• 2 days ago
00:00Chancellor McPatrick came into us in good shape, obviously he cost a lot as a two-year-old
00:18in training so there was high hopes for this horse that he had a lot of ability and he's
00:22a beautifully made horse, great parts on him, good size and length to him, not too big which
00:27is good, a very efficient way of moving. He's trained great since day one and he's got a
00:32very advanced mind, he really acts like a three-year-old around the barn. Everything
00:37we threw at this horse, he was winning his works and really powering out on his gallop
00:40outs like a pro, like a horse that had run already. It looked like he got out of the
00:44gate well but soon into the race he got shuffled a bit and lost his action behind, it was in
00:50the rear quickly which I was quite worried about. It's very hard to win on this track
00:54sprinting at Saratoga, first time out and I did see him picking up horses on the only
01:00turn and I still thought it was a lot for him to get there and the way that he finished
01:05that last 8th of a mile was quite impressive. So I'm pointing this horse to the hopeful,
01:15added distance will be his friend, obviously not the 7th ace I'm excited about but even
01:20beyond that a mile, mile and an 8th mile and a quarter shouldn't be a problem for him.
01:24He looks to have gears, he can accelerate quickly, runs the turns well and like I said
01:31his mind is a huge asset for him because he takes everything as it comes and in a relaxed
01:36focused way. I have some other McKinsey's that I quite like, there's a filly named Limes
01:42Don't Lie, I'm getting ready to enter. I have another horse named Breeland, another
01:46two-year-old in training, purchased, that trains with a lot of promise and a great turn
01:50of foot. With the McKinsey's I see them very focused mentally, very mature horses, they
01:56have good leg on them, they're very efficient movers, big strides on them and what I look
01:59for with my young horses is how efficiently they move and light they are on their feet.
02:03From what I've seen with the offspring I'll surely be looking for more of them as the
02:06yearling sales come up.
