Met Office Monday Evening Weather Forecast 11/03/2024

  • 2 days ago
11 March - National Weather Forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello again, very good evening to you and welcome to your latest Met Office weather update.
00:05Whilst across many central and eastern parts it should stay largely dry overnight, it's
00:09a different story further west. We have a low pressure system pushing its way in and
00:15associated fronts likely to bring some wet and windy weather to some parts as we go through
00:19the night. Also, we do have an occluded front affecting parts of north-western Scotland
00:24through this evening and that is bringing some rain, but that will clear away towards
00:27the north as we go through the next few hours. Like I said though, it's across western areas
00:32we are going to have some heavy rain, initially across Northern Ireland with some strong winds
00:35mixed in and that rain then pushing into far western parts of England, Wales and Scotland
00:40as we head towards dawn. To the east of this though, staying largely dry and there may
00:46even be some breaks in the cloud and so whilst for many temperatures are going to hold up
00:51several degrees above freezing, in sheltered spots where we see the cloud clearing we could
00:56see a touch of frost, perhaps even a few pockets of fog first thing on Tuesday morning.
01:02Though, the most hazardous weather is going to be in the west where we have strong winds
01:06and heavy rain. Quite widely we are going to see 15-25mm and perhaps 30-40mm over the
01:12hills and mountains of north Wales and that rain then continues its way eastwards as we
01:17go through the day. It will break up a little bit and ease somewhat, but some heavier bursts
01:21are possible. There will also then be some dry interludes mixed in as we go through the
01:25afternoon but still some further outbreaks of rain and these could be heavy at times.
01:30Winds most likely to see the heavier bursts over higher ground towards the west. Quite
01:35a bit of cloud around but with that we do have some milder air pushing its way in so
01:39temperatures for many are going to be a touch higher than on Monday, highs of around 13
01:44or 14 Celsius. Staying pretty cloudy as we go through the end of the day on Tuesday,
01:49further outbreaks of rain for quite a few of us, still some heavy bursts over higher
01:53ground towards the west and then another band of rain sweeps its way in initially across
01:58Scotland and Northern Ireland but then starting to push into the far north of England as we
02:02head towards dawn on Wednesday morning. Towards the south of this across much of England and
02:07Wales it should stay mostly dry but it is going to be quite cloudy and some strong winds
02:12mixed in and as a result temperatures aren't going to drop a huge amount, many places holding
02:17up in double figures so a pretty mild start to the day on Wednesday morning. Otherwise
02:22as we go through the day that band of rain continues to push its way southwards so reaching
02:27northern parts of England as we go through the morning but it doesn't move particularly
02:31quickly starting to lie somewhere towards the southern Scotland fringing into Northern
02:35Ireland and across Northern England perhaps North Wales as we go through the afternoon.
02:40Across the rest of England and Wales staying mostly dry but pretty cloudy, there won't
02:44be a huge amount of sunshine around here. Further north though across Scotland and behind
02:50this frontal system we should see some decent bright or sunny spells developing but do watch
02:54out for a few showers particularly towards the northwest of Scotland and here there are
02:59going to be some strong winds. It will be a windy day for many of us but across the
03:03northwest of Scotland here is where we have the risk of gales possibly even severe gales
03:09around exposed spots. This frontal system then marks a boundary between milder air across
03:14the bulk of the country, highs of around 14 or 15 Celsius and something a little bit
03:19colder across Scotland. Here temperatures will be markedly lower than across the rest
03:24of the country so a bit of a chilly feel especially in those strong winds. More unsettled weather
03:29to come as we go through the end of the week. Low pressure moves in as we go through Thursday
03:33bringing some wet and windy weather particularly towards northern western parts all the time
03:38towards the east. You have a greater chance of staying mostly dry but there will be some
03:42showery bursts at times. There's more information about that in our week ahead forecast which
03:46is available on our YouTube channel. Otherwise I'll see you again soon. Bye bye.
