FBI 171-175

  • 5 days ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this
00:15clip. Don't forget to like and comment so that the admin will have the
00:20encouragement to continue making clips. Let's go listen. Chapter 171 mental
00:27status assessment right at this moment. Ryder who was on the left side of the
00:31second floor after checking also entered the room. Call an ambulance quickly. The
00:38white man's face was somewhat similar to Ava Miller's. Thinking of the messy
00:43situation at the scene, Roan immediately judged that he was of great use and
00:47could not die here. Okay. Seeing that Ryder pressed the contactor and began to
00:53briefly describe the situation here, Roan tilted his head and thought for a
00:57while, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found a phone number and
01:03dialed it. A few hours later, the office area of the number five investigation
01:09team. After repeatedly confirming that Roan's body was not injured, Mona let out
01:14a long breath. Slapped Roan's arm hard, Mona sat back at her desk and read out
01:20the relevant information about Roan's rescue of the white man. That guy's name
01:24is Edwin Miller, Alvar Miller's second cousin. This year is 40 years old. He was
01:31a soldier when he was young. After returning to the Federation, he has no
01:35experience in prison. But his recent financial situation is very bad. Because
01:41of his ex-wife and son, he needs to pay three thousand US dollars a month for
01:46maintenance. But he just lost his job last month. After listening to Mona's
01:51narration, Roan smiled and sat back on his chair. Lacey came over, put her arms
01:57around Mona's slender waist and said in a low voice, Hey, Mona, Ryder was also a
02:03participant in the shootout just now. Why don't you ask him about his situation?
02:08Mona rolled her eyes, gently broke away from Lacey's embrace, glared at Roan and
02:13said in a low voice, Ryder has Yvonne to care about. Hearing this, Lacey smiled
02:19even more. Just as she was about to speak, Augustus suddenly opened the door and
02:24walked in. Behind him were two white men in suits and leather shoes, holding
02:30folders in their arms, a man and a woman with expressionless faces. Seeing the man
02:35and the woman, all the agents of the know. Five investigation teams stood up with
02:41frowns and turned their eyes to Ryder and Roan. Mainly Roan. It's the Security
02:47Department of Human Resources. Lacey frowned, but why are they here now? Just
02:53like the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the NYPD, whose job is to supervise the
02:58police in the NYPD and punish those who violate the rules and laws, the job of
03:03the Security Department in them. Human Resources Department is to supervise the
03:08agents and officers in the FBI. Are all unpopular departments. Just now, the two
03:15senior FBI agents, Roan and Ryder, were not SWAT members, but killed a large
03:20number of enemies together. Afterwards, he will definitely be questioned by his
03:26Security Department to judge their mental state. The detectives of the know.
03:31Five investigation team had long been mentally prepared for this kind of thing.
03:36But the inquiries are usually after the case is solved, not when the current case
03:40is just halfway through the investigation. What is going on? All the
03:46detectives of the know. Five investigation team cast doubtful looks
03:51at Augustus. Mona also gave Roan a worried look. August didn't say much, he
03:57just gave Roan a look, and then waved his hand, Roan, Ryder, go with them. Okay, sir.
04:04Hearing what Augustus said, Roan and Ryder looked at each other and nodded in
04:09agreement. Patting Mona on the back, Llewellyn threw a smile at the agents and
04:14left the know. Five investigation team office area calmly. Seeing the backs of
04:20Roan and Ryder leaving, Lacey clenched her fists with a solemn expression.
04:25Looking back at Mona, she found that Mona sat back on the chair and tapped the
04:30keyboard again. Lacey was slightly taken aback when she saw this, and hurriedly
04:35asked, Mona, you. Trust Roan. The moment she saw the smile on Roan's face, Mona let
04:42go of the stone in her heart. She knew that Roan never did anything unprepared.
04:48But that being said, Mona is still the same as Lacey, her eyes are fixed on the
04:53door of investigation team number five. Human resources department, security
04:59department, interrogation room. The security department is next to the
05:04training department. When Roan stepped out of the elevator, he also saw old York,
05:09the senior agent of the training department, chapter three, sitting on a
05:13chair, looking at the agent across the table, Roan had a strange expression. In
05:19the past, he was the one who interrogated others, but now being interrogated by
05:25others feels quite strange. Hello, agent Roan Greenwood. The white man in a suit
05:32and leather shoes put the folder on the table, and introduced his and the woman's
05:36identity with a blank expression, my name is Nordin and her name is Nettie from
05:40human. Resources security. Hi everyone. Roan nodded with a smile. The two sides
05:49exchanged simple greetings, and soon noting got to the point. Detective
05:54Greenwood, according to the subsequent investigation by the trace inspection
05:58division, there were 13 corpses at the crime scene, and nine of them were killed
06:02by you, right? Counting the two corpses that were repaired, the number is correct.
06:08But Roan didn't answer, nor nodded, just crossed his legs and asked with a smile,
06:13then what? Seeing Roan's actions, Nettie's face changed, his eyes widened, and he
06:19said sharply, agent Luon, you. Ahem. Before Nettie finished speaking, Nordin
06:27coughed twice, and then continued to say expressionlessly, since you killed too
06:31many enemies in a short period of time in this case, we now need to evaluate.
