FBI 106-110

  • 3 months ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this
00:15clip. Don't forget to like and comment so that the admin will have the
00:20encouragement to continue making clips. Let's go listen. Chapter 106 English
00:27real robber Henry Mitchell the owner of Golden Light Pictures. According to the
00:32data the economic situation of Kotai Films two months ago was very poor
00:37making ends meet and it was only a matter of time before it went bankrupt.
00:41Mona picked up the laptop and left the interrogation room with Rome. After
00:47returning to her workstation she tapped on the keyboard with her ten fingers and
00:51explained but last month Kotai Pictures suddenly received a large capital
00:56injection. Now this company not only has not closed down but has started to
01:01prepare new movies. Rone frowned upon hearing this. Who is funding this company?
01:07Can you find it? As you know there is a lot of information about shell companies
01:13in Hollywood, overseas companies, bad debts, etc. It is impossible to find out
01:19the source of the money injection with Arnaud. Five investigation team alone.
01:25Mona shook her head Hollywood has always been a mess. In addition to the
01:30insiders who can guess the accounts of the company based on past experience
01:34even the people on Wall Street have been tricked by Hollywood. So you mean seeing
01:41Mona shaking her head and thinking of the photo she saw on the computer just
01:45now Rone frowned the man sitting opposite Henry drinking coffee in the
01:49photo. Is there a problem? Exactly. Mona gave Rone a good reaction speed look and
01:56after typing a few times on the keyboard the other parties identity
02:00information was called out. The man sitting opposite Henry Mitchell is named
02:05Isaac Mitchell 37 years old this year and is Henry's half-brother. He has
02:11served in the military overseas for more than 10 years. At the beginning of this
02:16year he just retired from a certain region abroad and returned to the
02:20Federation. His economic level is average and he can only be regarded as the
02:25middle class. Speaking of which the corners of Mona's mouth raised slightly
02:31and after typing a few times on the keyboard a ticket purchase record jumped
02:35out because of the other party's military experience. I just wanted to
02:40check whether the other party has been to New York recently. What I didn't
02:44expect was that just a week before the first bank robbery he actually came to
02:49New York by plane. Not only that but on the third day after the fourth bank
02:54robbery Isaac left New York in a newly bought pickup truck. After listening to
02:59Mona's words Rone's eyes lit up instantly. Flying to New York just to buy
03:04a pickup here. Lew Owen got up on the spot clapped his hands to attract the
03:10attention of the technicians of the number five investigation team and then
03:13said loudly guys we now have a new suspect. After briefly describing Isaac's
03:20situation Rone continued next we're going to find out everything this Isaac
03:25did in New York. I want everyone to find out where he went after he got off the
03:30plane where he lived what he bought and everything else. I have a hunch that we
03:35are not far away from finding this group of bank robbers. No problem leave it to
03:42us. After listening to Lew Owen's words all the technicians nodded decisively
03:47and agreed. The next second the sound of crackling keyboards began to resound
03:53throughout the office area of the number five investigation team. Seeing this Rone
03:58hooked his mouth slightly then turned and went to Augustus office. Boom! Boom!
04:05After knocking on the door a few times Rone heard Augustus voice pushing the
04:10door open. But as soon as he entered the office Rone found that Augustus's
04:15complexion didn't look very good. The mobile phone was thrown on the table
04:20obviously just hung up and Augustus's face turned pale with anger. Sorry sir.
04:26Rone frowned and asked in a low voice how about I come back later. Need not.
04:33August took a deep breath looked at Rone calmly and asked have you found any
04:38important clues. Exactly. Lew Owen nodded briefly described the matter of
04:45Jingguang films and finally explained I now suspect that the one who injected
04:50capital into Jingguang pictures is very likely to be that Isaac. But because the
04:55companies and accounts in Hollywood are not clear to ordinary people and no one
05:00in our number five investigation team understands these so. Although Rone
05:05Greenwood majored in accounting Rone had almost forgotten all that knowledge at
05:09this time. Relying on him to check the accounts Rone felt that he might have to
05:14go back to university to attend classes first. Okay. After listening to Rone's
05:21narration Augustus understood what he meant so he agreed decisively you guys
05:26go and find out about Isaac the source of the capital injection of Jingguang
05:30pictures and I will solve it. Okay sir. Hearing that Augustus agreed without
05:38hesitation Rone raised his eyebrows. Does he have IRS contacts? Turned around and
05:45left the team leader's office. After more than an hour with the efforts of
05:49everyone in the number five investigation team this Isaac's itinerary in New York
05:54was successfully checked. According to the surveillance video at the airport
05:59after getting off the plane Isaac took a taxi and went straight to Brooklyn.
06:03William bent down and looked at the screen on the computer and introduced
06:08according to the surveillance video I contacted the taxi driver. He recalled it
06:13carefully and remembered that Isaac went to a small community in uptown Brooklyn.
