Monday afternoon forecast 09/01/23

  • 2 days ago
09 January - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. It feels a lot colder out there today compared to last week. It is going to turn
00:04milder over the next couple of days and there's more wet and windy weather to come as well.
00:09This is the picture from space. It's a bit of a mishmash across the UK, but behind me
00:14lurking out in the Atlantic, a much larger, thicker area of cloud. That is an area of
00:19low pressure that will bring most of us a wet start to Tuesday. It's not with us yet,
00:24however, so we're dealing with this mixture of brighter spells and showers today. The
00:29showers are already starting to fade across the south. Still some coming in here and
00:33certainly plenty of showers through the rest of today across Western Scotland and Northern
00:37Ireland and North West England. Some heavy ones, hail and thunder possible with snow
00:41on the hills. Further south and east, though, not too many showers. Much of eastern England,
00:46northeast Scotland staying dry and bright. It isn't warm, however. Temperatures close
00:51to average, but add on that wind and it certainly feels a lot colder than it has done for most
00:57days so far this year. However, it is going to turn milder eventually because of that
01:02weather system we saw earlier on the satellite starting to push in, initially just bringing
01:06cloud into the southwest through this evening. At the same time, the showers slowly fading
01:11during the evening across Western Scotland. But here comes the rain. It will be turning
01:16quite heavy over parts of Wales and southwest England by dawn as the wet weather arrives.
01:22Temperatures will be on the rise. So we start at eight or nine Celsius in the southwest.
01:26But ahead of it, we could see those temperatures dropping well down into single figures, maybe
01:30even some pockets of frost across northeast Scotland to start Tuesday morning. But quite
01:36quickly, the rain and the wind will take over. So although it may start dry across eastern
01:41England and much of Scotland, that won't last in the rain. Heavy and persistent across Wales
01:46and northwest England. We have seen a lot of rain recently, so this extra rain could
01:50cause some issues. We do have Met Office yellow warnings in place. Fairly wet morning for
01:55Northern Ireland, sending a little dry here come the afternoon and southern and eastern
01:59parts of England also drying up a little bit as we go through the day. It is going to be
02:04quite gusty, particularly across Wales and the West Coast especially, but also the westernmost
02:09fringes of England across northern parts of Scotland. A blustery day too. Those winds
02:14are bringing mild air, so it is going to be a much milder day compared to Monday. Double
02:20digits almost across the board. In fact, teens for many places. So it is a lot milder, although
02:24of course, it won't feel like 13 or 14 because of the wind and the rain. Now, this band of
02:29rain will continue to cross through Wales and spread into parts of the Midlands during
02:34Tuesday evening. A wet one too for southwest England. The rain spreading to East Anglia
02:38and the southeast. And then it's more showers following on behind. And we're kind of going
02:44to be in this pattern of persistent rain, followed by a brief dry spell, followed by
02:48showers through the rest of this week. So showers for Monday. There's Tuesday's rain
02:52from this weather system. Low pressure nearby driving more showers in and gusty winds on
02:57Wednesday and then more weather front springing, more persistent rain on Thursday before we're
03:02back to showers on Friday. So chopping and changing an awful lot through this week. But
03:06rain is never going to be too far away. We'll have a full detailed week ahead forecast for
03:12you on YouTube by Monday afternoon. Otherwise, make sure you're following us right across
03:16social media.