06:36Your mental state. Please listen carefully to the questions I said next,
06:42and then answer yes or no. After speaking, Nordin opened the folder, took out a
06:47piece of paper, and asked the first question. Seeing this scene, Nettie opened
06:53his mouth, wanting to say something but didn't dare to say it. Fixed his eyes on
06:58the face of agent Nordin on the opposite side, and then thought about the eyes of
07:02Augustus just now. After a long silence, Roan suddenly laughed, then put away his
07:08legs, and began to answer the other party's question. A few minutes later,
07:13agent Nordin nodded in satisfaction, drew a big tick on the paper, then stood up and
07:18extended his hand to Roan, congratulations, agent Luon, you passed this mental state.
07:25Assessment, thank you very much for your cooperation. Thank you, agent Nordin,
07:30you have worked hard too. Stretched out his hand and shook hands with the other party.
07:36Roan cast a glance at the flushed Nettie next to him, pushed open the door of the
07:40interrogation room and walked out with a smile on his face. In the corridor, Ryder had been
07:46waiting for a long time, and when he saw Roan coming out, he hurriedly greeted him.
07:52Based on past experience, Ryder judged that he would be questioned for several hours no
07:57matter what. He didn't understand why it was so fast this time, he felt like he came out
08:03as soon as he sat down. In the interrogation room, through the door glass, I saw Roan
08:09patting Ryder on the shoulder and striding towards the elevator with a smile on his face.
08:14Nettie finally couldn't help it, and turned around and asked with a flushed face,
08:19sir. What the is going on? This doesn't comply with our regulations at all.
08:25Randomly stuffed Roan's mental assessment test questions into the file folder.
08:31Hearing Nettie's question, Nordin raised his head expressionlessly, took out his mobile phone and
08:36handed it to the other party. This is the call from our deputy director. Nettie froze and froze
08:43in place. Not only that, Nordin also pulled down the phone record, pointed to another phone number
08:49and said, this is a call from Washington. Hearing this, Nettie was shocked, and his eyes widened.
08:57Seeing that Roan and Ryder returned to the know. Five investigation teams so quickly, Mona breathed
09:03a sigh of relief, and Lacey and the others stood up in shock. Why did you come back so soon?
09:10Hearing this, Roan sat back on his chair and said with an unhappy face,
09:14why, you still want me to stay there for a few days? That was not what I meant.
09:21Lacey hurriedly waved her hand, at this moment, Mona suddenly turned around and said,
09:26everyone, I have found out the identities of the black people killed by Roan.
09:30Not only that, Edwin Miller just woke up, he said that he has important clues,
09:35and hopes to see the FBI soon. Chapter 172, All Villains Investigation Team Number 5,
09:43Office Area. Everyone looked at Mona in unison, waiting for her next words.
09:49The group of blacks were members of a small black gang in Fordham, the Cigar Gang.
09:54Mona tapped the keyboard a few times to show everyone the information in the computer,
09:59Agent Norton from the Organized Crime Investigation Section sent me a document just now.
10:05It shows that the Cigar Gang is trying to expand its rule area recently.
10:10Roan picked up the coffee and took a sip, it's really not unexpected.
10:15Yeah. Mona nodded, then suddenly laughed, but because of you and Ryder,
10:20the Cigar Gang may soon be destroyed. Roan paused, what's the meaning?
10:26Others also showed doubts when they heard this.
10:30Mona didn't make a fool of herself, and explained directly with a smile,
10:34that a Cigar Gang, was just established, and the number of people is not large.
10:40A large part of the people you killed were key members of the Cigar Gang.
10:44Now that the core members are dead, the boss of the Cigar Gang, has recently offended many
10:50other gangs in the nearby area in order to expand their territory, so.
10:55All the agents suddenly realized, and then looked at Luoan with admiration again.
11:00Roan frowned, he didn't expect this action to have such an effect.
11:05He intends to go back and chat with Norton of the Organized Crime Bureau,
11:09see if there is anything he can get. However, the fight between the gangs can be put aside for now,
11:15and the case of the murder of a female judge in hand is the most important thing now.
11:21So Roan looked at Mona and asked again, find out those guys from the
11:25Cigar Gang, why did you meet with Alvar Miller in the hotel?
11:29No. Mona shook her head, saying that she didn't find out,
11:33but Edwin Miller was already awake, and he must know the reason behind it.
11:38In the hospital, hearing Roan's question, Edwin Miller, who was lying on the hospital bed,
11:44endured the pain from the wound, and explained with an ugly face,
11:48it's because Avel is doing business. With those niggas. Edwin said that some time ago,
11:55Avel did not know where to get a batch of weapons, and then planned to sell them to the Cigar Gang.
12:01Today is the day when Avel and the Cigar Gang meet to discuss the price.
12:06Meeting in the hotel was also Avel's idea. But unexpectedly, as soon as they met today,
12:12the group of pulled out their guns and pointed at Avel and Edwin,
12:16intending to exchange the lives of their brothers for these weapons.
