Met Office Thursday Evening Weather Forecast 28/03/2024

  • 2 days ago
28 March - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello again, very good evening to you. We are going to see something a little bit
00:04drier, a little bit calmer and also a little bit warmer as we go through this
00:07long Easter weekend. But for the time being low pressure still firmly in
00:11control and so there is still quite a blustery theme to things and also plenty
00:16of heavy showery rain around. The focus for the showery rain is going to feed
00:20its way northwards as we go through the end of the day and overnight. Perhaps
00:24some more persistent rain affecting the Northern Isles and towards the far
00:28northwest of Scotland too, but across more central areas and also across
00:32Northern Ireland we're likely to see some clearer skies developing and under
00:36these temperatures will take a little bit of a dip across parts of Northern
00:39Ireland. We could see a touch of frost perhaps and watch out for a few pockets
00:43of fog first thing on Good Friday morning. Elsewhere and where we stick
00:46with the cloudy skies and have the blustery showery conditions it is going
00:50to be that little bit milder. Otherwise and as we go through Good Friday itself
00:54yes there will be some dry weather around and some brightness but also few
00:57outbreaks of showery rain and the showers are going to become a bit more
01:01frequent as we go into the afternoon. Watch out for some heavy ones there
01:05could be some intense downpours, could be some hail, could be some thunder mixed in
01:09and there will still be some blustery winds around but those winds are going
01:13to be easing as we go through this weekend. Temperatures will be a little
01:16bit higher than today, highs of around 14 possibly 15 Celsius towards the
01:21southeast, a few degrees lower than this further north but widely getting into
01:25double figures and as I said those winds are easing a little bit so
01:28starting to feel a little bit more pleasant, a little bit warmer perhaps
01:31especially in any sunny breaks. There will be more showers to come as we go
01:35through the evening but starting to ease a bit more as we go overnight so quite a
01:40bit of clear skies for many areas particularly across central eastern
01:44parts. Here there'll be a lot of clear skies around and largely dry. The focus
01:48for the showers will be across western parts so Wales, Western England and
01:52Scotland and even western parts of Northern Ireland here quite likely to
01:55see some showery outbreaks as we go overnight. The lowest temperatures likely
01:59to be where we have any clearer skies, perhaps a touch of frost. Temperatures
02:03may just dip below freezing, lows of around minus 1 or minus 2 for northern
02:08parts of Scotland, a few degrees milder than this further south. Now Saturday yes
02:13there will be some showers around, there could still be the odd heavy one but on
02:17the whole it is going to be a drier brighter picture compared to what we've
02:21seen lately. Yes a few showery bursts to watch out for but plenty of dry weather
02:26around and those dry spells will be more prolonged than we've seen through much
02:29of this week. That being said do watch out across parts of Cornwall, there is
02:33the potential for some heavier perhaps more persistent rain to push its way in
02:36as we go through the afternoon. Temperatures will be continuing to rise
02:40so quite widely we're going to be in the low to mid teens, highs around 15
02:44possibly even 16 Celsius and for many relatively light winds and so actually
02:49feeling quite warm as we get into any sunny spells. Looking ahead through the
02:54rest of the weekend and Sunday continues with that theme so quite warm in any
02:58bright or sunny spells and generally dry albeit with some showers around at times.
03:03Some wet weather pushing into parts of the southeast as we go into Easter
03:07Monday but if you want more information about the Easter weekend forecast do
03:11head to our YouTube channel. Bye bye.
