Werewolf 86-90

  • 2 days ago


00:00Channel Red Novel, Chapter 86, Escape The Fight In The Forest Was Continuing Between
00:16Frank And The Altered Hunter.
00:19It seemed both of them had underestimated their opponent.
00:22After the black furred wolf had been hit by the strange feathers, it didn't make it easy
00:26for Sadie to use them again.
00:29The beast was now making sure to take cover by running between the trees making it hard
00:33for her to hit him.
00:35Still, once in a while an attack would land, but it didn't seem to matter much because
00:40the werewolf would just pull the feathers out, its body healing the damage.
00:45That thing's healing speed is seriously annoying.
00:48Arg, why did we have to be near a forest?
00:52Even if I fly up I can't use my full strength attacks.
00:56Louise was frustrated with the situation, and soon felt the werewolf pounce on top of
01:02The white rose agent covered her body wrapping herself in wings.
01:06The two claws were surprisingly able to grip onto them tightly, and she could feel slight
01:10pain, scrunching up her face.
01:13Her wings were harder than normal steel, and it had been a while since she had felt pain
01:18like this.
01:19The woman started to flap them, hoping that the beast would let go, but it had already
01:24dug its claws into her brown wing, blood dripping from it.
01:27Frank, a little help would be nice.
01:31Sadie shouted.
01:33She didn't feel like she was in trouble, but she knew that with her partner's help it would
01:37be far easier to deal with this strange alter.
01:40I'm not having it so easy myself, you know.
01:44Frank shouted back.
01:46He had already chosen to place his wings back into his body.
01:50During the fight he had been hit by the seared sword a few times, and he still felt the pain.
01:56The weapon was a high class one.
01:58Right now, Frank was using his hands, which looked like talons.
02:03Some of his fingers almost looked like they were glued together with a single large thick
02:07nail at the end.
02:09He and the large altered hunter exchanged several clashes, as Frank moved out of the
02:14way, yet he was the one forced to block more than he had the chance to attack, but at least
02:18his claws were able to take the heat coming from the weapon.
02:22You're quite skilled.
02:24Frank praised the other with a smile.
02:27What are you, a three-star hunter?
02:30That's how you guys ranked yourselves, right?
02:33What is someone like you doing in a place like SLU?
02:36However, the other didn't bother to waste time talking.
02:40He merely struck the white rose agent with the sword, knocking one of the clawed hands
02:44away and barged into the altered, his shoulder pushing him down slightly.
02:49He was then ready to attack with his sword again, before he had no choice but to jump
02:55Three feathers could be seen on the ground, where he had been only a second ago.
03:00You were meant to be helping me, not the other way round.
03:04Sadie complained, her legs now transformed as well, giving her the look of a bird type
03:10Underneath her clawed leg, the black werewolf was struggling to get out.
03:14Both of its arms were locked in place by her feet.
03:18You altered can't even see the foolishness that has been brought on due to your existence.
03:23We both know that this beast isn't the exception but the rule.
03:27Can you imagine the future if this spreads?
03:30The altered hunter shouted.
03:33If it wasn't for us then those kids would have died today.
03:37The next second, Sadie felt a large pain coming from her foot, as she realized that
03:42the werewolf had werewolf had chosen to use his jaws to take a large bite.
03:47It had twisted its head, showing it was far more flexible than she had imagined, and with
03:51its large snout and powerful jaws, its teeth had pierced her foot.
03:56On reflex, she had opened it up, allowing the beast to get free at the moment.
04:01It let out a howl, before deciding to run off into a different direction in the woods.
04:07It was at a great speed, and had nearly gone out of their line of sight.
04:11Look at your incompetence.
04:14Because of your meddling, you let it get away and now it will just continue to rampage.
04:19The altered hunter shouted, at the same time, turning away from Frank, he ran in the opposite
04:24direction of the werewolf, who do we go after?
04:28Frank asked.
04:29Fight the damn wolfman!
04:32Sadie shouted.
04:33At least the altered hunter won't harm the public, that thing was like a wild beast.
04:39Eventually, running the way that Blake had pointed to, Gary found himself on the open
04:45He decided to run alongside it, hoping to find his way somewhere, but he was too embarrassed
04:50to let anyone see him as he was.
