FBI 136-140

  • 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this clip. Don't forget
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00:22clips. Let's go listen.
00:25After 1.36, part-time job in the park he took out his phone and looked down, only to find
00:31Mona on the other end of the phone.
00:34Pressed the answer button, Lacey smiled and asked, How is it, Mona, have you found any
00:41Mona on the other end of the phone yawned and said, Ryder and I found a secret compartment
00:46under the floor of Ancona's kitchen.
00:49Roan, who was driving, frowned and asked with a smile, The hidden compartment should contain
00:56That's right, Ancona hid $80,000, a pistol, and more than 30 rounds of ammunition in the
01:02hidden compartment.
01:04Mona on the other end of the phone replied, Not only that, I also found a neatly packed
01:09backpack in Ancona's bedroom closet, which contains complete clothing and some daily
01:16Lacey heard the words, cast her eyes on Roan, and said, It seems that before the explosion,
01:22Ancona was ready to leave New York afterwards.
01:25In the surveillance video, after Ancona received the call, she was all smiles and waved repeatedly
01:31when she saw the car.
01:33It is not difficult to see that Ancona and the driver of the car obviously knew each
01:38Luan nodded and said, But she didn't expect that the other party would choose to silence
01:43her afterwards.
01:45When Ancona was shot and fell to the ground, her face was full of disbelief.
01:51Speaking of this, Roan tilted his head and asked, Mona, Ancona's friends and relatives,
01:56does anyone know or know the identity of that driver?
02:00That's why I'm making this call.
02:02Mona on the other end of the phone sighed, Ancona has been alone all this time, and her
02:07relatives have never heard that Ancona has a boyfriend recently.
02:11But Ryder and I learned from a female friend of Ancona that Ancona has actually been working
02:16part-time as a prostitute for the past few years.
02:20Forehead, hearing this, the corners of Lacey's mouth twitched, and Roan frowned slightly,
02:25so, that driver is likely to be a customer served by Ancona.
02:30The probability is high.
02:32There was a crackling sound of keyboard tapping on the other end of the phone, and Mona replied,
02:37The area where Ancona works part-time is a park five blocks away from her home.
02:43There are basically no cameras there, and I can't find out who the client's Ancona has
02:49Not only that, when Mona and Ryder visited the hotels and hotels near the park, they
02:54did not find any record of Ancona having a room with other men there.
02:58The hotel owner and waiters also said that they had never seen Ancona.
03:02Nah this person.
03:05So Mona speculates that Ancona is likely to take money directly in the park to do things.
03:11After all, Ancona's part-time job is at night, and there are no street lights in the park.
03:17It is very convenient to work in the grass in the dark.
03:21Even if the police encounter her, Ancona and her clients can still pretend to be a couple
03:25looking for excitement.
03:28Hanging up the phone, Roan and Lacey looked at each other, and both saw the speechlessness
03:32in each other's eyes.
03:35But Roan didn't panic, Ancona couldn't go on this road for the time being, but he still
03:39had the computer that Adam handed over.
03:42Backing to investigation team know.
03:46Roan immediately handed the computer to William and other technicians.
03:51After all, Mona and Ryder are still on their way back.
03:55Time moved forward slowly, and Roan and Lacey were sitting at their workstations, reading
04:00the content written in the email together.
04:03Before going to bed every night, I no longer count sheep, but imagine you, Mr. Matei.
04:09The most effective method is to use a bomb to kill you, and then feed your minced meat
04:14to stray cats.
04:15After reading a few emails, Lacey's face was full of disgust, damn, this guy is a pervert.
04:24Roan on the side also nodded again and again, what's wrong with stray cats?
04:31After being silent for a while, Lacey turned to look at William, poured him a cup of coffee,
04:36and asked, how about it, did you find out who posted the email?
04:42Roan frantically tapped on the keyboard with a few fingers.
04:46After a few seconds, he picked up the coffee and drank it, and then smiled and showed the
04:51information in the computer to Roan and Lacey, Lindroy Jacobs, 34, spent a year in Rikers
04:57Island Prison 4.
04:59Assault with a deadly weapon.
05:02Looking at the long-faced bald white man in the computer, Roan narrowed his eyes slightly
05:06and asked, where is his current address?
05:10Forest Hills, Queens.
05:12Pull the mouse, the data in the computer slowly moves, William said in a deep voice, however,
05:18the parole officer said that Lindroy Jacob is a violent guy and will not be easily arrested.
05:24Hearing what William said, Roan raised his eyebrows and tilted his head to look at Lacey,
05:29contact SWAT operations team.
05:33Forest Hills.
05:35Two groups of heavily armed SWAT action teams slowly approached a factory building.
