Monday afternoon forecast 26/04/21

  • 2 days ago
26 April - National weather forecast presented by Aidan Mcgivern
00:00Hello again. April so far has been remarkably sunny, remarkably dry and remarkably cold.
00:07And Monday continues that way for the south, but the first sign of a change into the north.
00:13Cloudier conditions here with some rain or showers. That's because high pressure remains
00:17there across much of the UK, but this area of low pressure is sinking southwards into
00:22Scotland initially and then it will come to a rest across the North Sea and affect much
00:26of the UK over the next few days. At first it is bringing some persistent rain. It's
00:32bringing this band of rain that will break up into showers and so for much of Scotland
00:36it's cloudy with outbreaks of rain or showers. The more persistent rain returning into the
00:41north east of Scotland towards the end of the afternoon. One or two showers also arriving
00:45by this stage into Northern Ireland and Northern England, but further south, well another day
00:49of unbroken sunshine virtually, just some high cloud drifting in ahead of this system.
00:54Sun temperature is a little lower compared to Sunday, but it's actually less breezy
00:58in the south, so perhaps in that way it will feel less cool. Into the evening and we'll
01:04see the high and medium cloud drift south, but it's the best of any clear spells remaining
01:08in the south of England and parts of South Wales. Further north, thicker cloud and showers
01:14affecting Northern Ireland and Northern England with more persistent rain pushing into the
01:18north east of Scotland. And here it will build up 20 to 30 millimetres of rain. Of course
01:23we do need some rain by this stage, but showers elsewhere mean that the rainfall totals will
01:28be very hit and miss and actually these showers aren't that heavy just yet. But frost free
01:33across much of the UK because of the additional cloud, just a touch of frost there into the
01:37far south of England and that's where the brightest skies will be on Tuesday morning.
01:42Sunny spells for much of the day in the south, cloud coming and going. But further north,
01:48well the cloud will break up, there will be one or two glimmers of bright spells, but
01:52there will also be quite a few showers for much of the UK, but some heavy slow moving
01:57downpours in particular for North Wales into the Midlands and Northern England. Northern
02:01Ireland also, parts of Northern Scotland in between this area of more persistent rain
02:06and drizzle. Not amounting to much, but make it feel on the cool side and fairly dreary
02:12and damp across parts of Central and Southern Scotland into parts of Northern England as
02:17well. It's in the far south and south east that we mainly stay dry and bright until later
02:23in the day with some spells of sunshine and feeling warm in that sunshine, 15 or 16 Celsius,
02:29but on the cool side where we've got the cloudier and wetter conditions further north and further
02:35north east. You can see this area of persistent rain hanging about, but elsewhere it's showers
02:40and the showers by Tuesday evening starting to push into the far south and still some
02:45heavy downpours around, but they will start to ease inland and become increasingly restricted
02:50to coasts through the night time. So some much needed rain, but some at this stage only
02:57with those showers being very hit and miss and it will work out to be a fairly showery
03:01week once this low pressure settles into the North Sea over the next few days. Follow us
03:07on social media and we'll keep you updated with all the latest. Bye bye.
