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00:00Channel Red Novel, Chapter 51, Perfect Time Once Outside, Gary found it easier to distinguish
00:18between the two different forced bond markings. Although both of them were red in color, each
00:23one gave off a slightly different scent. The closer he got to one of those that were marked,
00:29the darker the color of the mist would get. It made Gary wonder if there was a limit to
00:34his marking. Perhaps once he was far enough away the red mist would completely disappear,
00:39but even in his own home he could still see all three marks. His dark hood was covering
00:45his head, but he had no time to replenish the energy he had lost so far from using Charging
00:50Heart twice and the general energy he had used up rushing home and trying to catch up
00:54to Gil in the first place. 88 slash 110 energy, the Gray Color Gang shouldn't stray too far
01:01from their territory, but they'll probably want to head into a more residential area.
01:06Thinking about this, Gary realized that the Gray Color Gang area also happened to cover
01:11where he had been on Sunday, the residential area where Billy's apartment block was located.
01:17One problem at a time. Gary thought to himself. Besides, given how many reporters there were
01:23just yesterday, they would be stupid to go anywhere near it. While the underdogs covered
01:29most of the town's nightclubs and profited from selling drugs among other things, the
01:34Gray Elephant specialized in protection of the several factories and warehouses that
01:38were located in Slough. The organizations needed protection from the other gangs that
01:43might look to profit by stealing their equipment, products or might generally come over to harass
01:48their employees. It wasn't exactly uncommon in the business to hire some gangs to use
01:54those kinds of means to make life more difficult for their competitors. As such, the Gray Elephants
02:00would send out their members as bodyguards and would spread the news who was under their
02:04protection. They would usually get a percentage of profits, but it was far better to the alternative,
02:10making it an arrangement that ultimately profited both sides.
02:14As for companies that wanted to rent or set up a factory without relying on the gang,
02:19well, they naturally had their ways of convincing how much their service was needed. The air
02:25was filled with a gray smoke that covered everything including the lamp posts that were
02:29out, and it was messing with Gary's nose a little. If it wasn't for the red mist he had
02:35followed on his way here, he would have struggled a lot more to find them. From what I have
02:40heard, the Gray Elephants and their Color Gang have quite the fighting strength given
02:44their job scope. If I see one of their main members, I'm going to have to get out of there.
02:51News about my little trick must have already spread in their circles, so I doubt they will
02:55follow me, not that there are any nearby areas that I could lead them to. Continuing to stalk
03:00them, the Color Gang eventually stopped in front of a small workshop that looked to be
03:05a shoe and key making service. Gil was there with four other members, but there was no
03:11sign of any other members in the nearby vicinity. The problem was, they were on a pretty open
03:17street, so there was a chance that other members could come along quite easily, so Gary needed
03:22to wait for the perfect opportunity. Break it, new boy! A member with a gray bandana
03:28tied around the top of his head yelled out the order. The next second, Gil picked up
03:33a large brick on the side of the road and hurled it into the window, which immediately
03:37bounced off, nearly hitting him in the head. The other members seeing this laughed straight
03:43away. Haha, that's reinforced glass, you idiot. All the shops in this area have it, otherwise
03:50they would have to buy a replacement every day. The gray color member that had ordered
03:55Gil around, seemed to be the leader of the small group they were in. Gil did not look
04:00too pleased at this little joke they had set up. A few seconds later, an old frail
04:06man came running out. He held a broomstick in his hand, and pointed it out towards the
04:11gang. What are you hooligans doing? This is my shop. How many times do I have to tell
04:18you that I have no money? My shop has been here for over thirty years. I won't give
04:24it to you, you'll have to take it off my dead body. The old man shouted as he swung
04:30the broomstick widely, but all of the members, including Gil, were easily able to evade
04:35it. He tried to do it again and again, but he never managed to hit any of them, making
04:41them laugh at his antics, until he was tired out, huffing and panting loudly.
04:46Okay, new boy, here's your first task of the day. We need new business in this town
04:52and this geezer hasn't been willing to play ball, so it's time we let someone else in
04:56who will be more willing to cooperate. You've heard the old coot, apparently will have to
05:01get it over his dead body, so let's put his conviction to the test. Gil understood what
05:06the leader was implying. When he went up to the old man, a smile appeared on his face.
