FBI 181-185

  • 5 days ago


00:00Welcome to the read novel channel before starting to listen to the fun in this clip. Don't forget
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00:22clips. Let's go listen.
00:25Year 181, Visit Varian's Mona and Lacey mainly want to know about the bonus after the case
00:31is solved.
00:33Same as ever.
00:35Roan threw a folder into their hands and laughed loudly, everyone gets their bonuses again
00:39this week.
00:41Papa Papa, hearing Luo An's words, the office area of the know.
00:46Five investigation team suddenly exploded.
00:50All the agents applauded Luo An and cheered loudly at the same time, oh, thanks Roan.
00:57You are the most handsome in the number five investigation team.
01:03Roan is the most handsome in the whole building.
01:07Hearing the more and more disgusting words behind the crowd, Roan waved his hands hurriedly,
01:12folded his arms and pretended to be trembling.
01:15All the agents laughed.
01:17After playing with the agents for a while, Roan sat in his new chair and thought for
01:21a while.
01:23He had nothing to do anyway, and then drove away from the know.
01:28Five investigation team and went to the hospital where Varanissi was.
01:33Varian's is her own chief after all now that she is injured and hospitalized, things like
01:37feelings still need frequent contact.
01:40Bought some fruits and flowers as usual.
01:48Good afternoon, sir.
01:50Entering the ward, Roan found that although Varanissi was still lying on the bed, her
01:55mental state was much stronger than before.
01:58Put the fruit and flowers on the table beside the hospital bed, Roan smiled, it seems that
02:04the chief is recovering well.
02:07Varanissi still spoke briefly, and the two chatted briefly.
02:12As expected by Roan, Varanissi still asked, the case of the female judge being shot to
02:17death, for Varanissi, the team leader, there was nothing to hide about the case, so Roan
02:22recounted to her in detail.
02:25His own experience in solving the case, as well as the stories and secrets behind the
02:31Listening to Roan's narration, a slight smile appeared on Varanissi's pale face.
02:37But when she heard that Roan had double killed the enemy and captured Gary Thompson alive,
02:42she suddenly coughed.
02:44Seeing this, Luo unhurriedly poured her a glass of water.
02:50Slowly took a sip of water, Varanissi calmed down, and after a while of silence, she suddenly
02:55said, Roan, just the morning before yesterday, I got a message that someone wanted to parachute
03:01a deputy.
03:02Team leader to your number 5 investigation team.
03:07Hearing this, Roan paused slightly when pouring water.
03:11But he didn't panic, because there must be more to come.
03:16Seeing this, Varanissi looked at Roan with the word satisfaction in her eyes.
03:21Here's why she likes Roan, not only can solve cases, he has a good brain and strong skills,
03:27but also has a thorough understanding of office politics.
03:31For Varanissi, the last point is more important than anything else.
03:36She used to meet too many outstanding talents in certain aspects in the center of the federation,
03:42but in the end they disappeared for no apparent reason because of politics.
03:46The other party is our New York branch of the FBI, a chief of the anti-terrorism department
03:51under the Department of Homeland Security.
03:55Varini's body has not fully recovered, and she speaks slowly and panting.
04:00So as soon as she said a few words, Roan motioned her to drink some water and rest for a while
04:04before continuing.
04:07According to Varanissi, the chief of the anti-terrorism department submitted an application to the
04:12special agent in charge, Corbett, after learning that the detection rate of the No. 5 investigation
04:19team's cases was steadily increasing.
04:21I want to transfer an old team member of their department to the No. 5 investigation team
04:26as the deputy team leader.
04:29But without success.
04:31Corbett just threw that application in the trash.
04:34When Roan heard Corbett's name, he immediately grinned.
04:38But this incident reminded me.
04:41Speaking of this, Varanissi tilted her head, fixed her eyes on Roan, and said in a deep
04:46voice, if there are no accidents, the investigation team no.
04:51Five will solve more and more cases under your leadership.
04:55As for the position of deputy team leader, which has not yet been held, more and more
04:59people will be targeted.
05:02Roan's eyes moved when he heard the words.
05:05Sure enough, Varanissi said immediately, the position of deputy team leader is still a
05:10senior detective, so you are also eligible to compete.
05:14As far as the internal level of the FBI is concerned, the senior agent is above the supervisory
05:20special agent, and Augustus, the leader of the No. 5 investigation team, is at this level.
05:27Even if he is the deputy deputy leader of the No. 5 investigation team, his rank is
05:31still a senior agent.
05:33However, after the position became the deputy team leader, the salary increased from about
05:393,000 U.S. dollars per month to about 4,000 U.S. dollars.
05:44Hearing this, Roan's eyes lit up.
05:47Immediately afterwards, Roan thought of something again, and raised his brows, but, sir, not
05:53long after I was promoted to senior detective, the position of deputy team leader.
