Thursday afternoon forecast 26/01/23

  • 2 days ago
26 January - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hello, we've lost those crazy contrasts in temperature from north to south that we've
00:04had over the last few days. Temperatures evening out and back to around average across the
00:09UK behind this cold front. The cold front has actually made things a touch milder in
00:14the south because it's helped to stir up the air. We've lost the very stagnant and very
00:18cold air right at the surface. We've also lost a lot of the low cloud that we saw during
00:22Wednesday. Having said that, there were a few mist patches, a few frost patches as well
00:27first thing on Thursday. By the afternoon, most places in the same boat, plenty of bright
00:33weather, best of the sunshine in the west, cloudier skies in the east and some showers
00:37coming in from the coast there for the far north and the east. It's going to feel cold
00:41on the coast with the brisk wind coming in from the North Sea but temperatures for most
00:46I think back to around average 7 or 8 in the south, 6 or 7 further north. Then into the
00:53evening, actually we've got light winds and clear skies for western Scotland and for Northern
00:58Ireland, some western parts of England as well as Wales. Where we have those clear spells,
01:04temperatures will fall away, a touch of frost in places once again and some fog patches
01:07especially for Northern Ireland, some dense fog forming here. But cloudier skies coming
01:12into the east and the southeast will keep things mostly fog and frost free. However,
01:18because the ground is so cold at the moment, it wouldn't rule out a touch of ground frost
01:23even where we've got some cloud coming and going and a frost on the cars perhaps first
01:27thing. So a chilly start but not exceptional. Temperatures typically hovering either side
01:35of freezing by a couple of degrees. Into the start of Friday, those fog patches to watch
01:41out for especially for Northern Ireland but they don't last long because we've got this
01:44area of cloud pushing in across Northern Ireland, northwest Scotland as well, the breeze picking
01:49up and outbreaks of rain arriving into Lewis and Harris by the afternoon. Elsewhere across
01:54the UK it's mostly dry, a better chance of some sunshine in the east, sunny spells for
01:58much of England, Wales, southern and eastern Scotland. And temperatures again not far from
02:03average, perhaps a degree lower compared with Wednesday afternoon 6 to 8 Celsius by and
02:10large. Into the evening then, the band of rain in the northwest makes progress south,
02:15some heavier bursts for a time but otherwise it is a fairly narrow feature, it's pushing
02:21its way through so no great amounts associated with it. It will keep things fog and frost
02:26free generally across Scotland and Northern Ireland on Friday night but it's a colder
02:30start to the day further south. In fact, temperatures could dip to minus 5 Celsius for parts of
02:37England and then it slowly turns milder through the weekend but also breezier with plenty
02:42of dry weather especially in the south.