04:53As such, he chose not to run in the middle of the road and closer to the edge of the
04:59While doing so, he couldn't get the crazy thoughts and events from today so far out
05:03of his head.
05:04What do I do now?
05:06I only have ten energy, and with the full moon out, it won't last me long.
05:11Gary asked himself, as if hoping his ever silent werewolf system would choose now to
05:16provide some guidance.
05:18Of course he wasn't surprised when it didn't.
05:21I don't even know what time it is.
05:24How long until the full moon is over?
05:27Do I have to wait until the sun is up, or until a full day has passed?
05:32That howl from earlier earlier must have been Billy.
05:35He's probably going through the same thing as me, but if he meets me now and I'm in this
05:40state, he'll finish me off in seconds.
05:43At the same time, if I eat something, if I recover my energy will I automatically turn
05:48back into a werewolf?
05:50Can I even risk it?
05:52Blake didn't seem to be the only one out there.
05:55There's a chance, I won't remember anything and it will happen again.
05:59Gary continued along the road, and he was thinking more and more about what happened,
06:04and eventually he was getting snippets of his memory, of him fighting against a black
06:07furred werewolf, and how he hadn't exactly done well.
06:12It was then that a little squirrel appeared at the edge of the forest.
06:16His stomach growled in response.
06:19One squirrel surely won't hurt.
06:21Maybe getting some energy back will allow me to think more clearly.
06:25Gary tried to convince himself, as the saliva dripped down his mouth.
06:30He started chasing after the critter, even as he ran out onto the road.
06:35Seconds later and a bright light could be seen from the corner of his eye.
06:40Gary turned around to see how far it was and could see it was soon upon him.
06:44He was ready to jump into the forest, but his legs weren't working as he wanted, still
06:49too weak.
06:50Luckily, inches before it reached him, the car had come to a screeching halt.
06:55Do you have a death wish, kid?
06:58An annoyed voice came from inside the vehicle, slamming the car door open.
07:04Someone had gotten out, but the light was shining too bright for him to make out who
07:07it was.
07:08What the, why are you naked?
07:11What's with all those scratches?
07:14Just what the hell happened to you?
07:16The person asked, the anger in his voice replaced with worry.
07:20Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 87, Kind Stranger.
07:27Seeing the stranger leave his car, the first thing on Gary's mind was to turn and run
07:33No, get away from me.
07:35It's dangerous to stay near me.
07:38If I'm next to anyone, there's a chance that I could, that I could.
07:43The teenage boy's mind was spinning, as he took a careful step back, heading towards
07:47the forest.
07:49Hey, stop.
07:51Where do you think you're going, kid?
07:54You can't stay out like that.
07:56The stranger shouted and was quickly by Gary's side.
08:00It was at that moment, that his energy bar dropped even lower.
08:048 slash 120 energy, the high schooler almost fell to the ground out of exhaustion, yet
08:10The stranger managed to catch him, easily carrying him to his car, where he placed him
08:14down in the back seat.
08:16Gary's eyes were closed and he had fallen into a light slumber.
08:20The stranger continued to drive his car along the street, looking around frantically through
08:24the forest for something.
08:26Eventually, just when he had been about to head into the forest himself, his phone vibrated
08:31and he read the text he had just received.
08:34Arg, so you're telling me I came all the way out here for no reason?
08:38No, no, I should just be happy that she's safe.
08:43Don't tell dad.
08:45Does she really believe she can hide that fact from him?
08:48The stranger muttered to himself, letting out a big sigh.
08:52His monologue seemed to awaken Gary a little bit.
08:56Opening his eyes, he found himself in the car with that stranger.
09:00He wasn't sure what to think about that.
09:03What were the chances that the guy had rescued him from the kindness of his heart?
09:07Unfortunately, there was little he could do about it.
09:11He still suffered from the same problems as before.
09:15Top of the list was the immense pain that originated from his stomach.
09:19It felt like someone was reaching and pulling his insides.
09:23However, for some reason, it didn't feel as bad as the last time he was low on energy.
09:29Gary theorized that it might just be because he now had experienced that painful transformation.
09:35Compared to that, this seemed like a walk in the park.
09:38You're in luck, Streaker kid, my plans just fell through.
09:43So now I can deal with you.
09:46The man addressed him, apparently aware that he was conscious again.
09:50What happened to you?