05:58Hearing Roan's words, Varanissi's expression remained unchanged, and she said softly, because
06:04of the previous bombing, the time for Corbett's transfer to Washington may be brought forward.
06:10Hearing this, Roan suddenly realized, no wonder Corbett would throw that application into
06:15the trash can.
06:17Reciprocate, that's all.
06:20After Corbett is promoted to Washington, there is a high probability that Vernie will take
06:24over his position.
06:26By that time, the new official Varanissi will take the post, and Llewellyn will naturally
06:31have the opportunity to become the deputy leader of the No. 5 investigation team.
06:37To tell Roan these news, Varanissi had two main purposes.
06:42One of them was the specific course of action described by Roan this time, which scared
06:46Vernie a little.
06:48Dare to use rocket launchers to bomb the enemies of NYPD and FBI, she has not heard of it for
06:54a long time.
06:56Varanissi doesn't want Roan to continue to work so hard when he continues to arrest criminals
07:01in the future.
07:02Safety of life is the most important thing.
07:06The second is that Varanissi wanted to warn Roan, pay more attention to details in the
07:10future handling of the case, and try not to leave anything for those who are jealous of
07:16Backing to investigation team No. 5, Roan continued to fiddle with the new computer
07:20all afternoon, and then got off work at that point.
07:24Thursday and Friday, the No. 5 investigation team received no new cases, and the detectives
07:31have been dealing with the follow-up work of, the murder of a female judge at the entrance
07:36of the bakery, and, the serial murders in the
07:40deep pit by the sea.
07:42On Friday, Mona used three packs of breakfast in exchange for Roan to go find Augustus and
07:48ask the financial crimes investigation section how long it would take to deal with the murderer
07:54Chris in that, Park River Male Corpse case, support.
07:58After all, the case has not been resolved, and the bonus has not been obtained.
08:04Mona has been poor recently.
08:06Hearing Roan's question, Augustus only replied, don't worry.
08:11Hearing Roan's reply, Mona lay down on the table speechlessly.
08:16How are you doing recently?
08:18Seeing Mona who was in a bad mood, Roan suddenly became interested, leaned over to her side
08:23and asked with a low smile, credit card maxed out.
08:28Mona shook her head, then nodded again, but it's coming soon.
08:33Mona didn't say the specific content, but when he heard words such as discount, price
08:38reduction, clothes, bags, cosmetics, etc.
08:43Roan understood.
08:45Then Roan glared at Lacey, blaming her for leading Mona badly.
08:51On Saturday, Roan took his helmet and went fishing with Agent Norton, and on Sunday he
08:56lay dead at home and watched a movie all day.
08:59Come to the know.
09:01Five investigation team on Monday, and seeing Augustus walking in with a serious face, Roan
09:08Sure enough, a new case came.
09:11Chapter 182, The Kidnapping of the Chief Financial Officer, Good Morning, Hardworking Agents.
09:18August pushed open the door of the know.
09:21Five investigation team, and shouted loudly, Unfortunately, another case happened in New
09:27York this morning, and we have work to do.
09:30After receiving the materials that William distributed to everyone, Ryder swallowed the
09:34breakfast in his mouth and muttered, Damn it, can't these criminals in New York stop
09:39for a day.
09:41After hearing this, Roan took the materials and cast a glance at Ryder.
09:46It is more reliable to hope for world peace than to hope that no case will happen in New
09:50York, a place of geomantic omen.
09:54Looking down at the materials, what I saw was a very beautiful photo of a middle-aged
09:58Caucasian woman with a headshot.
10:01The person in the photo is the victim of this case, Tris Perez, 41 years old this year,
10:07is the chief financial officer of a well-known cosmetics company in New York.
10:12After distributing the materials, William introduced to everyone after receiving August's
10:17instruction, this morning, when Tris Perez was leaving for work, she was kidnapped and
10:22taken away 100 meters south of her apartment.
10:27The caller was a lady who got up early to walk her dog.
10:31According to her, the kidnapper was a white man in a suit and leather shoes, with a temperament
10:36very similar to someone who worked on Wall Street.
10:40The incident described by the caller is very simple, the man followed Tris, and when Tris
10:44walked to a black car, the man pulled out a pistol from nowhere and put it against Tris's
10:49head, while covering her mouth to keep her from making a sound.
10:55Immediately afterwards, the man opened the trunk of the car, stuffed Tris into it, and
11:00drove away from the scene.
11:02According to the caller, except for the process of tailgating, the man took less than three
11:07seconds to do anything, and the man drove away before her dog finished urinating.
11:13After listening to William's description, everyone in the number five investigation
11:17team looked different.
11:19Sure enough, kidnapping only requires the most common behavior.
11:24According to the data, the person calling the police did not see the license plate of
11:27the car clearly, but only saw it driving east.
11:31August took the materials and discussed with the agents, then turned to look at Roan, and
11:36asked, Roan, what should we do next, what do you think?