05:41The leader of the team held a riot shield and moved to the metal gate.
05:46After confirming that it was safe, he tilted his head and looked at his teammates behind
05:52Seeing this, the teammate immediately took out a large piece of directional explosive
05:56tied to a long wooden strip from behind, and stuck it to the metal gate of the factory
06:02A long yellow wire was connected to the directional explosive.
06:06The team members quickly retreated into the team while releasing the wire, and then turned
06:11their attention to Llewelyn.
06:13At this time, Llewelyn was completely dark.
06:17Holding a Glock 18 in his hand, wearing an explosion-proof helmet on his head, a plywood
06:22vest on his body, and five shock bombs, five smoke bombs, and a full ten extended magazines
06:28stuffed around his.
06:32Except for the lack of a rifle, Roane looks more SWAT than SWAT.
06:37Wearing FBI-style body armor and holding a pistol, Lacey stood behind Roane, her face
06:43Liver pain.
06:45Seeing the eyes of the SWAT team members, Roane did not hesitate, and whispered directly,
06:52Received the order, the SWAT team immediately turned on the switch of the detonator.
06:57Boom, a deafening explosion sounded, and the metal gate flew out instantly, and the leading
07:02SWAT team immediately raised their anti-riot shields and rushed into the factory building.
07:14There are only a few lights flickering in the factory building, the goods are piled
07:18up randomly, and the terrain is slightly complicated.
07:23SWAT team members immediately dispersed into groups of three when they saw the situation,
07:28and then followed the path between the shelves to quickly search for the specific situation
07:32in the factory.
07:35Roane, Lacey, and a SWAT team member walked slowly towards a small path on the left side
07:40of the factory building.
07:42Bang bang bang bang, we exchanged fire.
07:49Just a few steps away, there was a sudden gunshot from the west side of the factory
07:54building, and the three of them immediately rushed towards the direction of the sound.
07:59Bullets were shot from nowhere, and dazzling sparks burst out after hitting the shelves.
08:05Several SWAT members hurriedly raised their guns to fight back, shouting at the same time,
08:10assault team to fight.
08:12Stick to the wall and move forward.
08:15Bang bang bang, Roane, who ran here, fired two shots at a distance not far away.
08:22After making sure that the opponent was not in that position, he immediately rolled and
08:26rushed behind the somewhat crooked shelf.
08:30Except for the second floor of the warehouse, this location can be seen clearly in many
08:34other places.
08:36After looking around for a week, Luoan immediately ordered loudly, number 11.
08:42Your team, watch the stairs.
08:45Number 3, number 5.
08:47You flank catch up.
08:51The three teams rushed to the relative position immediately after hearing Roane's order.
08:57On the other side, the white man hiding behind a certain shelf immediately raised his gun
09:01and pulled the trigger in the direction of the sound.
09:05Bang bang bang, bullets shot out from the muzzle of the gun either falling on the shelf
09:09in front of Roane, or falling on the shelf on the side.
09:14Lacey next to her was nervous when she saw this, and her muscles tensed, Roane.
09:19I'm fine.
09:21Roane's face remained unchanged.
09:24The locations mentioned in his order just now are on the side and behind the enemy on
09:28the opposite side.
09:31Seeing that the SWAT team members are getting closer and closer to themselves, the enemy
09:35will definitely choose to leave there temporarily to avoid the SWAT team members.
09:40After 1.37, pulled out from behind sure enough, the next second, the bullets fired here stopped,
09:47and the figure of the white man receded back.
09:50Lacey breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, and was just about to move to Roane's
09:55side, but saw Roane, like a pitch black cheetah, jumping and galloping in the direction of
10:00the opponents.
10:01Shooting, and approached at a very fast speed.
10:05Glanced at the complex terrain, covered with shelves and all kinds of messy items on the
10:10ground, and then looked at the back of Roane who disappeared in an instant, Lacey and several
10:15SWAT team members.
10:17Suddenly expressed doubts about life, with such heavy clothes and so many obstacles on
10:22the ground, how did he run so fast?
10:25Glancing at the messy obstacles in the warehouse, Roane instantly outlined the best route to
10:30the side of the enemy's hiding place in his mind.
10:34Then the strength in his body exploded, Roane moved forward quickly in the most suitable
10:38posture, and rushed towards his target location.
10:42The sound of vibrating wind rang in his ears, and a strange energy burst out from his abdomen.
10:48Roane felt that his heart was like a high-pressure water pump, pumping energy continuously to
10:53all parts of his body.
10:56Damn the FBI!
10:58Because he appeared on his side, surrounded by SWAT team members, the white man cursed
11:03the guy who gave the order in a low voice, and then immediately retreated towards the
11:07back shelf.