06:18The driver didn't know which house in the community Isaac went to after
06:22getting off the car. In this small community except for the surveillance
06:27video at the gates around it the interior of the community is completely
06:31dark. However when I checked the information of the residents in this
06:35community I found a comrade who fought with Isaac in a certain area abroad. Mona
06:41followed Williams message and said this man's name is Horky Garcia white 39
06:47years old and returned to the Federation a year earlier than Isaac. No family
06:52alcoholism and gambling very poor economic level. Good Isaac and Horky are
07:00both white and both have military experience. They are exactly the same as
07:05the robbers in the previous four robberies. Roan nodded and then continued
07:10to ask is there any other information. William heard the words and continued
07:15when the four robberies occurred the community monitoring did not find any
07:20traces of the two leaving or entering the community. Roan's expression remained
07:25unchanged. After all these two came back alive from the battlefield and avoiding
07:30surveillance was nothing to them. Another point Mona tapped on the keyboard with
07:36ten fingers then raised her head and said the location of this neighborhood
07:41is just east of the bank robbery and one of the female employees in the first
07:46bank robbery her mother lived in this community. When Roan heard the words his
07:51eyelids moved and he tilted his head and asked this Horky where is it now already
07:57left New York. Mona shrugged pointed to the information in the computer and said
08:02like Isaac Horky bought a pickup truck and drove out of New York on the third
08:07day after the fourth bank robbery. Recent spending records show that Horky is in
08:12California driving a yacht and sunbathing. The only downside is that
08:17there seems to be no beauties on this yacht. Shit. Fouquet. Biauzi raised it.
08:24Hearing this all the technicians in the number five investigation team cursed in
08:29a low voice. Leaving the team leader's office Augustus who was discussing the
08:35situation with everyone put his hand on his chin and frowned in this situation
08:40we can roughly judge that Isaac and Horky are the real robbers in the
08:45previous four robberies. However the accounts of Kotai Films have not been
08:50found out in a short time. The information you mentioned are also
08:54indirect clues. We must find a way to find direct clues. This. Hearing what
09:02Augustus said all the technicians of the number five investigation team frowned.
09:06We can check the house that Horky rented some time ago and the warehouse he
09:11rented. Luoen chuckled and attracted everyone's attention. He pointed to the
09:17information in the computer and said these two places have not been rented
09:21out yet we can go here to search maybe we will find some useful clues. Ryder
09:26and Lacey were still on their way back so after a brief chat with the agents
09:31Rone took Mona to the equipment warehouse. On the road Mona who was
09:36sitting in the co-pilot and looked down at the surveillance video a few days
09:40before the bank robbery felt suspicious in the SUV that was moving forward
09:44smoothly and Aden. Average speed. What happened to Rone today? Arrive. The dark
09:52SUV slowly parked on the road diagonally opposite the community. The investigation
09:58of Horky's house this time because it is impossible to judge whether someone
10:02will tell Horky about this matter afterwards. So in order not to startle
10:07the enemy Rone and Mona only brought the FBI equipment into the car this time and
10:12did not wear it on their bodies. Both of them were wearing ordinary clothes on
10:17weekdays at this time and pretended to be an ordinary couple who came out to
10:21find a house. But you still have to bring a pistol. After carefully inspecting the
10:27Glock 18 and the corresponding extended magazines Rone raised his mouth slightly
10:32and then opened the door and got out of the car. Chapter 107 resolve witness
10:38issues Mona who had watched the whole process helped her forehead speechlessly
10:42paused the surveillance video in the computer opened the door and got out of
10:47the car. Rone I think you can go and chat with a psychiatrist if you have time in
10:52the future. The two crossed the road and walked
10:55straight to the small community. Mona walked up to Rone and whispered if you
11:00are worried that seeing a psychiatrist inside the FBI will make your superiors
11:04worry about your mental state and affect your future I can introduce you to a
11:09psychiatrist you can absolutely trust. She is very nice and professional. I kid
11:16you not she really helped me a lot when I was little. Rone was very happy to hear
11:22that Mona gave an example of her own childhood to show that she didn't lie to
11:25him. At least it shows that Mona is really good for him and really wants to
11:30help him. But Mona I really don't have any psychological problems. Rone shook his
11:38head speechlessly I'm just a little worried about the lack of firepower pay
11:42attention to details and want to defeat the enemy as soon as possible so that I
11:47and my teammates will. Try not to be injured by the enemy. It is best to nip
11:52the danger in the bud. Can these be considered psychological problems? Mona
11:58heard the words the corners of her mouth twitched slightly isn't that counted?
12:03Aren't these signs of insecurity? Of course not.