11:41Hearing what Augustus said, Roan raised his head, the information shows that Tris's
11:46parents died a few years ago, and she is currently living alone, so Mona and I will go to her
11:51house to find clues.
11:55Tris is the chief financial officer, which is why this case was brought to us.
12:00Ryder and Lacey can go to that cosmetics company later and ask their boss.
12:06In addition, we also need to check the monitoring of the crime scene area to find the car, which
12:11can be taken care of by William and the others.
12:15August nodded in satisfaction, clapped his hands vigorously, and loudly signaled that
12:21everyone would follow Roan's arrangement in the next process of handling the case, and
12:25finally added, our most.
12:28Important goal now is to quickly find Tris and confirm whether she is dead or alive.
12:34The first to find a specific clue will be rewarded with a big hamburger.
12:38Now, everyone act.
12:41Hearing Hamburg, all the agents immediately threw a pair of sanitation to Augustus, but
12:46they still acted quickly.
12:48The four of Luo and walked into the equipment warehouse, sorted out the equipment, and drove
12:53two SUVs to two directions.
12:56Tris Perez's apartment.
12:59Roan looked around and asked two NYPD patrol officers to help visit the neighbors around
13:04Tris, maybe there might be some gains.
13:07With the search certificate, with the help of the trace inspection department, Roan and
13:11Mona successfully entered the apartment.
13:14Wow, what a CFO of a cosmetics company.
13:19As soon as she stepped into the living room, Mona became emotional.
13:23As she saw all kinds of lipsticks, masks, facial cleansers and a lot of skin care products.
13:30This is just the living room, more in the bedroom and bathroom.
13:34The only place without cosmetics is the study in the apartment.
13:39The desk in the study room only has computers, keyboards and other items.
13:44But the bookshelf opposite the desk is filled with materials and books related to federal
13:50Walking into the study room, Roan picked up a book related to the federal tax law and
13:54flipped through it, then turned around and said to several agents of the trace inspection
13:59section, take away all.
14:01The electronic device is here, and carefully checked the bedroom and bathroom to see if
14:06there are any third-party fingerprints or DNA.
14:09No problem.
14:11Several detectives from the trace inspection department started to get busy.
14:16Roan turned and walked back to the living room, only to find that Mona was wearing gloves,
14:21looking at some cosmetics with a serious face.
14:24What's wrong, Mona?
14:27Roan frowned, did she find a clue?
14:30Mona turned her head, her voice was low, Roan, I checked carefully just now.
14:36Add up the price of all the cosmetics in this apartment, they are probably more expensive
14:40than the small apartment I bought.
14:43Mona, who has been poor recently, has envy, jealousy and hatred written all over her face.
14:50All right.
14:51Hearing this, Roan's mouth twitched.
14:54But this is actually an important clue, Roan.
14:58Seeing the speechless expression on Roan's face, Mona rolled her eyes, she felt as if
15:03she had been misunderstood by Roan.
15:05Picking up the cosmetics set on the table in the living room, Mona has a serious face,
15:10The market price of this set is 800 US dollars, but Tris just put them in the living room
15:15without using.
15:19Hearing the price of cosmetics in Mona's mouth, Roan subconsciously scolded the cosmetics
15:24company, and lamented that women are the most willing to spend money on themselves in the
15:29But immediately afterwards, Roan immediately understood the meaning of Mona's words, and
15:34raised his brows, it shows that Tris doesn't care about these cosmetics at all, even if
15:39they are expensive.
15:41In other words, Tris didn't care about the person who gave her these cosmetics at all.
15:48Roan took out his mobile phone and planned to call Laci, asking her to investigate who
15:52is always sending cosmetics to Tris.
15:56Just then, there was a sudden noise from the door of the apartment.
16:00Roan took Mona to the door of the apartment, and found that the other party was a beautifully
16:04dressed white woman, and the other party was one of Tris's neighbors whom the NYPD had
16:09just visited.
16:11After a brief look at the other party, Roan signaled NYPD to let her in.
16:18He raised his head and snorted coldly at NYPD with his nostrils.
16:23A white woman strode in with a bag on her shoulders.
16:27You can just call me Luisa.
16:30After introducing her name, Luisa's eyes lit up when she saw Roan's face.
16:35But seeing the Trace Inspection Department investigators who were busy in the room, Luisa
16:40hurriedly asked, what's the situation?
16:43What about Tris?
16:45Where is she now?
16:47Roan turned his head and gave Mona a look.
16:50Mona nodded calmly, walked aside, and began to inquire about Luisa's information.
16:56The two of them have become more and more in harmony.
16:59Really sorry.
17:01Roan took off his gloves and replied, Tris was kidnapped at gunpoint this morning.
17:06NYPD didn't tell her that.
17:09When he said this, Roan stared closely at Luisa's facial expression.
