Werewolf 96-100

  • 2 days ago


00:00Channel Red Novel, Chapter 96, White Powder and Opportunity was exactly what Gary needed.
00:18Billy was far stronger than him, and if Gary wasn't willing to eat people like he was,
00:23then there was almost no way for him to catch up, so much so that he had even gone through
00:27his head a number of times just exactly what he might do to Gil.
00:31However, the system was a strange thing, and noticing that a gang war had arrived the system
00:36had answered him once more.
00:38New quest received, when two fight, the third one takes the prize, as an outsider you have
00:44been chucked into the midst of a, color, gang war, are you following trouble or is trouble
00:49following you?
00:50Either way, show them the strength of an omega wolf that follows no one.
00:56First reward, 50 exp per defeated person, the system was still telling him to get his
01:01hands dirty but not too dirty.
01:04Seeing the fight between the engagements and the bridge continue out in front of him, along
01:08with the system screen he couldn't help himself.
01:11Gil, you will just have to wait a little longer.
01:15Entering the karaoke club, the boys rented out the room and were even nice enough to
01:19pay for it on their own.
01:21At first everything seemed fine, apart from the fact that Amy found herself on the couch
01:25surrounded by two guys she had never seen before.
01:29Meanwhile, Stacy was busy brushing her body against her boyfriend who had introduced himself
01:34as, Hawk, of all things.
01:37Amy was convinced that that couldn't be his real name, no parent would ever subject their
01:41kid to that.
01:43Amy was sipping on her juice, left with the other two boys.
01:47The fellow to her right was slightly larger in his bottom half making him look like a
01:51pair, whose name was apparently Pyrus.
01:55The one on her left was the complete contrast to his friend, seemingly nothing but bones,
02:00who had told her to call him Ben.
02:02Given her outer appearance she was easily able to remember their names as well.
02:07The room was quite large with a bench around the back, and two microphones.
02:12At the moment, Stacy and Hawk were doing a duet, and the two other boys were slowly creeping
02:18their way over to Amy.
02:20So Amy, I guess you don't have a boyfriend since you're here on your own tonight?"
02:25Ben asked carefully.
02:27Unfortunately, I haven't found the right one yet.
02:30It would have to be someone my brother approves of.
02:34Amy replied truthfully.
02:36Just like Gary, she also had a hard time lying to others, but she hoped mentioning him might
02:41perhaps make them back off somehow.
02:43A brother.
02:45Pierre murmured.
02:47Who does he wa- I mean, is he still in school?
02:51Could he be someone we know perhaps?
02:53Pierre seemed to have wanted to ask something else at first, but he had quickly corrected.
02:59Amy had no clue why though, as he had almost instantly replied with, Westbridge.
03:04The next moment she regretted it.
03:07Now that she thought about it, it would have been far better to have named a university,
03:11to make it seem that Gary was older.
03:14Unfortunately, her answer seemed to have calmed the two teenagers, and they continued
03:19their questioning, but thankfully it looked like Stacey and Hawk had just ended their
03:24Finally, me next.
03:27Amy quickly jumped up from her seat and almost snatched the microphone out of Stacey's
03:31hand, as she chose a longer song and began to sing straight away.
03:36This was her only saving grace from the other two.
03:39It felt like forever but according to the clock, we've only been here for half an
03:44I haven't even had time to speak to Stacey.
03:48Why didn't she pick up on me telling her that I needed to go to the bathroom?
03:52Amy was trying to figure out a better excuse, but by the time the song had ended she hadn't
03:57come up with anything better and decided to sing the next one as well.
04:01When singing she was in her element, it really was something she truly enjoyed doing, and
04:06running up she closed her eyes as she hit a high note, yet suddenly, there was no background
04:11music, and the large screen that would show the lyrics had turned off.
04:15Hey everyone, so I think that's enough singing for now, let's do something more fun.
04:21Hawk suggested.
04:23It was clear he was the one who had pulled the plug, and he swiftly pulled out a deck
04:26of cards which he laid down on the table.