12:20Lacey, who was standing aside, was speechless. But when you think about it carefully,
12:26this kind of behavior is also in line with the behavior habits of black people.
12:31Llewellyn is not surprised by this. When doing business with gangsters,
12:36one must always be prepared for the idea that the other party will eat gangsters.
12:41Especially when the other party was just established, a gang composed of low-level
12:46blacks. After scratching the small notebook a few times, Llewellyn asked,
12:51you said earlier that you had important clues to tell us. What are the clues?
12:57Sundar Diane, hearing Rone's question, Edwin immediately reported a person's name and a
13:02series of numbers, then gritted his teeth and said earnestly, this is the false identity that Avel
13:08bought and the social security number of this false identity. You must catch him and send him
13:14to jail. Edwin is a veteran. He fought for this country when he was young, and after returning
13:21home, he has always obeyed the laws of this country. But some time ago, he lost his job
13:27and could not pay the high alimony on time. No way, Edwin chose to rely on his cousin who had
13:34been in and out of the prison these years, hoping to make some extra money with his help.
13:39What pleased Edwin was that Avar agreed without hesitation, and showed him everything without
13:44treating him as an outsider at all. But what made Edwin angry was that the reason why Avar didn't
13:50treat him as an outsider was that he didn't want him to live at all, but regarded him as a human
13:55shield for this transaction. The two met with the cigar gang today, and Edwin was very nervous when
14:01he learned that the cigar gang planned to cheat, but Avel did not panic at all. Hearing gunshots
14:08from downstairs, Avel immediately pushed Edwin to the gunpoint of the cigar gang, while he broke
14:13the glass and jumped off the second floor to escape. After listening to Edwin's narration,
14:19and then looking at his dark face, Roan and Lacey looked at each other, and they both saw the
14:24speechless expression in each other's eyes. It is indeed Avel Miller who has been in prison more
14:30times than going home. Written the name and social security number in the small notebook,
14:35Roan was silent for a few seconds, raised his head and briefly described the general situation
14:41of the judge being shot and killed. Outside the bakery, and then asked, beside the body,
14:47we found two 9mm bullets with Avar's fingerprints on them. What does this case have to do with Avel?
14:54Edwin Miller opened his mouth and said nothing, bowed his head in silence.
14:59Roan narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this, and Lacey's face became serious.
15:05It seems that there are other situations behind this.
15:09After hesitating for a long time, Edwin licked his chapped lips and looked up at Roan and Lacey,
15:15before I say this, I ask you to grant me full immunity in this case.
15:20Lacey raised her brows, she didn't expect Edwin to be involved in this case.
15:25She turned her head to look at Roan, only to see Roan put away the notebook and grinned,
15:30then it depends on whether the information you mentioned is useful. If the information you say
15:36will allow us to break this case, we will fight for you in front of the judge.
15:40Okay. After being silent for a while, Edwin let out a long breath and said in a deep voice,
15:47I once stole 10 pistols and a bunch of ammunition there after Avar showed me the
15:51weapons he had acquired. And secretly sold them behind Avar's back.
15:57The reason why Edwin asked Roan and Lacey to grant him immunity is because he is concealing it now,
16:02and after the FBI catches Aval later, he will still reveal the truth.
16:07Because although Aval has been in and out of prison many times,
16:11he has never sold a gun alone, and it is the first time he has negotiated with the Cigar Gang.
16:17On the other hand, it was Edwin Miller who loaded the gun.
16:21Legally speaking, he was an accomplice in the murder.
16:25Telling this matter now, Edwin still has reason to talk to the judge in court.
16:30If the FBI still finds out the matter if it has been concealed, then Edwin will be in trouble
16:35later. At the age of 40, Edwin revisited the torture of life and death again, and now he
16:41just wants to live well for the rest of his life. After listening to Edwin's description,
16:47Lacey rolled her eyes. Emotions in the whole story, there is not a single good person.
16:53Roan didn't care about it, and asked directly,
16:56do you remember those guns and ammunition, who were they sold to?
17:00Certainly. Edwin nodded, I am very cautious about this matter.
17:06I use paper and pen to record the time and place of every transaction.
17:11Good. Throwing the notebook to Lacey, Roan patted his thigh and stood up from the chair,
17:17we need this notebook. Edwin is very cooperative, no problem.
17:23That night, due to the seriousness of the case and more social attention,
17:27the No. 5 Investigation Team was forced to work overtime.
17:31As for Avel Miller, the No. 5 Investigation Team handed over his information to the Special Task
17:38Pursuit Department under the Major Event Corresponding Team, and they went to hunt
17:42down the other party. After receiving the customized big burger thrown by Augustus,
17:48Roan took a bite, looked at Mona, and asked, well, did you find anything?
17:54Mona shook her head, she was looking. Thanks for your hard work.