12:08Llewellyn waved his hand this is called paying attention to his own life and
12:12being responsible for his own life safety. Before Mona could continue
12:17speaking Rone had already brought her to the Self-Management Community
12:21Association in the community America is a free country and the different rules
12:25brought about by the gap between the rich and the poor are vividly manifested
12:31in various fields of daily life. Like community security the rich area has
12:37security and police patrols on time. High-end community less security fewer
12:43police patrols but at least there are. Ordinary communities most of them have
12:48no security and the police only pass by occasionally when patrolling. Residents
12:54living in this kind of community usually get together and form a self-management
12:57association to help each other. As for the remaining communities I can only say
13:04that America is a free country where people live and die freely. Hello my name
13:10is Martin and her name is Catherine. After a simple inquiry Rone found the
13:15rotation person of this community self-management association. An old white
13:20man who is definitely not younger than 50 years old. After briefly introducing
13:25himself and Mona's name Rone showed a sunny smile at the old white man I heard
13:30there are houses for rent in this neighborhood can you show us? Rental?
13:34Which one? Hearing Rone's words the white old man Eric didn't think much and
13:41directly raised his head to ask. Sometimes the community self-management
13:46association will also take on some intermediary responsibilities. When the
13:51landlord has something to go out they will help the landlord to receive the
13:55tenants and charge some hard work afterwards. But there is also a premise
14:00that is the association can only receive guests and cannot directly sign a
14:05contract with the tenant. The contract must be signed by the landlord and the
14:10tenant. Unless the landlord allows and gives rights to someone in the
14:14association. Rone told the room number that Holke rented some time ago the
14:20white old man Eric flipped through the thick notebook nodded after a long time
14:24that's right this room hasn't been rented out yet I can show you right now
14:30thanks. Seeing the warm smile on Rone's face Eric felt in a good mood. When
14:37chatting on the stairs Rone used some words making Eric laugh so hard that he
14:42couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. So when Rone entered the room and
14:47carefully observed the specific situation in the room Eric who was
14:50waiting at the door pondered for a long time and finally walked to Rone's side
14:55and said earnestly how about children how about renting another room this room
15:02may not be suitable for you. Seeing the puzzled expressions on the faces of Rone
15:07and Mona Eric was silent for a while beckoning Rone to lower his head. The
15:13previous tenant of this room was a man and I've seen him come back here with
15:17other men. Knowing that the previous occupant of this room was Holke Rone
15:22fell silent after hearing Eric's words. The next second Rone suddenly remembered
15:28something his pupils shrank suddenly and asked in a low voice Eric is there a bar
15:33near this neighborhood that people like them would go to? There is indeed one not
15:38too far from here. Eric nodded seeing the change in the expression on Rone's face
15:44he thought he was surprised by his words and just about to say something
15:48Rone reached out and shook his hand thank you Eric. Thank you very much for
15:54the message. You're welcome. Eric shook his head and just about to
15:59continue to say something Rone expressed a few words of thanks again took Mona's
16:03hand and ran away quickly. Rone what happened? Mona looked blank not
16:10understanding why Rone was in such a hurry aren't you going to check out the
16:13warehouse that Holke rented? No need just now I found out that Holke rented
16:19this room and it was cleaned very carefully not even a single hair was
16:23left. Obviously Isaac and Holke handled the scene carefully. Rone shook his head
16:30in this case there is a high probability that the warehouse that Holke rented was
16:35carefully cleaned by the two of them. Alright. Mona nodded after hearing the
16:41words silent for a few seconds and then asked so where do we go next? The two had
16:47already run back into the SUV. Eric's words just now inspired me and reminded
16:53me of issues that were ignored by all of us before. Seeing the questioning look on
16:58Mona's face Rone said in a solemn tone we always thought that the person who
17:02went to the bank to shop before the incident was most likely a woman but why
17:06couldn't it be a man? Remember the man? Hearing this unique word Mona was taken
17:13aback for a moment then slapped her head suddenly that's right Eric just said
17:19that Holke is gay. After reacting Mona immediately turned her gaze to the
17:24computer waving her fingers on the keyboard and began to investigate the
17:28men who appeared in the surveillance video before the four. Robberies. Rone did
17:34not sit aside and wait but stepped on the accelerator of the SUV and drove
17:38towards the bar that Eric just mentioned. The bar is not too far from the
17:43community only a few blocks away. After arriving Rone and Mona get out of the
17:49car and push the door to go in. Excuse me lady. The door had just been half
17:55pushed and a burly black security guard came out stretching out his hand to stop
18:00Mona. It may not be suitable for women to enter here. Seeing this Mona took out
18:06the golden badge of the FBI without any nonsense and said coldly FBI. The black
18:12security guard was taken aback for a moment then silently moved out of the
18:16way. Don't stand still. Rone patted the black man's arm and grinned take us to
18:23your boss. The black security guard wanted to say something but when he saw
18:28Rone also took out the golden badge he smacked his lips turned to open the door
18:33inside and led the two to the manager's office. Behind the bar. Following behind
18:39the black security guard Mona looked around blankly and found that the bar
18:43seemed to be nothing special and the decoration was similar to ordinary bars.