05:13Seeing this, the other members stopped their laughter, interested in whether Gil could
05:17actually follow through. There were many reasons why people chose to join a gang. Some, like
05:24Inu, did it because they were unable to find a place for themselves in the world, their
05:28only talent being that they were decent with their fists. Others, like Gary, did it because
05:34in the current times, gangs were one of the easiest ways to earn money. However, those
05:39like Gil, did it for a completely different reason. His type was the most dangerous. The
05:46sadistic smile on his face said it all. He enjoyed the feeling of dominance, making others
05:52submit to him by using violence. The old man tried to muster all his stealth, grabbing
05:57the broom, and swung it towards Gil, but the large high schooler managed to grab it quite
06:03Old man, your strength is nothing for a member of the rugby club. Gil said, pulling on the
06:10stick and yanking it out of the old man's hand, who almost fell over tumbling to the
06:15You know, although these things are made from wood, they're pretty strong. You just tried
06:21hitting me with it, so all of this is just self-defense. Let's see how much it hurts.
06:27Gil shouted, as he lifted up the stick, and slammed it against the old man's side. The
06:33pain was so great the old man instantly fell to the ground.
06:37The others watching could see that Gil showed no hesitation. It was one thing for someone
06:43to fight their way into a gang by beating up another gang member, but new members would
06:48usually still have some hesitation to fight civilians.
06:51Ah! The old man screamed rolling on the ground. It hurts. How could you do this? Imagine if
07:00I was your Grand Dash, shut up! Gil shouted, whacking the broomstick on the old man's legs
07:08Shut up! Shut up! Each time the high schooler used his full strength and the old man's moans
07:14only got stronger.
07:16Hey, shouldn't we stop him? We were only supposed to scare him, but if he kills the old man,
07:23the gray elephants might tell us off.
07:26One of the members asked their leader. Humans aren't as weak as you think. He hasn't even
07:32really started to beg us to stop. The old coot still has some fight left in him.
07:37Oi, is that all you got, new boy? The leader shouted, trying to spur on Gil even more.
07:45How long does it take you to convince one frail old man to do the right thing?
07:50Up until this point, Gil had been holding the broomstick with one hand, worried that
07:54if he were to use both hands that it would end up breaking. Getting the okay from the
07:59leader, he lifted it above his head and used his full strength and weight to swing it down
08:03on the old man.
08:05Suddenly, a hooded person appeared almost out of nowhere and grabbed the stick, before
08:10it could reach its intended victim.
08:13Screw waiting for the perfect time. I can't just watch you torment an innocent old man.
08:19Gary yelled out, System, put both points into strength.
08:24Two points have been allocated into strength, your base strength is now at seven, current
08:29strength, fourteen, plus one, with charging heart and the power of the moon, Gary pulled
08:34the stick out of Gil's hands.
08:37While the bully was still confused about the situation, the newcomer used both his hands
08:42to swing it out from the side like a baseball bat, hitting Gil across the face, flinging
08:47his head back and causing him to fly through the air for a few meters until he hit the
08:53Looking on the floor, there was a single tooth that had fallen out. That's a start.
08:58Gary thought about Tom's missing tooth, but it still wasn't enough.
09:03Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 52, Illegal Weapons
09:09Although Gary was already level 4, he had only ever assigned one of the three stat points
09:14he had received from his level ups. He had considered what stat he might use them for,
09:19but had decided that it might make more sense to increase them via his gym trying until
09:23he hit some kind of wall.
09:25However, seeing Gil attack the old man who could hardly defend himself, something snapped
09:31in Gary's head. It was similar to what had happened when Steven had threatened him by
09:36telling him he would go out with Amy.
09:39The high schooler imagined Tom lying on the ground, getting bullied by Gil. Unable to
09:44wait for his perfect opportunity, the high schooler dived right in, running past the
09:49other members, while placing his stat points into strength.
09:53The broom snapped after connecting with Gil's face and Gary still held one half of it in
09:58his hand, his head slightly facing down so the others wouldn't be able to see his face
10:04What the hell?
10:05I thought the new guy had some strength, but it turns out his muscles are all hot air.
10:10Oi, aren't you embarrassed getting taken out by such a scrawny kid?
10:15One of the grey color gang members turned around to make fun of Gil, not having grasped
10:20the seriousness of the situation yet.
10:23However, the same could not be said about their leader.
10:27Unlike the other three, he had watched Gil fight, so he had seen his strength.
10:32His body didn't just look the part, and there weren't many that could make someone fall
10:36easily like that.
10:38What's more, that scrawny kid had managed to make the broom snap with one attack.
10:43What are you guys doing?
10:45He might just be the new kid, but since when do we allow anyone to just hurt one of our
10:51Stop gawking and bring him in!
10:54The leader shouted.
10:56Seeing the other three charge in, Gary was thankful for one thing.
11:00None of them seemed to be using weapons.
11:03One of the traits of the grey color group was that they relied on brute strength.