09:52Why do you have no clothes on?
09:54And what are you doing so late?
09:57Gary was trying to get a look at his savior, but with the other's face looking at the
10:01road ahead it was hard to make out anything but his eyes from the rear-view mirror.
10:05Still, he did notice a few things.
10:09For one, the car they were in seemed to be an expensive nice one.
10:13The quality of the seats, the space, and the brand on the wheel indicated that it was expensive,
10:19probably even an import.
10:21Then, there was the person himself, from the side he could make out to find tricep muscles
10:26sticking out from a short-sleeved shirt.
10:29He wasn't exactly a large person, seemingly a few inches over Gary, but there was hardly
10:34any fat showing on his arm.
10:36He's even more ripped than that coach at the gym.
10:40Who is this guy?
10:42Gary wondered.
10:43Come on, Streaker boy, I need an answer.
10:47Right now, I'm still feeling generous, but if you don't want to spill the beans, I'll
10:51have to just drop you off at the police station.
10:55The stranger rushed him in an annoyed tone.
10:58Gary wasn't sure if he was the reason for his apparent bad mood, or if it had to do
11:02with the plans that had fallen through.
11:04No please, not the police.
11:08The teenager immediately pleaded.
11:10He knew that they had his blood in the record now.
11:14If he was taken in, they might be able to link him to all the other cases, something
11:18he needed to avoid at all costs, but what would he say?
11:22This is justā€¦
11:24I'm being bullied at school.
11:27They called me out here today before they took all my clothes.
11:32I can't fight back, they have connections.
11:35Gary lied, trying to cry to add to his story, though nothing but sobs came out.
11:41He considered this to be quite the feasible story.
11:44Of course, that didn't explain all the scratches all over his body.
11:49Gary just hoped that this sob story was enough for the stranger to not bother with those
11:53inconsistencies, and ask him anything else.
11:57Fortunately for the teenager, the stranger did indeed feel bad to pry into things any
12:03My condolences.
12:05I guess you're lucky that I found you then.
12:08So where exactly did you intend to go before I picked you up?
12:12Shall I drop you off at your house?
12:15He asked Gary.
12:16With the way the high schooler was now, home was the last place he wanted to be.
12:22He honestly wanted nothing more but to be left alone until this torture was over, but
12:26he couldn't just ask the stranger to drop him off at the storage warehouse.
12:31Come to think of it, he dreaded the thought of what he had done, to get out there in the
12:35first place.
12:36If I stay with him, there is a chance that I might attack him as well.
12:41Gary worried.
12:43No answer again, huh?
12:45Home trouble on top of school trouble.
12:48Look, I'll do you a favor just this once.
12:51I'm staying at a hotel at the moment, and the room is way bigger than what a normal
12:56person needs.
12:58There are plenty of extra beds.
13:00I'll let you stay there for the night if you want.
13:03Then in the morning you can leave and do as you like, no questions asked, alright?
13:08The stranger offered.
13:10Yes, sir.
13:12Gary immediately agreed, a huge smile on his face.
13:17Perhaps there would be a way for him to leave once he was in the room or the stranger had
13:21gone to sleep.
13:22It was late after all.
13:26Do I really look that old to you?
13:28The stranger complained.
13:30Damn it, why can't I help but be nice to people like him?
13:34Is it because it reminds me of my own situation?
13:38The stranger scratched his head.
13:41A short while later, the car stopped before a very nice looking hotel that was located
13:46at the far end of Tzipan.
13:48It was one of the sluice posher areas, but the good thing was that it wasn't too far
13:52away from the yellow stack.
13:55Now that they were out of the car, Gary had a better look at the guy in front of him,
13:59who was all of a sudden taking off his shirt, revealing his hard abs and everything underneath.
14:05The next second he threw the shirt to the kid.
14:08Cover yourself with that and stay behind me for now.
14:12The stranger ordered as they walked in the hotel.
14:15Gary did as he was told.
14:17Fortunately, the other was slightly larger than him, allowing him to stretch his shirt
14:22to hide certain exposed parts of his body.
14:25Now that he got a closer look at his Samaritan, he was wondering where he had seen this person
14:31The guy had a familiar face but Gary just couldn't quite pinpoint where he had seen
14:35him before.
14:36Welcome back, Mr. Tiger.