17:59Patting Mona on the shoulder, Roan was just about to hand her another hamburger,
18:03when William not far away suddenly slapped the table and shouted excitedly,
18:07I found a clue. Chapter 173, Sin in the Fridge
18:12The sudden sound and movement startled everyone, Lacey almost spilled the coffee in her hand.
18:18Roan threw a bite of the burger on the table, and walked quickly towards William,
18:23what did you find? We found a car.
18:27William typed a few times on the keyboard, and then showed the computer to Roan.
18:32Inside are screenshots of several surveillance videos.
18:36According to the transaction records you brought back,
18:39several of our technicians carefully checked the surveillance video near the transaction location.
18:44Picking up the big burger and taking a bite, William explained with a smile on his face,
18:49near one of the transactions, we found an orange pickup.
18:53Then we looked up the area near the bakery where Carolina Bellaz was killed,
18:58and the area near the apartment where her sister lived.
19:01This orange pickup was around when Carolina was killed,
19:04and when the guy in the mask was around the apartment.
19:08Once is a coincidence, twice is an accident, but not necessarily three times.
19:14Good job.
19:15Slapped William on the shoulder hard, Roan immediately pulled Ryder into the
19:19equipment warehouse, and asked at the same time, who is the owner of the car?
19:25The owner of Henry Plank Works.
19:27At half past six in the afternoon, fully armed Roan and Ryder arrived at the board factory.
19:33At this time, it was time to get off work,
19:36and there was no one in the factory, only the boss's office was still lit.
19:41According to Mona's investigation, the wood panel factory's financial situation is not very good,
19:47and it seems that it will close down in a few months.
19:50Boom boom boom, come in.
19:52The bald wood board factory owner was looking at the financial statements in front of him with a
19:57sad face. Hearing someone knock on the door, he let people in without looking up.
20:03Then he saw Ryder in full armor, pointing at himself with a Glock 18.
20:10The bald boss's face changed suddenly,
20:12and he immediately stood up and raised his French military posture.
20:16After a while, knowing the purpose of Luo An's visit,
20:20knowing the purpose of Luo An's visit,
20:22the bald boss immediately sat back on the chair and let out a long breath.
20:27That car is indeed my car.
20:30The bald boss flipped through the employee information with trembling hands and explained,
20:35but for work, that car has been driven by my staff lately.
20:39Picking up the financial statement on the table and looking at it,
20:42Roan frowned and asked, who's driving?
20:45What's his name?
20:47Joe Landry.
20:49Successfully found a piece of information,
20:51the bald boss handed it to Roan and said, a guy who makes people feel at ease.
20:57After receiving the information,
20:59Roan looked at the photo above and found that it was a rather handsome white man.
21:03Signaling Ryder to send the above information to Mona,
21:06Roan asked, doing things makes people feel at ease.
21:10How to say?
21:12The bald boss said that his factory's finances were handled by Joe Landry and his company's
21:17finances, which saved him a lot of money every month.
21:21Looking down at some details of the financial statement in his hand,
21:25Luo An smacked his lips when he learned that the factory's financial accountant
21:29was the boss's own daughter.
21:31Cheating does not distinguish between nationality, let alone gender.
21:36Didn't say much, making sure that Ryder sent all the information to Mona.
21:41When Roan was about to leave here, he didn't forget to leave the bald boss's own contact
21:46information, and added, if Joe Landry ever contacts you, or comes to you, call me immediately.
21:53But also don't tell him we've been here, okay?
21:57The bald boss nodded and agreed.
22:00Before the office door was closed, he said loudly,
22:04I don't know what Joe Root did to get your FBI's attention, but trust me, he's a good guy.
22:10Roan paused, shook his head, and strode away with Ryder.
22:14After you catch Joe Landry, contact the bald boss and ask him to find
22:18a third-party accountant to audit his factory's accounts.
22:22Joe Root Landry, 30 years old, was born in Brooklyn, New York, and never went to college.
22:29The pitch-black SUV was galloping fast under the light of the streetlights,
22:33and Mona on the other end of the phone was typing on the keyboard
22:36while carefully introducing the relevant information.
22:40About George Landry, as a young adult, Joe Landry was in the military,
22:44for years as a naval scout, and in a lot of war.
22:48After retiring from the military, he took the accounting certificate with his own efforts.
22:54Currently living in Queens with a bedridden mother.
22:58Very good, it looks like a well-trained soldier who successfully returned home
23:02from the battlefield after completing the mission.
23:05Turning the steering wheel, driving the SUV to easily overtake in the traffic flow,
23:10Roan continued to ask, but we still don't know why he killed Carolina.
23:15Mona, have you found the connection between Jorgen and Carolina?
23:19Judging from the scene of the crime, Carolina doesn't look like someone who was randomly
23:24selected, and Xiao Zhen's life state and thinking don't look like those guys who take revenge on
23:29society. Mona on the other end of the phone didn't look very good-looking.
23:35She frowned and replied while typing on the keyboard quickly,
23:38I don't know, I'm still looking into it.
23:41The clues to the orange pickup were first found by William and his technical agents,
23:45and Mona is a little upset now.
23:48But Mona is not targeting William and the others, but herself.