18:48Just as he was about to say something to Rone he suddenly found Rone grinning
18:53left him and walked to the bar. Hello. Rone walked up to a white male with
18:59short hair greeted him and smiled I think you look familiar. Come on. Hearing
19:05what Rone said Chad rolled his eyes your strike up words are too old-fashioned. No
19:11I'm not talking to you again I'm just narrating something. Rone shook his head
19:17and Mona on the side saw Chad's face clearly her pupils tightened and she
19:22walked to the bar silently. Before Chad wondered why a woman would come here
19:27Rone took out the FBI's golden badge grinned and said did you go to a bank to
19:32handle business last month. Seeing Rone's movements and hearing Rone's words
19:37Chad's body stiffened instantly and sweat appeared on his forehead in an
19:41instant. The next second Chad threw the wine glass on the bar counter at Rone
19:46turned his head and ran away. The moment the wine glass was thrown by Chad Rone
19:52avoided the body to the left took advantage of the opportunity to raise
19:56his right foot and kicked Chad the back. Boom. The next second under the
20:02astonished eyes of everyone in the bar Chad flew out directly smashed several
20:07tables and smashed heavily on the ground of the bar. Hiss WTF. Gift Crab. Seeing
20:16Chad lying on the ground twitching his legs and then not moving the bar was
20:20filled with the sound of gasping for air and everyone looked at Rone as if they
20:24had seen a ghost. Mona also looked at Rone in surprise. When did his strength
20:30become so great? After the reaction came back several men looked at Rone's eyes
20:36which suddenly lit up. Rone. Three hours later the office area of the number five
20:43investigation team. This Chad has been recruited and agreed to testify in court.
20:49Now we have someone to testify. Under the surprised eyes of everyone Rone and Mona
20:55walked out of the interrogation room with a smile and distributed Chad's
20:59confession to everyone. Chad admitted that he had helped Holke go to the bank
21:04for spot checks but he said that he only went there once and the remaining three
21:09cases had nothing to do with him. So next we need to find the other people
21:14who helped Holke go to the bank to check out locations three times and arrest
21:19Holke and Isaac. Good job. August briefly flipped through the interrogation
21:25records patted Rone on the shoulder vigorously and laughed loudly. It's a
21:29trivial matter to find other scouts later. After finishing speaking before
21:35Rone could react Augustus turned his gaze to Lacey and Ryder and said in a
21:39serious tone you two take our FBI plane to California tomorrow contact the local
21:46SWAT and make sure to catch Isaac and Holke back. Yes sir. After simply
21:53distributing some tasks Augustus waved his hand what I promised you I will do
21:58what I say. After handling this case everyone's bonus next week will be
22:03doubled. At the same time I will apply for a day off for my superiors. Hearing
22:10this the eyes of everyone in the know. Five investigation team lit up. Rone
22:16Veronese is looking for you. Chapter 108 raw the truth of the case and the money
22:22of thanks hello sir. Rone knocked on the door and after entering Veronese's
22:28office he saw that she was still writing materials with her head down. Sit. Veronese's
22:35tone was the same as before. After signaling Rone to sit down
22:39Veronese turned over the materials in her hand raised her legs and looked up at
22:44Rone August just told me that you have caught the scouts for the previous four
22:48bank. Robberies? Exactly. Rone nodded with a smile. After introducing Chad's
22:56identity he gave Veronese a brief deduction about the case based on all
23:00the clues and information in his hand. Located in California a Jingguang film
23:06industry due to poor management the company's financial problems have
23:10occurred and it is only one foot away from bankruptcy. The half-brother of
23:15Henry the boss of Jingguang films has been harming other countries for more
23:19than ten years. Isaac an American soldier who just returned to China at the
23:25beginning of this year decided to help his elder brother after learning about
23:28the incident. Of course it is not ruled out that Isaac simply wanted to make
23:33quick money and helping the eldest brother was a temporary idea later. It
23:38just so happened that Fletcher sent his script to Hollywood for registration.
23:43Isaac got the script from Henry's channel by some means. After briefly
23:48reading the script and designing it according to his own experience Isaac
23:52immediately boarded the plane to New York to look for his comrade in arms
23:56Hokey who had fought with him before. Hokey's quality of life has always been
24:02poor so he was quickly persuaded by his former comrades in arms. But thinking of
24:07Hokey's identity Rone felt that the process of Isaac's persuading Hokey
24:12might not be that simple. But no matter how Isaac persuaded Hokey anyway after a
24:18period of careful planning the two of them officially debuted in New York. One
24:24of the tattoos seen by passers-by was also written by Hokey according to the
24:28script and it was specially drawn on his arm to confuse the police. As for the
24:33person who helped Hokey draw the tattoo according to the information obtained by
24:38William and other technicians Isaac learned and made tattoos for his
24:41teammates when he was a soldier. This is the general process of the whole case.