14:39Would you like us to help with anything in your room?
14:42A female voice greeted him with respect.
14:45Holy shit, that's it.
14:48He's Jaden Tiger.
14:50What is one of the top Altereds in our country?
14:53What is he doing in a shithole like slew?
14:56Gary, being the Altered fighter fanatic that he was, instantly recognized him after hearing
15:01the last name.
15:03Any other day of the week, he might be fanboying over the chance to not only meet but stay
15:07with one of his idols, but now he was only worried.
15:11He was running from one tough situation to the next.
15:15Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 88, Surviving the
15:20Night Gary had to stop himself from hyperventilating due to excitement.
15:25His inner fanboy needed to be contained, yet he couldn't waste any more energy than he
15:29already had.
15:31Still, there was one silver lining to meeting Jaden.
15:35If Gary was to suddenly turn, he was convinced that the Altered Superstar could suppress
15:40him in a fight.
15:42Unfortunately, he didn't know what would happen after that point, so the high schooler made
15:46up his mind to never find out.
15:49The receptionist was baffled at the disheveled side of Gary, but didn't say anything as the
15:54teenager followed the VVIP to the elevator.
15:57Jaden hadn't lied about his room being more than one person realistically needed, however
16:02he had failed to mention one very important detail.
16:06He was staying in the penthouse at the top floor.
16:09The room alone was around five times the size of the apartment where Gary lived with
16:13his mother and sister.
16:16Through the glass windows one would be able to see the entire town of Slough.
16:20This is exactly the type of life Gary had dreamt about when wishing to become an Altered
16:24one day.
16:25Alas, he couldn't really enjoy it right now.
16:29Leaving behind a still baffled teenager, Jaden had gone to one of the connecting rooms and
16:34returned with a new shirt on.
16:36The Altered Superstar then threw over a pair of briefs, socks, trousers, as well as a jacket.
16:43This should let you go around town tomorrow without alarming the police.
16:47If you go down the hall, the showers are to the right.
16:51There's a toothbrush and everything in each room.
16:54It's late and I have an early start tomorrow.
16:58Just keep the clothes, there's no need to return them.
17:01Leave whenever you wish, though don't be surprised if I'm already gone by the time you wake up.
17:07Jaden told him.
17:09Feel free to take a bite out of whatever's in the fridge.
17:13Turning around, the Altered Superstar was ready to close the door to his room, but stopped
17:17a few seconds later and opened it again.
17:20Look, I know times are tough in the world at the moment, but if you don't do something
17:25about it, then you might be stuck in this situation forever.
17:29The biggest influence on your life is you.
17:32Don't wait for something to happen, change and make it happen.
17:36Jaden made a fist and swung it out.
17:39Gary understood the message that the Other wanted him to stand up to his bullies.
17:44The high schooler smiled and nodded, thinking to himself that right now his problem wasn't
17:48fighting off bullies, it was trying to stop himself from killing and eating them.
17:53With the door closed, this was Gary's best chance to leave.
17:58Quickly putting on the provided clothes, he turned around and was about to head out, yet
18:02he suddenly stopped, considering his current situation.
18:06Right now, he was at a place where there was nobody else around.
18:11The only person that actually was around, should be strong enough to contain him.
18:16And in case Billy actually tried to attack him again, that person could actually protect
18:20him from the other werewolf.
18:22His family still believed that he was at Tom's.
18:26The only thing worrying him was that he was unable to contact his best friend.
18:31After having saved the Other's contact info on his phone, he had never bothered memorizing
18:36Unfortunately, his phone had been left at the storage warehouse.
18:41Not to mention, right now he was still a threat to him.
18:45There was an ornate clock above the TV that told Gary that it was 3 AM.
18:50The sun would surely rise in about a couple more hours, so he decided to just wait it
18:56Sitting on the large sofa, the high schooler waited around, and eventually his system notified
19:02For Slash 120 Energy, what happens when my energy hits zero, will I even be able to move?
19:09Before Gary knew it, he found himself walking towards the fridge.
19:14Opening it, he was surprised to find it filled with all types of protein.
19:18Steaks, chicken, lamb among other animal meat and from the looks of it, all high quality
19:25Saliva immediately started to dribble out from his mouth.
19:29He was sure that just half a pound of any of that stuff would cost more than the rent
19:33for their small apartment.