11:09He doesn't panic because he has backhands.
11:13Just at the end of this warehouse, there is a workbench, where there are many bombs he
11:17just finished.
11:19As long as he runs there and comes into contact with those bombs, then these SWAT players
11:23can only obediently obey his orders and leave the factory building.
11:28And this factory building has other exits, he believes that he can take this opportunity
11:33to escape smoothly.
11:35The white man just turned around when he suddenly heard a whistling wind behind him.
11:40He turned his head in a low mood, and suddenly saw a dark figure rushing towards him like
11:48What monster?
11:49The white man's eyes showed shock and panic for a moment, and he subconsciously prepared
11:54to raise the gun in his hand and pull the trigger towards the figure.
11:59But just as he was about to raise his pistol, the right hand of the pitch-black figure suddenly
12:03burst into dazzling light in the darkness.
12:11Three gunshots sounded, and the white man instantly felt a sharp pain in his right hand
12:16holding the gun and his two thighs.
12:19But before the white man could scream, Rona's dark figure had already rushed in front of
12:23him, kicking the white man's chest with his powerful right foot.
12:28A sharp pain came from his chest, and the white man flew upside down in an instant.
12:34After knocking down several shelves, the white man lay in a pile of goods, his body shook,
12:40his head tilted, and he passed out instantly.
12:45Thank you for the great gift!
12:49Rona rushed here, shot and kicked people for only a few seconds, and surrounded this position.
12:55Several groups of SWAT players who were lucky enough to see the whole process were shocked
13:00and screamed.
13:01Then he looked at Rona in awe.
13:04The United States is a country that puts the rules of the weak and the strong on the bright
13:08side, such as school violence incidents of bullying the weak, and the social phenomenon
13:13that quarterbacks.
13:15Generally have more girlfriends.
13:18It is a habit of some Americans to maintain an attitude of reverence for the strong, especially
13:23for violent institutions such as SWAT.
13:26Rona's speed, strength and marksmanship instantly conquered this group of SWAT players.
13:32Seeing the amazed eyes of these SWAT players, Rona smiled and waved his hands, then hurriedly
13:38walked up to the white man, checking his face and body for injuries.
13:43The white man is none other than Lindro Jacob.
13:46Just then, Lacey walked over quickly.
13:49She was also very shocked by Rona's actions just now, but she also made a good discovery
13:55just now.
13:56Lacey walked up to Rona, took out a notebook from behind her buttocks, and said with a
14:01serious face, Rona, I just found a computer not far away.
14:06I checked carefully, and this computer is full of emails threatening Congressman Matti.
14:13Seeing Lacey's actions, and remembering that she had always miraculously pulled out a bunch
14:18of cosmetics before, Rona fell silent for a moment.
14:22After a long time, he raised his head and asked with a serious face, Lacey, there's
14:27a question I've been meaning to ask you.
14:30What is the problem?
14:32Where did you hide the item?
14:34That afternoon, Investigation Team No. 5, Interrogation Room.
14:39Bandaged Lindro was sitting in a wheelchair, and his uninjured left hand was firmly cuffed
14:44to the table in front of him.
14:47The door of the interrogation room was pushed open, Rona was holding a cup of coffee, and
14:52Mona came in with a laptop in her arms.
14:55The two sat on the chair opposite Lindro.
14:59After Mona finished preparing, Rona grinned and said, Good afternoon, Lindlo.
15:04Lin Deluo didn't speak, his face was livid, and he looked at Rona with an unusually cold
15:13Ron took a sip of coffee indifferently, then stopped talking nonsense, and asked directly,
15:18Tell me, why did you kill Congressman Matai?
15:21Also, how did you get the bomb into the Jacobs Federal Building?
15:27I didn't kill Mr. Matai.
15:30Hearing what Rona said, Lindro twitched the corner of his mouth, and then roared loudly,
15:35I didn't do that bombing.
15:37I don't even know what happened.
15:41Lin raised his eyebrows and turned his gaze to Mona.
15:45Seeing this, Mona immediately turned the laptop in her hand and said in a cold voice, We found
15:50a large pile of bombs made of the same material as the bombing case in your warehouse.
15:56And in your computer, you found an email that insulted Congressman Matai and claimed that
16:01he would be killed by a bomb.
16:03Hearing that the material of the bomb in the bombing case was the same as that of the bomb
16:07he made, Lindro's pupils shrank suddenly.
16:11After a few seconds of silence, he shouted, Those emails aren't called insults, okay?
16:17That's called satire.
16:20Ron waved his hand, A program like Saturday Night Live should be called satirical art,
16:25and yours is pure insult and threat.