11:08Still, Gary went to the injured Gil and lifted him by the scruff of his uniform.
11:13Don't think this is over, I'm not done with you yet.
11:17Blood was dripping from the rugby player's mouth, and he was possibly in a worse state
11:21than Steven, but Gary had no sympathy for him, not after what he had seen him do.
11:27Using use of charging hearts duration he lifted Gil above his head with both hands.
11:32Even with an effective total of 15 points of strength the weight seemed to be a bit
11:36much for Gary but his frustration allowed him to power through.
11:40He managed to throw his schoolmate towards the grey color gang members, crashing into
11:45two of them.
11:46The third one, as the only one unaffected, turned around to check on his teammates, disbelieving
11:52what he had seen.
11:53This turned out to be a big mistake, as by the time he turned back to Gary, the other
11:58was already in the midst of a punch, aimed straight at the gang members face.
12:03You guys are just as bad.
12:06Gary shouted.
12:08He could only imagine what the grey color gang members must have been doing in this
12:11area for so long.
12:14All the chaos and trouble they had caused.
12:17The truth was, Gary wasn't the only one who wanted them gone, yet nobody ever did anything
12:22because they were afraid of those behind the color gangs.
12:25In the past, if Gary had seen such a scene, would he have been brave enough to help out?
12:31The truth was, the answer was no.
12:34New quest received, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
12:39Your anger has finally led you to this.
12:42Deal with the one you're after as well as everyone protecting him.
12:46Next reward, 50 EXP per defeated person, your opponent has been knocked out, 50 EXP
12:52gained, EXP 280-460, receiving this message, it made Gary realize something, that Gil still
12:59had some room for a beating.
13:02Walking over, the two that were trapped under this heavy body, soon pushed him off, and
13:06got up from the ground.
13:09Don't just stand there, Bowden, give us a hand.
13:12One of the members complained.
13:15Since they still had the number advantage he was confident they could win.
13:19No real names, you idiot.
13:22The leader shouted at him, slapping him from behind, while he waited and watched Gary.
13:27The three of them stayed back, and with the leader taking a step back, so did the other
13:33That's when he noticed that their attacker wasn't looking at them.
13:37Instead he only seemed to have eyes for Gil who was on the floor.
13:41After being hit by the broom, Gil's head was spinning slightly.
13:45He wasn't knocked out yet and he could hear the chaos around him, though he was unable
13:50to react to it.
13:52He tried to stand back up, but his legs felt like jelly.
13:56Recovering a little, he soon felt someone above him, and the next second he experienced
14:00a slap against his face.
14:02Oh no, you don't just get out of the situation by losing consciousness.
14:08You still have plenty of teeth left in your mouth.
14:11Gary said.
14:13Gil was still struggling to open his eyes, yet before he could, his head was slammed
14:17into the concrete ground once more.
14:20It was soon lifted from the ground again.
14:23His forehead had been cut, and blood was dripping down from the top now covering his vision
14:28even more.
14:30It was then that the gray leader was sure that his hunch was right.
14:33Let's just get out of here boys, that person isn't here for us.
14:38The three left Gil behind, including the other member.
14:42The leader thought it was safe to leave him behind, since he should wake up soon, and
14:46he was more concerned about what would happen if they tried approaching the person in front
14:50of them again.
14:52That person, is another beast, let the two of them deal with each other.
14:56The leader thought as he left.
14:59Holding up Gil, Gary could tell he was still conscious.
15:03It seemed to have been the right call to cancel Charging Heart, instead of using his full
15:08Tell me, how does it feel?
15:11Not so great when you're on the receiving end, now is it?
15:15You still like to hurt people.
15:17I don't get how you can enjoy this so much.
15:20Gary shouted at him, before getting ready whack his head against the concrete ground
15:25once more.
15:26Gil, in his desperate situation, used his hands to cover his head hitting the ground,
15:31but the impact was still strong.
15:34Who, are you?
15:36Gil blurted out, his mouth filled with blood, while his entire body still hurt from being
15:41used as a projectile.
15:43He hadn't even realized yet that the side of his face had swollen up from getting hit
15:47with the broomstick.
15:49Gary, still wasn't done yet, and he wouldn't be until the system gave him the EXP for knocking
15:54Gil out.
15:56Grabbing his head once more, he was ready to slam it in the ground again, but it was
16:00then that he felt someone grab his wrist.
16:05If you keep doing that, you'll end up killing him.
16:08A male voice cautioned him.
16:11Looking up, at what could possibly have the strength to hold Gary.
16:15He could see a man in a large black trench coat, and a scruffy beard, while also wearing
16:20a large hat to cover most of his head.
