Met Office Saturday Evening Weather Forecast 08/06/2024

  • 2 days ago
08 June - National weather forecast presented by Marco Petagna.
00:00Hello, I'm Marco Britannia, here's your latest weather update from the Met Office.
00:03We're seeing quite a few showers across parts of the UK today, particularly towards the
00:07We'll hold on to showers towards the north-west of the UK as we head through this evening,
00:11giving way overnight to some more persistent outbreaks of rain, particularly across parts
00:15of Northern Ireland and by the morning on Sunday, across south-western parts of Scotland
00:20Further south though, across the bulk of England and Wales, it's set fair.
00:23Clouds tend to melt away to give fairly clear skies and here we'll see quite a chilly start
00:27to the day on Sunday.
00:28We could even see a touch of grass, frost in one or two sheltered rural spots, with
00:31temperatures here down into low single figures.
00:34Towns and city temperatures generally holding up near double figures across the board, but
00:37as I say, across the south, it will be particularly chilly for the time of year.
00:41So we start Sunday then on a mostly sunny but quite chilly start across the south and
00:46Clouds tended to increase from the north and north-west as we head through the day, but
00:49staying largely dry here, whereas across Northern Ireland, those outbreaks of rain start to
00:53push their way south-eastwards, reaching parts of Northern England and north Wales as we
00:56head into the afternoon.
00:57To the north-east of that, it's brighter, but with plenty of showers packing in on quite
01:02a brisk north-to-north-westerly wind, and wherever you are, temperatures are still struggling
01:06for the time of year, peaking at 12 or 13 Celsius across some northern spots, which
01:10is several degrees below where they should be for the time of year, whereas down towards
01:14the south and south-east, highs of 19 or 20 Celsius shouldn't feel too bad, given the
01:1920 there in London is 68 in Fahrenheit.
01:22Going through Sunday evening, we'll see outbreaks of rain pushing in from the north-west, eventually
01:26pushing south-eastwards to all parts of England and Wales into the overnight period and to
01:30start the day on Monday, so some heavy outbreaks of rain here as we go into the start of the
01:35new working week, whereas towards the north and north-west, clearer skies move in, with
01:39showers still to contend with and quite a brisk northerly wind as well, but it's across
01:42those northern spots we'll see the lowest temperatures by Monday morning.
01:45You can even see a touch of frost in one or two places here, with temperatures down into
01:49low single figures, but generally speaking, again, across towns and cities, temperatures
01:53holding up in high single figures, locally in double figures towards the south, given
01:57those outbreaks of rain.
01:59As for Monday itself, outbreaks of rain will gradually push away towards the south and
02:02east from England and Wales, so after a wet start, skies started to brighten up, but notice
02:07towards the north and north-west, we've already got quite a few showers moving in from the
02:10north and north-west, and they'll move southwards across all parts as we go through the day,
02:14so into the afternoon on Monday, it's generally a case of sunshine and showers, with brisk
02:19north to north-westerly winds, and again, those temperatures are struggling, peaking
02:22at 13 or 14 at best towards the north, up to 18 Celsius, 64 in Fahrenheit across some
02:28southern spots.
02:29That's pretty much it for me, but of course you can keep tuned to The Met Office Forecast
02:33by following us on social media, and also by subscribing to our YouTube channel.
02:37I'll see you soon, take care for now, bye bye.