16:28Lindlo was furious, You don't shout so loudly, Lindlo.
16:34As soon as the other party started talking, Ron stretched out his little finger and dug
16:38his ears, and said with a smile, The doctor said that your chest injury is serious, and
16:43you keep yelling like, This.
16:47You may have internal bleeding later.
16:51Hearing this, Lindro's face flushed instantly, and his lungs were about to explode.
16:56Sonif, then eat.
16:59Why does my chest hurt?
17:01It's not because of you.
17:04Okay, Lindlo.
17:06Drank the coffee on the table in one gulp, Ron's face became serious instantly, crossed
17:11his hands in front of him, and said in a cold voice, Now, we found the bomb, the mail, and
17:17two key pieces of evidence with you.
17:21If you still insist that this bombing has nothing to do with you, then give us a reason
17:25to convince us.
17:27Otherwise, when you go to court, do you think the jury will believe you?
17:32I, hearing this, Lindro, who had been in prison for a period of time before, turned dark instantly.
17:39The interrogation room was quiet for a moment.
17:43Seeing Lindro lowering his head, his face turned red and then pale, but he just didn't
17:49Ron slapped the table for the last time and said softly, Congratulations, Lindlo, this
17:54is first-degree murder.
17:56I wish you the best of luck in the rest of your life in prison.
18:02Seeing that Ron and Mona got up and were about to leave the interrogation room, Lindro cursed
18:07a few times in a low voice, and finally said in a low voice, I have evidence, I know who
18:12did it.
18:14Hearing Lindro's words, the corners of Ron's mouth curled slightly, and Mona also showed
18:19a smile in her eyes, and at the same time gave Ron a thumbs up in a direction that Lindro
18:25could not see.
18:27After 1.38 Prison Enlightenment Investigation Team No. 5, Interrogation Room.
18:33Zemetei is a raised by a standard.
18:36Licked some dry lips, Lindro gritted his teeth and said, A few years ago, my own brother
18:42Payton didn't commit a crime at all, but he was sentenced to 10 years in prison because
18:46of this guy.
18:48That's why I send greetings to him every day after I get out of prison.
18:52Seeing this, Ron frowned, and tilted his head to look at Mona beside him.
18:58Mona flicked her 10 fingers on the keyboard of the laptop, and soon brought up a case.
19:03The general content of the case is, Payton was sentenced to 10 years in prison for rape.
19:09Judging from the details in the file, this case is very simple, there are 3 witnesses.
19:16Member Matai was the prosecutor in this case.
19:19Seeing this, Ron raised his head and asked in doubt, Is there anything inside the case?
19:25Of course.
19:27Lindro nodded heavily, and said angrily, After a certain court trial, I found a surveillance
19:32video that confirmed that Payton was not at the scene of the crime at the time.
19:37This surveillance video can completely prove Payton's innocence.
19:41But after I hand it in this surveillance video, I found that Payton was still sentenced to
19:4610 years in prison.
19:48I asked the lawyer afterwards, and the lawyer told me that Zemmatai thought the surveillance
19:53video would complicate things, so he destroyed the surveillance video until he threatened
19:58the lawyer with a gun.
20:01Speaking of this, Lindro's eyes were red, his face was full of anger, and he smashed
20:06the table in front of him angrily.
20:09It was because of this incident that Lindro was accused of assaulting others with a deadly
20:13weapon and was eventually sent to the prison on Rikers Island.
20:18But his brother Payton died in prison due to some accidents, and did not last until
20:22the end of his sentence.
20:25After being released from prison, Lindro wanted to avenge his brother.
20:29But the first problem he faced was lack of money.
20:32After thinking for a long time, Lindro decided to use the technology he learned in prison
20:37to make bombs.
20:39Then sell those bombs to other criminals and make money from those people.
20:44After a period of time, Lindro received orders from various forces or talents in the New
20:49York underground because of the rich types of bombs produced, many options, strong power,
20:55and affordable prices, and he was busy every day without touching the ground.
21:02After listening to Lindro's narration, the corner of Mona's mouth twitched, and Roan
21:07was speechless.
21:09After a moment of silence, Roan decided to go back and ask Lindro to write down the list
21:13of people who bought the bomb, to see if he could get any unexpected gains.
21:19With a light cough, Roan continued to ask, just now you learned the technique of making
21:23bombs from the prison, so you mean that the bombing was done by that person in the prison?
21:29That's right, it's him.
21:31Lindro nodded heavily, his face solemn, even if it wasn't him, it would definitely have
21:35something to do with him.
21:38Because of this guy, every time the prison goes out for a briefing, he likes to explain
21:42the bomb-related knowledge to interested inmates for free.