24:47Looking at the bumpy figure in front of him Rone grinned and said our no. Five
24:52investigation team needs to do two things next. One is to find the spotters
24:57before the other three bank robberies and the other is to immediately arrest
25:01Hokey and Isaac. Augustus has already arranged these two tasks. Of course in
25:08the whole case there is still one question that has not been answered. That
25:13is the robbers in the fifth and sixth robberies what happened to the missing
25:17reporter and groom that Brandon said. But considering that these people are all
25:22related to the gangs in that area Rone decided to go back and see if there was
25:26any news related to him when he went fishing with Norton. Very good. After
25:32listening to Rone's narration Vernie narrowed her eyes slightly raised the
25:36corners of her mouth and nodded very satisfied. Immediately afterwards before
25:42Rone could speak Veronese's face returned to its original state again and after a
25:47light cough she said calmly since the case has been solved I will report the
25:52matter to the officer later and you don't have to go this time. Hearing what
25:57Verone has said Rone still had a smile on his face without any dissatisfaction. I
26:02am just an ordinary grassroots detective I often come to see the team leader
26:07Vernie and the team leader Augustus aloud plus no and they are still in the
26:12same foundation. While the special agent supervisor Corbett is the superior
26:18officer in charge of the group Rone has never heard from Veronese or Augustus
26:22that the other party has any relationship with the Columbus foundation.
26:27Veronese's thigh is very comfortable to hug and Rone has no intention of
26:32changing the family yet. So for an FBI officer of Corbett's level Rone feels
26:38that he is still rare. One is in way Ronese's heart saying that she has no
26:43idea of changing jobs and the other is. One is only met once the two sides
26:49exchanged less than ten sentences do not know the attitude of the other party
26:54towards him and the hairstyle is a little Mediterranean old white man. One
26:59is a female officer who has met and communicated many times admires herself
27:04very much and has a curvy figure who is almost familiar. Any fool knows how to
27:10choose. Good. Seeing that Rone didn't show any expression of dissatisfaction after
27:16hearing what he said Veronese's expression didn't change but she nodded
27:21in satisfaction from the bottom of her heart. Sure enough she saw the right
27:26person. So Veronese stopped talking nonsense and said directly I said before
27:32that if this case is successfully resolved within the stipulated time you
27:36will be promoted to senior detective. On this point the last time I took you to
27:41see the head of the special agent the other party already agreed. After this
27:46case is completely dealt with the relevant documents will be officially
27:50distributed to your number five investigation team. Thank you sir. Hearing
27:56this Rone showed a sunny smile on his face and after a pause for a few seconds
28:01he frowned. What about you sir? I remember. Veronese said before that if
28:07this case is solved she will have a chance to take another step forward. The
28:12team leader is one step further but he is the special agent leader. This is
28:17another reason why Rone doesn't want to have more contact with Corbett. My own
28:21thigh has the opportunity to become the new special agent director so why bother
28:26to hug the former special agent director's thigh. Hearing Rone's question
28:32Veronese was slightly taken aback. After a while Veronese narrowed her eyes
28:37slightly looked at Rone with deep eyes leaned back changed her legs up and down
28:42and said calmly as the special agent director of the FBI's New York branch
28:48Corbett has worked for a long time and has excellent workability. The Washington
28:53headquarters has noticed him. If there is no accident he will be promoted to
28:58the Washington headquarters together with the director and deputy director of
29:01our FBI New York branch nine months later. Nine months. Rone's eyes lit up and
29:08he immediately extracted the key words in Veronese's words. Exactly. Regarding
29:15Rone's reaction speed Veronese's eyes showed a gleam of satisfaction. The two
29:21of them changed the topic at the same time. After asking about the details of
29:26the case Veronese got up and prepared to leave the office. Correct. In the middle
29:32of getting up Veronese suddenly remembered something sat back down and
29:36said to Rone remember what I said before after catching the robbers who robbed
29:40these six banks these six. Banks will give a thank-you money. Certainly. Rone
29:47nodded. Why did he work so hard to solve this case? Not because of this thank-you
29:53money. But the bank is a bank after all and they won't pay a lot of gratitude.
29:59Hearing what Veronese said Rone's expression didn't change. He was already
30:05mentally prepared for this. The United States is a capitalist country and the
30:10banks are the capital of the capital. If they are expected to pay a million
30:15thanks like Sabina before the president will not be able to do it. Sure enough
30:20Veronese said immediately after taking over this case I have contacted these
30:24banks and they all said that as long as the robbers are caught the bank is
30:28willing to pay 100,000 US dollars in gratitude. Hearing this Rone's eyes lit
30:35up which was much more than his previous guess. Don't look at the fact that a bank
30:41less but there are many banks that have been robbed. One bank is 100,000 and six
30:47banks are 600,000. Of course this money belongs to the owner of investigation
30:53team number five. But Rone can get a lot definitely not less. Just as Rone lowered
31:00his head and calculated how much money he could get Veronese took out one of the
31:04folders on the side and threw it into Rone's arms and one more thing. Chapter
31:09109 security advisors and case closure opened the folder and inside is a
31:14contract certificate. This is Rone tilted his head and looked at Veronese a little
31:21puzzled. This is the bank that was robbed intending to hire FBI insiders as their
31:27bank's security consultant contract. Hearing Rone's question
31:32Veronese raised the corners of her mouth slightly put away her legs leaned
31:36forward and said at that time after learning about Broson's public resume
31:41in his experience in solving crimes over the years these banks believed that it
31:46would not be a problem for Broson to solve the case within the stipulated
31:50time. So after a brief chat with the special agent director Corbett the bank
31:55intends to hire Broson as the security consultant for these banks after the
31:59case is solved. Hearing the word consultant Rone grinned and frowned. In
32:05the United States in addition to the magical legal political donations there
32:10is also a phenomenon called political revolving door. That is after some
32:15government officials in the United States retire or resign they enter large
32:19companies, lobby groups, industry associations, law firms and other
32:24organizations to achieve re-employment. At the same time talents in these large
32:31companies, lobby groups, industry associations, law firms and other
32:35organizations will also be absorbed by the American government and will work
32:40for the American government and become government officials. A consultant is an
32:46important position in the political revolving door. What exactly this
32:50position does no one can tell but what everyone knows is that whoever hires a
32:56consultant must pay the consultant a lot of wages. Of course Broson the
33:02security consultant certainly cannot reach the level of a political revolving
33:06door. But as long as he becomes a security consultant he will definitely
33:11get a consultant fee from the bank. Thinking of this Rone had some guesses
33:16and looked up at Vernie. Vernice narrowed her eyes slightly and continued to speak
33:22softly. However within the specified time Broson did not successfully solve
33:27the case so the job of security consultant was not taken over by Broson.
33:33However the bank did not take away the contract but said that whoever can solve
33:38the case will be the security consultant. Now this case is solved by you so the
33:44position of consultant naturally belongs to you. Hearing what Vernie said Rone's
33:50eyes lit up he licked his lips and said with a smile thank you very much for
33:55your support sir. The corners of Veronice's lips curled up slightly and
34:00she simply explained a few words saying that Llewellyn had collected this
34:04document and when the bank paid the thank-you money later someone would sign
34:09this contract with him. Then Vernie waved her hand indicating that Rone could
34:15leave her office. She is now going to report the detection of the serial bank
34:19robbery to the special agent supervisor Corbett. Back to the know. Five
34:25investigation team Augustus is planning to take Ryder and Lacey to the
34:29conference room for a meeting and arrange for the two of them to
34:33communicate with some departments of the local FBI after. They go to California
34:38tomorrow. Sir I will also participate in this operation. Hearing the news Rone
34:45immediately threw the folder to his workstation then smiled at Augustus I
34:49haven't made a cross-state arrest yet. FBI's cross-state law enforcement often
34:54involves specific arrests and it will ask the local SWAT for help. Search for
35:00relevant evidence the local trace inspection department will also help. So
35:05Rone and the others just went there to supervise the operation and were
35:08responsible for bringing the prisoner and relevant evidence back safely. Of
35:12course Rone Ryder and Lacey must not be the only three to the robbers back to
35:18New York. The FBI has a special plane for this kind of situation and there are
35:23corresponding armed forces in the special plane. Regarding Rone's request
35:28Augustus pondered for a few seconds before agreeing. For the FBI cross-state
35:34law enforcement is the norm. This operation is relatively simple just
35:39arresting people. Let Rone experience the specific situation of cross-state law
35:45enforcement which will help him train his performance in the face of this
35:48situation in the future. The four discussed for a long time in the
35:53conference room mainly Augustus was talking Rone Ryder and Lacey were
35:57listening. After the meeting Rone went to Augustus's team leader's office first
36:02and briefly chatted with him about some details that he didn't understand just
36:06now and then returned to his desk. Rone as soon as she sat down in her chair
36:13before she could stretch herself Mona smiled and the fly rubbed her hands and
36:18came over. Hearing Mona calling him Rone immediately tilted his head to look at
36:23her. But seeing the other party's appearance Luo An's mouth twitched
36:28suddenly and he subconsciously stepped back from the chair. Mona what are you
36:32doing? After speaking Rone reacted abruptly. No. What do you have to be
36:39afraid of? Nothing I just have a question to ask you. Mona smiled quickly
36:45moved the chair to Rone's side and asked in a low voice when this bank robbery is
36:50over how much is the thank-you money? Glancing at Mona Rone didn't hide it
36:55from her and directly told the other party the figure of 600,000. What? Hearing
37:02Rone's words Mona's eyes widened she covered her mouth and exclaimed 600,000
37:08for a bank. How is it possible? One bank is 100,000 and six banks add up to 600,000.
37:17Rone rolled his eyes you don't know the situation of those banks. 100,000 is
37:23cutting their flesh. That's a lot. Mona laughed when she heard the words took
37:29out a calculator from nowhere and began to calculate cracklingly. Seeing this
37:34scene the corner of Luo An's mouth twitched. Is Mona so short of money? Soon
37:41it was time to get off work again. Because of the business trip tomorrow
37:46Lacey was very serious once and instead of going to the bar to have fun at night
37:50she went home and had a good night's rest. Ryder went home to find his wife
37:55and children as usual. Luo An wanted to grab a meal at Mona's house but failed.
38:02Early the next morning the three of Rone boarded the special plane of the
38:06FBI and headed for California which is far away on the other side of the
38:10federal continent. Six hours later the three of them successfully arrived in
38:15California. After connecting with the local FBI department they went straight
38:20to the three targets. Rone took the SWAT and went straight to Hokie floating in
38:26the sea. Ryder took SWAT and went straight to the villa where Isaac lived.
38:31Lacey's target is Golden Light Films boss Henry Mitchell so she didn't bring
38:36SWAT but rushed into the Golden Light Films company with the local FBI's
38:40economic crime department. Rone and Ryder's actions went smoothly. Hokie on
38:47the yacht wanted to jump into the sea to escape but was shot in the thigh by Rone
38:51and directly hit the edge of the yacht with his head and fell unconscious. Isaac
38:56who was holding a multiplayer exercise in the villa was startled by Ryder and
39:01others who suddenly rushed in and he shook his body and confessed. After
39:06carefully searching the residence of the two the FBI found some US dollar bills
39:10that had not been processed. Now that there are all witnesses and physical
39:15evidence after Rone and Ryder processed the relevant evidence the next day they
39:20were directly thrown into the special plane of the FBI to their prisoner. The
39:26situation at Jingguang Films is a bit complicated. The accounts cannot be
39:31processed within a short period of time. Rone and Ryder have no choice but to
39:36return to New York first. But no matter what the bank robbery has come to an end
39:42here. Augustus did not break his promise and
39:45announced on the spot that everyone would have a holiday next Monday and go
39:49back to work on Tuesday. Thank you sir. The agents of the No. 5 investigation
39:56team shouted loudly applauding Augustus and Rone frantically. After learning of
40:02this Matthews of the number 14 investigation team clenched his fists
40:06tightly in his eyes were red. Special agent supervisor Corbett sitting in the
40:11office looked at the text version of the case report that Veronese had submitted
40:15in response to his request that day and frowned slightly. After thinking for a
40:21long time I slowly ticked Rone's name. Chapter 110 reasons for the establishment
40:27of investigation team number 5 Sunday 8 p.m. Catherine Hepburn bar. Cheers. At a
40:34round table deep in the bar Augustus, Rone, Mona, Ryder and Lacey raised their
40:40glasses together. It's a pleasure to receive your invitation. August drank the
40:46wine in the wine glass in one gulp then let out a long breath and said with a
40:50smile to everyone it's been a long time since I drank so happily. Lacey picked up
40:56the wine bottle and filled Augustus again while tilting her head in asking
41:00with a smile your wife is very strict in this regard. The No. 5 investigation team
41:07has not been established for a long time and everyone only has a rough
41:11understanding of the family conditions of the members of the investigation team
41:16such as whether you are married and family members. Other details the members
41:21of the No. 5 investigation team are not very clear with each other. My wife.
41:27No, I never drink to pass out so she doesn't care that I drink. Hearing Lacey's
41:34words Augustus smiled and shook his head then patted his big belly again but my
41:39daughter cared a lot about it so. Augustus didn't finish his sentence but
41:44everyone present nodded in understanding. To be honest Lacey the bar you chose is
41:50a bit beyond my expectation. Feeling the quiet music in the bar and the harmonious
41:55gathering of people around Ryder took a bite of the food on the table tilted his
42:00head to look at Lacey and said with a smile when Roan told me before that the
42:05address of tonight's party was chosen by you I thought you would take us to a bar
42:09with catwalks. The bars that show the show are all my treasures and I will
42:15never tell you their addresses. Hearing this Lacey put down the bottle and
42:20turned her head to give Ryder a blank look and I'll give you the address do
42:23you have the guts to go. Yvonne is not easy to mess with. Lacey who has been
42:29shopping and chatting with her knows this very well. Mona also learned about
42:34this from Lacey she immediately turned her head with great interest and cast
42:39her eyes on Ryder. Why not? Seeing the expressions in the eyes of the two women
42:45Ryder suddenly widened his eyes his face was serious and he patted his chest hard
42:50I'm going there to investigate is there a problem? Lacey and Mona immediately
42:56rolled their eyes Roan chuckled and didn't speak but turned his gaze back to
43:00Augustus. Sir how did our number five investigation team be established? Can
43:06you tell me? This question has been in Roan's mind for a long time. Obviously
43:12they have a total of 13 investigation teams and recently established a number
43:17investigation team. Why is their newly established investigation team ranked
43:22fifth? And all the newcomers not a single member of the original number five
43:27investigation team. Roan's question also aroused the interest of the remaining
43:32three people. Mona like Roan has not been in the number five investigation team
43:38for a long time so she doesn't know the specific situation. After Ryder and Lacey
43:43were transferred to the no. Five investigation team because of their
43:48previous work relationship they subconsciously thought that there was a
43:51secret behind this matter so they didn't ask about it. Now that Roan
43:56mentioned this matter they naturally want to know the answer behind this
43:59matter. There's nothing you can't say. Seeing that several people on the table
44:05were all looking at him Augustus frowned. After drinking another glass of wine he
44:11hooked his hands to signal everyone to come to his side. Seeing this the four of
44:16Luo and Hurdley straightened up and put their ears together. Then Augustus was
44:21heard whispering in fact I do not know. Four people. Seeing the wonderful
44:27expressions on the faces of Roan and others Augustus raised his head and
44:32laughed. Okay no kidding. Laughed for a while and when Roan and the others began
44:38to discuss several ways to evade orders in front of him Augustus hurriedly
44:43waved his hand indicating that it was just a joke. After coughing twice the
44:48four of them approached Augustus again only to hear Augustus whisper with a
44:52serious expression actually that's a kind of contingency plan. When the no.
44:58Five investigation team still existed it handled a major case against a drug lord
45:03from a South American country dumping flour to New York. The case took half a
45:09year. The members of the former no. Five investigation team not only successfully
45:15smashed the drug trafficking chain of the big drug lord but even captured the
45:19son of the drug lord who was in charge of the operation of this route. Knowing
45:24that his son was caught by the FBI and put in prison to pick up soap every day
45:28the big drug lord was furious. While trying to save his son he kept sending
45:34killers to sneak into the federal territory trying to kill all the former
45:38no. Five investigation team members who were in charge of this case. Vernie did
45:43not know where she got this news. For the safety of the people below she chose to
45:48seal up all the files related to this case. At the same time she disbanded all
45:54the members of the former no. Five investigation team and dispersed them to
45:58the New York branch of the FBI. Other departments of the ministry. Hearing
46:03this Rone frowned. Vernie is indeed a good officer who talks about human
46:08nature. Immediately afterwards he asked in a low voice what about the big drug
46:14lords in South America. Verinus is indeed human but she also has a narrow-minded
46:20personality. Rone thinks that there is a high probability that Vernie will not
46:25keep the other party. He died half a year ago and the cause of death was a
46:30sudden myocardial infarction. August picked up the wine glass on the table
46:35took a sip and said with a smile after his death the power was divided among
46:40his former subordinates and the killers who entered the federal territory were
46:44also cleaned up. Of course in order to prevent accidents
46:49Veronice did not recall the former no. Five investigation team but set up a new
46:54no. Five investigation team. That's us. Hearing this Ryder, Lacey and Mona
47:00looked at each other and Chi Chi laughed. Rone narrowed his eyes slightly and
47:06found that the thighs behind Vernie seemed thicker than he had imagined. Rone
47:11dare not say 100% of the big drug lords in South America but 70% of them are
47:16supported by the relevant departments of the United States. These people appear to
47:21be drug lords but they are actually agents of relevant departments. This kind
47:26of person Vernie can actually think of a way to kill him. Although he didn't know
47:32what method Veronice used Rone took a sip of his wine the corners of his mouth
47:36slightly curled up and in his heart he increased the importance of Vernie to
47:40him. At the same time silently made up his mind this thigh I hold it tight even
47:46can't stop me. As for whether the drug lord died of myocardial infarction by
47:51chance. Thinking of what Lydia the female owner of the Flame Queen bar said
47:57before and thinking about the CIA who does all kinds of evil and does
48:01everything Rone feels that there may not be so many. Coincidences in this world.
48:07Several people continued to chat for a while. Ryder suddenly remembered
48:11something tilted his head and asked by the way Rone didn't you agree to go
48:16fishing with detective Norton from the organized crime investigation section.
48:22Before Rone could answer Mona frowned turned her head and asked fishing Rone
48:28do you have a fishing license? In the United States fishing is not free and
48:34fishing licenses are required for fishing in public places. She didn't want
48:39to see Rone being fined by NYPD afterward for fishing without a license.
48:44I don't have a fishing license but yesterday was free fishing day in New
48:49York. People without a fishing license can also fish on this day so Rone went
48:54fishing with Norton yesterday. How many fish did you catch? Ryder's eyes lit up
49:00and August also looked at Rone with interest. Norton caught some bass. Seeing
49:07the eyes of the two Rone shrugged but when I got there I found that I forgot
49:12to bring some things so I didn't go fishing. I just watched Norton catch fish
49:17all morning. Forgot something? The corner of Lacey's mouth raised when she heard
49:23this you don't have a fishing rod with you do you? Mona covered her mouth and
49:28snickered when she heard the words and Ryder and Augustus also grinned after
49:33being stunned for a moment. No. Rone shook his head I brought the fishing rod but I
49:39forgot the helmet. Four people. Now the fun in this clip is over. Which
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49:51encourage the admin find the fun in the next clip. May the listeners be happy