04:30Looking towards her friend, Amy didn't even try to hide her annoyed face.
04:34The guy could have at least waited for her to finish her song before doing this and Stacey
04:39could only form the word sorry on her lips, her eyes pleading to not make a big deal out
04:43of this.
04:45Sitting at the table, Hawk dealt out cards while Bones lit up another cigarette.
04:50This only further annoyed Amy, as they were all in the same room together.
04:55While smoking was allowed, she was of the opinion that he could have at least asked
04:59them before forcing them to enjoy his second hand smoke.
05:03A short while after, a waiter entered the room and placed some more drinks on the table,
05:07which Ben seemed to have ordered when he had left the room previously.
05:12Looking at the foam, it was clear to the high school girls that they had just been served
05:17They can order alcohol, then just how old are these guys?
05:21They have to be at least over 18.
05:24This is worse than I thought.
05:26Come on, Stacey, even you should see that is going to end badly.
05:31Amy cried internally, but her best friend was too busy flirting with Hawk.
05:36The guys began to drink without any hesitation, and Stacey joined them after her boyfriend
05:41talked her into it.
05:43Amy had a bottle in front of her, which she would just pick up occasionally and pretend
05:47to drink from.
05:48The smell alone was strong enough to keep her from trying it and she was definitely
05:52not going to start drinking around strangers who she knew for less than an hour.
05:57After a while of playing cards though, Amy was slowly lowering her guard.
06:02The guys had talked a bit about themselves and had even managed to make him giggle from
06:06telling some jokes.
06:08Maybe I was just being too cautious, judging them based on their appearance too quickly.
06:14Living in our area for too long does that.
06:16Alas, Amy soon discovered that she had been right all along.
06:21As the round finished and it was her turn to shuffle cards, Hawk stopped her and brought
06:25out a small bag with white powder.
06:28He started to use the cards to spread it out into five lines.
06:32Is this...
06:34Hawk answered with a proud tone.
06:38My brother is a high-ranking member in the Gray Elephants.
06:42Girls like you might not know them, but they are one of the gangs in SLU who have a say
06:46in how things are run.
06:48It's easy for me to get my hands on this type of stuff thanks to him.
06:53Come on, try it out.
06:55It's hard to explain just how good this feels.
06:58A few seconds later, all the boys had snorted their lines, before they shook their heads
07:03for a few seconds.
07:05While Stacy had played along with the alcohol, hard drugs were something crossing even her
07:11Amy could see that this was all so far beyond what she had been expecting.
07:16Thank you very much, but I think I shouldn't.
07:19I haven't been feeling well for a while.
07:22Maybe it's the alcohol.
07:24I think I need to lie down.
07:26Stacy, I'm staying at yours tonight, right?
07:30Maybe we should go.
07:32Amy insisted.
07:34I think you're right.
07:36Stacy instantly agreed, happy that she had dragged Amy along.
07:40However, as she tried to stand up, Hawk grabbed her by the wrist.
07:45Hey, you can't just leave.
07:48We still have so much time left.
07:51We paid for this room, paid for your drinks and we haven't even done anything yet.
07:56Don't you think we deserve something in return?
07:59Hawk smiled mischievously.
08:01Seeing this, Amy immediately stood up and was planning to grab her best friend and make
08:05a run for it, but Pierre grabbed the high school girl's hand.
08:10He had a surprisingly tight grip around it.
08:13What are you doing?
08:15You're hurting my wrist let go.
08:17Amy shouted.
08:19I'll scream if you don't let you now.
08:21It was then that Ben had gone over and plugged the karaoke machine back in, before turning
08:26it on at full volume.
08:28Now even if they did scream, nobody would hear them, or just think it was the music.
08:34We're in real trouble.
08:36Using her free hand, Amy placed it into her pocket and hit the send button.
08:41She wasn't sure if he could help, but they just needed someone who could help them out
08:45of this situation.
08:47Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 97, Perfect Time
08:52Gary knew that the smart thing would be to keep on watching, waiting for both sides to
08:57weaken each other further, so he could snoop in and finish off the losing side.