21:46The bombs I made were secondary processing and improvements based on his knowledge.
21:52Hearing this, Roan was full of emotion.
21:55Sure enough, the prison is the Real Talent Exchange Center.
21:59What's that guy's name?
22:01Brent Harry.
22:04Investigation Team No. 5, Office Area.
22:07Mona tapped on the keyboard with ten fingers, while Roan sat at his desk, shaking the chair
22:12and turning in circles, the investigation report of the Trace Inspection Department
22:16shows that the bomb, that appeared at the press conference was made of the same material
22:22as the bomb we found in the Lindro factory building, but the battery used is different.
22:29William next to him came over and said with a smile, the battery used in the bomb at the
22:34press conference was a lithium battery, which Lindro did not use in making the bomb.
22:39The bomb made by Brent Harry used a lithium battery.
22:43Not only that, I just checked Brent Harry's case file.
22:48Lacey came over with a folder, handed it to Roan, and said with a smile, some details
22:53in it show that the bomb that appeared at the press conference, the maker's technique
22:57and characteristics are almost 90% similar to Brent Harry.
23:03The similarity with Lindro's technique is less than 20%.
23:08After a long period of bomb making, Lindro has escaped from the barriers of Brent's
23:12knowledge and experience, kept pace with the times, and summed up his own techniques and
23:19Looking down at the folder, Roan looked up and said with a smile, it seems that the information
23:23given by Lindro is very useful.
23:27This case is indeed related to Butren Harry.
23:32At this moment, Mona stopped typing on the keyboard, turned her head and smiled at Roan,
23:36I have communicated with Riker Island Prison, and now I can go to interrogate Brent Harry.
23:44Roan nodded in satisfaction, and immediately took Lacey to the equipment warehouse, then
23:48left the No. 5 investigation team and went to the parking lot downstairs.
23:54Riker Island Prison, a certain room.
23:57Roan and Lacey waited for a while, and the sturdy prison guard sent in a middle-aged
24:01white man with a thin body and a long beard.
24:05After entering the room, Brent Harry looked at Roan and Lacey, sat on the chair opposite
24:10the two nonchalantly, and asked, good afternoon, two FBI agents, I don't know what you are
24:15looking for me.
24:19No nonsense, Roan said directly, we're investigating a bombing.
24:25Brent Harry heard this, shrugged, and smiled, what does this have to do with me?
24:30I definitely have a perfect alibi for the bomb attack you mentioned.
24:35Roan nodded, but the problem is, this bomb has the characteristics of your technique.
24:41Brent Harry raised his eyebrows when he heard this, although I am proficient in bombs, I
24:46have been staying here all the time.
24:49It is impossible to go out and detonate the bombs.
24:52You are definitely looking for the wrong person.
24:56Lacey next to him continued to ask, then who have you taught?
25:00Who have learned your bomb making technology?
25:03Brent Harry shook his head, no, I never taught anyone.
25:07Harry, don't tell such an instant lie.
25:11Hearing this, Roan crossed his hands in front of him, smiled lightly and said, we came to
25:16you today, which means we have found evidence related to you.
25:20In this case, do you think we will let you go?
25:23Then what can you do?
25:25Brent Harry's face is full of disdain, I have been sentenced to life imprisonment, how else
25:30can you torment me?
25:32Lacey narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard the words, and the smile on Roan's face
25:37began to overflow.
25:39He likes this kind of hard-talking people, we can move you to another prison.
25:44Hearing this, the expression on Brent Harry's face suddenly froze.
25:49Like ADX Federal Prison in Colorado.
25:53Roan looked at Brent Harry carefully, and said, you should have heard of it, if not,
25:57let me introduce it to you, the prisoners there can only go out of the cell to look
26:01at the sun for nine hours a. week, and the rest of the time can only stay in the dark
26:08Brent, Harry scowled, eyes full of anger.
26:12Roan pretended not to see it, spread his hands, grinned and said, would you like to give it
26:17a try?
26:20Hearing this, Brent Harry finally couldn't bear it anymore, he slapped the table heavily
26:25with his face flushed, and stood up abruptly, you think such words can scare me?
26:31After 1.39 Roan Greenwood, Roan Garcia.
26:35Hearing Brent Harry's words, Lacey's face was gloomy, but Roan's face remained unchanged,
26:41and his smile remained the same.
26:43The next second, Brent Harry stretched out his hand towards the two and said loudly,
26:48bring me the pen and paper, and I'll make a list for you right now.
26:52Lacey, Dot.
26:54Roan, good boy.
26:57Investigation Team Number 5, Office Area.
