Friday afternoon forecast 10/09/21

  • 2 days ago
10 September – National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.


00:00Hello again. It was a grey and gloomy start to the day and we keep a lot of cloud for
00:06the rest of the day across the UK. Scattered showers will continue as well and you can
00:11see from the radar and satellite image from earlier in the day, a lot of showers continued
00:16overnight, especially in the north and the west. They've been transferring eastwards
00:21through the morning and largely grey skies on that picture as well. So, little change
00:27really heading into the afternoon. We keep the cloudy skies, keep the low cloud and coastal
00:31mistiness around northern and western areas. It does brighten up a little across central
00:35and eastern parts of the country but I think that's where the heaviest showers will be.
00:39Scattered showers but where they do occur, risk of some fairly lively downpours could
00:44cause some impacts for eastern parts of England, south-east Scotland, eastern parts of Northern
00:48Ireland as well. It does dry up a little towards the afternoon into the south-west. Fewer showers
00:53and less heavy downpours here but cool feel in the north and the west whilst it stays
00:59fairly humid there in the east, 24-25C particularly if the cloud breaks up a little. Further showers
01:06for a time into the evening and then for many they die away but there will be some showery
01:11rain feeding into western parts of the country and more persistent heavy wet weather for
01:17northern Scotland, Aberdeenshire, Caithness, Sutherland, Orkney seeing some particularly
01:21wet weather overnight. 12-15C in the north, 16-17C further south so you could call it
01:29another muggy night for sleeping and then a lot of cloud again as we start off Saturday.
01:34Some low cloud draped across parts of Scotland in particular, hill fog, coastal mist and
01:39that wet weather continuing for the far north of the mainland as well as Orkney through
01:44much of the day. Elsewhere actually it does brighten up, some sunshine comes through
01:48especially for England and Wales. A few showers will develop but fewer compared to recent
01:52days, they won't be as heavy compared to recent days and so a better chance of a fine day
01:57for most away from parts of Scotland and Northern Ireland. Temperatures a little lower compared
02:03to Friday, we're looking at 23-24C in the east, high teens further west and low teens
02:10for northern Scotland where we've got those outbreaks of rain continuing and they will
02:15continue. A long spell of wet weather there for northern parts of Scotland. Of course
02:20it has been dry for much of the year in northern Scotland so it shouldn't cause too many impacts
02:26elsewhere. Clearing skies on Saturday night but a few mist patches forming and on top
02:32of that we're going to see another fairly mild night in the south. Whilst it turns a
02:37bit cooler for parts of the north, a chilly start to Sunday for parts of Scotland. This
02:42weather front sinking south will bring cloud and some showers into parts of Scotland by
02:47Sunday whilst this breakaway feature will bring some wet weather by the end of the day
02:52into western parts of the UK. That's something that's causing a little uncertainty at the
02:57moment but across much of the country a fine start to the day on Sunday, many places dry,
03:02some sunshine emerging especially across central and southeastern areas and northern Scotland
03:06seeing brighter and drier weather compared to Saturday. In between an area of showers
03:11for central belt into south-east Scotland, north-east England but this wet weather turns
03:15up and it looks likely to threaten parts of Wales and perhaps the south-west by the afternoon.
03:22We'll keep you updated on that and much, much more on our social media channels. Bye-bye.