17:14When she heard the news that Tris had been kidnapped, Luisa was shocked, but there was
17:19nothing wrong with it.
17:20Oh my god.
17:23Luisa covered her mouth and exclaimed, I was with her last night.
17:27We had a few drinks.
17:30It's because she was very emotional last night and kept crying, so I'm here now.
17:35Tris is emotionally broken.
17:37Roan immediately grasped the point, and asked with a serious face, what exactly is going
17:44Chapter 183, the car was wrecked within 10 minutes of getting it, it's just very broken.
17:50Maybe she was frightened, Luisa's hands trembled a little, and her voice was not as
17:55proud as before.
17:57She carefully explained to Roan, Tris came to my house yesterday after get off work with
18:02two bottles of wine.
18:04Drinking and drinking, she started to cry, saying that she was under too much pressure,
18:09life was too crazy, she wanted to die but didn't dare to die, and so on a lot of messy
18:15Tris's words were very messy, and she said what she thought, but she didn't say it deeply,
18:21so I didn't understand it very much, so I had to comfort her all the time.
18:26Hearing Luisa's words, Roan narrowed his eyes slightly, and keenly grasped several
18:30important points.
18:33Mona on the side came over at this moment and gave Roan an OK gesture.
18:37Thank you, Luisa, these words of yours have been very helpful to us.
18:43Nodding calmly, Roan took Luisa to the side and sat down, and continued to ask, do you
18:48know anything about Tris's private life?
18:51Does she go to nightclubs?
18:54Does she smoke flower?
18:56Does she have a boyfriend?
18:58Roan asked a lot of questions, and Luisa shook her head after listening, I don't know if
19:03Tris has a boyfriend, she hasn't talked to me about these things.
19:07But I know that she never does what you just said, she is busy working every day, like
19:12a robot.
19:14Continued to inquire for a while, Roan finally handed Luisa to Mona, asking her to write
19:19down everything Luisa said just now, and he went to the side to call Lacey.
19:24The call was quickly connected.
19:26I'm Lacey.
19:29Roan asked directly, what's the situation with Tris's company?
19:33It's nothing.
19:34Tris's colleagues were shocked and they heard that she had been kidnapped.
19:39After taking the coffee that Ryder bought, she nodded to express her gratitude.
19:45Lacey downstairs from the cosmetics company said, according to Tris's colleagues, Tris's
19:49personal financial situation is very good and she has no arrears.
19:54She is a little more rigorous when it comes to work, but she is very kind in daily life,
19:59and I have never heard of her offending anyone.
20:02Where's the owner of the cosmetics company?
20:05What did he say?
20:07Looking down at the cosmetics in the apartment, Roan was a little suspicious of the boss above
20:13It's not him, it's her.
20:16Lacey corrected the word mistakes in Roan's words, and then said that the boss of the
20:20cosmetics company is a white woman in her 50s who will soon be 60.
20:25Oh, kay.
20:27Roan froze, it seems that he guessed wrong.
20:31But this is also good news, at least ruled out a wrong idea.
20:35After thinking for a few seconds, Roan continued to ask, what about Tris's love life?
20:41Have you asked?
20:43Of course I asked, how could I, Lacey, forget this?
20:47Hearing this, Lacey raised her head and laughed, and said, the owner of the cosmetics company
20:53told Ryder and me that Tris broke up with her boyfriend a month ago.
20:57But Tris doesn't look too sad.
21:00Really has a boyfriend.
21:02Roan frowned, is her boyfriend sad about the breakup?
21:06I have no idea.
21:08The boss of the cosmetics company doesn't know, and Lacey certainly doesn't know.
21:15Roan slapped his head, he ignored this, and asked, what's the name of Tris's boyfriend?
21:22Lacey asked this point, his name is Loel Post, and he's an architect.
21:27Very good.
21:29Roan's eyes lit up, and he immediately told Lacey and Ryder to go talk to this ex-boyfriend
21:35Hanging up the phone, Roan saw that the detectives from the trace inspection department had almost
21:40packed up.
21:42Just as he was about to turn around and walk towards Mona, the phone in his pocket suddenly
21:48Press the answer button, William's voice came from the other end of the phone, we found
21:52the car.
21:54The murderer threw the car into an abandoned factory in Brooklyn.
21:58Driving at high speed on the pitch black SUV road, Mona sat on the co-pilot and clapped
22:03the keyboard with both hands to explain, the owner of the car was an 18-year-old white
22:08youth named.
22:10Quantel Wolster, with no criminal record.
22:14After investigation by William and the others, Quantel was in school at the time of the crime
22:18and had no time to commit the crime.
22:21Quanter did not report the loss.
22:24Roan nodded, then said, in other words, this car was recently stolen by the murderer.
22:32Mona was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Roan with admiration.
22:37She couldn't keep up with this speed of reaction.
22:40Turning the steering wheel, Roan continued to ask, how did William find?
22:45This car.
