Met Office Friday Morning Weather Forecast 17/05/2024

  • 2 days ago
17 May - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, very good morning to you. There will be a few showers around today, but for many
00:05it is going to be drier than it was yesterday, particularly across central and southern England
00:09and Wales where we had quite a bit of rain around. That was in association with an area
00:13of low pressure that is now drifting away towards the west with something a bit quieter
00:18following behind. But there is a trailing front that's leading to some thicker cloud
00:22first thing across parts of northern England, southern Scotland, northern Wales, and this
00:26is leading to a few outbreaks of rain. But a lot of that cloud is going to break up as
00:29we head into the afternoon, so some bright or sunny skies developing here and elsewhere,
00:34some sunshine to be had. Yes, some showers, like I said. Some of them could be a little
00:39bit on the heavy side, possibly even the odd rumble of thunder, but they are going to be
00:43fairly scattered, quite hit or miss, so many of us are actually going to avoid them. Where
00:48you see some decent sunshine, it should feel pretty warm. Temperatures for most of us likely
00:52to be up a few degrees compared to yesterday, widely high teens or low twenties. Across
00:57parts of Scotland may get to 22, 23, though that is a few degrees lower than it was yesterday.
01:03As we go through the end of the day, we're going to continue to see a few showers for
01:06a time, but most of the showers will actually ease and clear away as we go through the night,
01:10so mostly dry again for many of us. There will be some murkiness, some low cloud drifting
01:15in from the east. Further west, a greater chance of seeing some clear skies, but again,
01:20it's not going to turn particularly chilly. Temperatures for many of us holding up in
01:24high single figures or low double digits. Early on tomorrow morning, we are going to
01:29have some heavy, showery rain affecting parts of the southeast, and this is going to spread
01:33westwards across southern parts as we go through the morning. Could be pretty torrential at
01:38times, could cause some localised issues before breaking up as we go into the afternoon to
01:42something a bit more showery. And even elsewhere, a fair few showers are quite likely, particularly
01:47across western parts, and some of these could be heavy, possibly even thundery. Further
01:51east, a greater chance of having a largely dry afternoon and some decent sunshine breaking
01:56through once that early low cloud has started to clear away. That being said, some North
02:01Sea coastal parts may cling on to some of that low cloud, some murkiness, and with a
02:06bit of an onshore breeze here, temperatures will be somewhat pegged back. Elsewhere, temperatures
02:11whilst not quite as high as today, perhaps still above average for the time of year,
02:16where you get any decent sunshine, it is going to feel pretty warm. If we look ahead to Sunday
02:20quickly, and for many it's going to be a mostly fine day. Towards the east, some thicker cloud
02:26to start off with, some murkiness, but particularly across England, most of this is actually going
02:31to clear away, so increasingly sunny as we go into the afternoon. Further north, a slightly
02:36different story across much of Scotland, probably going to cling on to quite a bit of that cloud
02:40through much of the day, and here, good chance of catching some showers at times, perhaps
02:44some brighter sunnier skies towards more western parts of Scotland. Elsewhere, a few showers
02:49are possible, but I'm not expecting as many showers as on Saturday, and they shouldn't
02:53be as intense, as frequent, or likely to be as thundery either. The temperatures, again,
02:59with some decent sunshine, are going to be a little bit on the high side. In fact, across
03:03England and Wales, with a bit more sunshine on Sunday, could be a touch higher than on
03:07Saturday, but further north for Scotland, with that cloud lingering, temperatures will
03:12be pegged back just that little bit compared to earlier on in the weekend. Now, whatever
03:16you're up to this weekend, make sure you stay up to date with the forecast by subscribing
03:20to our YouTube channel. I'll see you again soon. Bye bye.