19:35This is what you would expect from a top class alter.
19:38Gary reached out ready to grab the food, yet stopped inches away.
19:43What if I can't control myself?
19:47I have to control myself.
19:49Gary picked up one of the raw steaks, and slowly and carefully started to take a small
19:54bite out of it.
19:56It was taking all of his willpower to stop himself from just swallowing the whole thing
20:00in an instant.
20:02He had to grit his teeth and was using his other hands to hold himself back.
20:06Plus 2 energy, I can do this.
20:10If I just eat a little at a time, stopping my energy from going too high it should be
20:15When it gets low I'll just take another bite.
20:18Yeah, I just need to hold myself back.
20:21Gary thought.
20:23This way he continued battling with himself.
20:27More than once he had caught his body moving subconsciously.
20:30This was a mental type of torture that Gary had never experienced before, but after what
20:35felt like an eternity, Gary could finally see it.
20:38There, through the large glass window, he could see the sun was starting to rise, while
20:43the moon was starting to disappear.
20:46Sometime after that he received new notifications.
20:50You have successfully survived the full moon.
20:53The blessing of the moon has passed, 30 days until the next full moon, I did it.
20:59I did it.
21:01Gary jumped up, and the first thing he did was head straight for the fridge.
21:06He had held back to prevent his energy from recovering to the point he would be able to
21:09transform against, worried that this transformation might last until the moon came up again, or
21:15worse, a few days, but judging by the system it seemed like that wasn't going to be the
21:21Early in the morning, Jaden's alarm woke him up at 6.30 AM.
21:25As he went out, he was surprised to see that the kid he had picked up earlier was nowhere
21:30to be seen.
21:32He had expected to find him in one of the rooms, still sleeping soundly, but it seemed
21:36as if he might have disappeared after he had gone off to sleep.
21:40However, Jaden's conscience was appeased.
21:43He had done a good deed and could only wish the boy the best from now on.
21:48He headed to the fridge to look for a snack, though when he opened it his jaw nearly dropped.
21:53What the hell?
21:55I just had it filled yesterday.
21:58Did that frigging kid eat all of it?
22:00No, that should be impossible.
22:03There was enough in there to last me a week.
22:06Did he steal some of it, to try and make cash or something?
22:10Arrgh, that doesn't matter, what am I supposed to eat now?
22:14A little earlier, both White Rose agents had returned to the police station.
22:19They had done so to make a report on the case, and they wanted to confirm something.
22:24One of the feathers they had picked up still had the blood of the black werewolf that had
22:28managed to flee.
22:30Sadie wanted to make sure that the blood matched up with Billy.
22:34This was her hunch and the others as well.
22:37After making a report, the two of them left the room, still furious about failing to arrest
22:42that dangerous alter.
22:43They had tried their best to find him from the air, but it was as if he had disappeared
22:49They were still in the police station, when another officer came up to them, delivering
22:53some good news.
22:55We found someone who claims to know Billy.
22:58The young officer Rue Game reported.
23:01Since Billy is a dropout it was hard to find anyone who knew the guy, but unexpectedly
23:06one of the suspects we brought in claimed he had seen him elsewhere.
23:10Apparently, the last time he saw him was at one of these underground fights.
23:15According to the guy, they happen quite often in this town.
23:19A smile appeared on Sadie's face hearing this news.
23:23An underground fighter, huh?
23:25There should be a few people that would have seen him and know him then.
23:29Frank, looks like will be going undercover.
23:33Walking away, Frank noticed that Sadie was limping, she had been injured in her altered
23:37form, and thought that a wound like that would have been healed by now.
23:41I hope that bite isn't infectious.
23:44Frank was worried.
23:45Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, Chapter 89, Best Friends
23:51After replenishing his energy by plundering the fridge, Gary decided to take some of the
23:56food along with him.
23:58With no better alternatives, he placed them in the coat pockets of his new jacket.
24:03Right now he was in a rush, and there was a reason why he had left early.
24:08He won't mind right?
24:09I mean the guy is an altered superstar.
24:13Someone as rich as him can easily just replace all that food, and it's not like I'll see
24:17him ever again.
24:19Damn, if I had been in my right mind I could have asked him for a signature.
24:24I bet that would have sold for a decent sum.