16:23I've been watching you.
16:25You managed to knock out a gang member all by yourself and you even managed to lift up
16:29this kid over your head despite the size difference, are you sure you are human?
16:34The man asked, as he reached down his pocket to grab what looked like a baton.
16:39You know, there have already been a couple of killings in this area and it seems the
16:43wounds inflicted aren't done by normal humans.
16:46The man pressed the button and the baton lit up.
16:50Blue sparks started to buzz around the weapon.
16:53Once upon a time they used to be self-defense weapons, yet under the No Lethal Weapons Act,
16:58they were still considered taboo.
17:01There was only one group who still used them despite this, the Altered Hunters.
17:06Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 53, Survive.
17:13New quest received, there's always a bigger fish, as a werewolf who hasn't even experienced
17:18his first turning, you're still too weak.
17:23Quest Reward.
17:24Gary was quite surprised that for the first time the werewolf system didn't even hint
17:29at the type of reward he would receive if he could fulfill the quest.
17:33Did this mean that it hadn't decided what he would get or did it doubt his capability
17:37to actually survive the fight?
17:39At the same time the conditions for completing it weren't really clear.
17:44What would happen if he was to run away?
17:47If he was knocked out that would clearly count as surviving, right?
17:51Or did it mean that the person in front of him wanted to kill him?
17:55It's impossible for the system to know all of that.
17:58It's just a system.
18:00Whatever the case, now wasn't the time to worry about that.
18:04Seeing the baton light up, Gary was in no way inclined to allow his opponent to hit
18:09him with the weapon.
18:11He had experienced being electrocuted when he was younger through an open plug, and this
18:15looked far worse.
18:17As he had discovered during his rugby training, one of the benefits of cancelling the Charging
18:21Heart skill early was that the cooldown between each use would also be shortened.
18:27The downside to this was that no matter how long the skill lasted, he wouldn't get back
18:31any of his spent energy points.
18:34Gary tried to pull away, only to find himself unable to do anything.
18:38The high schooler could barely tug his arm before the strange adult had gripped onto
18:43it tightly with his giant hands.
18:46This is insane.
18:48Just how strong is this guy's grip?
18:50Gary thought.
18:52With the baton coming closer, he had no other choice but to use Charging Heart again.
18:5761-110 energy, the last time Gary had been forced to use up so much energy was in his
19:03fight against Billy.
19:05Yanking his hand once more, the sudden spike in strength surprised the altered hunter,
19:10and his grip weakened for a moment.
19:13Unfortunately, the high schooler failed to completely pull away.
19:17This captor managed to grab onto Gary's other hand, this time even firmer than before, completely
19:23ignoring the teenager's boost.
19:25Even with Charging Heart, he is still just as strong.
19:29No, this guy might even be stronger.
19:32At the end of the day, these guys hunted altereds for a living, and they had to have some way
19:37to combat them.
19:39At this rate Gary was suspecting that the altered hunters were altereds themselves,
19:43but what kind of hypercarry would that be?
19:46During Gary's struggle, he threw him off balance and followed up with the electrified
19:52The second it touched his stomach, Gary felt his whole body tingle all over.
19:57His green hair stood up and all the hair all over his body.
20:01No matter how hard he tried to move, while the baton touched his body none of his muscles
20:05were responding.
20:07It was strange that the pain was quite minimal but he was unable to do anything.
20:12Although he saw the large fist coming towards his face, Gary was unable to block it.
20:18The great strength hurled him in the air, skidding him across the ground, and for what
20:22felt like the second time his nose was broken.
20:25You have been inflicted with a grave injury, –27 HP, 68 out of 100 HP, would you like
20:32to activate Emergency Healing?
20:35If you wish, you can set a limit as to when Emergency Healing will be activated.
20:40The only time he had experienced the Emergency Healing had been after Billy had broken his
20:44ribs by using the metal plate in his gloves.
20:48It had used energy allowing him to heal his wounds and continue on fighting like normal.
20:53However, in this situation Gary didn't have a high amount of energy points to use, at
20:58the same time, he didn't really need his nose to help him fight.
21:03You clearly have abnormal strength for your size, so what are you waiting for?
21:08Why don't you transform?
21:10The altered hunter asked.
21:12Wiping away the blood trickling down his nose, Gary got up again.
21:17He wasn't sure if he could win this fight or not, but he was pissed.
21:22Beyond pissed that this person had interrupted him in the middle of what he had been doing.
21:27After all, there was still another quest active that had to do with Gil.
21:31Trust me, if I knew how to transform I would have done it by now and ripped your freaking
21:35head off.
