00:00Pirate opens up at the top of the stretch it's a three-length lead. Just
00:08Steele special element second and third with a furlong left to go. Pirate in
00:15front Just Steele trying hard but he is second best. Smooth sailing through the
00:21Saratoga stretch for Pirate who scores by three. We've been working with Todd
00:27for geez you know 20-23 years and it's hard to get him to get real excited
00:34about a horse and you could tell he liked this horse from the get-go.
00:38So Frankie Brothers is on the Keeneland inspection team and prior to the sale he
00:44called me and told me that the Omaha beaches were just you know standouts
00:47physically and kept saying I hope we get one I hope we get one and so going into
00:53the September sale we definitely had our eye out and then we're really sort
00:57of lucky and happy that he was the one that we were able to get. Pirate you
01:02know he was one that I thought physically was really correct he had a
01:05great hind end which he does now and just a really good you know top end and
01:10we just really liked him and we were thrilled to get him for $350 to be
01:13honest we thought we were gonna have to stretch a little bit for him and you
01:17know I think Doug Cawthon loved him as well. We had some pretty high hopes going
01:22into his debut and for him to to win like he did and become a TDN Rising
01:27Star is super exciting and you know hopefully that the rest of the meat goes
01:30as we hope and just super excited to have a colt like him in the barn and
01:35with with the Harrells and with Todd. It's always special at Saratoga. Once he
01:40broke well and had a little pressure on him he seemed like a pro you know and
01:45just personality wise too. It's a real laid-back cool horse. He's come back in
01:52good order. Saratoga special, Todd's thinking it's Saratoga special or the
01:56hopeful and as usual he'll let the horse tell him but just hanging out a little
02:02bit this morning and he looks like he's ready to go do something again you know.
02:05Pirate has sort of the precocity that we were hoping for you know obviously war
02:10fronts get a lot of early two-year-olds and Omaha Beach sort of had that class
02:15on dirt and I think Pirate has the best of both worlds. He's obviously a
02:20precocious two-year-old but as that as he showed on Saturday the ability on
02:26dirt that we love and he's pretty fast.