09:02This way he wouldn't use a lot of energy, while still being able to get some EXP.
09:07However, he had decided to take some risks.
09:11Given the content of the quest, it seemed wiser to get involved in the fight before
09:15any surprising backup could arrive.
09:18He didn't know how long this gang war would last since it was just a matter of time that
09:22the underdogs would send out their muscle.
09:25If he waited too long the gang war might escalate to the point it would be too dangerous for
09:30him to get involved.
09:32At the moment, Gary was dressed in all black, so the only color gang he could help out and
09:36pretend to be a part of was the black color gang.
09:40It's two gangs against one, so I have to join in while the black color gang still has some
09:44members standing.
09:46Gary thought.
09:48He ran across the top of the bridge, and waited for a few moments.
09:53Looking below, the group were fighting at an underpass, and the black color gang members
09:57were slowly being pushed back, making their way out from the tunnel.
10:02He could see three members still standing.
10:05They were hunched up together, obviously hurt but still fighting.
10:09It was clear that at this point they were basically running on fumes.
10:14Unfortunately, running away wasn't an option.
10:17Turning their back on the other color gangs would just seal their fate.
10:21They wouldn't get far before the other members caught up to them.
10:25Damn, I was hoping they would be in a better fighting condition so they could help me grab
10:29some last hits.
10:31I know my skills have improved but without the boost from the moon I'm not too sure I
10:35can handle all of the others on my own.
10:39In his hesitation, he thought back to his fight with Billy, at least what he could remember
10:43of it.
10:45Fighting a bunch of humans seemed a lot easier.
10:48Just then, he could see multiple people run from under the bridge.
10:521, 2, 3, 4, 5, they just keep coming and there could be more.
10:58Gary counted.
11:00It wouldn't stop him, he saw the black color gang members had engaged with the others,
11:05and this was his chance.
11:07Two more people ran from the bridge, and with no fear, Gary leaped from above.
11:12He was on the path to land directly onto them and that's exactly what he did, stretching
11:17out his legs he made sure his foot hit the back of their heads, causing them to fall
11:21over and their heads to slam in the concrete ground.
11:24Your opponents, 2, have been knocked out, 100 exp gained, exp 205 slash 628, such a
11:32move would knock anyone out, yet the high schooler was also a little afraid that he
11:36might have hurt them too much.
11:39Just as he considered checking their condition, someone swung a bike chain from behind and
11:43struck him across the face.
11:45Fortunately, it only cut his cheek, around his mouth.
11:50For HP, there's another one of those black color f**kers over here.
11:55A young man dressed in red called, who had hit him.
11:59That bastard knocked out Stan and Kenny, get him.
12:03Behind him, Gary could see 7 more people, but on top of that he noticed something else
12:08that his nose was able to catch on.
12:11There were color gang members that had been left on the side of the road, some of them
12:15bleeding, while others looked to be in much more critical condition.
12:19If this really was a gang war, then ambulances would be hard to come by today.
12:24The police must have already been told about what was happening right now, and they would
12:28tell ambulances not to enter the area until things had calmed down.
12:33It was very possible that a lot of people would die tonight.
12:36I almost felt sorry for the two that I heard, but you're all just the same.
12:42Gary thought to himself, as the red color gang member swung the bike chain again.
12:47Skill activated charging heart, all stats have temporarily been doubled, dash 10 energy.
12:53At the right moment, Gary used his bare hands to grab onto the chain, then the next second
12:58he pulled on it.
12:59The one holding it hadn't even recovered from the shock that someone had managed to grab
13:03his makeshift weapon, yet the next moment, his face connected with the black color gang
13:08member's elbow.
13:10As his head flung back, he let go of the chain.
13:14Gary knew he wasn't done yet, because the system had yet to notify him.
13:18Lifting his leg, the high schooler quickly spun and hit the red color gang member right
13:23on the neck, sending him to the ground.
13:26Your opponent has been knocked out, 50 exp gained, exp 255 slash 628, hey.
13:34Who is that guy?