21:37Gary charged in with this thought in his mind.
21:40He kept his eye on the baton.
21:43The second the man pressed the button on the bottom, it electrified up again.
21:48It looks like his weapon can only stay on for so long, otherwise he would have just
21:52kept the bloody thing electrified.
21:55Knowing this, Gary began to run in.
21:58The man confidently swung the baton towards Gary's head, this time perfectly timing his
22:03attack, but Gary had dashed forward now running at his full speed that the charging heart
22:07skill gave him.
22:09Ducking down at the same time, it allowed the hit to go over his head.
22:14He then threw an overhead punch as hard as he could towards the man's face.
22:18Impressive, you fooled me into thinking that you were using your full speed the whole time.
22:24It's just too bad that you weren't the only one who held back.
22:28The man said, as he lifted up his arm blocking the incoming punch.
22:32As it hit, Gary felt something hard, far harder than bone, and his knuckles were sore.
22:38The man seemed surprised on his end as well, about how much force the punch had behind
22:44Damn it, is he wearing armor underneath his clothes or something?
22:49God damn it, of course he is.
22:52How could an altered hunter work without that type of stuff?
22:55Jumping back, Gary was observing the situation.
22:59He was getting low on energy, yet his opponent still seemed fine, not even hurt.
23:05Gil appeared to be barely conscious rolling about on the ground, while the abandoned gray
23:09colored gang member seemed to be regaining consciousness, getting up on his feet.
23:14Right now, Gary was sure that there was nothing he could do against the altered hunter.
23:19He didn't like it, but he had to run.
23:22Turning away, Gary started to sprint as fast as he could.
23:26Really regretting not having put any points into dexterity, he was praying that the energy
23:31he still had would allow him to escape.
23:34Turning around though, it looked like the altered hunter hadn't bothered to chase after
23:39Nevertheless, Gary didn't stop running, not even after he received a notification that
23:44the quest for catching Gil had failed for getting out of range.
23:48Quest failed, eventually, Gary stopped by the convenience store.
23:53Although he had already completed his daily quest, he was in dire need of replenishing
23:57his energy.
23:59He was already feeling hunger pangs the closer he came to reaching zero energy.
24:04After spending the last of his money, Gary practically gobbled up the meat in an alley.
24:09He used some of that energy to restore his broken nose before continuing on his way.
24:15Gary made sure to go through some alleys and only returned home, once he was absolutely
24:19sure that he wasn't followed.
24:22His mother had already arrived but Gary played everything cool with his family.
24:26Judging by the fact, she hadn't immediately given him a lecture, it appeared that Amy
24:31had kept her word.
24:33After spending some time with the two of them, Gary headed back to his room, his head and
24:38whole body were shaking as he sat down on the bed.
24:41That, that was so freaking dangerous.
24:44If that altered hunter had caught me, or if he had come in a bit later when I was weaker
24:49from fighting the others.
24:51Damn it!
24:52Gary wanted to punch something in his frustration, but before he did, he recalled what had happened
24:57to his school wall.
24:59Above all, he was most upset that he had been unable to teach Gilmore of a lesson.
25:04Sure, the 50 EXP he had failed to earn had left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth, but
25:10he was now worried about what the bully would do.
25:13Without knowing why he had been punished, there was an actual risk that he might try
25:17and do something to Tom again.
25:20Gary swore that he wouldn't let that happen.
25:23Still, there was at least one piece of good news that came from the unfortunate encounter.
25:28Congratulations, you have managed to avoid getting captured by the suspected altered
25:35You've learned the importance of a strategic retreat in the face of an opponent who vastly
25:39outclasses you.
25:41Fortunately, as an apex predator, you'll be able to grow in due time.
25:46Here's something to pay him back, if you ever see him again.
25:50Quest Reward, Choose 1 Skill, Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel
25:54Channel Red Novel, Chapter 54, Targeted Tuesday morning alone proved to be a far quieter school
26:00day for Xion than Monday.
26:03A big reason for this was the absence of Gary and Tom.
26:07She didn't know why, but ever since the two friends had shown up at the karate club, the
26:11transfer girl had started to pay more attention towards them.
26:15Turning her head, she stared at their two empty seats.
26:19I heard that the green haired boy got excluded for fighting with Steven, but what about his
26:25Is it just some coincidence that he's also missing or has he decided to skip classes,
26:30so the two of them can hang out?
26:32As she wondered about the reason, she felt a certain group of girls whispering things
26:36about her, no doubt spreading some nasty rumors, as they were staring daggers at her.
26:41Right, I should probably worry about my own problems first.
