products left over from the know. Five
40:41investigation team from the previous generation. Although there were no major
40:46problems there were also many minor problems and Roan felt that when driving
40:51these cars the speed was still not fast enough and he couldn't reach the speed
40:56he wanted. Hearing this Augustus was silent for a few seconds and then said
41:02loudly Roan what's the matter sir? Go out. Dot. Seeing the corner of Roan's mouth
41:12twitch Augustus was also speechless. This amount of money only increased by one
41:18third of the original funding and it didn't directly double their funding.
41:22Smiling and putting the folder in his hand back on the desk Roan was just
41:27about to turn around and leave the office and then tell the news to
41:31everyone in the number five investigation team. Augustus suddenly
41:35thought of something slapped his head and said wait a minute Roan. Roan turned
41:42around in doubt only to see Augustus handing him another folder remember that
41:47Ogden? Certainly. Roan nodded Ogden is the wanted bomber with a reward of
41:54400,000 chapter 111. He has been brought to court. After taking the folder Augustus
42:01said directly the reward has also come down and the $100,000 will be sent to
42:08your account before get off work tonight. Ogden was discovered and captured by
42:13Lacey after all so Lacey will naturally take the big head. But the main clue was
42:18discovered by Roan so Roan was allocated $100,000. Thank you sir. The corner of
42:27Roan's mouth raised while holding the folder I will tell Lacey the news. Augustus
42:33nodded then waved his hand to indicate that Roan could go out. Backing to his
42:39workstation Roan began to calculate his gains during this period. First is a base
42:45salary of $3,000 followed by a triple bonus of $4,500. Immediately after the
42:53detection of serial bank robberies the $400,000 thank you received and the
42:59first month's salary of the security consultant $12,000. Finally there is a
43:05$1,000,000 reward for the CIA case. At the end of the calculation there are a
43:12total of $1,419,500. Looking at the string of numbers in his account Roan
43:20had a smile on his face. Without hesitation he drove his Chevrolet to
43:25Wall Street. Immediately after get off work. It is around 2005 and Roan
43:32remembers Apple at this time and the stock price was only around $50.
43:37Thinking about how the stock price rose to $705.05 US dollars after. Apple
43:44launched the iPhone 5 in later generations, Luo An's eyes were full of
43:49light. Jingle bell just then the phone in his pocket rang suddenly. Roan picked up
43:55the phone and frowned because the phone showed a number he had never seen before.
44:01Now the fun in this clip is over. Which listeners haven't liked and commented
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44:13next clip may the listeners be happy forever.