27:01Lacey handed the papers filled with the names of the characters one by one to William and
27:05the technicians of the Number 5 Investigation Team.
27:09Roan stood at the front of the office area and said loudly, everyone.
27:14These people are the list of people who have learned his bomb making technology written
27:17by Brent Harry.
27:19Our next task is to find the most suspicious person among these people.
27:26No problem.
27:28Although the corners of their mouths twitched when they saw a lot of names on the paper,
27:32all the technical agents of the Number 5 Investigation Team nodded in unison.
27:37Of course, these people don't need to investigate all of them.
27:41Walked to his workstation, took a sip of coffee, Roan grinned and said, some people on this
27:46list have left New York, you just need to check their current address and whether they
27:50have been to New York recently.
27:54We mainly search for those who live in New York now, whose economic situation is not
27:59very good, and who have recently been to the Jacobs FBI, or who may have had contact with
28:05Hearing Luo An's words, all the technicians of the Number 5 Investigation Team nodded
28:10in unison, and then sat in front of the computer and began to type on the keyboard of the computer.
28:17Mona was also sitting on the workstation with her fingers flying.
28:21After seeing Roan sitting back on his workstation, she tilted her head and asked in doubt, why
28:26are there so many people?
28:28Didn't Brent Harry rule out some people?
28:31This is the list of people left after he excluded some people.
28:36Hearing what Mona said, Roan was also very helpless.
28:40Looking at Lacey, Lacey took out five pieces of paper with names written on them from behind
28:44her buttocks, and her cheeks twitched, since he entered the prison, Brent Harry has been
28:49exchanging the knowledge of bombs for money and supplies.
28:54According to him, it has been eight years since he entered the prison.
28:59These people are very few.
29:01Since learning that he was sentenced to life imprisonment by a judge without commutation,
29:06Brent Harry has tried his best to find ways to improve his quality of life in prison.
29:11To this end, Brent Harry also summed up a set of methods.
29:16That is to take advantage of the time of the wind, to teach theoretical knowledge to
29:20those who want to learn bomb-making technology outside for free.
29:25After arousing the interest of those people, if they want to learn specific practical courses,
29:29they have to pay Brent Harry money or items.
29:33Brent Harry will only teach those people the complete knowledge after getting the tuition.
29:40Roan was also speechless.
29:43According to Brent Harry, this method was taught to him by a criminal who was caught
29:47for financial fraud.
29:49After a long time, a technical agent of the No. 5 investigation team suddenly exclaimed,
29:57I found two pieces of monitoring.
30:00Luoan heard the words and hurried over.
30:03The location of the first surveillance video in the computer was five blocks away from
30:07the park where Ancona worked part-time, and it was nine days ago.
30:12In the picture, a tall white man was standing at the corner of the street.
30:17After Ancona came over, the two kissed for a few seconds, and then the white man took
30:21out a small item that could not be clearly seen from his arms and stuffed it into Ancona's
30:28The second surveillance video is from this street corner, and it was also nine days ago.
30:33It shows the white man driving a car into the parking lot not far from the street corner.
30:39And that car is exactly the same as the car that killed Ancona.
30:44Looking at the scene on the computer, Roan frowned, tilted his head and asked, who is
30:48this man?
30:50Standing beside Roan, Mona, who also watched the video, replied in a strange tone, his
30:56name is Roan Garcia, and his name is on Brent Harry's list.
31:00Question mark.
31:02Luoan was taken aback when he heard the words.
31:05With a light cough, Mona put away the expression on her face and continued to explain, Roan
31:10Garcia, 39 years old this year.
31:14A former Marine Corps member, two years ago, he was arrested by the New York branch of
31:19the ATF, Federal Gun Administration, for violating the federal arms regulations.
31:24Recently, ATF is investigating another case about him.
31:30The location of the two surveillance videos is not far from Roan Garcia's rented house,
31:35but he has already moved out of the house yesterday, so we don't know where he is now.
31:40Please call this person Garcia next, thank you.
31:43Roan made a small request, then tilted his head and said in doubt, as far as I know,
31:48the sentences for this crime are generally severe.
31:52Why isn't he locked up?
31:54According to normal circumstances, Garcia would be sentenced to at least five years
31:59in prison for violating the federal arms regulations.
32:03William on the side frowned, and replied, the system showed that Garcia was arrested
32:08and convicted, but the case was overturned during the appeal process.
32:14Roan nodded and continued to ask, does he have any relationship with Congressman Matti?
32:20We can't find out.
32:22Hearing Roan's question, William shook his head and showed Roan the computer page, with
32:26a big red box on it, the system denies me access because for some reason, it has been
32:32set up for access only.