24:27Currently, Gary was sprinting towards the yellow stack building, it was around 6 am
24:32in the morning.
24:34He was hoping that he could grab his phone and check out what state he had left the room
24:39Perhaps it might give him an idea of what had happened after he had lost consciousness.
24:44When he finally could see the yellow stack though, there were the iconic white and black
24:48cars, which made him do a complete U-turn.
24:51Damn the police are here.
24:54Did something happen?
24:55Shit, did I trigger some sort of alarm or something yesterday?
25:00What do I do now?
25:02Both of my phones were in there.
25:04And my clothes.
25:06I hope I don't get Tom in any kind of trouble.
25:10Gary started to panic.
25:12Well I was naked so maybe I ripped all of my clothes off.
25:16In the end, the high schooler couldn't risk staying there.
25:20All he could do was head to school without them.
25:23As for his school uniform, that had been left at school in the locker.
25:28Since he left the rugby match yesterday in a hurry.
25:31He could only hope that after yesterday's match, Mr Root wouldn't mind giving him some
25:37Running, running and running non-stop, Gary ended up using the charging heart skill three
25:44Once to get yellow stack and two more times to reach his school.
25:48This was because of how far he was away.
25:51Fortunately, with the extra food he had taken, his energy was almost full again.
25:57Although the moon seemed to still be full, he had lost his additional stats, though it
26:01was a small price to pay for no longer losing his energy as quickly.
26:06My stats are now lower though, and I can really feel it on my body.
26:10I need to improve it.
26:13Entering school, there was next to no one due to how early it was.
26:17It had taken Gary an hour running, which was quite impressive considering the distance.
26:22If anyone saw his accomplishments they would have tried to recruit him for the track team.
26:27The first thing Gary did was change into his school uniform from his locker.
26:33Anyone could see that his current clothes were too nice for someone like him.
26:37After that, all he could do was wait.
26:40Surprisingly, the first person who looked to have entered the classroom was none other
26:44than Tom.
26:45Yes, he's here.
26:48The one person I could have hoped for, I don't know why he's early but thank my lucky stars
26:52he's here.
26:54Gary thought.
26:55He could see the marks again, and knew they were getting closer but he wasn't going to
26:59believe his eyes until he saw them.
27:02What was even stranger was the first thing Tom did.
27:06He immediately ran up to Gary, giving him a big hug.
27:10You, you.
27:12You're okay.
27:13I'm so happy.
27:15I was so worried.
27:17I thought that you might have been hurt, or stuck in that form forever.
27:22Tom was crying, rubbing his head into Gary's shirt.
27:26Covering it with tears and snot.
27:28He had no clue what had happened.
27:31If it was before, he would have pushed his best friend off, but after everything his
27:35friend had done to help him, it felt wrong of him to do that.
27:39Gary waited for Tom to finish letting his emotions out.
27:43Still sobbing, the other placed his backpack on the table, and pulled out two phones as
27:48well as some ripped rugby clothing, handing them over to Gary.
27:52Wait, these are my things, how did you get them?
27:56Gary asked, now looking at Tom he noticed that his face looked incredibly tired.
28:01What exactly had happened to him?
28:03Gary thought.
28:05I went to Yellow Stack after leaving the police station.
28:09I thought that you wouldn't be there, since you were dealing with other things, I didn't
28:13know how I could help you, but I wanted to make sure that the person I saw was you.
28:18When I entered the Yellow Stack, I could see that the steel door had been ripped to
28:22shreds, the chains were completely broken, and there was something on the floor.
28:27Anyway, I cleaned most of it up, and grabbed things before calling the police myself.
28:33Saying there was a break in, so there shouldn't be a problem there.
28:37Wait what?
28:38I understand some of what you were talking about, but the other things make no sense.
28:44How did you know where I was, or what I was doing?
28:47Gary asked.
28:49It was then that Tom went into the frightening details of last night.
28:53How he had planned to wait nearby, how they had seen someone killed in front of their
28:57eyes, but most importantly, that Gary in his werewolf form was the one that saved them.
29:03All of that happened, yet I wasn't conscious for any of it.
29:07At least it didn't sound like I attacked the other guys, but why did I save them?
29:12Well clearly that other werewolf had to have been Billy.
29:16Gary thought.
