Met Office Friday Morning Weather Forecast 24/05/2024

  • 2 days ago
24 May - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, very good morning to you. There is still a bit more rain to come as we go through
00:04the last day of this week before the long weekend, but it's not looking as wet as it
00:09has been recently. The low pressure that brought all the rain through the last few days is
00:13filling and clearing away of sorts. Then we have a quieter slice of weather to start Saturday
00:18before some further rain pushes its way in from the west-southwest as we go into Sunday.
00:23That then should clear away towards the northeast, but it doesn't look completely dry in time
00:28for Bank Holiday Monday, albeit there will be some fine weather around. But back to the
00:32here and now, and we do have a bit of a north-south split as we go through today. Sunnier skies
00:37towards the south, even though here we are likely to see a few showers developing as
00:42we go through, particularly into the afternoon. Further north, a cloudier picture and some
00:47outbreaks of showery rain. In fact, across some parts of southern Scotland, northeast
00:50England in particular, there's a good chance that we'll see some heavy showers developing.
00:54Some of these could have the odd rumble of thunder too. Temperatures are going to be
00:58around average, possibly a little bit below for some of us. In the south, particularly
01:02where we get any sunshine, it is likely to feel pretty warm, highs of around 19, possibly
01:0720 Celsius. Temperatures generally a few degrees lower than this further north, but worth bearing
01:12in mind that it's going to feel a bit warmer than it has done through the last couple of
01:16days because there won't be quite as much rain around and it's definitely not going
01:19to be as persistent or as heavy as it has been recently. Most of the showery rain is
01:24actually going to die out and clear away as we go overnight. So for most, it's going
01:28to be a dry night, not everywhere. There will still be a few spots of rain around. In the
01:33north, it is still going to stay quite cloudy, but further south, we're likely to see largely
01:38clear skies developing and as a result, some mist, some fog patches are quite likely and
01:44also temperatures are going to drop a little bit lower than they have done through some
01:47recent nights. It's going to be a bit of a chillier, fresher feel first thing on Saturday
01:51morning than it has been of late, though still relatively mild further north, some
01:56places staying in double digits. Any mist and fog that develops overnight will quite
02:02quickly clear tomorrow morning and then it's going to be the driest, sunniest day of the
02:06long weekend. Even that being said, I am expecting some cloud to develop as we go through the
02:12day and we will also see a scattering of showers too. There will also be some rain around,
02:18most likely perhaps towards some North Sea coastal parts in the east, could see a swathe
02:22of rain pushing its way in later on and then there's a bigger chunk of rain waiting out
02:26towards the west that may just about fringe parts of Wales and South West England as we
02:31go through the afternoon on Saturday. But there will be some decent sunshine on offer
02:36and in the sunshine, it should feel pleasantly warm, temperatures possibly a touch higher
02:40than today, highs of around 19, possibly 20, maybe 21 Celsius and so for many, yes, feeling
02:46a little bit warmer than it has done recently. As we look towards the rest of the weekend
02:51and we are likely to see that rain in the west sweeping its way north-eastwards for
02:55many so whilst Saturday is looking largely fine and dry, Sunday does look pretty wet.
03:00Some hefty showers to watch out for could cause some localised impacts. Most of that
03:05showery rain is likely to then clear away towards the eastern parts of the UK and so
03:10some in the west might have a decent amount of dry weather on Bank Holiday Monday but
03:14there's a fair bit of uncertainty at the moment. As a result, it is worth staying up
03:18to date with the forecast as we go into the weekend. I'll see you again soon. Bye bye.