26:46Why is it so hard to find that one opportunity to apologize and clear things up between us?
26:52Just when did she convince the entire class to avoid talking to me as if had the plague?
26:58Ever since Xion had accidentally thrown Tiffany into Gary's puke, she had tried to apologize.
27:04Last week, she had failed to make any progress.
27:08The transfer girl had sincerely hoped that after the weekend, the Queen Bee might have
27:12forgiven her or at least shown herself more willing to listen to reason, but she had no
27:17such luck.
27:18Yesterday, Tiffany's two goons had gotten in the way each and every time, not even letting
27:23her speak with their ringleader.
27:25It had gotten to the point that the new girl had wanted to just beat them up, to get through
27:31The only reason she hadn't done so was because Xion feared that it would only escalate her
27:37When the bells signaled their lunch break, Xion planned to catch Tiffany on the way to
27:41the canteen, to finally settle things between them.
27:46Following her down the hallway though, she eventually encountered someone else who was
27:49walking through the halls with a bandage over his head.
27:55Is that you?
27:56Xion called out to her clubmate.
27:59The karateka seemed pretty zoned out, so she wanted to make sure he was okay.
28:04Is your head alright?
28:06I heard what happened.
28:08What made that guy attack you like that?
28:11Based on the few interactions she had with Gary, he hadn't seemed like the type of person
28:15to just attack someone for no reason.
28:18Then again, she hadn't exactly expected to find him challenging their karate club either.
28:23Still, unlike Gary, Xion felt like she knew more about Steven and his character.
28:30It wouldn't surprise her to learn that he had felt embarrassed about the loss and had
28:33decided to fight him again, only this time without any gear on.
28:38Of course, the amount of force Gary had used was undoubtedly excessive.
28:43Steven looked at Xion for a few seconds and just brushed her off, walking past her.
28:49Although part of him knew that it wasn't her fault, another part blamed her for what he
28:53had gone through yesterday.
28:55He can have you.
28:57Steven mumbled as he walked away.
29:00His words were annoying, and she was about to push Steven for more answers, yet it just
29:04so happened that she saw Tiffany enter the toilet, on her own.
29:08Wait, are those other two not with her?
29:12Xion rushed to the toilet, finally getting the chance she had been waiting for.
29:17Opening the door, a trash can landed on her head.
29:20Xion didn't understand what had happened.
29:24One moment, she had followed behind her classmate, the next she was covered from head to toe
29:29in banana peels, dirty food and other garbage.
29:33The girl immediately took it off, throwing it to the side, only to see Tiffany pointing
29:37at her, laughing with her two friends who had already been inside.
29:41Haha, well I can safely say this is far worse than you throwing me in that puke, but it's
29:46not enough.
29:48This is just the start.
29:50You humiliated me in front of everyone, so you have to pay for this.
29:55The next second, Xion picked up the trash can from the ground.
30:00Walking to one of the two goons, she swung it over her head, causing the girl to fall
30:04to the floor accidentally bite her lip.
30:07Seeing this, the other goon stepped back, and fell down on her butt.
30:12Before Tiffany could react, Xion was already heading straight for her.
30:17With her forearm, Xion pushed her back until the queen bee was against the wall, and her
30:22forearm pressed against her neck.
30:26I have had it with you.
30:28I've been barely here for a week and you've done nothing but torture me for something
30:32I did to you on accident.
30:34Xion shouted.
30:36Ever since, I've been trying to apologize to you, but you've made it abundantly clear
30:41that you don't want me to.
30:43What's wrong with you?
30:45Are you on some sort of power trip or something?
30:48It was then that Xion saw a smile on Tiffany's face, a reaction she hadn't expected.
30:54You screwed up.
30:56Tiffany declared.
30:58As the mayor's daughter, I bet you thought you were pretty safe.
31:02Truth be told, I actually planned to keep this between the two of us.
31:07Pay you back for another week or so, before I would eventually leave you alone, but now
31:11you laid your hands on me.
31:14With this threat, Xion wanted to finish her off here.
31:18She was ready to use one of her powerful kicks, but the words of her father rang through her
31:22head, and she decided to let go, leaving the toilet.
31:26Slamming the door behind her, it had caught the attention of a few students.
31:31Another noticeable thing was the strange smell and some items that were still stuck on her
31:37Things never seemed to change around here.
31:40Kai mused, walking through the hallway, staring at his phone.
31:44Frankly, he enjoyed observing his fellow students and their problems, but he had just received
31:50a text from an important person.
31:53Thank you for helping me out the other day.
31:55I seriously don't know who would do something like this, but I'm just glad you knew the
31:59right people who could get rid of the problem.
