Met Office Monday Afternoon Weather Forecast 11/03/2024

  • 2 days ago
11 March - National Weather Forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello, very good day to you. Welcome to your latest Met Office weather update. There will
00:04be some haziness, some low cloud lingering across eastern parts as we go through today.
00:09That's due to an area of low pressure to the southeast of the UK, leading to a bit of an
00:13easterly wind, a chilly wind here. But for much of the country, we're actually under
00:18something called a cold in between various pressure systems. And so the flow across us
00:23is largely slack and it is going to be therefore largely dry for much of us. But there is still
00:29some chilly air across us, which is why temperature's a little bit on the low side for the time of year
00:34for the time being. However, as we go through the next few days, we are going to see some
00:38weather systems pushing in from the west. So we will see some rain at times, could be a little
00:42bit heavy. We're also going to see a change in our wind direction. We're going to be dragging
00:47in our air from the southwest and so temperatures are going to be rising for most of us. Towards
00:52the north of the country, particularly across Scotland, where we are likely to stay to the
00:56north of this waving front as we go through the middle of the week, we're likely to cling on to
01:01some chilly air. But for many, it is going to turn milder. However, back to the here and now and
01:06a largely dry picture for many of us. Yes, some low clouds, some haziness, particularly towards
01:11the east, like I mentioned at the start, and a few spots of rain are possible here and there.
01:15Also a few showers towards parts of West Wales, southwest England, but also some bright or sunny
01:21spells likely towards western parts. Outbreaks of rain also perhaps across parts of Northern
01:25Ireland, then feeding into western parts of Scotland, but elsewhere, like I said,
01:29mostly dry for many of us. Quite cloudy, but a bit of sunshine perhaps towards the west.
01:34Temperatures around or a little bit below average for the time of year, feeling chilly towards
01:39North Sea coastal parts in particular, where we have a bit of an easterly wind and we're likely
01:43to cling on to some of that cloud. Could be some low cloud well through the afternoon. Later on,
01:48as we go through the evening, we are going to see more outbreaks of rain pushing across parts of
01:52northwest Scotland, but it's across Northern Ireland where we're going to see some heavy rain
01:56and strong winds feeding in, and that rain is then going to push its way into western parts of
02:01Scotland, England and Wales as we go through the early hours of Tuesday morning. Towards the east
02:06of this, largely staying dry, and we could also see some clear spells developing, under which
02:13temperatures could take a bit of a dip. So most places are likely to stay a few degrees above
02:18freezing, but under any clear skies towards the east, we could see a touch of frost, perhaps even
02:23a few patches of fog first thing tomorrow morning. In the west though, it's going to be a wet and a
02:28windy start. Heavy rain for many places. In fact, across western areas quite widely, 15 to 25
02:35millimetres quite possible as we go through Tuesday, and over the hills and mountains of
02:39North Wales, we could see 30 to 40 millimetres, and rain really hasn't been in short supply recently,
02:45so that could cause some localized impacts. The rain does ease as it pushes its way eastwards, but
02:50most places likely to see some wet and blustery weather for a time, albeit it breaks up as we
02:56go through the day. So whilst there will be some further outbreaks of rain around, there will also
03:00be some drier and perhaps even some brighter or sunnier spells, perhaps most likely towards the
03:05southwest as we go through the afternoon. It is going to be a blustery day, particularly as that
03:10rain pushes through, and so whilst temperatures are lifting with that milder air being dragged in,
03:15highs of around 13 or 14 Celsius, it may not always feel that mild, albeit it should feel
03:20milder than today where we have that chilly feel towards the northeast of the UK. As we go later on,
03:26more outbreaks of rain to come through Tuesday evening and overnight, and through the rest of
03:30the week. The heaviest rain always likely to be towards the west and the northwest of the UK,
03:34and in fact across the northwest, that's where it's likely to be pretty windy. The risk of gales
03:38or even severe gales through this week at times too, particularly on Wednesday. Like I showed at
03:43the start, it is going to turn milder for many of us, albeit towards the north of the UK. We may
03:48cling on to that chillier air, so staying a bit colder here, but temperatures lifting, it may even
03:52feel rather warm at times. We'll have more information on what you can expect in our
03:56week ahead forecast, which will be available on our YouTube channel later on this afternoon.
04:01Otherwise, I'll see you again later. Bye-bye.