32:34To the person in charge of the case, whose name is Sanchez.
32:39Mona on the side saw this, with a smile on her face, eager to try, Roan, do you want
32:44me to hack into the ATF system?
32:46Forehead, Roan tilted his head and thought about it.
32:50Just as he was about to say something, Augustus's loud voice suddenly came from behind him,
32:55Roan, come here.
32:57Okay, sir.
32:59Give Mona a look, telling her not to rush to invade, and wait until she comes back,
33:05then turn around and walk into the team leader's office.
33:08I have a call for you.
33:10After entering the team, leader's office, Augustus didn't talk nonsense, and directly
33:16handed his mobile phone to Roan, and then continued to be busy with the case report
33:21on the desk.
33:23Roan answered the phone and found that.
33:26It was the special agent supervisor Corbett, and hurriedly said, good afternoon, sir, this
33:31is Roan.
33:32Corbett, who was lying in the hospital, was watching TV.
33:37On the TV, the deputy director of the FBI New York branch was interviewed by a CNN reporter
33:44because of the bombing.
33:45Originally, he should be responsible for this job, but now that he is injured and hospitalized,
33:51it is not appropriate.
33:53For the director to come forward directly, so the deputy director can only deal with
33:58the reporter's interview.
34:00Seeing the displeasure in the deputy director's eyes on TV, Corbett frowned.
34:05There were still nine months before he could be promoted to the Washington headquarters,
34:11but now such a big case has happened, and Vernie is still hospitalized.
34:16Thinking of Mr. Clement in Washington again, Corbett's head hurts even more.
34:22Hearing the voice on the other end of the phone, Corbett put away the messy thoughts
34:26in his mind, and said softly, thank you for your hard work, Roan, how is this?
34:32Case going now.
34:34Corbett made this call, on the one hand, to inquire about the investigation of the case,
34:39and on the other hand, Corbett regretted it a little now.
34:43Chapter 140 Corbett blushes after.
34:46Handing over the case to the No. 5 investigation team that day, when he was sleeping at night,
34:52Corbett suddenly woke up, he can definitely temporarily select elites from various investigation
34:57teams, and let them solve this case together.
35:01Although Vernie mentioned Roan of the No. 5 investigation team in front of Corbett many
35:06times before, she also showed Roan's case files many times.
35:11But Corbett, still has some doubts.
35:15Thinking about the arrogance of the murderer behind this case and the complicated means
35:19of committing the crime.
35:21Corbett thought for a long time, and finally decided to make.
35:26This call.
35:27He thinks that Roan should not be able to find the murderer so quickly, at most, he
35:32has found a few clues and is ready to pursue it.
35:35If the No. 5 investigation team has not found any.
35:40Clues yet, lying on the hospital bed, Corbett thought, I can take this case back, and then
35:45select the elites of each investigation team to solve the case together.
35:50Of course, even if the No. 5 investigation team really didn't find any useful clues,
35:57Corbett wouldn't be angry.
35:59Finding clues and solving cases is already difficult, not to mention that Luoan is still
36:04so young, and the case.
36:06Has been handed over to the No. 5 investigation team for such a short time.
36:12Corbett intends to let Roan join the elite investigation team after getting the case
36:16back, hoping that Roan can learn from.
36:19The experience of other seniors.
36:22Thinking of this, Corbett, who was lying on the hospital bed, looked at the TV in front
36:27of him and asked on the phone, thank you for your hard work, Roan, how is.
36:32The investigation of this case going.
36:35In the office of the leader of the No. 5 investigation team, upon hearing Corbett's question, Roan
36:41frowned, and replied neither humbled nor overbearing, sir.
36:45We have found the key person in this case, and he has a high probability of being the
36:50real culprit in this case.
36:52Cough cough cough, hearing the words from the phone, Corbett, who was about to talk.
36:58About the transfer of the case, was choked by saliva and his face turned red.
37:03After coughing for a while, Corbett asked with a serious face, you mean, you have found
37:08the murderer.
37:10No, sir, we.
37:12Have found a guy who is suspected of committing a major crime.
37:17In the team leader's office, after hearing what Corbett said, Roan shook his head again
37:21and again.
37:23Before the person is caught, he.
37:25Will never say something with 100% certainty, that is digging a hole for himself.
37:31Immediately afterwards, Roan briefed Corbett on the phone about all the clues found by
37:36the No. 5 investigation team.
37:39As well as the fact that Roan Garcia murdered and silenced him, and also learned bomb-making
37:45In the distant hospital, Corbett sat up straight on the hospital bed, and then fell silent.
37:52Corbett spent a long time in the position of team leader when he was young, and he has
37:56enough analysis and judgment ability for the clues of the case.