22:46Uh, according to your instructions, William and the others carefully checked all the monitoring
22:52in the area near the crime scene, and finally succeeded in finding a vehicle that matched.
22:58The description of the person who reported the crime.
23:01Answering Roan's question, Mona once again showed an expression of envied hatred, and
23:06said, then William and the others discovered that this.
23:10Car was the latest Mercedes-Benz equipped with a GPS system, so they quickly located
23:15the car in Brooklyn.
23:17The latest Mercedes.
23:19Roan's mouth twitched, and he turned around and asked, this kind of.
23:24Car was lost, and the 18-year-old Quantel Wolster didn't find it.
23:29I really haven't found it yet.
23:32Ten fingers tapped on the keyboard, Mona called up Quantel Wolster's information, showed it
23:38Roan, and said with a smile, the car was accidentally damaged by Quantel within 10 minutes after
23:44it was in the hands of Quantel, and it was sent to a car repair shop for repairs.
23:49This driving.
23:51Technology, cool.
23:53The SUV was speeding through the traffic on the road, and Roan and Mona soon arrived at
23:58the abandoned factory in Brooklyn.
24:01Every kind of garbage that comes into view.
24:05In 2005.
24:07The economic situation of the Federation was not bad, and there were not too many homeless
24:13If it was three years later, that is, in 2008, when the financial crisis came together, this
24:21Would immediately be full of homeless people.
24:24Opening the door and stepping off the SUV, Roan looked around at the terrain and structure
24:29of the abandoned factory, frowning, it's really a good place.
24:33To kill and throw corpses.
24:37Hearing this, Mona was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't care, and walked quickly to
24:42the Mercedes-Benz not far away.
24:45The car was placed carelessly among.
24:48All kinds of garbage.
24:51Not surprisingly, there was no one in the cab of the Mercedes-Benz.
24:55Seeing that the trunk was tightly closed, Mona immediately opened the door of the driver's
25:00cab, got inside.
25:02And started looking for the car keys.
25:05Roan walked to the trunk and looked down, smelled it again, then turned around and left
25:10here, picked up an iron rod at random, and started rummaging in the.
25:15Nearby garbage dumps.
25:17After a lot of effort, Mona, who managed to find the car keys, got out of the car and
25:22frowned when she saw Roan's actions, Roan, what are you doing?
25:26Of course it's Tris.
25:30Roan kept moving, explaining, as I said just now, this is a good place to kill and throw
25:36away corpses.
25:38As for the possibility that Tris is still alive and lying in the trunk.
25:44About the extremely quick movements of the murderer when he kidnapped Tris, and the murderer
25:48driving the car to this abandoned factory to judge others by himself, Roan thinks that
25:53the other party.
25:55Will probably not spare Tris's life.
26:00Hearing Roan's narration, Mona's face was very ugly.
26:04Makes sense, but it's too straightforward.
26:07But since she had found the car keys, there was no reason.
26:11To give up.
26:13Mona immediately walked to the back, pressed the button, and opened the trunk.
26:19Son of Thanit.
26:21Mona yelled at the murderer.
26:24Turning to look for Roan, Mona found him standing.
26:28Behind a garbage dump not far away, holding the iron rod he picked up, and standing there
26:32with an ugly face.
26:35Mona was startled when she saw this.
26:38She couldn't imagine what Roan, who was calm and.
26:42Calm in the past and never panicked when encountering problems, saw what made him show
26:46this expression.
26:48Chapter 184, Chainsaw Series Seeing Roan Standing Behind the Garbage Dump
26:53Not Far Away With Him.
26:55Ugly face, Mona hurried over and asked loudly at the same time, Roan, what happened?
27:01Wait a minute.
27:04Hearing Mona's voice, Roan hurriedly turned around, waved his hand and loudly signaled.
27:10They're not to come.
27:12But Mona has already walked quickly to the garbage dump at this time, and also saw the
27:17scene behind the garbage dump.
27:19A breeze blew by, and Mona's face turned pale instantly.
27:24In a.
27:25Pile of rotting and smelly garbage, there are two corpses of a man and a woman.
27:31Among them, the watermelon of the male corpse in a striped suit was split in half, and there
27:36was a big hole in the.
27:38Belly of the female corpse.
27:41There are yellow, white and red objects everywhere, and the picture is horrible.
27:46This kind of scene needs to be mosaicked even in the Federation.
27:52The color.
27:53Combination of yellow, white and red had too much impact, Mona hurriedly turned around
27:58and left there, cursing in a low voice, suppressing the discomfort in her heart.
28:04Roan walked up to Mona, patted.
28:07Her on the back, and said helplessly, is it okay?
28:10Yeah, I'm fine.
28:13Taking a deep breath, Mona got up and shook her head, showing an ugly smile to Roan.
28:19When she was in the FBI Academy before.