29:18Thinking about things a bit more, Gary had some theories and they were all related to
29:22his system.
29:23From what it had told him, he should have been hunting those marked by him with a forced
29:27bond, yet Gil didn't seem to have been there.
29:31Since that didn't happen, he could only imagine that his werewolf instincts had been
29:34trying to complete another quest of his.
29:38Fighting the other Omega to see who would come out on top.
29:41Lastly, there was also the bond mark that he had with Tom.
29:46Maybe Gary had protected Tom because of his mark, or there was a part of him that was
29:50still in his werewolf form somewhere, telling his werewolf self to protect those close to
29:55The last one he thought was unlikely because Gary couldn't remember a thing, it was as
30:00if someone had taken over his body.
30:03It might be if I place more bond marks on people I really care for, like my mother and
30:09However, first I'll have to deal with a far bigger problem.
30:13Billy could still be alive, and if he comes out again.
30:17Anyway, thanks for helping us out Gary, now we have an entire month to solve this problem
30:22to prevent anything from going wrong next time.
30:25Just leave the whole mess about the container to me, I'll find a way to explain things
30:29to my parents somehow.
30:32Looks like it wasn't much use anyway.
30:34Tom chuckled.
30:35By the way, I was wondering, since when did you have two phones?
30:40Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel channel Red Novel, chapter 90, a gang name
30:45Gary didn't want to have secrets from Tom, especially after everything he had done to
30:50help him, but at the same time he didn't want to drag his best friend into an even
30:54deeper mess.
30:56It wasn't fair of him, and it was likely that it could endanger his life as well as
31:00that of his family, more so than he already had done.
31:03Oh this thing.
31:05My regular phone has been playing up a bit recently.
31:09You know about our financial situation, so I've used some of that money I had earned
31:13from that part-time job to get myself that brick for emergencies.
31:17You know how those old phones can never die, and the battery lasts on them forever.
31:23Gary smiled, still feeling hurt inside.
31:27As for Tom, he didn't know how to feel.
31:30Gary had shared one of his biggest secrets with him, so why would he need to lie about
31:34a second phone?
31:36What about the police report?
31:38Did you say anything about me?
31:40Gary asked, changing the subject.
31:44Actually I wanted to ask you about that.
31:46The whole thing was strange.
31:49You know that rich upperclassman Kai Hemper?
31:52He went ahead of all of us, but after he talked to them for a while, they all just let us
31:56go home.
31:58I thought he was just some rich kid, but just being rich shouldn't get you out of a situation
32:03like that.
32:04By the way, how do you know him?
32:07Scratching his head, Gary felt like he couldn't lie two times in a row, he was a bad liar
32:12in the first place, so he chose to stick to mostly the truth, without revealing anything
32:18He was actually the one who introduced me to that part-time job.
32:23Things were starting to add up to Tom, but he still didn't know why Kai, who couldn't
32:27have known Gary for too long, was so interested in him that his entire group, which seemed
32:32to include that sudden transfer Inu, had been willing to look for his best friend in the
32:36middle of the night.
32:38A short while later and other students started to enter the classroom, unaware of the horrors
32:43Gary and Tom had lived through.
32:45Hey Gary, you did a great job in the first half of yesterday's rugby match.
32:50I never knew you were that strong.
32:53One of his classmates congratulated him.
32:56Oh and Tom, how are you?
32:59I can't believe the referee didn't punish those bastards for clearly stepping onto your hand.
33:05Tom and Gary recognized him as one of the more popular kids of their year, meaning he
33:09was someone who would usually never associate with either one of them.
33:13A shame Gary didn't punch them out.
33:15Seriously, when you jumped those eaten high students I was rooting for you, they would
33:20have deserved it.
33:22I'm still surprised you did that with their bad rep I thought they were all going to jump
33:27Another one added.
33:29The compliments didn't seem to stop, and after the day that Gary had, it was a nice change
33:33of things.
33:35He thanked them all and just smiled back.
33:38The last ones to arrive were a teenage girl and boy, both resembling zombies.
33:44They were drained and dragging their feet along the floor.
33:47I guess both of them didn't get a good night's sleep then.
33:51Gary gulped, feeling responsible.
33:54Exine sat down in her seat and didn't look towards anyone with her head sunken in.