23:53Okay, let me know if you find it.
23:56Hung up the phone, turned to Ryder, who was sitting in the co-pilot,
23:59and saw that he was fastening his seatbelt silently.
24:03Roan grinned and asked, well, Ryder, do you have any ideas?
24:09Ryder shook his head, according to the information,
24:12George Landry has nothing to do with this case.
24:15Did we find the wrong person?
24:19Driving the SUV past a car again, Roan suddenly remembered something,
24:24took out his phone again, and called Lacey.
24:27After a few seconds, the call is connected, this is Lacey.
24:32There is no extra nonsense, Roan said directly,
24:35Lacey, take the photo of Joe Landry immediately,
24:38go to the hospital to find Edwin Miller, and ask if he is the one who bought the gun.
24:45Hung up the phone, Lacey immediately got up and left the No. 5 investigation team.
24:51A few minutes later, Roan and Ryder arrived at Joe Root Landry's home smoothly.
24:57Parked the SUV diagonally opposite the house,
25:00Roan and Ryder carefully checked the equipment on their bodies,
25:03and after making sure everything was fine, they opened the door and got out of the car.
25:09Boom boom boom, standing at the door from left to right,
25:12Ryder knocked on the door and shouted, FBI.
25:16Is anyone home?
25:18Quiet, no one answered.
25:20Roan tentatively fiddled with the doorknob, and the door of the house was opened by him smoothly.
25:26Looking at each other, they both raised the Glock 18 in their hands,
25:30and quickly entered the house.
25:33Quickly searching every room in the house from left to right,
25:36Roan quickly found an old woman lying on the bed in the leftmost room on the second floor,
25:41eyes closed and sleeping soundly.
25:44Recalling that there was a paralyzed mother in the George Landry data,
25:47Roan stepped forward to test her breath, making sure that she was just sleeping, not dead.
25:53At this moment, Ryder's shout suddenly came from downstairs, Roan.
25:58Come to me.
26:00Hearing this, Roan hurriedly ran into the basement of the house in the direction of the sound,
26:05and asked at the same time, what's wrong?
26:08Ryder didn't answer, but pointed to the corner of the basement with a face full of shock.
26:14Following Ryder's finger, Roan saw a refrigerator in operation.
26:18There is a frozen head in the freezer.
26:21If it was just a head, it wouldn't have shocked Ryder so much.
26:25After all, he had seen this kind of scene in previous cases.
26:30What really shocked Ryder was that the head was very similar to Joe Root Landry's face.
26:36Chapter 174, 6 Photos, 4 Red Crosses in the Basement
26:42Roan walked to the refrigerator, checked the other compartments of the refrigerator,
26:46and found that there was nothing, the huge refrigerator was only for freezing this one item.
26:52Walking to Roan, Ryder carefully looked at the faces in the refrigerator,
26:56with a complicated expression, Roan, what do you think?
27:00Have no idea.
27:02Roan shook his head, and the scene in front of him also exceeded his expectations.
27:07But seeing the similar face of the head and George Landry, Roan had several guesses in his heart.
27:13But guesses are guesses, and evidence must be found.
27:18Thinking of this, Roan took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call.
27:22One is to ask the No.
27:255 investigation team to quickly send SWAT team members to this area to guard,
27:30maybe they can catch Joe Landry later.
27:33The second is to call the trace inspection department,
27:36let them come here to process the head, and search the house for evidence.
27:40Before Luoan pressed the phone button,
27:43the sound of the door being opened suddenly came from above the two of them.
27:47Ryder and Roan looked at each other, without speaking,
27:50immediately raised the Glock 18 and rushed out in a vigilant posture.
27:57Don't move.
27:59It was not Joe Root Landry who appeared in front of the two, but a middle-aged white woman.
28:04Seeing the weapons in Roan and Ryder's hands,
28:07the white woman hurriedly dropped her pockets and raised her hands in horror,
28:11I'm the babysitter here.
28:13A few minutes later, Roan and Ryder successfully verified the nanny's identity
28:18and made sure that the other party was not lying.
28:21After briefly appeasing the nanny, Roan began to ask questions about Joe Landry.
28:27The nanny didn't know much about Joe Root Landry.
28:30She just came here at a few fixed times every day to help Joe Root Landry's mother deal with
28:36hygiene problems, and worked at other people's homes for the rest of the time.
28:41As for Joe Root Landry's mother has been sleeping,
28:43the nanny said that it was because his mother had some mental problems and needed to continue
28:48to take medicine, and the side effect of the medicine was to fall into a deep sleep.
28:54After listening to the nanny's narration, Roan continued to ask,
28:58when Joe Landry asked you to be a babysitter, did he specify any requirements in advance?
29:04It does.
29:06The nanny nodded.
29:08Joe Root Landry had said in advance that she was not allowed to go to other rooms
29:12except the mother's room, bathroom and kitchen.
29:15The nanny didn't care about this kind of request.
29:19She had been a nanny for more than 10 years,
29:21and it was not uncommon for her to see more outrageous requests than this.