28:22Mona had seen this type of photo of a dead body, and had also observed a dead body up
28:29But the photo is a photo, and the observed corpse was also processed in advance, so it
28:34was not so bloody.
28:36It was the first time for Mona to witness such a scene suddenly.
28:41And from the perspective of time, Mona is still a newcomer, and does not have as long
28:45a work experience as Lacey.
28:48Feeling Roan's hand.
28:50Gently patting her back, Mona suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly asked, Roan, did
28:55you look so ugly just now because of the sight of the corpse?
29:00Mona had heard from Lacey before that Roan.
29:03Was discussing fast food with the old coroner in the NYPD morgue.
29:08The scene of the dead body behind the garbage dump is indeed a bit scary, but it doesn't
29:12seem to scare Roan.
29:15Yes and no.
29:18That Mona's condition has recovered a lot, Roan replied slowly, I just analyzed something
29:23based on the state of the corpse.
29:26Just now, Mona was far away from the corpse, so she couldn't see many.
29:31Things clearly, but Roan could see a lot clearly when she stood beside the corpse.
29:36The four feet of the two corpses were tightly handcuffed together, indicating that the two
29:41could not leave each.
29:43Other during their lifetime.
29:45The nails on the left hands of the two corpses were all pulled out, indicating that they
29:50had been tortured by the murderer during their lifetime.
29:53The purpose of the.
29:56Murderers doing this is most likely to get some information from them.
30:00Not only that, but there is a knife next to the male corpse, a small key in his right
30:05hand, and an axe right in front of him.
30:08Combined with the big hole in the woman's abdomen and the iron cuffs on the two of them's
30:14Llewellyn speculates that the murderer has probably seen the Chainsaw series released
30:18in 2004 and 2005.
30:21By a certain director named 1.
30:24Son of Thanit.
30:26Hearing Roan's speculation, Mona's face became even more ugly, and she asked, you speculate
30:32that the female deceased died at the hands of the male.
30:36Deceased and the male deceased.
30:38Obviously, the murderer lied to him.
30:42Llewellyn took out his mobile phone and called the trace inspection department, telling them
30:46to send someone over quickly, and.
30:49Bring more bags, if there is less stuff, they won't be able to hold it.
30:54Then he explained to Mona, if I'm not mistaken, the murderer should have told the man that
30:58as long as he gets the key from.
31:01The woman, he will be released.
31:04But when the man actually got the key, the murderer picked up the axe directly.
31:09Mona took a breath, and then cursed, asterisk asterisk asterisk asterisk.
31:15Roan nodded, this time the murderer.
31:19Obviously had mental problems.
31:21Correct, walking back to the SUV, Mona took a sip of a bottle of water, then handed it
31:26to Roan, is the female deceased identified as Triss?
31:30Mona didn't see the.
31:32Faces of the two corpses clearly just now.
31:36Yeah, that's her.
31:38After taking the water that Mona handed over, he raised his head and took a sip, Roan nodded,
31:43but the identity of the male deceased.
31:46I'm afraid we won't know until the Trace Inspection Department finishes the autopsy.
31:51The watermelon has been turned into two halves.
31:55Luo An is not a forensic doctor, so he really can't judge the.
32:00Other party's original face with the naked eye.
32:03Jingle bell, just then, the phone in Roan's pocket rang.
32:07Press the answer key.
32:09I'm Roan.
32:11It's me, Lacey.
32:13Lacey on the other end of the phone said.
32:16Directly, according to your request, I am now in the company of Triss's architect boyfriend.
32:22According to colleagues in the company, Lowell Post didn't come to work today, and he didn't
32:27answer his.
32:29Phone calls.
32:31Hearing this, Roan's eyelids trembled and he asked, ask those colleagues, is the clothes
32:36Lowell Post wore yesterday a gray striped suit?
32:39The other end of the phone paused for a.
32:43Few seconds, and then came Lacey's affirmative reply, that's right, that's it.
32:48Mona on the side heard the words, closed her eyes and patted her head, while Roan sighed,
32:54OK, you and Ryder can.
32:56Return to investigation team number five, a few hours later, investigation team number
33:03Ryder pushed open the door in front of the office area, distributed the materials in
33:08his hand to the agents, and.
33:11Said this is a rough autopsy report made by the trace inspection division.
33:16According to the forensic judge, the cause of death of the two victims was the same as
33:20what Roan said.
33:22Triss Perez died.
33:24Of excessive bleeding in the abdomen, while Lowell Post died of the axe next to him.
33:30Hearing Ryder's words, all the detectives scolded the murderer.
33:34Sitting on the new chair, Roan took the.
33:38Rosen turned around in situ, then asked, Ryder, did the trace inspection department
33:43find any clues at the scene?
33:45Are there fingerprints of the murderer on the axe?
33:49They found footprints.
33:51Left by the two murderers at the scene.
33:54Ryder said that the trace inspection department found no DNA or fingerprints of the murderer,
33:59only traces of neoprene were found on the clothes of Triss and.