34:00Gary wanted to go talk to her, apologize for getting her into the mess, but it would
34:04have felt strange and given things away.
34:07As for Inu, when he tried to talk to him, the other didn't even let him utter a single
34:13I really don't want to talk to you.
34:16Inu sat down in his chair and placed his backpack in front of him, proceeding to use it as a
34:21makeshift pillow.
34:23Do you know what happened to us yesterday?
34:26Actually scratch that, do you know what happened to me?
34:29I almost got killed like five times, and it was all because we went searching for you.
34:34Then, I have this psycho here, shouting your name all the time, trying to talk to some
34:39possessed altered.
34:42Bad luck.
34:43That's all I have since I started following you.
34:46With that Inu just lay there.
34:49The truth was that he knew it wasn't Gary's fault that this had happened, but he needed
34:53someone to blame all his frustrations on.
34:56Things went on as normal, but as was to be expected, Gary couldn't focus on the classes.
35:02Billy was the main worry he had in his head.
35:05Even his werewolf form couldn't beat the other werewolf.
35:09Gary had no idea how to beat the other, especially since Billy had already killed and consumed
35:14humans, making him even stronger.
35:17The longer he waited, the worse his chances of dealing with him became.
35:22Maybe the best option would be to get him before the full moon.
35:26Then I can worry about myself as well, but it means I have to be prepared, prepared to
35:31kill him.
35:32Gary thought.
35:34A little while later, he felt his phone vibrate, and it was coming from his secret phone.
35:39Tom, who had been keeping an eye on Gary, took note of this.
35:44When it was finally time for lunch, his best friend asked him if they could go and grab
35:48a bite to eat together.
35:50Sorry, I have to make a report to Mr. Root about the game.
35:54He said he wanted to talk to me about something.
35:58Gary lied again.
35:59Okay, I understand.
36:02I might just stay here and catch up on some sleep.
36:06Tom replied.
36:07Watching carefully, Tom soon saw that Inu also looked at his phone, one that looked
36:12eerily similar to the brick model his best friend had, and went off in the same direction
36:17as Gary.
36:18That phone and Kai, something is up with all of them.
36:22I wonder if this has something to do with how Gary was making money.
36:26Gary, I just hope you're not getting yourself in another mess.
36:30Tom's guess was spot on.
36:33The high schooler had headed to the roof, where Kai and Marie were both already waiting
36:37for him.
36:39A little while later Inu joined them as well.
36:42It looks like everyone is here for our meeting.
36:45Kai said after Inu closed the door behind him.
36:49We had quite an eventful evening yesterday, looking out for you, Gary.
36:54I'm sure your friend already caught you up on everything that happened.
36:58Anyway, regardless of this, tomorrow is the big day for you two, it's your first match,
37:03and it's also our first debut as a gang.
37:07The reason why I called you all here today was because I wanted for us all to come up
37:11with a name, as members.
37:13This came as a surprise to Gary.
37:16He had seen Marie interact with Kai that one time he had followed after her, yet he
37:20had never thought that she would also be involved with this whole gang business.
37:25How about, the Unbreakable Iron Group?
37:28Or I know, the Black Flames.
37:31Inu suggested while pretending to wield the power of fire.
37:35It was when the group noticed that Inu had quite the childlike side to him, and that
37:39his naming sense was horrible, yet Gary didn't have any better suggestions himself which
37:44was why he decided to keep quiet.
37:47After what happened yesterday, I actually felt inspired by those creatures.
37:52What do you all think about, the Howlers?
37:55Kai suggested, looking at Gary in particular.
37:59I like it.
38:00Marie said, while Inu shivered a little bit thinking about the Howls he had heard form
38:04the Altered yesterday.
38:06However, he had to admit that it was a good name.
38:10A gang name should send fear into whoever heard their name, though usually their own
38:14members should be exempt.
38:17I think, it's good as well.
38:19Gary answered, really not having any better ideas.
38:24After that, Kai reminded the two to keep out of trouble until their fight, before giving
38:28them the meeting place on the day of the match.
38:31He also advised them to stay inside as much as possible due to the recent events that
38:37Since lunch was coming to an end, Gary was heading back to his classroom, and it was
38:41when going through the hallways he stopped dead in his tracks, and so did the other person
38:46opposite him.
38:48Damn it, I completely forgot about this.
38:52Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel.