Friday evening forecast 09/12/2022

  • 2 days ago
9 December - National evening weather forecast, presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hello, the weather stays cold this weekend, widespread frosts, temperatures well below
00:05freezing in places, and with further showers arriving in some locations, the risk of icy
00:10patches in the mornings. So we've got showers continuing into Friday evening, primarily
00:16northern and western coastal counties, and that means that these showers around the coast
00:21I think will be rain, sleet, small hail, perhaps some snow, but inland for northern Scotland
00:27certainly that snow continuing to build up, and around some of these western coasts of
00:30England as well as Wales, Northern Ireland, we'll see sleet and snow coming inland as
00:34well, and some snow building up for the likes of Snowdonia and Cumbria. At lower levels
00:40there could be a patchy snow covering as well by dawn on Saturday in these spots, but of
00:45more concern are the icy patches, because those showers will be coming and going, and
00:50the air will be freezing, well below freezing in places, and actually with a clear night
00:54to come across many central and eastern parts as well as the south, temperatures in main
00:59urban areas, minus 3, minus 4, minus 5 Celsius, significantly below that in some shelter spots.
01:04We got to minus 9 Celsius in Benton in Oxfordshire previous night, and so similar values are
01:12more than possible I think as we begin the weekend. Now the showers, the main risk from
01:19these showers for many will be these icy patches first thing in the west and the north, but
01:24snow will be building up significantly over the Scottish hills through the weekend with
01:28that continued northerly exposure, some of the higher parts of Scotland could see as
01:33much as 15 to 30 centimetres, and the winds begin to switch direction during Saturday
01:39in the north with showers increasingly starting to come in from the east once again for the
01:44likes of eastern and southeastern Scotland. But wherever you are it's going to be a cold
01:50day and there'll be some patchy fog in the morning, reluctant to clear because temperatures
01:55will be below freezing with this freezing fog, and that could make it persistent to
01:59the afternoon. Poor visibility where this happens, but elsewhere crisp winter sunshine
02:03for many, although there will be further showers occurring around some of these northern western
02:08coastal areas, and as we end Saturday, could be some issues with this snowy situation coming
02:14into southeast Scotland. A couple of centimetres possible inland at lower levels and more
02:20than that over the hills, so for the Pentlands, for the southern uplands, a decent covering
02:25by dawn on Sunday. Further showers feeding into the north of Scotland, the showers tending
02:29to ease away from western fringes as the wind begins to ease. But another widespread frost
02:35on Saturday night and more of these freezing fog patches to contend with first thing on
02:40Sunday, the air becoming increasingly cold overnight, but also the wind's light with
02:47this slack area of low pressure out towards the North Sea. And as it shifts and starts
02:52to move around, it's going to change the wind exposure, and that means that on Sunday I
02:57think these showers in the west will tend to move away, although still a few possible
03:01into the southwest of England. Again, I think sleetiness around coast, perhaps some snow
03:05inland but not very much. But later in the day on Sunday, the focus for showers shifts
03:10to the northeast, so I've mentioned the southeast of Scotland, some of those showers drifting
03:14into the northeast of England, continuing for the north of Scotland as well. Elsewhere,
03:19although there will be some stubborn freezing fog patches lasting into the afternoons, I
03:22think for many actually, it's again bright skies and feeling cold. Temperatures by day
03:29on Sunday not rising above zero, even at lower levels, even in the south, particularly where
03:33we get some freezing fog persisting, and certainly over higher elevations further north.
03:40But later Sunday, we've got a close eye on this situation down into the southeast. Now,
03:46there are some showers, quite lively showers there in the Channel, and there could be a
03:49small-scale feature just starting to spin up along the English Channel coast and pushing
03:55into the southeast of England. Some computer models have it, some computer models don't.
03:59So there's a lot of uncertainty about this, and of course it's a couple of days away at
04:02the time of recording, but there is the threat from that of some more significant snowfall
04:08into parts of southeast England, and of course a small amount of snow in the southeast can
04:14often cause some disruption. So there's a very low probability of medium impacts on
04:20Sunday and into Monday if we get some of that snow pushing into southeastern parts of England.
04:27A lot of uncertainty at the moment. We will keep you updated about that feature during
04:31the weekend, of course, but it's worth saying that through the weekend there will be these
04:36wintry hazards, so make sure you're prepared for them, whether they be freezing fog, ice,
04:41sleet, snow, and so on. And we'll keep you updated as far as the weather is concerned
04:46right here at the Met Office.