32:02Anyway, I owe you a big favor.
32:05Inu had called him in the middle of the night, to inform Kai that a human limb in the shape
32:09of an arm had been left outside his apartment.
32:13Panicked and not knowing what to do, he had called Kai to see if he could do anything.
32:18To his surprise, his fellow gang member had been easily able to fix his problem with a
32:23simple phone call.
32:25The fighter hadn't asked any questions and had simply done as instructed.
32:29Just what is going on for both Gary and Inu to receive human flesh in front of their doors?
32:35This isn't something the underdogs would do.
32:38Could it have been a rival gang trying to scare them?
32:41No, that doesn't make any sense.
32:44We're barely a gang and even if those guys from Eaton High found out that we'll be fighting
32:48them in the tag team tournament, they would simply try and beat them up.
32:53Whoever did that must have wanted to leave a message to the two of them.
32:57In that case, what exactly do the two of them have in common to receive such a thing?
33:03Kai racked his brain.
33:05Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel Channel Red Novel, Chapter 55, New Skill
33:10Still waking up that Tuesday morning, Gary had expected his body to be sore from yesterday's
33:15fight against the altered hunter, but thanks to his now supernatural body he felt good
33:19as new.
33:21However, he noticed something strange.
33:24For some reason he seemed overly hungry and this didn't seem to be his normal type of
33:28hunger that a simple breakfast would solve.
33:31What's more, he should be overly full from yesterday.
33:35Before heading back home, he had stopped by the convenience store to replenish all the
33:39energy he had used up in his fight.
33:42After that, he also had a nice dinner with his mother and sister.
33:47If anything, he should still be full, not hungry.
33:51Wondering what's wrong with him, he decided to check his system and the first thing he
33:55noticed were a few notifications he had missed, since he had gone to bed before midnight.
34:01As the date of the full moon approaches, the power of the moon strengthens you further.
34:06As a bonus, all stats plus 2, your bloodlust grows, 7 days until the next full moon, whoa,
34:13another boost.
34:15How many more will I get?
34:17Since it's a bonus my guess would be that after the full moon passes the bonus stats
34:21will go away.
34:22However, what happens after that?
34:26After each full moon, there will be a new moon.
34:29If the moon is like the thing that grants a werewolf his powers, doesn't that mean I'll
34:33have to worry about getting weaker and suffer penalties?
34:37Gary thought to himself.
34:39He chose to ignore the countdown notification as it seemed impossible to turn it off.
34:44Instead, he looked over his base stats, all 3 of which displayed a, plus 2, next to them.
34:52Strength 7, plus 2, dexterity 3, plus 2, endurance 9, plus 2, it was scary to think how strong
34:59he might possibly be in a week, and when he actually transformed.
35:04Looking over his energy and health, he saw that they still didn't benefit from any bonuses,
35:09but that's when he noticed something strange.
35:1181 slash 110 energy, what the hell?
35:15Why is it lower than before I went to bed?
35:19Was I sleepwalking and using charging heart or something?
35:22Thankfully, the werewolf system decided to enlighten him this time and offered the following
35:29The more your bloodlust grows in tandem to the state of the moon, the more energy is
35:33required to empower you.
35:35It would be advisable to increase your energy.
35:38God damn it, why do you tell this to me now when I no longer have any stat points?
35:43Shit, I still haven't found a method on how to increase that stat naturally.
35:49Why doesn't this stupid thing have a tutorial or some help function?
35:53Who the hell designed this junk system?
35:56Harry's cursing unfortunately didn't result in anything.
36:00He didn't know whether the system felt insulted and had decided against cooperating or if
36:04it was just the way it worked, however he had no way of finding that out.
36:09Instead, the high schooler chose to do something about the problems he could fix, albeit temporarily.
36:16I should have known that the system doesn't give me anything for free.
36:19Alright, I should be able to fix this by purchasing more food to replenish the energy that way.
36:26I will also have to avoid getting into any fights and probably refrain from using Charging
36:30Heart during practice.
36:33Quickly getting dressed to keep up the ruse of going to school, Gary headed to the fridge.
36:38It seemed like he had only recently filled it up completely, but as he thought about
36:42it, that way one week ago.
36:44He wasn't the only one who had access to it, so right now it was rather empty.
36:49It had an opened milk carton, some juice, eggs, butter and jam, but he craved something
36:55else right now.
36:56Damn, I already used up the rest of my money yesterday to buy meat, so what the hell am
37:01I supposed to do now?
37:03Gary wondered.
37:05He knew that he still had his emergency fund of 500, but he was adamant in wanting to use
37:10it to help pay off some of their family's bills.