34:07Mona and Lacey tilted their heads in confusion.
34:11Ryder spread his hands, he didn't know what it was.
34:14Rubber gloves.
34:16Roan threw the materials on the table with a speechless.
34:21The group of guys in the trace inspection department are always like this, throwing
34:26out a bunch of professional terms every time.
34:29Mona and Ryder suddenly realized when they heard the words.
34:33The Lacey next to him frowned, that is to say, we have no way to find the murderer now.
34:39The footprints found by the trace inspection department can be taken to court as future
34:45There are no fingerprints, no DNA, no surveillance video and no witnesses.
34:52It is impossible to find the murderer only by footprints in New York, a large city with
34:57a large population.
34:59Hearing this.
35:01All the detectives of the No. 5 investigation team looked at each other and fell silent.
35:07No, we still have a clue that we haven't checked.
35:11When everyone was scratching their heads without.
35:13Thinking, Llewellyn slapped his hands to attract attention and said, everyone, don't forget
35:19that the Mercedes was stolen from the car repair shop by the murderer.
35:26The three of.
35:28Mona nodded again and again and came to their senses.
35:32We might have a clue in that auto repair shop.
35:36Rone stood up and said that he would go to the car repair shop with Lacey to find.
35:41Clues, and then said to Mona with a serious face, Mona, you stay in the No. 5 investigation
35:48team and together with William and the others, carefully investigate the information of Tris
35:56I feel that there is a big problem behind this case.
35:59What kind of information did the murderer want to obtain by interrogating the two of
36:03them by such cruel methods as pulling out their.
36:09Mona immediately nodded and agreed after hearing this, leave it to us.
36:14Chapter 185, Cat and Murderer Queens, a large car repair shop, two kittens, one black and
36:21one white, are playing with.
36:24Each other at the door.
36:26And Lacey crossed the gate and walked into the store, ignoring the messy voices, Rone
36:30asked loudly, who is the manager of this store?
36:34I am.
36:36As soon as Llewellyn finished.
36:38Speaking, a middle-aged white man in a denim suit came over and asked, what are you looking
36:44for from me?
36:45FBI, you can call me Rone.
36:48He took out the golden badge from his pocket and showed it to.
36:52The other party.
36:54Rone asked, have you lost a new Mercedes?
36:59Hearing Rone's words, the middle-aged white man nodded hurriedly, stretched out his hand
37:04and shook him, and said, my name is.
37:07Frank Turner.
37:09Early this morning, as soon as I came here, I found the window at the back door was smashed.
37:15Following Frank's pointing, Rone saw a door with a hole in the lower left corner of the.
37:22It is not difficult to see that the murderer broke the glass directly, then reached in
37:27and unscrewed the door from the inside.
37:30Frank took Rone and Lacey to the place where the Mercedes had.
37:34Been parked before, and continued to explain, when I found out that the Mercedes had been
37:39stolen, I immediately called the police.
37:42But the NYPD just came here to ask a few words, recorded them.
37:47His plate number, and then left here, leaving me to wait for news.
37:52Frank also encountered this kind of thing when he was young.
37:56He knew very well that there was a high probability that the.
38:00Mercedes-Benz would never be found, and he would lose money.
38:04New York is a city where vehicles are lost every day, but less than 1 in 10 is successfully
38:13Looking around the top of.
38:15His head, Rone pointed to the camera on the side and asked, did the anti-theft monitor
38:20record anything?
38:22Most of them are under repair, only one is still working.
38:26Frank regretted it very much.
38:28And urged the maintenance workers before he knew about it.
38:32Rone nodded, look at the monitoring.
38:35Although there is only one camera, the area it is in charge of is between the rear door
38:40and the.
38:42Mercedes-Benz parking position, and maybe something can be found.
38:46The surveillance video was quickly shown to Rone and Lacey.
38:50The video shows that the time is 3.30 this morning, and a black shadow.
38:55Walked in from the direction of the back door.
38:58But unfortunately, the car thief did not walk through the area monitored by the camera,
39:03but walked to the Mercedes-Benz from the other side of the.
39:10Lacey frowned, looked back at Frank next to him, and asked in a deep voice, how many people
39:15know that the camera in the store is being repaired?
39:19Lacey felt that the murderer might be.
39:21A regular customer of this shop.
39:26Frank heard this and bowed his head in silence.
39:29Lacey looked puzzled, why, can't you remember?
39:33Frank shook his head, no, there are too many people who.
39:37Know that the camera is being repaired, and I'm still counting.
39:43Forget about the camera.
39:45Before Lacey was speechless and complained, Rone next to him waved and pointed to the
39:49screen in.
39:51The video and asked, is this black shadow on the ground one of the two cats in front
39:55of your store?