29:26Hearing this, Roan suddenly remembered that he was called to the basement by Ryder just now,
29:31and he hadn't had time to search Joe Landry's room.
29:35After briefly explaining a few words to the nanny,
29:38Roan and Ryder immediately got up and walked up to the second floor.
29:42The rightmost room on the second floor is George Landry's bedroom.
29:47In addition to a large bed and wardrobe, there is also a desk and a bookshelf.
29:52The two searched carefully for a while,
29:54and Ryder managed to find a few Playboy magazines under the bed.
30:00Seeing the white genetic gene in the magazine, Ryder looked ugly,
30:04cursed inwardly and hurriedly threw the magazine aside.
30:09Feeling that his hands were not clean, Ryder took a deep breath,
30:13turned around, and found that Roan was carefully looking at the bookshelf.
30:17What's the matter, Roan?
30:20Ryder took out a piece of toilet paper to wipe his hands, and hurriedly asked,
30:24What have you found?
30:28Roan nodded, and he found that the bookshelf is movable.
30:32Ryder's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly moved away from the desk.
30:36Roan also took advantage of the situation and pulled the bookshelf outward.
30:41A safe and a whiteboard covered with photos suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.
30:46There are a lot of photos in the day class,
30:49but there are only six main characters, four men and two women.
30:54Carolina Bellaz is one of the women.
30:57At this time, a big red cross has been drawn on her photo.
31:01In addition, there are three male photos with big red crosses drawn on them.
31:06It is not difficult to see that the three of them
31:09have died in the hands of George Landry with a high probability.
31:16Ryder's face changed when he saw this, Roan also cursed in a low voice,
31:21and immediately took out his mobile phone to call the No. 5 investigation team.
31:26The identity information of the three male deceased can be checked later.
31:31The most urgent thing is to quickly find out the specific identities of a man and a woman
31:35who have not drawn red crosses in the remaining two photos.
31:40Son of Thanit.
31:41In the office area of the No. 5 investigation team,
31:46William frowned and cursed, but he quickly found out the identities of the man and the woman.
31:52Roan, the woman's name is Kim Morikara,
31:55and she is one of the prison guards in a certain prison.
31:58Very good.
32:00After hearing what William said, Roan continued to ask,
32:03Where is she now?
32:05Can I get in touch with her?
32:07Several technicians of the No. 5 investigation team
32:10tapped their ten fingers on the keyboard rapidly, and there were almost afterimages.
32:16A few seconds later, William slammed the table and said angrily,
32:21Kim Morikara was shot on the street half an hour ago and died on the spot.
32:26Half an hour ago.
32:28Ryder on the side heard the words, his face became even uglier.
32:33Just as he was about to speak, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.
32:38Glancing at Ryder, Roan continued to ask,
32:41The remaining man in the photo, what is his name?
32:44What is his identity?
32:46His name is Park Kembis.
32:49Without waiting for William to answer, Mona,
32:52who was sitting not far from him, immediately replied loudly,
32:55He's a cop from the NYPD.
32:58Some time ago he was on administrative leave
33:01because he killed a criminal with a gun on the street.
33:04Roan nodded, just as he was about to continue talking,
33:07Ryder suddenly stepped forward, patted him on the shoulder,
33:11then pointed to his mobile phone and said,
33:13The call was from Lacey, and she said,
33:16You couldn't get through.
33:18Edwin Miller in the hospital is 100% sure
33:21that the person who bought the gun is Joe Root Landry.
33:24Good job.
33:26Patted Ryder's shoulder vigorously,
33:28Roan continued to ask on the phone,
33:30Mona, where is the policeman's home in Baikianbasi?
33:34Getting the exact address of the policeman's house,
33:37Roan stood there thinking for a few seconds,
33:39turned around and tore off the photos of the six people
33:42on the whiteboard and stuffed them into his
33:45Pockets then ordered loudly into the phone,
33:48First, immediately send SWAT team to the house under my feet,
33:52squatting to guard Joe Landry.
33:54Secondly, Mona, you and Lacey now go to the scene
33:58where the female prison guard Kim Morikara was shot dead,
34:01check the surveillance video in the nearby area,
34:04and find the figure of Joe Landry.
34:07Third, immediately issue a wanted warrant for George Landry,
34:10so that every NYPD patrol officer on duty
34:13will know what he looks like.
34:16Fourth, Joe Root Landry's next target
34:18is likely to be police officer Baikianbasi.
34:22Ryder and I are going to Chienbasi's house now,
34:24you let a team of SWAT players follow,
34:27we will meet there.
34:29After listening to Roan's order,
34:30the agents of the No. 5 Investigation Team
34:33and Lead Chi Chi all looked together,
34:35and shouted, clear.
34:39Roan nodded in satisfaction, hung up the phone,
34:42and immediately ran to the SUV with Ryder.
34:45There are two NYPD patrol officers near this house,
34:49and the nanny and the house
34:50are temporarily handed over to them.
34:53The Chienbasi policeman's home is some distance away,
34:56but with Roan's driving skills,
34:58the SUV arrived at his home very quickly.
35:02Hi there.
