Met Office Tuesday Afternoon Weather Forecast 13/02/2024

  • 2 days ago
13 February - National Weather Forecast presented by Alex Burkill
00:00Hello again, it's Pancake Day and there has been a bit of a flip in our weather compared
00:04to yesterday.
00:05For many, we're going from a bright sunny day to something a lot cloudier and wetter.
00:10Because we have a frontal system that's already pushed its way in from the southwest and already
00:14brought some heavy rain so far this morning to some areas.
00:17But as well as the wet weather, we do have milder air coming in behind this weather system.
00:22So as it pushes its way northeastwards, it is going to bring cloud and rain to many places
00:26through the next 24 hours or so, but also lift our temperatures.
00:30So temperatures are going to go above average for the time of year.
00:33As well as that then, some more heavy rain to arrive on Thursday.
00:36This could be impactful, so do stay tuned.
00:38We may need some warnings nearer the time.
00:41Back to the here and now though, and like I said, a wet start across southwestern parts
00:44of England so far this morning.
00:46And that rain and cloud spilling its way northeastwards across much of England and Wales.
00:51Some heavy bursts perhaps, particularly over the higher ground of Wales.
00:55And nonetheless, it's going to be a soggy afternoon for most.
00:58However, across Northern Ireland, staying mostly dry and some sunshine particularly
01:02towards the far north and some decent sunny spells across much of Scotland too.
01:07Still a few showers to watch out for, mostly towards the far north and here they will be
01:11quite blustery.
01:12Some strong winds here.
01:13Further south, across more central parts of Scotland, the showers are going to ease a
01:17little bit as we go through the day.
01:19And whilst there may be some sleet or snow over the highest ground, we're not talking
01:23as much snow as we saw yesterday here.
01:26There is going to be a north-south split in our temperatures today.
01:29Across the north, we're holding on to that chilly air, so temperatures around or a little
01:33bit below average for the time of year.
01:36Much milder further south, we have that mild air I showed you coming in, and so we're likely
01:40to see highs of around 14 Celsius, which is above average for the time of year.
01:45Staying cloudy and wet for much of England and Wales as we go through the night.
01:49Still outbreaks of rain, which could be a little bit heavy at times.
01:53Across Northern Ireland, we will see the rain pushing its way in here as we go through
01:56the early hours of Wednesday.
01:58But for much of Scotland, staying dry and largely clear skies.
02:03Still that chilly air here, and so the combination of the clear skies and the chilly air does
02:07mean that temperatures are going to take quite a drop.
02:09Could fall several degrees below freezing, perhaps as low as minus 5, maybe minus 6.
02:14So a relatively harsh frost across some parts of Scotland.
02:17A different story elsewhere though, a much milder picture, particularly with the cloud
02:21and the rain.
02:22Some places staying in double figures, quite a few places in fact, and we may even start
02:26the day around 11 or 12 towards South West England.
02:30Otherwise though, Wednesday it's going to be a cloudy, gloomy day for many of us again.
02:35Further outbreaks of rain, these could turn a little heavy for some of us.
02:38Perhaps something a bit more persistent, pushing into southern areas as we go into the afternoon.
02:43And also a swathe of more persistent rain spilling in from Northern Ireland across Northern
02:47England and then later into Scotland too.
02:50And as this rain hits that chillier air that I mentioned, we could see a bit of sleet or
02:55snow over the higher ground.
02:57Again, the greatest chance of any sunshine on Wednesday will be across far northern parts
03:01of Scotland, but still we have that chilly air here.
03:04And so temperatures will be a little bit below average for the time of year, but that milder
03:09air will have become a bit more widespread.
03:11So more places seeing highs of around 13 or 14 Celsius tomorrow, and in fact, some places
03:17could reach 15 Celsius.
03:18So pretty mild indeed for the fact that it is the middle of February.
03:23Further rain to come as we go through into Thursday, like I said at the start, and this
03:26could cause some impact.
03:27So we may need some warnings perhaps nearer the time.
03:30Otherwise, though, we are going to stay mild.
03:32In fact, Thursday could be even milder than on Wednesday.
03:35Highs around 15 or 16 Celsius, turning a little bit fresher again by Friday, but looks like
03:40it will be one of the driest days of the week with some decent fine sunny weather for most
03:44before a bit more rain arrives in time for the weekend.
03:47Now Annie will be around later this afternoon with our deep dive premiering on our YouTube
03:52channel at 4.30.
03:53So do try and watch it then because she will be in the live chat answering any questions
03:57you may have.
03:58But if you can't watch it, then you are able to watch at any point you would like as it
04:02will be available on our YouTube channel whenever you'd like.
04:04Bye bye.