37:13Alas, if he didn't come up with a solution soon, he might have no other choice but to
37:18use it.
37:19Gary would have to come up with one on the way though.
37:23It was already time for him to leave for school.
37:26He was thankful that his sister hadn't told his mother and because of this he was free
37:29to do what he wished, which happened to be finding solutions to the ever-increasing amount
37:34of problems.
37:36Picking up his feet walking around, after a couple of hours Gary had entered the high
37:40street and noticed that his energy had gone down by a bit.
37:4478 out of 100 energy, I still have a week to go, just how bad will it get in the future?
37:51If I get into more fights, or get called by Kai to fight, then this could end very
37:56I don't want to create any more billus.
38:00Gary kicked a pebble in his way out of frustration.
38:03Following its flight path the high schooler noticed a poster in one of the window shops.
38:09He had actually been hoping to see if there might be any odd jobs he could do, but this
38:13one caught his eye because it had certain words that stuck out to Gary.
38:17AFC Academy.
38:20Trying to become the next big fighter.
38:22An altered academy that trains altered.
38:25How great would it be if I could attend something like that.
38:29It's not like I can fake it, altered are able to transform at will.
38:33Too bad, with how much money Kirk makes, I bet I could get rid of nearly all of my problems
38:38at once.
38:40Gary began to daydream.
38:42Trying to think of something positive was a nice little escape from reality, but eventually
38:47he left the high street and started to head to the parks where there was a nice woodland
38:51area nearby.
38:52He had chosen this area for a specific reason.
38:56After entering the woods, he looked around him to see if he could spot anyone, but it
39:00didn't look like there was anyone nearby.
39:03Despite all his setbacks yesterday, his system had surprised him with one good reward at
39:08the end of the day.
39:10Showing skills that are available to be unlocked at current level, Claw Drain, Hardened Will,
39:15and you usually get presented with a choice of three.
39:18Whatever, I can't really complain about getting a free skill.
39:22However, this system could have at least given me a slight description.
39:27I have only the name to go off of to guess what they do.
39:31Gary had thought to himself.
39:33From the notification, he could infer that his skill choice was limited by his current
39:37level, so there was a chance that whatever he didn't choose might become available later.
39:43Claw Drain sounded like an offensive skill, whereas Hardened Will sounded like a defensive
39:49Seeing as Endurance was still his highest base stat, even without having put any stat
39:53points into it, he wasn't very keen on the latter.
39:57Besides, what would be the point of him being able to take a beating for a longer time?
40:03It wouldn't have changed anything in his fight yesterday.
40:06No, what he needed was some fire power.
40:09Are you sure you would like to select the skill, Claw Drain?
40:13Yes slash no.
40:14After selecting, yes, on the menu that had popped up in front of him, a certain set of
40:19information had entered his head.
40:21He knew he would just need to think of the skill name and it would allow him to use it,
40:25but he needed to know how it worked first.
40:28Claw Drain, level 1, once activated, half of the damage inflicted by the user will be
40:34used to recover health.
40:36The skill will take 15 points of energy to use.
40:40The skill will last 2 seconds.
40:43This is awesome.
40:44Up until now I could only heal passively by converting energy into health.
40:49It would have been even greater if it had some function to boost my strength like Charging
40:53Heart, but that might have been a bit much to ask.
40:56Still, now I can actually trade blows with my opponents without having to fear hitting
41:01zero health.
41:03The only downside seems to be the rather short duration, and the energy cost.
41:08If I use Charging Heart and Claw Drain together that's 25 points of energy, which is nearly
41:13a quarter of my overall.
41:16Looks like skills, although helpful, really have quite the burden.
41:20Gary wanted to test out his new skill, which was why he had come to the woods in the first
41:26The only problem was that he was now worried about his energy bar.
41:30He was already losing it passively, so was it really wise to experiment with it.
41:36On the other hand, not experiencing the skill seemed dumb as well.
41:40As he was debating whether he should or shouldn't test it out, he felt a vibration from his
41:46Grabbing it from his pocket, he saw a notification about breaking news.
41:51Shit, so this time a university student has been killed, and it says their body was mauled.
41:57Gary had a bad premonition that it was Billy.
42:00Putting his phone away, he was going to try and attempt to solve his energy problem, but
42:05in that moment his secret phone vibrated.
42:08There was only one number saved on it, and it was someone he didn't want to make wait,
42:12especially after he had helped him recently.
42:15Gary we need to meet up ASAP and discuss something.
42:19It's about Billy.
42:21Thanks for watching and subscribe my channel.