35:03Investigation Team No.
35:065 had already contacted by Chienbasi in advance.
35:10Seeing the fully armed Roan and Ryder
35:12getting out of the car,
35:13he hurriedly welcomed them into the house.
35:18SWAT will take a long time to get here.
35:21After Roan briefly greeted Chienbasi,
35:23he immediately took out the six photos in his pocket,
35:26and after briefly describing the case,
35:28he asked,
35:29Officer Chienbasi,
35:31can you think of anything?
35:33Chapter 175, Bazooka.
35:36Roan and Ryder sat down in the living room
35:38on the first floor of Chienbasi's house.
35:42Chienbasi took the six photos
35:44with a very gloomy expression.
35:46Just about to speak,
35:48a clear female voice suddenly came
35:50from the second floor of the house,
35:53Roan looked up and saw a six- or seven-year-old girl
35:56wearing pink cat pajamas,
35:58rubbing her eyes and throwing herself
35:59into Chienbasi's arms,
36:01I'm afraid, sorry.
36:04Seeing the daughter in his arms,
36:05Chienbasi's gloomy expression
36:07disappeared instantly,
36:09replaced by a face full of doting.
36:12Whispered a few words of comfort
36:13in her daughter's ear,
36:15Chienbasi raised her head and said
36:16with apologetic expression,
36:18This is my daughter, Donna.
36:21Roan and Ryder smiled
36:22and waved their hands to apologize
36:24to the little girl,
36:25blaming themselves for waking her up.
36:28According to Mona's information,
36:30Donna's mother died when she was born.
36:33The girls targeted by fate,
36:35both Roan and Ryder have enough tolerance.
36:38The child's temper came and went quickly,
36:40and it was already night,
36:42little Donna acted coquettishly for a while
36:45and soon fell asleep in by Chienbasi's arms.
36:49She always does.
36:51Holding little Donna in his arms,
36:53Chienbasi wiped the drool
36:54from the corner of her mouth,
36:56raised his head and smiled at Roan and Ryder,
36:59always wake up several times every night.
37:02Regarding this topic,
37:03Roan didn't know what to say,
37:05but Ryder on the side nodded in agreement,
37:07I understand you.
37:09I have a son who was like this
37:11when he was little.
37:13Ryder admired Chienbasi very much.
37:16Being a single father is not so easy,
37:19not to mention that Chienbasi's child is a daughter,
37:22and he himself is a policeman.
37:24The two chatted briefly about the child's care
37:27when they were young,
37:28and then hurriedly talked about business.
37:31Looking at the six photos on the table,
37:34Chienbasi looked dignified and pondered for a moment.
37:37He picked up one of the photos of a white male and said,
37:40I don't recall the name Joe Landry,
37:42nor do I recall a single case
37:44I've worked on involving him.
37:46But I have an impression of this man,
37:48I forgot the specific name,
37:50but his profession is a lawyer.
37:54Hearing that Chienbasi didn't remember
37:56the clues related to George Landry,
37:58Ryder's expression changed.
38:01But hearing him say that the man in the photo
38:03is a lawyer,
38:04Ryder's emotions lifted again.
38:07At this moment,
38:08Roan, who was sitting on the sofa,
38:10suddenly felt uncomfortable all over his body,
38:12and his buttock seemed to be on fire.
38:15Recalling that he had drank a bottle of
38:17Danger Perception Potion,
38:19Chapter 57,
38:21Luo An's complexion changed,
38:23and he hurriedly got up,
38:24took out his pistol and walked to the window.
38:28Seeing this,
38:29Ryder hurriedly left the sofa,
38:31took out his weapon and asked,
38:32What's the matter, Luo?
38:35Before Ryder finished speaking,
38:37a flash of fire suddenly flew here
38:39from behind the grey pickup across the road.
38:42Seeing this,
38:43Roan hurriedly turned around and shouted,
38:45Get down!
38:47Just a second before Roan yelled,
38:49Ryder and Chienbasi also saw the fire outside the house.
38:54Both of them are well-trained personnel.
38:57Hearing what Roan said,
38:58Chienbasi hurriedly hugged little Donna
39:00tightly in his arms,
39:02and got down on the spot.
39:04Ryder had a bulletproof vest on his body.
39:07In order to protect Burbers,
39:09a single father and witness,
39:11he rushed towards him.
39:13The next second,
39:14accompanied by a strip of orange flames,
39:16the shining flame hit the master bedroom
39:18on the second floor of the house.
39:22a violent explosion sounded.
39:25the flames were soaring,
39:27debris was everywhere,
39:28and cars all over the street started to ring.
39:32who was hiding in the corner of the first floor,
39:35was hit hard by the shock wave
39:37generated by the explosion,
39:38and his internal organs felt a burst of pain.
39:43because of a bottle of stamina potion
39:45after meals every day,
39:46Roan's body's resistance to stress
39:48is far better than before.
39:51Phu Khe
39:52This is a bazooka.
