Monday morning forecast 09/01/23

  • 2 days ago
09 January - National weather forecast presented by Simon Partridge.
00:00Hello, and welcome to your latest forecast from here at the Met Office. And we'll start
00:04off with a quick look at what the rest of the week has in store for us. And unfortunately,
00:09it's more in the way of low pressure systems. So a series of low pressure systems are likely
00:13to move across the UK this week. Some heavy rain with these at times, particularly on
00:18Tuesday and Thursday. And throughout the week, we can see those isobars are closely packed
00:22together. So those winds are not likely to ease very much as we head through the next
00:26three or four days. So back to the here and now. And overnight tonight, we're going to
00:31continue to see the showers being brought in on brisk winds from the west. Showers be
00:35heavy at times, we will see a little bit more in the way of snow across the high ground
00:39of Scotland. And there's still a risk of the odd rumble of thunder, particularly up towards
00:43the north and west. As we go through the overnight period, though, we will see winds come around
00:48to more of a northerly direction. So tonight will be a little bit cooler than some of the
00:52nights we've seen previously. As a result, we could see a bit of frost across parts of
00:57northern and eastern Scotland and possibly even northeast England for a time as well.
01:03So Monday morning starts off on a pretty chilly note for all of us, and we will see further
01:07showers being brought in on those west northwesterly winds. Again, some of these could be heavy
01:12and we'll continue to see a little bit of snow over the higher ground of Scotland. But
01:16through the day, the showers will tend to ease a little bit, particularly down towards
01:19the south, and we'll see more in the way of sunshine through the afternoon. But despite
01:24sunshine, those northerly winds are going to keep temperatures a little bit cooler than
01:28we've had over recent days. In fact, much closer to the seasonal norm. Now, as we go
01:33through the evening and overnight period, those showers will continue to ease away,
01:39really being maintained over northern parts of the UK. But through the second half of
01:44the night, we then see a frontal system pushing in from the west. Some quite locally heavy
01:48rain associated with this, and that will be across parts of Northern Ireland, South West
01:53England and Wales come first thing in the morning. As a result, milder temperatures
01:58here, but still quite chilly up towards the far northeast. Now through Tuesday, really
02:03it's all about this area of rain as it moves away across the country, bringing some heavy
02:08and persistent rain in places. You could see up to 100 millimetres of rain across parts
02:12of Wales, also 60 to 80 millimetres of rain across North West England as well. So it's
02:18going to be a wet and windy day, but we will be importing air from the south, so it will
02:23be milder once again with temperatures of 12 or 13 degrees. So there is quite a bit
02:29going on in the forecast over the next couple of days, and we'll continue to do so through
02:33the remainder of the week with changeable conditions. If you want to know how that's
02:37going to affect you where you live, keep up to date with us with social media and I'll
02:41speak to you again soon.