39:57There is no sound in the surveillance video, but when the car thief entered the hall, the
40:03On the ground showed that a black figure had jumped on the car thief, and then quickly
40:07left the back door.
40:09Not them, I brought them new this morning.
40:12Looking down at the monitor, Frank's face was.
40:16Very ugly, the cat in the surveillance is called Bush, and it's another cat.
40:21That was found stealing a car by Bush and killed it with a gun.
40:25A cat named Bush.
40:28Lew Owen raised his brows.
40:31Swallowed his spit, and looked at the shadow in the surveillance that was rushing towards
40:35the car thief, he asked in a deep voice, can you give it to us, please?
40:40In the social habits of the.
40:42Federation, the status of animals such as cats and dogs is often equal to that of family
40:49Because he didn't know if Frank had the same idea, Rone asked him for his opinion.
40:56Frank was.
40:58Already taken aback, Bush has been buried by me, what do you want it to do?
41:03Rone straightened up, turned his head to signal Lacey to copy the surveillance video, and
41:08then explained, the video.
41:11Shows that when the car thief appeared, it jumped on the opponent's body, and the murderer
41:15shot it.
41:16So I feel that it is very likely that when it was frightened, its claws accidentally
41:21caught them.
41:22Car thief.
41:24If this is the case, the trace inspection department will have the opportunity to find
41:28the car thief's DNA based on the traces on the cat's paw.
41:33Hearing Rone's words, Lacey, who was.
41:37Copying the surveillance video, Si's lit up, and hurriedly checked the surveillance
41:41video carefully.
41:44Frank was very shocked, and after a few seconds of silence, he nodded his head and agreed.
41:51Three o'clock in the afternoon, the office area of the No. 5 investigation team.
41:57Everyone, great news.
42:00Just when Mona, William and others were wrestling with computer keyboards.
42:05Lacey was busy handing over the Mercedes-Benz car with NYPD, and Rone was sitting in a new
42:10chair drinking coffee and circling boardly, Ryder suddenly opened the door and Ran came
42:18Everyone's eyes turned to him, Ryder explained loudly, Rone's judgment is indeed correct.
42:24The trace inspection department found some fresh skin tissue in Bush's two front paws.
42:30According to the.
42:32Test, we found a name in the database, Rosalyn Lewis.
42:37After listening to Ryder's words, Rone clapped his hands with a smile on his face, nice job,
42:43No, it's Rone, you are amazing.
42:49Looked at Rone with admiration on his face, and he also watched the video surveillance
42:53brought back by Lacey, not to mention the darkness, and the cat appeared for a very
42:57short time.
42:59Under such.
43:01Circumstances, Rone can find key clues to lock the identity of the enemy.
43:07Ryder looked at Rone with grateful eyes, and he was also full of fighting spirit.
43:12He felt that this week's bonus was.
43:15Stable again.
43:17Compared to other members of the No. 5 investigation team, Ryder, who has a wife and son, values
43:22the bonus after solving the case more.
43:26Because of this, although Ryder is older than.
43:29Rone, he has already subconsciously obeyed Rone in the process of handling the case,
43:34putting Rone's order first.
43:37After receiving the information from Ryder, Rone turned around and said, Mona.
43:44I have already found the information on this Rosalyn Lewis.
43:48Before Rone could finish speaking, Mona threw him a pair of sanitation balls.
43:53When Ryder said the name, she started looking it.
43:58As expected of Mona, the speed is always so fast.
44:02Keihei smiled, turning a blind eye to Mona's white eyes, Rone asked, what's the specific
44:08situation of this guy?
44:10Rosalyn Lewis, 42 years.
44:13Old this year, his parents died, he didn't go to high school, and his family lives in
44:18uptown Brooklyn.
44:20Mona tapped her 10 fingers on the keyboard, and replied, at the age of 18, he chose to
44:27The army, and later entered a certain mountain division.
44:31During some operations, Rosalyn was very brutal, raped children and raped women many
44:36times, causing dissatisfaction and complaints from many.
44:42At the age of 33, Rosalyn retired, and the follow-up information is unknown.
44:48But according to the data, he is one of the suspects in several murder cases, but there
44:53is no evidence.
44:56The database speculates that he should have changed his job to become a professional killer.
45:01Speaking of this, Mona was taken aback, if Rosalyn is really just a killer, it means
45:07there is someone.
45:08Behind this case.
45:11Rone nodded, catch him back first.
45:14The performance of federal soldiers in other countries is well known, and it is not uncommon
45:18for other soldiers to do what Rosalyn did.
45:23Rosalyn could cause complaints from other soldiers.
45:27I think the scene at that time was probably quite unusual.
45:31Silently raised the danger level of Rosalyn's mental illness in his heart, Rone.
45:37Hatted Ryder on the shoulder, and the two walked into the equipment warehouse quickly.
45:42Looking at Ryder's back, William scratched his head, this time, Ryder should not be injured.
45:51The fun in this clip is over.
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