13:36One of the black colored gang members asked his companion.
13:40They were still in the middle of their fight, but had noticed what had happened.
13:44No idea.
13:46I can only see the back of his hood, but with him here, maybe we can get out of this thing.
13:52Another answered, as he barely avoided the strike of the gray colored gang member in
13:56front of him.
13:58After taking on that one member, and seeing the others back off, Gary noticed something.
14:03He had been around gangs long enough but the one he had dealt with appeared to have had
14:07some authority amongst them, most likely one of the better fighters out of their group.
14:12Since Gary had dealt with him so effortlessly, as well as his imposing entrance, they were
14:17afraid of him.
14:19Noticing this, he quickly changed his plans.
14:22I'm sorry.
14:24Gary said, having overheard the earlier conversation.
14:28I'm on no one's side, I'll be taking everyone out.
14:32Gary had been forced to use another charging heart later on, but with his power boost,
14:36he had managed to defeat them all.
14:39In his lesson had proven quite effective, allowing him to have an easier time defeating
14:44It had been easy to tell which one had trained or not and thankfully all of them had already
14:48been tired after fighting beforehand.
14:52It had become clear to Gary that they all were mostly relying on their makeshift weapon,
14:56making them lack actual skills.
14:59After the first three, he had knocked out all remaining ten, granting him an additional
15:03500 EXP, enough to level up.
15:07I've finally gained another stat point.
15:09Arg, but still no new skill.
15:13I don't get it, do I need to fulfill some special conditions or something?
15:18Or are you just a miser, system?
15:20I know that you at least have that hardened will skill saved up.
15:24Oh well, I will just have to keep grinding today.
15:28It's not every day that I get to beat the shit out of gang members without having to
15:31fear any consequences, so I should make the best out of it.
15:36Gary thought, as he checked his status.
15:39Name, Gary Dem, Level 6, EXP 127-765, Health, 68-100, Energy, 92-120, I got hit way more
15:51in that last fight than I needed to, I guess some of my energy will be used up to heal
15:55my wounds while I'm not fighting.
15:57Shoot, I should have grabbed something to replenish it.
16:01If only I had more money, looks like I might have to grab a bite on the way.
16:06Gary's enhanced hearing allowed him to hear the sounds of fighting in other areas.
16:11With how faint it was, he would probably have to run over to get there in time to actually
16:16have anyone left to fight though.
16:18However, before he could even decide between searching for some food and heading towards
16:23the sounds, he felt his phone vibrate.
16:26He instinctively grabbed his secret phone.
16:29At this time, it should be either Kai or Inu who might want something from him, but to
16:34his confusion the screen only showed him what time it was.
16:38There was no new message or missed call.
16:41It took the high schooler a moment to put it back into his pocket and grab his regular
16:46Just as Gary had suspected, he had received a message, but the most surprising thing was
16:51the sender.
16:52It was from his sister of all people.
16:55Me and Stacy are at the main high street at the Kobo Karaoke Club.
17:00I got dragged along to meet up with her internet boyfriend and he brought two friends along.
17:05If you get this message, then we're in trouble.
17:08Please bring help.
17:10Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 98.
17:15No one to rely on the police station was currently busier than ever, receiving non-stop calls
17:20from residents living in a certain part of SLU.
17:24All of them reported that they could hear fights, moans and groans, with some even testifying
17:28to have seen teenagers in red and grey beat up others dressed in black on the street.
17:34It didn't take long for the police to figure out what was going on, but just like Gary
17:38had predicted, due to the scale of the gang war, they couldn't respond immediately.
17:43The police force simply lacked the numbers to contain large-scale fighting like this.
17:49Chief of Police Anton Milstone was in charge of the people's safety.
17:53Right now he was sitting behind his desk, grabbing his head in frustration as he didn't
17:58know how to deal with this situation.
18:01Those damn White Rose agents.
18:03They're only interested in their stupid alter, yet when we have a situation like this on
18:08our hands, the only course of action they're willing to take is to let things play out.
18:14Anton complained, though more to himself than to Rue who was