FBI 156-160

  • 5 days ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this
00:15clip. Don't forget to like and comment so that the admin will have the
00:20encouragement to continue making clips. Let's go listen. Chapter 156 Good meal
00:27never afraid of late investigation team number five, team leader's office. As soon
00:33as the two sat down, Augustus handed a folder into Roan's arms, grinning and
00:38saying, Roan, you solved the case of Brent Hughes so beautifully. The corners of his
00:45mouth hooked slightly, leaving Augustus with a smile that concealed his
00:49achievements and fame. Roan lowered his head and opened the folder in his hand.
00:54The content on the paper in the folder was not what Roan imagined, it was a
00:59proof of the issuance of a new bonus. It was the serial murder case in the
01:04seaside deep pit, which was handed over to their number five investigation team.
01:08Roan frowned and looked up at Augustus who was sitting across from him drinking
01:13coffee from a cup. Although Augustus successfully got the case, Roan felt in
01:18a good mood. But usually after the case is solved, the certificate of bonus
01:24distribution will basically be issued the next day. Roan has won several double
01:29bonuses in front of him. What's going on this time? Salvatore Cristo, this guy is
01:35in some trouble. Seeing Roan's eyes, Augustus understood instantly, put the
01:41coffee cup on the desk and said with a smile, in addition to Filomena, he has
01:46several women who are in contact with people on wall. Street. After you and
01:52Ryder arrested Salvatore yesterday, a team leader from the financial crimes
01:56investigation section contacted me. The leader of an investigation team of the
02:01financial crimes investigation section asked Augustus not to prosecute Salvatore
02:06for the time being. Because they also have many cases related to Salvatore and
02:11Wall Street in their hands, but there has been no evidence before. Now the no. Five
02:18investigation team has not only captured Salvatore, but also has Filomena as a
02:22witness in its hands. The financial crimes investigation section intends to
02:28use this to spend Salvatore in prison completely. Half-life speaking of this,
02:33Augustus looked more and more satisfied with Roan's eyes. The vast majority of
02:38the cases handled by the financial crimes bureau are related to Wall Street
02:42and every time a case is solved, they can make a lot of money from it. So this
02:48group of people sometimes looks down on the criminal investigation section,
02:51organized crime investigation section, etc. These investigation teams require
02:57frequent field trips, low wages and low bonuses. In addition, the no. Five
03:05investigation team has just been established and Augustus is still a new
03:09team leader transferred from another department. On weekdays, although the team
03:14leaders of the financial crime investigation section would not ridicule
03:18Augustus, their attitude towards Augustus was very average. And this time, because
03:24Roan solved the Park River mail corpse case and captured the mastermind behind
03:29the scenes, Salvatore Cristo, the team leader of the financial crimes
03:33investigation section had to come to Augustus for cooperation. Thinking of the
03:39expression on the face of the team leader of the financial crimes
03:42investigation section, August's molars burst into laughter.
03:46Patting his stomach, feeling that Roan has his own demeanor when he was young,
03:51Augustus raised his eyebrows at Roan, after the case of Salvatore is
03:55completely over, the financial crimes investigation section will thank our
04:00No. 5 investigation team. Hearing this, Llewellyn realized it instantly and said
04:06with a smile on his face, I see, thank you sir. There is no fear of being late for a
04:12good meal, just a little bonus, Llewellyn is not in a hurry. What's more, judging
04:18from Augustus' posture, the gratitude from the financial crime investigation
04:22bureau after the event seems to be more than a simple bonus. Waving his hand,
04:28Augustus said that Roan solved the case, and he contributed the most, so you don't need to
04:33thank him for this little thing. Sitting on a chair, after briefly chatting about the details
04:38of the Park River Mail Corpse case, the two finally left the team leader's office together.
04:44Good morning, agents, ladies and gentlemen. Walking to the front of the investigation
04:50team's office area, Augustus looked around and found that everyone had arrived,
04:55and said loudly that the follow-up processing of the Park River Mail Corpse
05:00case can be put aside first. Shaking the folder in his hand, Augustus went on to say,
05:06what we are going to deal with next is a serial murder case targeting girls.
05:11Hearing that the No. 5 investigation team had indeed taken over the serial murder case in
05:18the deep pit by the sea, Lacey and Mona immediately gave Roan a grateful look.
05:23Roan grinned and waved his hands to signal the two to listen carefully to William's words
05:28describing the specifics of the case. The history and circumstances of the case
05:33described by William are exactly the same as what Mona investigated earlier,
05:38the night before yesterday, workers working overtime on Long Island found a girl
05:44covered in blood. NYPD found the deep pit where the murderer disposed of the corpse based on
05:50the blood on the ground, and found 22 female corpses in the deep pit. Thank you, William.
05:57After listening to the case overview, Augustus waved his hand to signal William to sit down,
06:02then looked at the crowd and said, obviously, what we are looking for this time is a ruthless pervert.
06:09Do you have any thoughts or experiences on finding perverts?
06:13I checked where the body was found. Mona sat at her workstation,
06:18tapped the keyboard a few times, showed the photos inside to everyone, and replied earnestly
06:23at the same time, that location was in a very remote part of the southern,
06:28Long Island area. If it weren't for the government building roads to develop that area,
06:34and the surviving girl was lucky enough to escape, the pit might not have been discovered for
06:38decades. The photos in the computer show that the location of the deep pit is right on the sea,
06:45and because of the backflow of seawater, the entire deep pit is full of turbid seawater.
06:51The first time ordinary people see the deep pit, they must turn around and avoid it. And children
06:57or a few men who happen to pass by here may pick up a few stones and throw them down to test the
07:02depth. Okay. After listening to Mona's words, Augustus frowned, and his tone was quite dignified,
07:10to be able to choose such a remote place, the murderer must know it well.
07:15Yeah. All the detectives nodded in unison. The murderer had disposed of 22 corpses in the deep
07:22pit, so he must be very familiar with that area. That area has not been monitored yet. Glancing at
07:30the map data in Mona's computer, Augustus touched his chin, and finally tilted his head to look at
07:35Roan. Roan, what do you think? The girl who survived was too seriously injured, and the
07:42operation on her body could not be done at one time, so she is still undergoing surgery to this
07:47day. Hearing Augustus' question, Roan didn't talk nonsense, and pointed directly at the information
07:54in the computer and said, on the other hand, because there were too many dead bodies in this
07:58case, the NYPD has not yet issued a complete autopsy report. The girl is not in a hurry here,
08:06I plan to go to the 22 corpses first, maybe I can find some clues about the murderer.
08:12Good. August nodded in satisfaction, and after a few brief explanations, he handed over the
08:19leadership of the case to Roan. Because Roan solved the bombing case, the new funds issued
08:25by Corbett arrived in the account this morning, and Augustus needs to quickly receive it now.
08:31This money is related to the new coffee machine, new seat and new computer of the number 5
08:36investigation team in the future, so there must be no problems. By the way, Mona. When he was about
08:43to set off with Lacey, Roan slapped his head suddenly, tilted his head and said to Mona,
08:49remember Philomena mentioned before that her sister used the client's mobile phone to call.
08:54Her for help. Chapter 157, Breast Augmentation Surgery, certainly. Mona nodded, instantly
09:03understood what Roan meant, and immediately got up and said, I'm going to check Philomena's cell
09:08phone and find out who is behind that phone number. As a client of a John, that man has 100%
09:14contacted the people involved in this case. Good. Seeing that Mona understood his thoughts so
09:21quickly, Roan showed a smile on his face, and then led Lacey to the elevator. The elevator
09:27descended slowly. Lacey glanced at Roan who was bowing his head in thought, and a strange light
09:34suddenly flashed in his eyes. She thought carefully about Mona's behavior these days,
09:39and found that not only did Mona guess that Roan's thoughts were getting faster and faster,
09:44but also that Mona's occasional small movements in life and work were more and more like Roan's.
09:51Shadow, NYPD, planing room. Good morning, FBI agent. Good morning, Mr. Forensic Doctor,
10:00just call me Roan. The white old forensic doctor in front of him, Roan is no stranger.
10:07In the car accident that happened because of the CIA, when Roan and Mona came to investigate
10:12Evander's body together, they met this old forensic doctor. The CIA agent stole Evander's
10:19computer while the old forensic doctor was obsessed with dissecting corpses. Okay, Roan.
10:26After all, he had met Roan once, so the old forensic doctor didn't talk nonsense this time,
10:31he just picked up a cup of coffee and drank it, then said with a smile,
10:36my name is Latham. Thank you, Latham. Glancing at the covered female body, Roan selectively
10:43ignored the coffee next to him, and asked in a deep voice, can you tell me about the condition
10:47of these corpses? Certainly. The old forensic doctor nodded, and then took out a set of fast
10:55food noodles in a square paper shell from the cabinet next to him, but before that,
10:59I need something to eat. The old forensic doctor said that he was getting old, and this time 22
11:06corpses came at once again. Although there are colleagues to help, he is still too busy these
11:11days. Smelling the faint scent of corpses in the air, and seeing the old forensic doctor sitting
11:18next to the corpse, eating calmly, Laci twitched the corner of her mouth and looked away. In these
11:24years in the FBI's trace inspection department, Laci has seen such scenes many times. But seeing
11:31her many times does not mean she has fully adapted to it. Although Laci no longer has nausea,
11:37she still feels very uncomfortable. Luoan didn't care. Not only did he not change his face,
11:44he even asked the old forensic doctor where he bought the fast food noodles.
11:49It smelled delicious, and he wanted to try it later. Seeing this, the old forensic doctor
11:55immediately cast a satisfied look at Luoan. He has worked in the forensic profession all his life.
12:02When he saw himself eating in front of the corpse, most of them, except for the forensic
12:07colleagues, would vomit and choose to leave the room. A small number of people will be like Laci,
12:13who are used to it but are still not used to it, and choose to quietly look away.
12:19And like Luoan, who is not a forensic doctor, and does not often come into contact with disemboweled
12:24corpses in his own work, but who still does not change his face when he eats himself, belongs to.
12:31The minority of the minority. I'll give you the address later.
12:36After eating the noodles in the box in two or three bites, the old forensic doctor wiped his
12:41mouth, and then took an attitude several times more serious than usual to Luoan, the detective
12:46who made him very satisfied, and introduced carefully, these victims were killed one after
12:53another in the past three years. The most recent victims, numbers 018 and 019 died a week ago,
13:01and 020, 021, and 022 died three days ago. Hearing this, Luoan suddenly narrowed his eyes.
13:11The body no. 021 was Filomena's younger sister. He had guessed before that she was ruthlessly
13:19killed by the murderer after calling for help. Now it seems that he did not guess wrong. The
13:25bodies of these victims were all stabbed 15 to 25 times by the murderer with a jagged short knife.
13:32Lifting off the blue veil covering the corpse, the old forensic doctor pointed at the breast of
13:37the corpse, and introduced with a serious expression, these corpses all showed the characteristics of
13:44Xingom workers. And above the chest, all of them had a piece of skin the size of a bottle cap that
13:51had been cut off by the killer. Looking at the cut skin of the corpse, Laci's face was ugly,
13:57Luoan lowered his head and looked carefully. After a while, Luoan suddenly noticed that there were
14:03still some uneven marks on the flesh and blood under the skin, and he raised his head and asked,
14:08what is this? Good eyesight. The old forensic doctor smiled and patted Roan on the shoulder,
14:15explaining, clearly, this is a marker that would identify the victim.
14:20Luoan heard the words, nodded in silence for a while, and said in a low voice, and it was
14:26forcibly carved on the victim's body with a heated blade. What? Hearing this, Laci on the side was
14:33full of doubts, why is it engraved by a heated blade? Isn't it directly branded? No. Roan shook
14:42his head, turned around and explained seriously, the heat emitted by the brand is limited, it is
14:47impossible to penetrate through the skin, into such deep flesh and blood. Only with a heated blade
14:54can this be achieved. After finishing speaking, Roan turned to look at the old forensic doctor,
15:00and continued to ask, a total of 22 corpses, which corpse has clearer traces?
15:06Or, can you restore the original appearance of the traces?
15:10Combining the incident of the cousin calling for help described by Filomena before,
15:15now the corpses all show the characteristics of Xingom workers, and the corpses have the
15:20same brand marks. It is not difficult to judge that all victims should serve the same organization.
15:27The murderer removed the branding marks on the corpse in order to make people wonder which
15:31organization this organization is. Faced with this situation, besides being a serial murderer,
15:38the real culprit behind this case may also be a human trafficker. As long as the original
15:44shape of the brand can be restored, with the help of the organized crime investigation section,
15:49Roan believes that they will soon be able to find out where the organization is.
15:54Located and who is behind the scenes. Then bust the group, catch whoever was behind it,
16:00and get the remaining girls out. Lacey on the side thought for a moment, thought of this,
16:05and immediately cast a hopeful look at the old forensic doctor. Seeing this,
16:11the old forensic doctor shook his head with a serious face, the corpse is very decomposed,
16:16and it has been sinking on the bottom of the sea. We can't restore the original appearance of the
16:22brand. All right. Roan was a little disappointed when he heard the words, but the expression on
16:29his face didn't change much, while Lacey's expression collapsed instantly. The more you
16:34hope, the harder you fall. And one more thing. Seeing Luo An's calm expression, the old forensic
16:42doctor added a calm and steady label to him in his heart, nodded in satisfaction and continued,
16:48Several girls over the age of 18 here have undergone polyacrylamide prosthetic implantation
16:54operations. When Lacey heard this, she was slightly taken aback, breast augmentation surgery.
17:02Luo An paid attention to the important point, looked at the old forensic doctor with a serious
17:07face and asked, PPA. Are you sure? In the previous life, injectable breast augmentation through
17:14polyacrylamide was strictly prohibited because it was extremely harmful to the human body.
17:20At this point in time, most of the federal territory has also stopped using this material.
17:32Seeing the expression on Roan's face, the old forensic doctor chuckled, put the blue covering
17:37cloth back on the corpse, and continued, As far as I know, all regular hospitals in New York state
17:43know. Longer use polyacrylamide as a material for breast augmentation surgery on women.
17:50Lacey on the side heard this and asked, You mean, the only ones that still use this material
17:56are those underground black clinics? Exactly. Received an affirmative answer from the old
18:02forensic doctor, Lacey blinked and turned to look at Roan. Seeing Lacey's gaze, Roan shook his head
18:09helplessly. There are too many underground clinics in New York. The city of New York has
18:15always been famous for its simple folk customs, harmony, and love. Citizens have also developed
18:22a good habit of falling asleep with gunshots. One day, if there are not a few gunshots,
18:28New Yorkers will not be able to sleep well. But when a gunshot sounds, someone must be injured,
18:34and an injury needs to be healed. The United States is a country that adheres to the
18:39capitalist development line, and it is natural to provide supply when there is demand. So things
18:46like underground black clinics have sprung up in the underground world of New York,
18:50and they are distributed in various districts. If you want to thoroughly figure out these black
18:56clinics, except for the IRS, neither the NYPD nor the FBI can do it. Hearing what Roan said
19:03shaking his head, Lacey frowned suddenly, and she also thought of this. Just when she was about to
19:09say something, Roan suddenly looked up at the old forensic doctor and asked, the doctor who performed
19:15breast augmentation surgery on these girls, what do you think of his? Technique or technique?
19:22Manner or technique? Hearing Roan's question, the old forensic doctor raised his brows,
19:28he really didn't think of this. Holding his arms around his chest and thinking carefully,
19:33the old forensic doctor finally said in a deep voice, during breast augmentation surgery,
19:39this doctor used a multilevel and repeated puncture injection method to diffuse the
19:44hydrogel in the breast tissue. In addition, during hydrogel injection, there was no acute
19:50bleeding caused by the needle tip puncturing small blood vessels, and there was no laceration
19:55bruising of blood caused by too deep or too shallow an injection gap. Sorry. Hearing the old
20:04forensic doctor spit out a lot of professional vocabulary, Lacey looked blank and hurriedly
20:09waved her hands and asked, can you directly state the conclusion? The old forensic doctor immediately
20:16rolled his eyes when he heard the words, while Roan leaned on his chin and nodded thoughtfully,
20:21you mean, this doctor has a lot of experience in breast augmentation surgery, and is even very
20:27likely an expert in this field. The old forensic doctor nodded in satisfaction, and then gave Lacey
20:34a look at her look. Lacey. Right at this moment, Lacey's cell phone rang suddenly, pressed the
20:42answer button, and after a brief chat, Lacey tilted her head and looked at Roan, the girl
20:48who survived all the operations has been completed and she just woke up. Shall we ask her now?
20:55Certainly. Roan nodded, briefly chatted with the old forensic doctor, and turned to leave
21:00the NYPD's anatomy room. Hospital, hallway. Roan walked in the direction of the elevator,
21:08and Lacey held a folder beside her, and introduced the girl's relevant information as she walked,
21:13Janelle Skrodov, 21 years old, Ukrainian. In the fall of three years ago, she flew from
21:20Kiev to JFK International Airport, and the visa she applied for was a two-year tourist visa.
21:27Ukrainian. Roan frowned, tilted his head and thought for a while, and continued to ask,
21:33does she have any relatives in New York? No. Lacey shook her head, closed the folder in her hand,
21:41walked into the elevator with Roan, and explained, Janelle's parents are Ukrainian,
21:45as are other relatives. According to the information from the customs, Janelle came
21:51to New York and lived in a hotel suite. But Mona just checked the check-in records of that hotel,
21:57and Janelle never stayed there. In fact, Janelle completely lost contact the second day after she
22:04arrived in New York. After listening to Lacey's narration, Roan frowned, the elevator door opened,
22:10and he led Lacey to the girl's ward. Janelle, whose body was wrapped in bandages in many places,
22:17was lying on the hospital bed. When Roan and Lacey opened the door and entered the room,
22:23she was crying silently. After taking a brief look at Janelle,
22:27Roan found that she was indeed a beauty in line with European aesthetics.
22:32He took out the golden FBI badge from his pocket and said,
22:36Hi Janelle, this is the FBI, can I ask a few questions?
22:41FBI. Janelle was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously trying to wipe the tears from
22:47the corners of her eyes, but her hands were all injured and she couldn't move at all.
22:52Seeing this, Lacey hurriedly pulled out a few pieces of paper from the side,
22:57and gently wiped Janelle clean. Thanks. Janelle cast a grateful look at Lacey,
23:03thanked her in a hoarse voice, and then turned to look at Roan,
23:07is your FBI in charge of investigating this case? I beg you, catch M.
23:13There are so many other girls like me out there. Of course, that's how we got here.
23:19Roan tilted his head to look at Lacey, who immediately took out a small notebook from
23:24her pocket, preparing to record key information that might be useful later.
23:29After getting Roan's affirmative answer, Janelle didn't talk nonsense,
23:33and immediately narrated the whole incident. When she was 18 years old, Janelle saw an
23:39advertisement for a modeling agency in a newspaper in the countryside of Ukraine,
23:43which said that she could take them to New York to become models and earn a
23:48lot of money. Young girls without much social experience always have longings for becoming a
23:54model, so Janelle called the newspaper without hesitation for too long. In a company in Kyiv,
24:00after passing a simple physical fitness test and identity information investigation,
24:05Janelle successfully got on the plane to New York. Janelle, who was sitting in the plane,
24:11thought this was her first step toward success in life. But unexpectedly,
24:16this is actually the last bus for her to fall into hell.
24:20When I first arrived in New York, a man named John came to pick me up.
24:25John was very nice to me that day, not only took me to see the sights in New York,
24:30but also took me to eat some food in a restaurant. Speaking of this, Janelle's face was full of
24:36hatred and regret, that night, John handed me a glass of champagne, and I drank it without thinking.
24:43When I woke up the next day, I found myself lying in a basement with my limbs bound by chains.
24:49Soon, John walked in and he told me that if I resisted, he would kill me and my family.
24:55Then, he took two other men to strengthen me for three days.
25:00Speaking of this, Janelle's face was pale and she couldn't cry.
25:05Lacey's face turned ugly when she heard this, and while comforting her in a low voice,
25:10she picked up the paper and helped Janelle wipe away her tears again.
25:14Roan's expression remained unchanged when he saw this, but he shook his head deep in his heart.
25:20There is no free lunch in the world, the free one is the most expensive,
25:25this sentence applies everywhere. After a few minutes, Janelle's mood stabilized.
25:31Seeing this, Lacey briefly comforted her and asked in a low voice,
25:35Janelle, where is John imprisoning you? I have no idea.
25:40Janelle shook her head, choked up and replied, in that place, there are several basements,
25:46and in each basement is a woman like me imprisoned.
25:50But every time he went out to sell the cause, John would have someone blindfold me.
25:55Hearing this, Lacey frowned, and just looking at Roan, Janelle suddenly said, but I know one thing.
26:02Chapter 159, Major Crime
26:04Hearing Janelle's words, Lacey hurriedly asked, what's up?
26:09The house where we were imprisoned should not be far from the sea.
26:13Janelle said that one night she was blindfolded by John's men and took her to a seaside villa
26:18to sell the cause. During the intermission, she opened the window of the villa and smelled an
26:23indescribable smell of the sea. And Janelle could smell this smell every day in the house
26:29where she was imprisoned. Okay, Janelle, you're great.
26:34Write down this important information in a small notebook, Lacey praised her in a low voice,
26:40Roan thought for a few seconds, and continued to ask, Janelle, is it the John you mentioned
26:45who attacked? You in the deep pit by the sea? No, that man's name is Tony, and he is one of
26:52John's most important subordinates. Janelle shook her head, indicating that Tony would
26:58not listen to anyone's orders except John. Blindfolding them every time and taking them
27:04to sea clients is also Tony's job. Not only that, but this Tony has mental problems.
27:11He usually talks upside down. For women who don't obey his orders,
27:16he prefers to use physical persuasion rather than verbal orders.
27:21After listening to Janelle's narration, Lacey's face was full of disgust, and she wrote down a
27:26line in the small notebook, have a strong desire to control. Luoan frowned, tilted his head and
27:33thought for a while, and briefly described the forensic discovery of several girls who had
27:37undergone breast augmentation surgery, and then asked, Janelle, do you know about that operation?
27:45I know. Hearing about this operation, Janelle nodded heavily, and a gleam of light appeared
27:51in her eyes, breast augmentation surgery was performed in one of the rooms of the house where
27:56we were imprisoned. There is a sister who is also from Ukraine and has undergone the operation.
28:03She once told me that the doctor is also a Ukrainian. At the same time, she was very old
28:09and even touched her before the operation. Lacey on the side heard the words and quickly wrote
28:15down the information, and Luoan's eyes lit up, great, Janelle, the information you provided was
28:21very helpful. As long as it works. Janelle smiled wryly, I only hope that you can quickly catch John
28:29and the others and rescue those sisters who are still imprisoned. Because once someone gets sick
28:34or breaks the rules, like asking for help from a John, John will order Tony to kill her afterward.
28:41Lacey looked up at Luoan, Luoan frowned. Obviously, both of them thought of the cause
28:47of Filomena's sister's death, using the client's mobile phone to call for help.
28:52Continued to chat for a while, and made an appointment with Janelle.
28:57Later, the FBI New York headquarters would send an artist to make simulated portraits of John,
29:02Tony and others through her description. Luoan and Lacey turned and left the ward.
29:08What a bunch. Sitting in the co-pilot of the SUV, Lacey looked at the records in the small notebook,
29:15and suddenly showed disgust and anger, human traffickers are really disgusting guys in the
29:20world, they should be shot to death directly. Luoan, who was sitting in the driver's seat,
29:27glanced at Lacey, fell silent for a while, took out his cell phone and called Mona.
29:33The call was quickly connected, and Mona's questioning voice came from the other end of
29:37the phone, how about it, Luoan, have you found any clues? Certainly. Luoan briefly described
29:45the clues of the doctor found by the forensic doctor, as well as the few clues described by
29:50Janelle just now, and finally asked in a deep voice, Mona, have you found them?
29:55Information of the client who called Filomena. Like Lacey, after listening to Janelle's narration,
30:02Mona also cursed. Because of her frequent use of her computer technology to browse the databases
30:08of various departments, Mona knows a statistic that about one-fifth of the women in the Federation
30:13have been sexually assaulted. These people are only women who have had data in the federal
30:20government. It does not count women like Janelle who have been coerced and whose identity information
30:25is not yet in the database. If these women are counted, the data of one-fifth will only be more
30:32and not less. But now is not the time to think about these things. Upon hearing Luoan's question,
30:39Mona immediately replied in a serious tone, I've found that guy. His name is Jared Smith,
30:46and he is a former FDNY, Fire Brigade of New York, member. According to the information,
30:52he is currently unemployed and staying at home. Good. Getting Jared's home address,
30:59Luoan nodded in satisfaction, turned the key to start the SUV, and rushed out with a kick of the
31:04accelerator. An apartment building in the east side of Queens. Listen, two agents, knowing the
31:12purpose of Luoan and Lacey's visit, Jared, who was shirtless and showed his muscles, with a long face,
31:18spread his hands and said expressionlessly, I don't know what you are talking about,
31:23please leave my house, thank you. After speaking, Jared was about to close the door.
31:30Seeing this, Ron grabbed the edge of the door with one hand, and said with a faint smile, Jared,
31:36we have all come to you, do you think you don't know? Feeling the force coming from the door,
31:41the former firefighter Jared's complexion changed. Instead of answering Ron's question in a hurry,
31:47he pushed the door hard again. Seeing this, Luoan had a half-smile in his eyes,
31:53and silently increased his strength to push the door. The two people stared at each other's eyes
31:59and began to increase their strength. The strength in their hands was getting stronger and stronger,
32:05and the muscles on Jared's arms began to bulge a little bit, looking a little hideous.
32:10Luoan was still calm. The stamina potion he drank every day was not for nothing.
32:17In addition to the boost left in his body from the strength potion he drank before,
32:21it didn't matter if the opponent was a former firefighter. The other party snapped their wrists.
32:28Strength poured into his arm, and Ron increased his strength again. Jared's expression changed
32:35suddenly, and he felt that Ron's strength suddenly became much stronger, and the door he had finally
32:40pushed back was pushed back. Jared increased his strength again, the veins in his arms swelled up,
32:46the muscles were firmly together, and the big muscles in his neck were tense.
32:52Hmm, hearing a constipated voice from Garrett's throat, Lacey, who had learned about Ron's
32:57terrifying strength from Ryder, rolled her eyes and said in a low voice, Ron, it's important to
33:04investigate the case. Okay. Jared also heard this, but before he could react,
33:11an unimaginable force suddenly came from the opposite side as Ron's words promised to Lacey
33:17Boom. With a loud bang, the door of the house was smashed directly to the wall next to it,
33:24and Jared was thrown directly onto the sofa in the living room by the sudden force.
33:31Lacey on the side was shocked when she saw this. She did hear from Ryder that Ron was very strong,
33:37but she didn't expect his strength to be so strong. Lacey blinked, if she read correctly,
33:43the door seems to have left marks on the wall.
33:48Sitting on the sofa, Jared's pupils trembled, his face full of disbelief.
33:54When he was a firefighter, although his strength was not the first among his colleagues,
33:58he was still ranked among the top three. But judging from the situation just now,
34:04even the number one colleague is definitely not as strong as the FBI agent in front of me.
34:10I know what you're thinking, Jared, you just want to get there in one go,
34:14what a hassle to date, right? As if nothing had happened,
34:18Luo Wen walked into the room with a smile on his face, and said softly,
34:22I don't want to criticize you, I just want to know where that time was, okay?
34:27Sitting on the sofa, Jared looked up at Ron's smiling face in front of him,
34:32remained silent for a while, and decisively chose Zongxin, okay.
34:37It's not a title party, but the content has been revised after review,
34:41but the chapter titles can't be changed. I'm really sorry, I will definitely learn
34:47a lesson next time chapter 160, Augustus, I'm a heartthrob.
34:52In the living room. I don't know the exact location you want me to talk about.
34:58Jared sat on the sofa, was silent for a while, picked up the water on the table and drank it,
35:03and explained, every time I tell the time, the other party tells the location,
35:08and finally I drive there. With money to enjoy the service.
35:13But the other party said the location is different every time, so.
35:18The corner of Lacey's mouth twitched, wow, enjoy the service, what a high-end word.
35:24Jared disagrees, I'm studying for a lawyer's license, and of course I have to learn some
35:29academic terms. Roan was too lazy to deal with matters other than this case.
35:35He directly took the small book from Lacey's hand, threw it in front of Jared, and said softly,
35:41then write down every place you have been to before. Also, write down how you contacted
35:47the other party, phone number, time, etc., all clearly. From the corner of his eye,
35:53he saw the cracks on the door and the wall, and the crisp sound of Roan's clenched fists.
35:59Jared sighed at the corner of his mouth, lowered his head and wrote a lot on the paper.
36:04Roan nodded in satisfaction, while Lacey took a deep look at Roan, with the corners of her
36:09mouth slightly raised. Jacob Federal Building, Office Area of Investigation Team No. 5.
36:17The information Jared wrote down indicated that the place he visited every time was the
36:21townhouse at the intersection of Route 84 and Route 9, in Long Island.
36:26Roan was sitting at his desk having a coffee break, while Lacey showed Mona the information
36:31in the small book, and explained at the same time, according to what Jared wrote,
36:36he found the contact. Information on a recruiting website on the internet, and the URL is here.
36:43Glancing at the website address on the small notebook, Mona tapped on the keyboard with
36:48ten fingers, and soon, dozens of photos of women appeared in front of everyone.
36:53These are photos of girls advertising on this website.
36:57Mona's face was serious, her fingers were flying, and an unintelligible code flashed
37:03on the computer, and eight more photos appeared in front of Luoan and the others.
37:08Ryder on the side asked doubtfully, what does it mean?
37:12Mona explained, these are visa photos from Ukraine.
37:16After face recognition, these eight photos are exactly the same as the girl photos on the
37:21website. Roan concluded blankly, in other words, these eight women from Ukraine are
37:27likely to be tricked into New York by that John, just like Janelle.
37:33Mona nodded, Lacey continued to ask, can you find out who is behind this website and where is it
37:39now? I actually checked it just now. Registering a website domain name in the United States does
37:46not require filing or reporting to the government. At the same time, the domain name registrar
37:52will also hide the information of the registrant to protect its privacy.
37:57Faced with this situation, there are only two ways to find out who is behind this website.
38:03The first is to go through formal channels, that is, to contact the domain name registrar
38:08of this recruiting website and ask them to hand over relevant information.
38:13But this situation is time-consuming and laborious, so Mona decisively chose the second method,
38:18which is to hack into the server of the domain name registrar and directly search for relevant
38:24information on this recruiting website. But unfortunately, Mona tapped the keyboard a few
38:30times, showed the information in the computer to everyone, sighed and said,
38:34the registrant of this website domain name is a dead person who passed
38:39away three years ago. Lacey and Ryder immediately collapsed when they heard this.
38:45Fine. Roan saw the low morale of several people, grinned, patted Mona on the shoulder and said,
38:52isn't this website still open? The phone number on it can be reached.
38:58Hearing this, Mona and Lacey's eyes lit up, and they looked at Roan and said in unison,
39:03you mean, phishing law enforcement? Yeah. Roan nodded. Janelle and Jared said earlier that the
39:11other party blindfolded the girls and Tony took them to the house. We can definitely arrest Tony
39:17at that time. Then interrogate Tony to find John and the place where they imprisoned the girls.
39:24Ryder also reacted, grinning and clapping his hands, praising loudly that this is an excellent
39:30idea. This approach does not violate the FBI's regulations, especially since their number five
39:36investigator still holds the witness Janelle. But there is a problem before their eyes,
39:42who will play the client? Mona is definitely not suitable. Lacey is not good either.
39:49Although she has rich experience in nightclubs, she is a woman after all.
39:54Roan has experience, can act, and is a man, he seems very suitable to play the client.
40:01But he had been on TV before, and there was no guarantee that John and Tony had seen the
40:06New York Daily News that day. Just in case, neither can Roan. The only thing left is Ryder.
40:14But Ryder also has a problem, that is, he is very bad at acting and disguising,
40:19but he is very good at fighting. And the other party must have some money bargaining with Ryder
40:24before Ryder and the woman start exercising. If the other party finds something is wrong during
40:30this process, then this task will definitely fail. So, the four of you look at me and I look at you,
40:37and fell silent for a moment. An extra meal. An extra meal. Just as Roan was scratching his head,
40:46thinking about whether to use the makeup technique taught to him by the old killer in
40:50his previous life, Augustus suddenly pushed open the door and walked in. With a large box of
40:56hamburgers in his arms. Snapped, throwing the burgers one by one to the technicians of the know.
41:03Five investigation team, August finally walked to the four of Roan, handed the burgers,
41:09and asked with a grin, why, what problem did you encounter? The four of them took the hamburger,
41:15looked at Augustus carefully, remained silent for a while, and finally turned their attention
41:20to the other three. They both saw the light in each other's eyes. Seeing that the four of them
41:27were silent, Augustus frowned. Just as he was about to ask what happened again, Roan suddenly
41:33walked up to him, with a sunny smile on his face, and whispered, Sir, do you know more about
41:38multiplayer sports? August, question mark. At nine o'clock in the evening, Augustus was sitting
41:46in a Buick outside a small villa at the intersection of Route 13 and Route 9 on Long Island.
41:53Roan and Ryder in full armor sat in a Chevrolet not far away, while Mona and Lacey in full armor
41:59sat in a car in the other direction. Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? In the Buick car,
42:08Augustus was holding a small contactor to check whether the instrument was normal.
42:13I can hear you, sir. Roan in the Chevrolet grinned, every word you said, we can hear it clearly.
42:21Augustin, who understood Roan's subtext, laughed and scolded, Very good, Roan, it seems that you
42:27and Ryder can learn a lot of useful new knowledge from me today. Roan chuckled, Don't forget Lacey,
42:34sir, watch out for her to find Vernie to sue you for discriminating against lesbian.
42:39Don't take me. Lacey in the other car rolled her eyes when she heard this,
42:44August technology is not suitable for me. Not necessarily. In the Buick car, Augustus carefully
42:52sorted out his equipment and clothes, and said with a faint smile, Let me tell you a secret,
42:57when I was young I looked even better than Roan. At that time, the ladies around me called me Mr.
43:04Heartthrob. Mona, Ryder, Lacey. The three were speechless, while Roan nodded in admiration.
43:12Sure enough, it was not without reason that Augustus became the leader.
43:17Bullets can't penetrate this face. At this moment, a seven-seater station wagon suddenly
43:23drove here from afar. When Llewelyn and the others saw this, they immediately put the joke aside,
43:30and their faces became serious. Now the fun in this clip is over.
43:35Which listeners haven't liked and commented yet? You can press like and comment to encourage the
43:41admin find the fun in the next clip. May the listeners be happy forever.