Thursday evening forecast 08/06/23

  • 2 days ago
08 June - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there, the humidity is starting to arrive at first in the southwest then more widely
00:05through the next few days allowing for higher temperatures but also an increased chance
00:10of showers and thunderstorms. More on that in a moment because actually for many of us
00:14there's little change on Thursday night. We've got the North Sea low cloud which will make
00:18inroads further west just as in previous nights. We've got a cool airflow in place for many
00:25places just like in previous nights. Cool enough in fact for temperatures to dip close
00:30to if not slightly below freezing for some sheltered parts of northern Scotland. Such
00:35a frost here first thing Friday but a complete contrast towards the southwest. Here higher
00:39temperatures, a more muggy night, 14 Celsius but also with some showers turning up across
00:44parts of Cornwall. That's how we start things on Friday. We've got those showers, some medium
00:50level instability courtesy of low pressure edging closer on some occluded fronts and
00:54as that low pressure churns away towards the southwest we've got a change in the wind
00:59direction more of a southerly component and that means temperatures are going to rise.
01:05We'll see the increased humidity initially in the southwest slowly migrate northeastwards
01:10during Friday, Saturday and into Sunday. But at first we've got the low cloud. Now that
01:14more quickly burns back to the coast I think on Friday morning. By the afternoon most places
01:18are sunny except for parts of northern and eastern Scotland into northeast England. Even
01:23east Anglia is seeing a bit more sunshine and higher temperatures as a result but still
01:27on the cool side for the North Sea coast. However it could be the warmest day of the
01:34year so far, 26 or 27 Celsius for central southern England possible. Then that higher
01:42humidity will lead to some further showers affecting Cornwall and into Devon on Friday
01:46night, perhaps even a few flashes of lightning. But that's where it remains, Pembrokeshire
01:51as well into Ireland. For the rest of the UK some of that low cloud reappears but actually
01:57for many it's clear spells. Those temperatures rising though you can see 15, 16, perhaps
02:02even 17 Celsius the overnight lows on Friday night in the south and southwest. Still a
02:07cool night to come for Scotland, northern and eastern England. However the low cloud
02:13if any of it turns up on Saturday morning quickly disappears and then widespread sunny
02:18skies and here we really see that jump in temperatures, things heating up across central
02:24and southeastern parts on Saturday itself. Now the humid air in the southwest drifts
02:30northeastwards and it actually turns cooler towards the southwest. But there's a sweet
02:34spot with the higher humidity and higher temperatures, also the lower pressure which will allow some
02:39of these very significant thunderstorms to develop through central southern England into
02:45the Midlands as well as parts of Wales. These will be hit and miss but where they do occur
02:51there's the risk of impacts and temperatures will be significantly higher. What a change
02:56for parts of Cambridgeshire into north Norfolk for example 30, 31 Celsius possible, likewise
03:01through the Midlands into northwest England. That's the hottest part of the country but
03:06temperatures are rising most places. I think northern Scotland 26 Celsius, Brestwick 27
03:12Celsius or 28, still notably cool on the coast of eastern Scotland and northeast England,
03:18less so for east Anglia and a bit of a cooler day for south Wales and southwest England
03:23with more cloud in the sky, one or two showers early on. Likewise sunny spells but a bit
03:28cooler for northern Ireland. But here's where the heat is and with that humidity and the
03:33lower pressure that's where the greatest risk of impacts from thunderstorms will be. So
03:38it's in this area where hit and miss thunderstorms will occur, it's not a guarantee that you'll
03:42see a thunderstorm if you're in the yellow warning area, it just means that you're at
03:45an elevated risk of impacts from thunderstorms. Where these thunderstorms occur, torrential
03:50rainfall, short space of time, hail and frequent lightning. Doesn't rule out the chance of
03:55showers elsewhere because there will be early on in the southwest and perhaps later more
04:00towards the north and the east and into Sunday certainly thunderstorms developing a bit more
04:05widely across the UK. They're going to be spreading their way northeastwards and we'll
04:09keep you updated on all the details of that. Of course you can find the full weekend forecast
04:13on our YouTube channel but for now that's all from me. Bye bye.
