Saturday Evening Forecast 20/01/24

  • 2 days ago
20 January - National Weather Forecast presented by Craig Snell
00:00Hello, there. Welcome to your latest video update from the Met Office. As we go through
00:05the rest of this weekend and into early next week, the weather is turning very stormy across
00:09the UK. It's all courtesy of Storm Isha. This is the latest satellite picture from earlier
00:14on on Saturday. You can see Isha beginning to form out in the West Atlantic. As we go
00:20through the next 24 hours, the storm system will move quicker towards the UK, deepening
00:25as it does so, bringing in a spell of very wet and windy weather during the second half
00:30of Sunday and into Monday. A brief ridge of high pressure comes in later on Monday, just
00:35quieting things down very briefly. If I just move out the way, you can see this next area
00:39of low pressure waiting in the Atlantic for Tuesday and Wednesday. Back to the here and
00:45now as we end Saturday. Across the south-east, we're fairly dry. Elsewhere, this band of
00:50rain will work its way in. Some heavy rain on that, combined with some snowmelt across
00:54parts of Scotland and northern England, we could just see some localised flooding. Later
01:00on in the night, we'll see some further showers working their way in across parts of Northern
01:04Ireland and Western Scotland. In between, some dry and clear skies developing. We could
01:09just see a touch of frost in a few spots, but compared to recent nights, a much milder
01:14one for many of us, with temperatures generally staying above freezing. As we start Sunday
01:20morning, across many eastern and central parts, we actually do start with some sunshine, but
01:25out towards the west, we're starting to see the first bands of rain associated with Esher
01:29move in. So, quite a wet lunchtime across Northern Ireland, and that rain then spreads
01:33into Scotland, North West England and Wales as the afternoon goes on. Again, the risk
01:38of some localised flooding in a few spots, and winds starting to increase too, especially
01:44out towards the west. So, with the wind and rain around, temperatures are going to be
01:47tampered somewhat, but for most of us, we actually will climb into double figures.
01:53So, into Sunday night, that's when the weather really goes downhill, the rain spreading right
01:58across the UK. Some very strong winds, gusts widely reaching 50-60mph right across the
02:04United Kingdom, but especially so across more northern and western parts, we could see some
02:09gusts, especially around the coastlines, reaching 70-80mph. So, again, with the wind and rain
02:15around, it's going to be a fairly mild night. I think most of us will be frost free, but
02:20expect some disruption as we start Monday morning, all courtesy of Esher. The winds
02:25will start to calm down as we head towards lunchtime on Monday, and generally then we're
02:29left with a day of sunny spells and scattered showers. The showers could potentially be
02:34fairly wintry across the high ground of Scotland, but for most of us, actually, temperatures
02:40around or maybe still just above average in the south.
02:44Well, that's all from me for now. If you do want further information about Storm Esher,
02:48we'll be keeping you up to date on our social media channels and also on our website. And
02:53don't forget to follow us for the latest video updates on YouTube. But that's all from me
02:57for now. Take care and I'll see you again soon.
