Thursday morning forecast 10/06/21

  • 2 days ago
10 June - National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir.
00:00Hello there and welcome to your forecast into Thursday. Here are your headlines
00:04over the next 24 hours. More cloud across the skies but temperatures holding up
00:10feeling muggy overnight tonight and very warm tomorrow in the sunshine. However
00:15it's a messy picture. Certainly through this evening we'll see some brighter
00:18weather for East Wales, the Midlands, the southeast of England. Always more cloud
00:23though towards the west and that cloud is drifting its way eastwards. You can
00:27see here a little bit of patchy drizzle particularly over the higher ground of
00:30perhaps western-facing Pennines. The northwest of Scotland seeing some
00:34outbreaks of rain and we will see poor visibility certainly for Irish Sea
00:38Coast down towards the West Country as well as Channel Coast. Temperatures
00:42holding in double figures. It's going to feel rather humid as we head into
00:46tomorrow morning, even uncomfortable for some towns and cities. So Thursday dawns
00:51cloudy for most, bright for some. Aberdeenshire, Caithness seeing some
00:56sunshine. Across the other side of the Highlands we'll see more clouds and also
01:00some outbreaks of rain across the far northwest. More cloud for Northern Ireland.
01:04Brighter skies perhaps for the eastern periphery of England, Northumberland, East
01:08Yorkshire down towards East Anglia and in shelter places like Liverpool Bay,
01:12East Wales seeing some brighter weather to start the day. So through Thursday
01:18despite the fact here you can see there is a lot of clouds and a bit damp in
01:22places. The cloud will overturn, it will break up, help with the strength of the
01:26sun. And through the afternoon many areas will see some a brighter weather if not
01:31some sunshine. It's going to feel very warm, almost the warmest day of the year
01:35for Scotland as temperatures rise to around 23-24 degrees Celsius. But with
01:40that sunshine we could see one or two showers breaking out across southern
01:44Scotland. The spine of England down towards the Midlands. Here are your
01:48temperatures then. The heat concentrated towards more central and eastern areas
01:51but also very warm for eastern and northeastern parts of Scotland. Your
01:56bigger picture through the next few days. This cold front here introduces some
02:00fresher air for Scotland through Friday. A brisk breeze for a time, some showery
02:04bursts of rain. More clouds sinks its way southwards but look at this on Saturday.
02:07A ridge of high pressure extends from the north. The winds fall light. Most of
02:13us seeing some sunshine. UV levels will be high and temperatures reflecting that
02:18sunshine in the blue sky. So coming in around 23 to 28 degrees Celsius into the
02:23weekend. So in summary here's what's happening through the weekend. Here's
02:28your city's list for Saturday. As you can see everywhere is going to be dry. Through
02:32Sunday we could see a little bit more cloud and some showery rain later across
02:36the far northwest. Even so it's going to be another very warm day. I'll leave you
02:40with the summary. Take care, bye bye.