39:54Enduring the discomfort
39:55coming from all over the body,
39:57Roan pushed away the wooden plank
39:59on his face full of anger,
40:01took out two shock bombs from his pocket
40:03without saying a word,
40:04and threw them
40:06towards the opposite side of the house.
40:12Two explosions sounded,
40:13but unfortunately,
40:14the enemy on the opposite side of the house
40:16drove away immediately
40:18after firing the bazooka.
40:20Iyat Percent Yuen
40:22Touched the wound next to his left eye
40:24that was cut by glass shards,
40:26Roan's face was extremely ugly.
40:29I wanted to drive directly to chase the opponent,
40:32but a strong smell of blood
40:33suddenly penetrated Roan's nostrils.
40:37Turning his head hastily,
40:38Roan saw that in the middle of the living room,
40:40Ryder and others had been buried
40:42under the wooden board.
40:44The wooden board was lifted vigorously,
40:47and Ryder lay on Chien Baisi's body,
40:49his head was hit hard by the wooden board
40:51that fell from the second floor,
40:53and now he has passed out.
40:55As for Chien Baisi,
40:57Ryder only protected his key parts
40:59such as his heart and brain.
41:01Chien Baisi's two thighs
41:03that were exposed to the outside
41:04had two wooden planks inserted,
41:06one long and the other short.
41:09Blood was pouring out from there crazily,
41:11and the person completely lost consciousness.
41:14The only one who wasn't hurt much
41:16was Little Donna.
41:18She was tightly protected by Chien Baisi.
41:21Although she was shocked in her sleep
41:23and had several small wounds
41:25on her arms and legs by the glass,
41:27she did not suffer other serious injuries.
41:30She was crying loudly
41:31under Chien Baisi's body at this time.
41:35The neighborhood where Chien Baisi lives
41:37is not a wealthy area,
41:38but there are quite a few police officers
41:40patrolling nearby.
41:42Saving people is the most important thing,
41:45Roan can't watch Little Donna
41:46lose her police father
41:48after losing her mother.
41:50Opened the system page,
41:51took out a bottle of hemostatic potion,
41:54and Roan poured it directly
41:56into Chien Baisi's mouth
41:57where Little Donna couldn't see it.
42:00At this time,
42:01Roan and Ryder also had some large
42:03and small wounds
42:04on several exposed body parts.
42:07Although it was not deep,
42:08it was not a solution to keep bleeding,
42:10especially the wound next to Roan's eyes.
42:14In addition,
42:15Roan still planned to hunt down the enemy,
42:17so he immediately took out
42:18a second bottle of hemostatic potion,
42:20drank half of it himself,
42:22and fed the other half into Ryder's mouth.
42:25Didididi, at this moment,
42:27the patrol police near this area
42:29also rushed over.
42:32My name is Roan Greenwood.
42:35Expressed his identity loudly,
42:37Roan immediately shouted
42:38to the three patrolmen who came,
42:40the murderer was driving a grey pickup truck,
42:43and he had just left here not long ago,
42:45you should seal off
42:47this area quickly.
42:49In addition,
42:50the opponent just used a bazooka.
42:53It is not ruled out
42:54that he has other high-threat weapons.
42:58Hearing Luo and Zorder,
43:00the three patrolmen agreed loudly,
43:02with a clear division of labor,
43:04and immediately began to report the matter,
43:06applying to block the area,
43:08and at the same time called the
43:10patrolmen in other areas
43:12to come to support,
43:13and urged the ambulance
43:14to come here to rescue the wounded.
43:17Seeing this,
43:18Roan wiped the blood
43:19on the right side of his face,
43:20and handed little Donna
43:22to one of the patrolmen.
43:24Looking back,
43:25he saw that although the wounds
43:26on Qian Baishi and Ryder had not healed,
43:29they were no longer bleeding.
43:31He immediately turned
43:32and walked towards the SUV not far away.
43:35Agent Roan
43:37Seeing Roan start the SUV,
43:39the patrolman holding Donna hastily shouted,
43:42the ambulance will be here soon.
43:44Don't you want a nurse to check your body?
43:47No, I'm in good health,
43:49thank you for your concern.
43:51Roan turned his head and grinned,
43:53the wound next to his left eye
43:55looked hideous under the light of the fire,
43:57I'm going to catch this guy
43:58who dared to use the bazooka now.
44:01For law enforcement officers,
44:03long guns and short guns
44:04have never been a concept.
44:07NYPD kills an enemy with a pistol,
44:09and there will always be a bunch of people
44:11in the court saying this and that.
44:16But killing an enemy who uses a spear,
44:18there are much fewer such people.
44:21And now, the opponent actually dares
44:23to use a rocket launcher as a big killer.
44:26Recalling the thing in the
44:28refrigerator and the photos on the whiteboard,
44:31Roan's eyes flickered coldly.
44:33He is now more and more interested
44:35in who Joe Root Landry is.
44:39With a hard step on the accelerator,
44:41the jet black.
44:43SUV followed the path of the gray pickup
44:46and rushed into the distant night in an instant.
44:49Now the fun in this clip is over.
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44:59find the fun in the next clip.
45:02May the listeners be happy forever.