38:00So after listening to Roan's words, he also.
38:04Immediately judged that Garcia was a serious suspect.
38:08Immediately afterwards, the expression on Corbett's face became complicated.
38:13He never expected that Lujan actually led the No. 5 investigation.
38:18Team to find important clues in such a short period of time.
38:22Hearing that there was no sound on the other end of the phone, Roan tilted his head and
38:26continued after a moment of silence, Sir, the.
38:31Biggest problem we have now is that we can't find Garcia.
38:35ATF, Federal Gun Administration, has a case related to Garcia, they probably know where
38:40Garcia is hiding, but that case is set with access.
38:44Rights, we can't view it, Roan's investigation of the case was so fast, which shocked Corbett.
38:51Now that Roan and the others have encountered difficulties, Corbett did not hesitate, and
38:58Said firmly and loudly, I will deal with this matter, and I will immediately ask the person
39:02in charge of the case at the ATF to bring the file to you.
39:07Don't say that the other party is ATF, even.
39:11If Roan now says that the other party is the CIA, NSA, or even the military, Corbett will
39:16call directly to ask for the file.
39:19Okay, thank you Sir.
39:22As soon as Roan finished speaking, Corbett called.
39:26The ATF Senior Management.
39:29After a while, the ATF Executives nodded in agreement.
39:33Hung up the phone, Corbett looked down at the phone, and then at the Deputy Director
39:37who was being interviewed on TV.
39:41The smile on his face became wider and wider, and finally even the back molars were exposed,
39:47Roan Greenwood, nice.
39:50I love this guy.
39:52He's a natural for this job.
39:54After a moment of contemplation, Corbett suddenly remembered
40:00He decided to surprise Roan after the case was resolved.
40:04Half an hour later, in the meeting room of the Investigation Team No. 5.
40:11Garcia is no small character.
40:13Sanchez, the case leader from ATF, clutching a document in his hand, sat opposite Roan
40:19and Mona and said with a serious face, several assassinations in South America.
40:26It is said that Garcia is behind the scenes.
40:29Hearing this, Roan frowned, is this the case you are hiding?
40:33This is just one of them.
40:36Recalling the orders given to him by his superiors before he.
40:40Came here, Sanchez sighed, put the documents in his hand on the table and pushed them in
40:45front of Roan, and then said with a serious face, Garcia has a friend plus associate named
40:50Sean McCain.
40:54Has a private gun club in Brooklyn.
40:56In the past two years, the number of black guns in the New York area has skyrocketed.
41:02We suspect that this is related to McCain.
41:05And Garcia often goes to that.
41:08Club, we set the authority on the Garcia case in order to investigate McCain.
41:15After simply flipping through the folder, Roan continued to ask, does Garcia still go
41:20there often?
41:22Nodded, two days ago, he just visited.
41:27Throwing the folder aside, Roan got up from the chair and asked, where is the address?
41:33After determining that Garcia was a major suspect, the number five.
41:38Investigation team distributed his information and photos to all parts of the federation
41:42to monitor the border and flight lists.
41:45But no clues were found.
41:48Now that he finally found out the clues of.
41:51The private gun club, Roan decided to send someone to guard there, and as soon as Garcia
41:56appeared, he would be arrested immediately.
41:59After letting Sanchez lead Lacey and Ryder to the location of the.
42:04Private gun club, Roan sat back at his desk and began to carefully examine Garcia's files.
42:10If the ATF information is correct, Roan doesn't quite understand why Garcia, a killer who
42:16mainly operates.
42:18In South America, uses a bomb to kill Congressman Matei in the FBI building.
42:24This kind of behavior will only attract more attention to Garcia.
42:28Time passed for a long time, and soon it was time to.
42:32Get off work.
42:34There was no news of Garcia's appearance from the private gun club, and Lacey and Ryder
42:39were still squatting, so the number five investigation team could only temporarily work overtime.
42:47Mona took two burgers from Augustus, kept one for herself, and handed the other to Roan,
42:52who was sitting motionless on a chair and still looking at the files.
42:56It's time for dinner, Roan, the.
42:59Extra thick hamburger that August specially bought.
43:05After taking the burger, Roan was just about to stuff it into his mouth, but he suddenly
43:09saw a piece of information in Garcia's file.
43:13Throwing the hamburger aside casually, Roan carefully read the sentences in the information,
43:18then frowned, and hurriedly called up a few video surveillance.
43:23After carefully checking the monitoring.
43:26Several times, and confirming again and again that the content in the data is correct, Luowen
43:31suddenly cursed, sawn off the neat.
43:34Now the fun in this clip is over.
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